Abu Taymiyyah – The Salaf in Manners You think you’re Salafi & your manners are disgusting

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The speaker discusses the importance of learning theios and etiquette before knowledge. They stress the need for individuals to learn from their past experiences and share their own experiences in a correct and debitable way. The importance of graduation should be a habit and not just a habit. The need for individuals to learn from their past experiences and share their own experiences is emphasized.
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Brothers and sisters as you look and see
on the title,
it says
Salafi without akhlaq.
How do you think you're going to be
a Salafi or how do you think you're
a Salafi
and you have the worst of Manas?
You know brothers and sisters Salafiya
without a shadow of a doubt
some people might claim to be Salafi and
they have the correct belief, the belief of
the Sahaba.
some of the actions are in accordance to
the way the Sahaba saw and some of
the statements.
But putting the akhlaq to the site and
having the worst and the most
evil of etiquettes when maybe dealing with other
There's a big problem with your Salafiya. Because
the Salafiya is Qawl and Waamal and Waatikadu
Speech is in accordance to the way of
the Sahaba, Your actions, your belief and likewise
the Akhlaq. And I want to give a
lot of emphasis to you.
How do you expect to be a Salafi
when you've never ever picked up a book
in adib,
Etiquettes and manners.
Now your belief might be on point. You've
studied akhirah, turwasati, and akhirah, tatawiya.
What about your etiquettes?
Having the worst
of etiquettes and your akhlaq is not salafi,
it's not in accordance to way of the
salaf, that's what salafiya means,
then this is not salafiya.
come with it collectively.
And inshaAllah in this video I want to
give a lot of Ihtimam
to the importance of learning Al Adab.
The importance
of learning adab before knowledge for a student.
And I'll give you some examples insha Allahu
of how some of the Salaf,
the great Tabi'in,
they were.
In regards to Imam Malik and
I recently mentioned this
in our Madrasulhumariyah,
when he's going through the madkhal and also
the life of Imam Malik
and his menhaj in his kitab al Muwatta.
That when he wanted to go out and
seek knowledge,
his mom
she clothed him with the best type of
Waaamma mathu. And she also put a turban
on his head. So mumakhaalat
go and
noting down your hadith. Wakana Tuhul insha also
used to say to him,
Go to Rabi'a which was from his teachers.
And learn his etiquette, his manners before his
This woman, the mother of Imam Malik was
someone who had understanding
and her way was in accordance to the
way of the other great Tabi'ayn.
Ibrahim Al Anas, he said to a young
boy from Quraysh
'Aibna Akhi, oh cousin,
taalamal adab khablaandtaalamalalalal.
Learn adab etiquettes before you go out and
you learn knowledge.
was also narrated from the great tabiye, Sufyanimin
saiid athuri.
That if a person wanted to write down
the hadith, he would worship Allah Subhanahu Wa
Before that for 20
years. And you know brothers and sisters,
the akhlaq is of 2 types. The akhlaq
with Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala
and the akhlaq with the creation.
I advise you to go back to the
kitab Makarimu Akhlaq lishahiq ibn Uthaymin.
Rahimuallahu ta'ala which has been translated
into English.
And you can find it inside the Maqatib.
So learning how to have the akhlaq with
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, the worship,
they would give a lot of emphasis to
And then they would start writing their hadith.
Al Jazari rahim Allahu Ta'ala
narrated from Abu Luhb ibn Barak, another great
You know what he said brothers and sisters,
I learned etiquettes for 30 years.
I sought knowledge for 20 years.
They used to seek and learn etiquettes,
then they would go on to seek a
An Ibrahim Ibn Habib al Shaheed.
He said,
Again, he was from the great
His dad said to him, oh son, go
to the fuqaha, the scholars of fiqh and
the scholars.
And learn from them.
And take from their etiquettes and their manners
and their guidance.
For indeed that is more beloved to me.
It's more beloved to me
that you go and study and learn this
from them than having great amounts of hadith.
You know brothers and sisters,
when a student of knowledge goes abroad whether
it's Madin, Maqkad, the Maj, whoever
and he comes back to the west, you
have one shot.
If you blow it through bad ethics and
through bad manners you can have all the
knowledge in the world.
Nobody is going to take your knowledge seriously.
People will not take from you.
That's why akhlaq is so
Imagine now you have memorized Bukhari and Muslim
but nobody takes from you all the knowledge
that you have. Due to the bad ethics
that you have and the way you deal
with the people, the way you speak to
the people,
you need to learn the akhlaq and it's
vital and kusha for a person to do
so. And it could be the reason why
so much knowledge goes to waste. Especially in
a place like this,
the people are in much need of that
which you have memorized and studied.
And you know, I've seen sometimes brothers and
some parents who begin to wish
that their children never went out and studied
because of the bad akhlaq that they came
back with.
Goes to his mom, mom what are you
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says this, stop doing
it. You're wrong.
You're a Fajr.
And he even maybe
begins to speak to her in a very
aggressive way.
If your parents have done something wrong, you
speak to him in a nice way.
Mom, I think this is better. I think
this is, you know, more preferable.
As for directly attacking them
disciplining them or addressing them in a certain
way, this is not from our sharia and
it is wrong.
So they begin to wish that he was
maybe running around on the streets because when
he came home, he would be nice to
his parents, but he would carry on doing
his thing outside.
He was at least, you know, not bombarding
his mom in a rude way.
And Aayzid Alhamd Khale said I had Leighton
Nasad. He said I had Leighton Nasad Yaqul
He entered upon the people of hadith and
he saw something from them.
He said to them, Mahadha, why is this?'
you are in need of small amounts of
large quantities of knowledge. And Abu Luhbarq haraimullah
ta'ala he said something similar to this as
He said
Knowledge without etiquette is like a fire without
any logs, without the wood.
And etiquettes without knowledge. Kagismin Mila'ura is like
a body without a soul.
So they
are in need of one another of each
other. One should try and combine between the
and also give a lot of importance. Brothers
and sisters, Anata Ajaaba Astaghrib.
People have been in the dawah. They say
things like we've been in the dawah before
you even knew our sandwich was. We've been
in the dawah for 25 years. What are
you to tell me? But when it comes
to the etiquettes, it's one of the worst.
The way they speak, the way they deal
with the people, the way they go about
addressing certain affairs.
And you know brothers and sisters,
it's because the etiquette and the akhlaq is
I ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to take
my soul, So every lesson I teach
I add etiquettes and manners from the salaf
in it. How should one, one should behave
as a student of knowledge?
And this is what Sheikh Badri bin Alaybi
hafidhullahu ta'ala when he came to Britain. One
of the things that
he gave us our saya to the Masha'ik
and likewise to the student of knowledge.
And he gave us some examples
of how there were certain people, they were
Their teachers, they didn't respect their teachers
after a problem took place. He's been teaching
him for years. Everything was fine. Something pops
up, they don't know how to deal with
their teachers.
Maybe they start speaking about their teachers in
such a disgusting way,
when the least you could do is maybe
advise them,
clarify in the best possible way, be let
the assid and keep it moving, where it
turned very very rusty.