Abu Taymiyyah – Takfeer Excited

Abu Taymiyyah
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the habit of going back to the Mashaikh after studying the knowledge from a particular Sheikh. They explain that learning from the source of the Sheikh is important for taking advantage of the opportunities presented by it. The speaker also mentions a study on the " preventative factors" of taking a shit at a Jannah during the pandemic.
AI: Transcript ©
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The other important thing is that you have

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a habit of going back to the Mashaikh.

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And studying the knowledge from a particular Sheikh.

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Somebody is also upon the correct methodology.

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Because you might come out of Nawakidu Islam,

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and your takfir happy, takfir excited.

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As this has been the case of many

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brothers who may be in prison at this

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moment in time.

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They open up nawakhat al Islam, kafir, kafir,

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kafir, kafir, kafir.

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When it has a context, the scholars that

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I studied with Nawakid al Islam, they all

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had an introduction where they talked about the

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preventative factors

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takfir. Preventative factors

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of a takfir.

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And it was a long Muqaddima.

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And I just took that, when I told

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the Muqaddima you can find this on my

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YouTube channel as well, I went through a

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whole Muqaddima. Because I'm telling you now, if

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a person does not study Nawqaddil Islam properly,

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he's going to be really takfir excited.

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Everyone's going to end up maybe becoming a

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kafir to him. He's going to think him

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and his 10 friends are going to be

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into the enter into a Jannah.

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The width and the length of the Jannah

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is what? Like the Samawat and the arth.

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Him and his 10 friends are the only

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ones that are going to be going in

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Because of the takfir that he does. I

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remember I think I read it in Sira

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Alam Anubala.

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A takfiri was asked. 1 there was 2

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friends. 2 takfiris.

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1 guy who made takfir of everybody.

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So his friend who was more smart and

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asked him, he goes,

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only me and you are going to enter

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into a Jannah,

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and the Jannah is as big as a

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samawat and the ark.

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Only me and you are going to Aljannah

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because everybody else is kafir?

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He was a Kharij as well. Because most

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smart he asked him. So this very big

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place in Al Jannah, only me and you

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are going to enter inside?

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