Abu Taymiyyah – The Major Tests In Our Time Masjid At Taqwa Sheffield
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except that the time that comes after is?
Less. Less.
What was considered
immoral, despicable and filthy
maybe 7 years ago
is considered perfectly fine in today's era.
In today's day and age, right, you see
that it is perfectly moral unacceptable.
Something that was maybe shunned upon 7 8
years ago.
Even more so 10 years ago, 12 years
ago, 13 years ago.
As time goes on things only get worse.
So when I went to university around that
time, it was really bad.
One of the things that I witnessed brothers
and sisters was
non Muslims who are around the same age
as me and you, me and you.
I can see a lot of
brothers in their late teens,
early twenties, mid twenties,
just coming into their thirties.
And of course they have Awadiyal,
who are here as well,
but the majority
are within their youth.
People like me and you, right? People like
me and you accept that they were non
You know what they were doing brothers and
Spending hours
in the library
learning about what?
Geography? Yes, there were people like that.
But you know what a group of non
Muslims were doing?
They were learning about our religion.
Our religion.
They are non Muslims,
learning about our religion to do what?
To look for insight about the Deen of
To look for
beneficial knowledge so that he may become guided?
They were learning our religion,
our religion
in order to
use it against
vulnerable Muslims
who have no insight
of their own religion.
Mainly Muslim by name.
Ma'al Asaf al Shadeet.
O Allah, you really used to break my
heart to see this.
Was it one of the reasons that
pushed me to study my own religion further?
Perhaps it may have been. These non Muslims
Muslims are learning my religion here in these
And I'm just going to sit around learn
civil engineering. Not that I'm saying it is
something that shouldn't be learnt.
you can see there is big fish to
big nuts to crack
with what is happening right before our eyes.
That was then.
You had fitna to alhad,
That was
really really picking up at the time.
You had liberalism
that was becoming
extremely prevalent
entering into just about every single home.
You had feminism,
That was taking over the brains of our
And as for now my brothers and my
and excuse me for saying this,
and I've been in touch with solicitors and
lawyers, so the message is not going to
get closed down. As long as I word
it like this.
You have
a very different
group of people
who are looking to kidnap
our children figuratively speaking.
The universities
and the schools that we take our children
are not just breeding grounds for Kufr
and Shirk and Ilhad anymore,
It's a completely different ballgame.
It's a completely
different ballgame.
Right? That which Allah, and I quote the
scripture, and as long as you quote the
scripture, my beloved brothers and sisters, you cannot
be cancelled.
You cannot be demonized.
You cannot be criminalized.
As according to the scripture,
that which is considered
immoral in our Sharia
is being enforced onto our kids.
You know around that time 2015,
I used to give lectures
saying to the parents,
It shouldn't surprise you if your daughter wakes
up tomorrow and says, dad,
I want to have a relationship with Mark
and Joe.
Is that surprising? No, it's not surprising.
Why is it not surprising? Because simply due
to the society that we're living in.
This is what's being normalized.
Right? There is a certain type of narrative
that is being pushed.
as parents may not necessarily have done
or fulfilled our duties accordingly
by clarifying that which is the truth.
That which should be propagated
We've taken them to these schools that you,
brothers and sisters, are going to now.
college, universities,
And this is what our children are being
And then when the child or this youngster,
this teenager
asks questions,
What is one of the things that
he is accused of
or he is belittled with?
This guy has lost his mind. Jini Aqwa.
He's possessed.
That's sometimes one of the first
types of reaction that we have.
When the reality of the matter is that
this individual simply does not know.
He has not been cultivated accordingly.
He has not been educated.
And because of that he has all of
these different questions that he's what?
and that which he is so confused about.
This is now me stating a problem. We
will come on to the solution inshallahutta'ala.
It's one thing identifying the problem. It's another
finding a solution for it, right?
So this my brothers and my sisters is
the reality on the ground. It's not just
atheism anymore.
It's not
just one thing to have a haram relationship.
My daughter wake up saying dad, I want
to have a relationship with Joe or Mark.
