Abu Taymiyyah – Shisha & night club on Eid day

Abu Taymiyyah
AI: Summary ©
The shixah fourteen is seen as part-time, not a day of celebration, and is used as a way to be aware of one's behavior and avoid embarrassment. It is important for individuals to be aware of their behavior and avoid causing future embarrassment, as it is not part-time. The speaker emphasizes the need for individuals to be aware of their behavior and actions to avoid future embarrassment, and to be aware of their actions to avoid future embarrassment.
AI: Transcript ©
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Dear respected brothers and sisters,

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you have come to know,

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it is the day of Eid, a day

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that Allah

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has blessed the people with happiness.

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It is a day of food and drink,

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and a day of enjoying us and happiness.

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The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, he said

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to us in a hadith that was narrated

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by Imam Ahmed,

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that he said,

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And he came in other narrations, in other

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hadith, where the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam,

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he talked about the day that comes after

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the Ramadan, which is in correspondence to this

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day, Eid al Fitr. That these days are

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days of enjoyment, and also days of happiness.

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With these days,

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it is very very easy for a person

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to come

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after Ramadan has finished,

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and the shaytan

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gets very very close to him, and the

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whispers of the shaytan, they overwhelmed him.

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As this is the time also

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that the shayateen

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that were locked up in the month of

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Ramadan, as the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam

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told us.

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That when the month of Ramadan comes, the

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shayateen are locked up. The doors of Jannah

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are swung open, and the doors of hellfire

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are slammed shut.

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These are the times now when the shayateen,

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They tend to

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take their paths again into trying to disrupt

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the Muslim Inn. Brothers and sisters, you find

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that in the month of Ramadan, 2 kinds

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of people.

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The first type the first type of person,

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you find that when the month of Ramadan

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comes, he tries to use the month of

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Ramadan as a stepping stone. So maybe go

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back to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to try

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and change himself. And this person is sincere

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in trying to actually change

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how he is, and to get closer to

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.

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It would be totally wrong for this

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person that we look down at him, and

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we say

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that this person only practice in the month

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of Ramadan.

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We don't know that if this person is

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trying to maybe get closer to Allah and

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to change his life in this blessed month,

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when the grace and the mercy of Allah

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subhanahu wa ta'ala is apparent. Then you find

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the second person, and this is what I

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wanna speak about today.

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The kind of mentality he comes with, that

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he's only gonna practice in the month of

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And then as soon as Ramadan finishes,

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he's gonna go back to his filthy ways,

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whether he was to maybe not pray the

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not to worship Allah

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Carry on doing disobediences

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to Allah

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and etcetera.

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This is the kind of person that we

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to give

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advice to, and maybe notify

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in that which Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says

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in the Quran.

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And it's very very important brothers and sisters

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that we don't have this kind of mentality.

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This dangerous mentality

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that could lead to a person be destructed.

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala,

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he tells us in the Quran

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about those people that know.

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About those people that know.

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They know that which is wrong and right.

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They know

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that they should not be disobeying Allah

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That they shouldn't be on the day of

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Eid, going to

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or going to the night clubs,

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or going back to their girlfriends, or whatever

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they're doing.

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Maybe in the month of Ramadan they left

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the off, and then as soon as Ramadan

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goes, they go back to disobeying Allah Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala. Brothers and sisters, this is not

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part time Al Islam.

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Al Islam is something that is full time

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for a person to be doing on a

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regular basis. Look what Allah

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says about certain people. And we just wanna

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mention a few ayaat. So a person takes

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heed, and he's not absent minded as soon

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as Ramadan finishes.

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tells us in

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about those people that are turned away, when

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the things have been made clear to him.

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Allah says,

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The one that turns away.

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The one that turns away.

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From the things that have been made clear

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This person will have a depressive life. And

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he will become,

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or he will come to Allah

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while he's blind.

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This person will come while he's blind, simply

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because he turned away from Allah

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about the things that were totally wrong, and

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he went back.

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How many Muslims do we find today? This

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is the day when you find that the

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shisha bars are filled with the Muslimen. Our

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own brothers and sisters, we're not trying to

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push anyone down to speak negatively about him,

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but this is the reality.

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We were all in the stages of youth.

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We know what takes place.

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The night clubs are filled with Muslims. There

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may be more Muslims in the night clubs,

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especially on a Friday night, than the Kuffar.

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This is used as a day of celebration.

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But is there a celebration

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that is considered to be by Allah

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correct type of celebration? Or is there a

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type which is totally haram?

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala then says,

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about this individual. Look what he's gonna say.

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Oh, Allah. Why have you brought me blind?

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And I used to be in this dunya,

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someone that was able to see.

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala then

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The proofs and evidences came to you. You

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knew that which was wrong and which was

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Just like we have in this kind of

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We stay away from it in the month

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of Ramadan because we know it is wrong.

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And then as soon as Ramadan finishes,

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we go back to

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our filthy bad ways.

