Abu Taymiyyah – Surah Al-MuMinun and Surah Ash-Shams

Abu Taymiyyah
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AI: Summary ©

The transcript describes a culture where the Lord of the Noble Throne is the most decisive and influential figure in the culture. The culture is dislocated and is not a place where one can blame others for their actions. The culture is not a place where one can blame others for their actions, and everyone is supposed to act according to the Lord's command.

AI: Summary ©

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			Allahu Akbar In
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			the name of Allah, the
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			most gracious, the most merciful.
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			Our Lord, bring us out of it, and
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			if we return, then we are wrongdoers.
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			He said, Enter it and do not speak.
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			There was a group of My servants who
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			said, They said, Our Lord, we believe, so
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			forgive us and have mercy on us, and
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			You are the best of the merciful.
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			So you made fun of them until they
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			forgot my mention, and you were laughing at
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			Indeed, I have rewarded them this Day for
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			their patience.
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			Indeed, they are the winners.
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			Say, How many years have you stayed on
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			the earth?
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			They said, We stayed a day or part
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			of a day, so ask those who count.
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			Say, You stayed only a little, if you
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			only knew.
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			Do you think that We have created you
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			in vain and that you will not return
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			to Us?
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			Exalted is Allah, the True King.
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			There is no god but He is the
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			Lord of the Noble Throne.
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			And whosoever supplicates with Allah, not another, no
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			proof is there for him, but his reckoning
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			is with his Lord.
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			Indeed, the disbelievers will not succeed.
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			And say, My Lord, forgive and have mercy,
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			and You are the best of the merciful.
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			Exalted is Allah Indeed,
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			those who purify it have succeeded, and those
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			who cover it have failed.
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			Thamud denied its purification, when it was resurrected.
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			So the Messenger of Allah said to them,
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			Kill Allah and drink from it.
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			So they denied it and drowned it, and
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			their Lord bled on them for their sin.
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			So make it even, and let no one
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			fear My punishment.
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			Exalted is Allah