This is my boyfriend dad.
And we as parents haven't necessarily fulfilled our
by making it clear,
by embedding within them that which is what?
Morally unacceptable.
As per Sharia.
It's not just that anymore. I remember you
saying, Nama sajid,
and I can see the parents looking at
me. This guy is maybe what? Wafulfooluk.
Is this a little bit like,
a year or 2 after that, I'm getting
phone calls from the same masjid saying this
has become what?
This has become so prevalent. This has become
so widespread.
In the same lecture, I would normally say
that again, give it another couple of years.
Right? It's only a matter of time before
our children might wake up. And wallahi, I
say this
from a place of pain,
That our children may wake up and say
one day,
dad I'm gay.
Is it something that is far fetched?
Was it then?
It really wasn't to me. Now brothers and
sisters, is this something that is what?
Far fetched,
out of touch with reality?
Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam told us 1400 years
From the signs of the hour. Right? From
the signs of the hour. And we are
living these times brothers
That will become so scarce. Ignorance will become
so widespread.
become normal.
And killings, again brothers and sisters, will become
what? Excessive
amongst the people. I don't need to explain
that for you guys to realize.
Also, Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam over 1400 years
ago, he said, In akhwafima akhafu alaykum.
Oh In akhwafima akhafaaala umati
That which I fear the most.
For my people, my Ummah is the practices
of the people of Lot.
Messenger Sala'aliyah said that over 1400 years ago,
brothers and sisters.
These are authentic narrations
that the Messenger, salallahu alayhi was telling, prophecies
all of this time.
And I remember I used to quote these
Hadith and people are still looking at me.
This guy Maybe he's out of touch with
right? He's exaggerating.
To give the parents a heads up.
Of what we as a community need to
to save the next generation,
becoming affected by all of these different minorities,
and I call them minorities because this is
the reality.
They seem like that they're so huge.
Some of these minorities,
when the reality of the matter compared to
everyone else, brothers,
They're like a drop in the sea.
However, they're extremely loud because they are using
this three
step strategy that was introduced in the 19
eighties by 2 Harvard graduates. Do you know
what that is? I'll tell you guys.
This 2 step
or 3 step strategy was
It can be summarized in
number 1, desensitize.
Number 2,
Number 3,
What does that mean my brothers and my
Very quick. Yeah.
I'll come on today in a moment.
I will come on to that in a
Let me go through this 3 step strategy.
So you guys understand
our youngsters and this generation of Muslims being
We have to understand my brothers and my
sisters that the consciousness
of people is structured.
Through desensitization
by talking about an issue so much
that it becomes just another issue.
If I stand here
every Friday brothers and sisters,
and I'm going on about the same thing
week in week out.
Whether you agree with me or not,
you will sooner or later subconsciously
accept what I'm saying.
Right? Or at least
we will be somewhat on the same page.
Because I'm going on about it every single
as opposed to someone who hasn't heard it.
He just hears it once always a bit
of a culture shock.
But I'm going on about something
time and time again.
We hear it on the media, we look
on social media, we keep seeing it. The
people around us at schools and universities are
talking about it.
What happens to an individual? He becomes desensitized.
Does that make sense? Does everyone know what
What happens when you go for Umrah? 2
weeks you spend in and around Makkah and
How do you come back? With your iman
sky high, right?
You come back, you visit the city center
and you hear music, you feel very uncomfortable.
feel very uncomfortable because you're not used to
hearing that. For the last 2 weeks, you
were in that environment which is free from
all of this.
Does that make sense my beloved brothers and
sisters? What happens 2 weeks down the line,
3 weeks, 4 weeks, you keep walking in
and out of the city center?
You hear music, you might not even what?
Hear it
or notice
this music being played because we became desensitized.
Are we all on the same page brothers
and sisters?
So they keep going on about,
that which should be accepted.
So much so eventually you will become what?
to what you keep on hearing.
When this whole LGBTQ
movement, brothers and sisters,
right, emerged.