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Just like you left off Allah subhanahu wa

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ta'ala at that time,

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today you're gonna be left off.

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Brothers and sisters, it's important that we take

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heed. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala tells us in

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another ayah.

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And we will flip their mouth,

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and also their eyes.

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Something they used to see as to be

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They are going to be swimming in blindness.

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Why? Because they turned away. They begin to

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follow their desires.

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And then they become enslaved to it.

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As the prophet

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told us,

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3 things that will distract a person. From

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the things that he mentioned,

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When a person becomes enslaved to his desire.

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Prophets and sisters, take heed.

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Do not be from those that the people

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speak about. The Prophet

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said to

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us, You are the witnesses of the people

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upon the earth.

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Do not be from those that had this

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kind of mentality. And then he came on

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the day of Eid.

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And he done Maasi,

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thinking that Ramadan is over. And Allah

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takes your soul at that very moment.

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There's many many examples

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that we hear about.

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Of how people that one time, that one

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time he did something,

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and he died in that very moment. Imagine

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a person is jumping up and down in

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the club, or he's gone back to his

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cigarettes, or his alcohol.

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And Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala takes his hold

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there and then.

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And he dies while he has Masiyyah,

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himself. Or he's doing something haram.

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Or he's thinking there's a khalas. Ramadan is

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over. Let me carry on speaking about that

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guy. Let me carry on backbiting.

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Just very briefly,

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and very very quickly,

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another important thing brothers and sisters that we

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need to think about is the issue of

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Being complacent

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to which we already have.

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might come, and he might might say to

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himself after the shaitans whispered in his ear,

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I've stood up on the laylatul Qadr,

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where the prophet said,

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There's a day in this month that has

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come to you that is better than a

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1000 months. Someone might think to himself, I

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I stood

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on Laylatul Qadr, which is equivalent to 84

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84 years, sorry. A 1000 months.

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And think to himself, Halas, I'm sorted for

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the rest of the year. I don't need

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to do much.

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I've been practicing. It's equivalent to a 1000

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months. I'm sorted for maybe another few years.

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Brothers and sisters, this is also another whisper

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from the shaitaan. Another doubt that the shaitaan

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brings to the people.

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Rather the Sahaba, the prophet sallallahu alaihi was

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saying, they were on their toes.

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The thing of complacency wasn't there. Rather, they

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used to be fearful from themselves.

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Brothers and sisters, the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa

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sallam said about.

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Never does the shaitan take a road, except

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that he takes road other than the road

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that you take. This is the Umar ibn

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Khattab. The shaitan needs to be scared of

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him. And at the same time, he fears

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for himself.

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He fears for himself.

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He goes to Qudayf ibn al Yamani. Qudayf

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ibn al Yamani was from those who knew

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the secrets of the Prophet

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There was a time where the Prophet disclosed

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some information to him. He told him,

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Umar ibn Khattab goes running to the days,

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and he says to him, did the prophet

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me from amongst the

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He wasn't complacent. He never said khalas. I'm

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the Amirul Mumineen. I'm one of the best

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of the sahaba khalas. I'm suited.

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Rather they stayed on their toes. There's another

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narration. When?

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Umr ibn al Khattah gave adirham. He gave

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His son said

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him, May Allah

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accept from your father.

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So Umar ibn Khattab said, if only I

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knew that Allah

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accepted 1, 1,

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one said star, it would have been beloved

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to me than anything in this dunya.

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This is Umar ibn Khattab. Brothers and sisters,

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do not become complacent.

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Faith for your ending

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of how you might end. Ask Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala for tabbat, for hidayah. This is

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what the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam used

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to do. None of us are safe. You

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might see ourselves in the masajid today, tomorrow

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we go out and we become deviated.

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The prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said,

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and I'm gonna conclude by this.

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That the hearts the hearts are between 2

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fingers of the fingers of Allah

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If he wishes,

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he will divert it away to becoming misguided.

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And if Allah

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wills, he will guide it. This is the

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begging Allah

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If you want any fitna for me, then

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take me

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while I am not corrupted or infatuated.

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How can we be safe when Ibrahim alaihis

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salatu wa sallam, imamat tawhid,

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is making dua to Allah

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The individual, the Prophet that destroyed the Islam,

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broke it.

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He's making dua to Allah

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Oh Allah, prevent me. Prevent me and my

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offspring from worshiping the Islam.

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Brothers and

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sisters, take heed, and do not be from

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those who just use Ramadan

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as if it is some sort of way

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that we just go past,

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and we don't actually

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use it as a stepping stone to change.

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This is not a sincere

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Tawba. They have a person who wants to

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just carry on with his bad ways after

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the month of Ramadan. This is not a

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sincere Tawba. Rather, this is

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this is playing around with the region of

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.

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We ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to make

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this Eid a very blessed Eid, and to

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keep us firm, to make us from those

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that are firm until they meet Allah

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accept from us and also yourselves.

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good actions.

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