Abu Taymiyyah – The Islam of Andrew Tate & Feminists Q&A aadh

Abu Taymiyyah
AI: Summary ©
The segment discusses how some Islamists are reacting to news about the death of a Muslim, and how they are trying to judge people based on their behavior. The segment also touches on the idea of "fit and leave" and how it is often seen as a means of achieving Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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I want to ask you about another 80 and rotate. And you've seen the

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news surrounding him and Muslims sometimes I've always loved to

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react in extremes or some Muslims love to react in extremes. How

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should Muslims react to this news? By the way, guys, I'm the real

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And we address the cost to the question and it's a very hot

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topic. At this moment in time a lot of people are speaking about

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the Islam of Andrew Tate. Is he really a Muslim?

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Or maybe Is he a hypocrite? This is what some of the feminists are

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coming out and saying all over Twitter. Right, you shouldn't

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judge a book by its cover Subhanallah

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Longstone a lot of that which we see happening on social media, my

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brothers and my sisters, is due to lack of knowledge. Right? First

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and foremost, I want to say a million Welcome to our brother

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Andrew teeth for coming to Alabama. It is something that

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makes any believer happy someone now embracing Islam. This man was

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most searched human being almost search name on Google. Imagine

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that. He had 11 billion views just on tick tock. I don't think

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there's that many people walking on the face of this earth they had

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11 billion views, because of how many people are watching him

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Subhanallah and how many times it was being watched. Right? So it

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doesn't bring us happiness. It really, really does.

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However, I think there are some important points that need to be

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mentioned. First and foremost, how should we treat him? Should we

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treat him like a hypocrite or should we treat him like a Muslim?

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We as believers, my brothers and my sisters, Islam teaches us to

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judge people from what is apparent, as there are multiple

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Hatha Radi Allahu taala. And who mentioned.

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I don't think anyone has opened up his heart to check as to whether

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he's really a Muslim or not, or whether he is a disbeliever. He

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just judge with what is apparent, right? It's IG. These feminists,

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they always come out and they say, leave her alone. Right? You don't

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know what's in her heart.

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She's probably extremely pious. Right? Don't be judgmental. But

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now mashallah, they all came out.

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Absolutely annihilating him. We judge from what is apparent,

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right, we judge from what is apparent by another important

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point, my brothers and my sisters, a lot of the Shabaab they've been

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messaging me the reason why they've been messaging me,

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messaging me is because it was in this message, right? That we spoke

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about some of the bad things that Undertaker in the past was

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propagating it. It was in the physio reflection, the video on

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YouTube with over 200,000 views, right, and small clips of it was

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put on Tiktok and Instagram, and he got millions of views. Right.

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And he was speaking about the wrong things that he was

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propagating. Right. So now a lot of brothers are messaging me

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saying, has your view changed? Should we take knowledge from him

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So hello, man, are you sure you take knowledge from him? This is

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not something that is specific to Andrew T. The guys, let me ask you

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guys a question. Someone who has now become a Muslim. Now, any

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river does become a Muslim. When anyone in his right mind go into

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that person? Hmm, give me some knowledge. Would anybody do that?

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Come on, guys.

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I think that's pretty obvious. That is pretty obvious. Right? We

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ask Allah subhanho wa taala. To keep him steadfast. What we keep

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seeing is absolutely shocking. We even came across some posts

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Subhanallah where feminists were saying, if he becomes a Muslim,

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then I'm going to leave the religion of Islam.

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Brothers and sisters, this is not a light matter. Some of the things

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that comes out the feminist mouth will lie he is borderline Cofer at

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times, and sometimes they have actually fallen too far. They are

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flirting with Cofer guys. Feminism has become an ideology

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that is ruining many of our daughters Subhanallah even though

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they might not necessarily

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profile as a feminist, but the views have creeped in.

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It is a disease honestly, is honestly a disease when you think

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about it, right? Am I a Vanguard? Am I someone my brothers or my

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sisters who is standing at the gates of Islam, allowing into al

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Islam who I want and stopping who I want law? We say brothers and

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sisters, what the prophets Allah it was some said

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Al Islam. Yeah, they will. Maha blah, right. When you become a

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Muslim. What does he do? It erases everything.

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that you did prior to at Islam. Does that make sense my brothers

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and my sisters, he became a Muslim and everything before that

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inshallah to ALLAH is forgiven.

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Does that make sense however,

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if there is help or a bad or the rights of the people that he has

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taken, then he has to repent to Allah subhanho wa Taala firstly,

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and secondly he has to give the people's rights back. But that's

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not a condition in order for one's Islam to be accepted. Some of

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these feminists they make it look like no until he stops everything.

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Only then his Islam is accepted or his villa. Why the Colombian

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if you have major sins and then you accept al Islam, shallow,

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italiano Muslim, but you also have to repent from these things. But

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that doesn't mean if you don't stop these things then you are not

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a Muslim. So we have to look at things in a balanced way brothers

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and sisters. Right? Baraka Lafayette. I hope that answers the

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