When this whole
LGBTQ movement emerged, it was a shock to
The moment we hear about a Muslim,
it's a reaction.
Tayeem, do we find the same reaction today?
when a woman becomes impregnated,
just like another case, right?
It's just happening again.
Is this like another case? Do we have
that same reaction as to
what we would have if we heard about
a Muslim now becoming,
a homosexual
or a transgender and so on and so
forth? Yeah. Because the first has become what?
So normalized. It keeps on happening.
This is the stage that we are currently
And here in the UK, and I thank
Allah as a wajah for this. And this
is why I've been so vocal about this
particular topic
in most places that I go to.
Out of fear that we here in the
will have the same consequences as those in
You know what they taught me now in
America? You will walk through a university campus
and you will struggle to find a hijabi.
You will struggle to find a hijabi
that does not have
the rainbow colored badge.
On her hijab,
or on her Avaya, or whatever she's wearing.
You will struggle
to find a Muslim
who is wearing the hijab that does not
have this badge.
You will struggle.
You know why?
Because they became so desensitized
so desensitized
it. Some of the leading figures
who are meant to be representing Al Islam,
right, have taken these
positions politically
in order to remain correct.
One of them was interviewed, which he later
on came out
and said that he has so many other
lectures saying otherwise.
But the damage was done. That's the point.
He came out on Al Jazeera. He was
asked the question, what is your view on
same * marriage? You know what he said?
You know what he said? We agree with
it politically, but we disagree with it morally.
A 15 year old, 16 year old, 17,
18, 19, 20, 21 year old has listened
to this.
What do you expect him to walk away
from? What do you expect him to walk
away with?
When he hears, okay, it is politically
but it is morally unacceptable.
Lack of clarity.
Lack of responsibility
brothers and sisters.
And it affected the next generation of Muslims.
Alhamdulillah, here in the UK we're so much
more conservative.
We tend to have,
that adherence
to what
we have been founded upon the natural disposition,
the fitra.
However, that fitra, brothers and sisters,
is prone to be damaged and corrupted.
It is prone to be what? Damaged and
on what we hear,
what we
as a community end up doing.
We can choose to remain silent
and act as if this issue is a
non issue. Turn a blind eye. We could
choose to do so brothers and sisters.
we could take a very different approach
to ensure
that this generation and the next
is inshallahuta'ala
adhering to the deen of Allah Subhanahu Wa
If you look at some
ethnic backgrounds brothers and sisters
who came here in the 50s,
right? Who came here in the fifties, some
ethnic backgrounds.
When you look at the generation now that
is 18, 19,
wallahi brothers and sisters, you will struggle to
find Al Islam within them.
Right? As opposed to
those who came
19 nineties, 2000s, they came into the country,
and they have children.
Those children,
right, are very different to those
of the parents who came in 19 fifties.
The more one stays in these environments,
the more one stays in these environments,
the more he breathes and lives,
the more he's bound to become affected, right?
So who pays the price even more? The
next generation.
What can you
who's sitting here today
do something about
do something about what maybe your children
and those who come after them,
the routes that they will end up taking.
Ask yourself this question.
And this is a point of reflection.
If we as a generation is uneducated,
what do we expect from the next generation?
Honest question. Think about it.
We as a generation,
we are uneducated. What do we expect from
the next?
To be uneducated.
To be uneducated. And when you have
a generation that is uneducated, what
is very likely that they will end up
Kufr, Shirk, Il Hadil all sorts of filth
and evil.
If you have any care and concern brothers
and sisters,
for the next generation of Muslims, you need
to do something about yourself
now and not tomorrow.
Otherwise, wallahi, don't be surprised.
If our own children
wake up tomorrow
and they say, dad, I am homosexual.
Brothers and
which party is currently in power at this
moment in time here
in this country?
Which party is in charge?
Conservative party, right? Boris Johnson's gang.
Conservatives, right?
Did you know, brothers and sisters,
That more than half of Conservative
MPs, more than half of Conservative
There were 363
A 136
of them they voted against same * marriages
atari foon ada.
