Abu Taymiyyah – Surah Al-MuMinun and Surah Ash-Shams

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The transcript describes a culture where the Lord of the Noble Throne is the most decisive and influential figure in the culture. The culture is dislocated and is not a place where one can blame others for their actions. The culture is not a place where one can blame others for their actions, and everyone is supposed to act according to the Lord's command.
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Allahu Akbar In
the name of Allah, the
most gracious, the most merciful.
Our Lord, bring us out of it, and
if we return, then we are wrongdoers.
He said, Enter it and do not speak.
There was a group of My servants who
said, They said, Our Lord, we believe, so
forgive us and have mercy on us, and
You are the best of the merciful.
So you made fun of them until they
forgot my mention, and you were laughing at
Indeed, I have rewarded them this Day for
their patience.
Indeed, they are the winners.
Say, How many years have you stayed on
the earth?
They said, We stayed a day or part
of a day, so ask those who count.
Say, You stayed only a little, if you
only knew.
Do you think that We have created you
in vain and that you will not return
to Us?
Exalted is Allah, the True King.
There is no god but He is the
Lord of the Noble Throne.
And whosoever supplicates with Allah, not another, no
proof is there for him, but his reckoning
is with his Lord.
Indeed, the disbelievers will not succeed.
And say, My Lord, forgive and have mercy,
and You are the best of the merciful.
Exalted is Allah Indeed,
those who purify it have succeeded, and those
who cover it have failed.
Thamud denied its purification, when it was resurrected.
So the Messenger of Allah said to them,
Kill Allah and drink from it.
So they denied it and drowned it, and
their Lord bled on them for their sin.
So make it even, and let no one
fear My punishment.
Exalted is Allah