Abu Taymiyyah – The Oppressor Will Be Dealt With israel palestine

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Speaker dude tells us that Allah will destroy people in a certain way and that people of Nuh and Salih will be replaced with the people of Allahu weight. He also tells us that Allah will take on the people of Hud and the people of Salih and instructs us to watch a part of the statement of Allah's actions.
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Masan Salahi Wissam says,
Allah will give respite. That oppressor, let him
keep doing whatever he's doing. Allah is just
giving him time, time and time and then
when he decides to destroy, he'll destroy him
in a way that the mind can't imagine.
And they recite the statement of Allah,
Allah decides to take a certain people or
take them in a manner, right? That is
unimaginable brothers and sisters. Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
He tells us in swordhood,
and you'll see
Like what happened to the people of Hud,
the people of Nuh, the people of Salih.
Allahu Akbar.
Take a lesson from that my brothers and
my sisters.