More than half.
Why am I mentioning all of this brothers
and sisters?
I'm using the Kufar as an example,
so that we can realize something.
And non Muslims are holding on to their
their morals and their values.
Why is it that we
are made to feel that we have to
either be on the back foot
or we are forced to have coalitions with
not these minorities.
Why? Remember,
A 136
of them voted against it,
and they continue
to propagate what they are upon or what
they believe or what they see as values
and morals.
But with us Muslims, it's reaching a point
where one brothers and sisters,
right, thinks thrice
when he's asked about his own gender.
He hesitates,
right? He thinks thrice.
What shall I say? What is the hidden
agenda here?
Right. I'm coming inshallah to'a'ala onto the second
step of this 3 step strategy.
I'm going to come on to inshallahta'ala,
But you have looked these non Muslims.
Out of these 136
brothers and sisters and I've been mentioning this
a lot and I took a lot of
inspiration from this video.
May Allah guide him to Islam.
From amongst them was an individual called Jacob
Rees Mogg.
Have you guys heard of Jacob Rees Mogg?
Jacob Rees Mogg
a Christian
Conservative MP.
He was invited over to the Good Morning
which was at the time being hosted by
Pierce Morgan, the Hadith.
Right? Everyone knows Pierce Morgan, right? Who has
now his own private show alongside Jeremy Kyle.
It's amazing how, these 2 came together.
Birds of the same feather flock together.
Al Khuf,
came together,
Jacob, his monk brothers and sisters, was invited
onto this show called the good morning show
and they kept on interrogating him.
What is your position
on same * marriages?
Every single time you will say,
according to the teachings of the church.
Every single time. And they kept on pressing
and pressing. What is your position on same
* marriage? According to the teachings of the
To the point that Piers Morgan said to
this Christian, right? This Christian MP, why are
you scared to give your own view?
Why are you scared to give your own
He said it's not about me, he said.
That was his response. It is not about
It is about whom?
It's about how one, you know, should really
structure his life in Midrash and according to
the teachings of the church.
These are non Muslims.
This these fear mongering tactics brothers and sisters,
They're empty.
They just use that because
brothers and sisters after desensitizing
this is now what the second step. What
is it?
is to silence any expression
or support of a dissenting opinion.
If there is now a particular narrative that
is being pushed brothers and sisters,
and you
see that which is what in contrary to
What happens?
You get jammed.
Negative images are attached to opponents
to discredit and to silence them.
Fear mongering tactics are used
to instill
fear in your heart and terror,
so that you don't speak
out. Isn't this exactly what's happened?
Right? They've made us to believe, right?
They're saying a single thing or holding on
to your religion, right? You'll be seen as
an extremist, and then they will what? Profile
you, you'll be categorized, and Madriyesh.
And then one feels the need now that
I need to take a very liberal
watered down understanding of the religion.
And also brothers and sisters, this is a
marketing strategy as well for those who didn't
How people get their products across.
Makes sense why?
Why many of us are currently on the
back foot?
I've been made to feel a certain way.
This is also brothers and sisters when the
cancel culture comes in.
And this is the same
of their forefathers.
You know you have this LGBTQ
minor group, right? Their forefathers is who? Umulot.
When Lord said to his own people,
you carry out these immoral practices.
Atatul al Fakhshat, you carry out these immoral
No one ever preceded you in it.
No one preceded you in this from the
time of Adam
and Eve, right?
Not Adam, Steve.
Adam and Eve all the way up until
this point. No one preceded you in this.
What was the response when Mu'ta alaihis salawasam
came to give dawah to his people?
And by the way, I'm just quoting the
scripture. I'm not here to express my own
views and opinions.
Just quoting.
The response was kick them out.
Drive them out of their homes.
Indeed they are pure,
They use
violent tactics, what, to kick them out of
their homes. Today
they cancel you.
Just ask Twitter,
which is the platform to cancel people.
And it's a good that it
Anyone who comes with a dissenting
hears what?
and embraced with these very
fear mongering tactics
to scare the life out of him in
order to keep him silent.
Number 3
Now that I've kept you quiet,
right, and put fear and terror in your
so that you don't say a single word,
of what is
being propagated.
You have what?
The conversion step, which is
changing a person's emotion
and will
using a variety of techniques.
For example now,
to historical
figures such
as Alexander the Great.
Have you guys heard of Alexander the Great?
Alexander the Great, inshallah when you go home
do a quick Google search on him.
Alexander the Great, he was called the Great
for a reason because of how much of
the Earth he conquered,
according to this minority group now, Alexander the
Great was gay.
Leonardo da Vinci,
Abraham Lincoln,
And others.
These are all claims which cannot be verified.
They will tell you
that all of these household historical names,
right, were all homosexual.
So if you become it, no problem.
You've been preceded.
All of these great personalities
they were of this
So it will now be so much more
easier for one to accept.
This, brothers and sisters, is just one element
of many
in the conversion
Just one of them.
Let's give another example, brothers and sisters, right?
Our sisters
who are Laia,
deserve to be
for wearing the hijab and the Islamic clothing
under the scorching heat.
Every single one of us
should go to our sisters,
our mothers,
our female relatives
and tell them
how great they are doing. You think it's
easy brothers and sisters to wear the hijab
under the heat?
Think it's easy? We have the ability to
wear shirts
while she is in her gown, her jilbag,
her hijab, some are even wearing aqabs,
Everywhere you look you see that the Muslim
there's Muslim woman
is being psychologically attacked.
Women have been,
objectified. We are in a very sexualized society.
You look at the billboards, what do you
see brothers and sisters?
You see
naked women.
And this woman who is now wearing her
wherever she walks or wherever she goes, even
on social media, we're coming onto social media
brothers and sisters,
The more you reveal yourself, the more attention
you're expected to get.
And even then she's still holding on to
right? She's still holding on to hijab while
they are trying to desensitize her
from her morals and her values.
Constantly in her face
all of these women are liberated,
right? They have been freed.
This is what they keep on hearing, keep
on hearing time and time again.
Wallah, it's not easy for them,
And they deserve to be commended
for what they are doing
especially under the scorching heat.
I remember many years ago I saw
an interview
sorry it wasn't an interview, they,
2 Muslim women against one another.
1 of them was wearing a niqab and
the other wasn't. She was what?
right? And they tried to use this woman
who is not wearing the correct Islamic clothing
to attack the Allah.
Why are you wearing a niqab? Why are
you wearing the hijab? It's extremely hot, isn't
They tried to get her against
the Muslimah,
who's wearing the correct Islamic clothing.
So good. So good.
Do you guys want there's some space here?
Brothers, there's a lot of space here.
Some of our brothers are struggling to breathe
at the back. You can come forward.
There's a space in this corner, Shammah, and
some here.
Assalamu alaikum.
Does that make sense my brothers and my
sisters? Everything around her, the way it has
been structured, it is there
to desensitize
And anytime she thinks otherwise, she's jammed.
Right? In order to silence her on what
she believes or she's made to feel that
what she believes,
is completely out of touch with reality. It
is not mainstream.
We are in 2022,
a completely different time and era.
My brothers and my sisters,
I want you all
to hear the statement of David Rockefeller.
Who can tell me a little bit about
the Rockefeller family?
For those who aren't in,
conspiracists and they read a lot about this
kind of stuff.
Now you're right about that.
He's a businessman, rich wealthy guy.
Rich wealthy businessman,
and stuff.
They are one of the
main primary sources,
when it comes to
the Americans today.
You know the guys behind closed doors? These
or this family now
is one of those who's financing a lot
of things in America.
They are the ones who finance the banks.
David Rockefeller,
who is part of the Islam, you know
what he said? Look how he's talking. He's
no president,
He's not a prime minister. He's not a
king. But look how he's talking.
We started
and funded the women's movement
so we could tax both sexes.
That way we could put women to work
and there
or take their children to control.
I'll say that again.
We started and funded the women's movement,
so we could tax both sexes.
That way we could put women to work
and take their children
to control.
My sister has been made to feel that,
She needs to be liberated.
She's to come out
and be
a powerful,
hardworking woman,
right? And leave her kids
in the hands of a Kufar or in
the hands of somebody else. She's made to
feel like that, right?
But you forget that there is a hidden
Even one of the Masons once said, if
you want to destroy a nation, you know
what you should do? Just destroy the woman.
Strip her of her clothes,
and then you will see the household crumbling.
Does that make sense brothers and sisters?
You will see the household crumbling.
Let's look at Adam and Hawa, Adam and
right? What did the Shaytan accomplish with them?
He managed to get them to disobey Allah
Azzawajal, right?
What happened brothers and sisters, their clothes came
Are you scared at it?
Do we not see that this is the
trap of Shaitan?
He wants
you to lose your Haya, your Taqwa,
your shyness and your piety of Allah, Azzawajal.
Once you lose your shyness, you will see
that a clothes will what?
Follow suit.
The Shaitan managed to accomplish that.
Does that make sense?
And today brothers and sisters, you see it
Right? Where the woman is being targeted
and the end goal is to get her
to take off her clothes
and khalas
to the horrible mute.
The household will become
My beloved brothers and sisters,
may Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala protect every single
one of you.
What is the solution to all of this?
All of that which we mentioned?
Right, like I said before it's one thing
identifying the problem.
It's another
finding a solution.
You know, this 3 step strategy that I
just mentioned, which is also a marketing strategy.
We could use it to our advantage.
We could use it to our advantage.
If every single one here,
every single individual here
and just told one person
about Islamic vol Islamic morals and values.
And what he should believe and how he
should carry himself,
And now you have
this minority, you have men, brothers and sisters
walking around with bars.
They are proud of what they believe and
what they are upon. They are proud of
While we Muslims,
right, who Allah Azza wa Jal is honored
are ashamed
of their values and morals.
Umrul Khattabr radiAllahu ta'ala Anhu mentioned.
We are a people, nahul ummatuna AzzalAllahu with
Allah Azza wa Jal is honored through Islam.
The moment we begin to desire
other than an Islam Allah Azza wa Jal
will humiliate us.
Right? Allah Azza wa Jal will humiliate us.
All of this filth did not become widespread
except due to one thing. You know what
our one thing is? Because we we
every single one of us here, we didn't
fulfill our duties accordingly.
Which is to learn our religion.
Brothers and sisters, you don't have to just
only learn if you want to become a
serious student of knowledge.
La. Every single one of us here have
to be learning to some degree.
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala did not create me
and you except for one purpose.
What is that one purpose? Ibaada. Wamaqalaksu
You cannot worship Allah Azzawajal accordingly accepted knowledge.
That time of being silent,
right, just hiding behind pillars,
And remaining in our homes,
not wanting to get involved is none of
Mande Wallahi, these days are over.
Every single one of us will pay for
If we don't take the right steps in
just propagating what is in the Quran.
And that requires knowledge to learn, learn a
little bit,
and then start teaching the people around. So
going back to the point I was making.
If every single person here,
right, went to just one person
and told them what they need to hear.
And I went back to them, told them
again the same thing. And I went back
to them maybe a couple of weeks after
that and told them the exact same thing.
Can you see brothers and sisters how we
can use the 3 step strategy now to
start changing minds,
changing the narrative
of how people think.
Muslims are coming on and saying leave them.
That's how Muslims are talking now.
Tomorrow their child is going to come out
with you know, what they heard outside, they're
going to what embrace fully with open
Sorry, I may be raising my voice a
little bit, I'm extremely extremely passionate about this.
It honestly, what lie, brings a lot of
Literally right now when I came from Northampton,
I drove down from Northampton
all the way here.
Right? After the Khutba, one of the administrators
of the Masjid came up to me and
said a child came up to me and
said I'm confused about my identity.
I'm confused about my gender.
Why? How did he come to know about
this? Or how did he even become exposed
to this? Because he's on social media.
This minority group that are minority, and I
keep using this term minority, because they are
minority brothers and sisters.
of how much
or should I say how vocal they were
on social media. They just took advantage
of the social media platforms.
And it appears that they are so big
and huge
because every single one of them, what? Is
coming out and using it to full force.
While we might be sitting around,
forget about saying something against it, we are
terrified to even what? Talk about our own
agendas when we are asked. The guy think
Why is he asking me this?
Do not see it as a burden siding
with Allah and his messenger salallahu alayhi wa
sallam even if you are by yourself.
And that is because for Inna Allah HaMaq,
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala will be with you.
Allah Azzawajal will be by your side.
Like I said, the mess that we find
ourselves in today, and I'm begging Allah Azza
wa Jal that in the UK it doesn't
become like it is in America.
And we as UK guys, right? Or UK
as a slightly they always sense what? Follow
America. We're just maybe 4 or 5 years
and fell behind.
4 or 5 years and 4th behind.
A very profound statement of Ibn Al Qayyim
Rahmatullah. You know what he said brothers
sisters? Right? And I think this is so
He's speaking about something in particular that can
be applied here as well. He says,
Faiza ba'qhat is sunnah awwiitibidah.
the sunnah becomes weak, bidah will become strong,
which is the opposite of the sunnah.
How can we put what's happening today into
When calling to that which is right, just
basic laws and values in the Quran, basic
When we stopped doing that, when we felt
to some of these tactics,
right, the opposite of the Sharia became so
The opposite of the Sharia became strong, brothers
and sisters.
Who is to blame for that?
None other than ourselves.
Learn your religion brothers and sisters.
I'm not telling you to become an 'alim,
to become a scholar,
to become the next Sheikh Abdullah, I'm not
even asking that.
Or the next Sheikh Muhammad Ali,
right? I'm not even
saying that. Learn that which is going to
insha Allah protect you from fitna to shubuha
to a fitna to shawwat.
The fitna of these doubts.
Right? We can call the people to make
hijrah, to migrate.
Is that really realistic for most people? Perhaps
it's not.
Sayeed, we have a problem and we have
to what? Learn to maneuver and navigate around
this monster that we have.
And the only way you could do that
is to equip yourself.
That's why I make I make a lot
of Dua for this brother called Daniel Hakikeshu.
You guys heard of him?
I don't agree with everything that he says.
This man started a war. With who? Feminists,
this movement that we find becoming extremely prevalent
and he's writing a non stop writing, making
videos non stop videos.
Dealing with a lot of these mainstream
He's filling a void that barely anyone is.
Like I said brother and sister, you go
into the World Wide Web and that's what
WW does stands for, for those who didn't
Everyone is propagating their own filth. There's not
enough Muslims to what? Tackle all of this.
Even then I'm not telling you to come
out on YouTube and start going crazy, or
to start what debunking.
All I'm saying learn.
Protect yourself from fitna to Shubuhat fitna to
Shahuat so you're able to protect yourself.
Otherwise, the prices brothers and sisters, if you
want the next generation, our kids,
waking up one day that I'm confused about
my gender.
Right? Some of you guys are 14, 15,
16. You're going to be parents tomorrow.
Then what? Sit down and don't do nothing.
And that's the reality every single one of
us is going to have to deal with.
May Allah
bless every single one of you
for attending. I think I went over the
time. Right?
Almost done. Where's where's the
study debate?
I don't think he's here yet. It's 2
minutes away. 2 minutes away. 2 minutes away.
I'll take his 2 minutes.
Does anyone have any questions?
Hold on.
When you mentioned
the 3 steps that strategy, you mentioned
Shouldn't we then as Muslims
the statements of these people so that we
can get to a meeting? And the Muslim
mention, no one realized was
Allah, so then they can get a white
voice and use this
strategy against
Shalamu ta'ala. Brother, he basically asked,
why shouldn't we get the famous,
well known
who are followers to use this 3 step
Well, that's a very good point.
I've been