Abu Taymiyyah – SCARY He Died a Horrible Death Manchester Friday Sermon
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My dear respected brothers and sisters,
we are living in a time and age
where holding on to your religion
is more difficult
than holding on to hot cold.
And messenger sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, he said
in hadith,
Where holding on to your religion
is like holding on to hot coal,
You walk past rooms of road, there are
shisha bars, right?
Coals are being used to light up the
Imagine brothers and sisters, you pick that up
and you held on to it.
Would you be able to hold on to
that hot coal brothers and sisters?
You wouldn't be able to.
As the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam told
us. There won't come a time
At the end of time is my brothers
and my sisters except the time that comes
after is far worse.
Our faith is on the line.
Many of our youngsters
are flirting with this belief.
They are on the verge of apostasy,
The of doubts that have become so rampant,
whether it is on the streets of Manchester,
in the university or anywhere else,
the universities
have become breeding grounds for kufr, shirk,
liberalism, feminism, and many colorful things, right?
Their faith is on the line brothers and
Abdullah ibn Umar radiAllahu ta'ala and hooma.
This is a companion, brothers and sisters.
The one who narrated the most hadith was
who? Abu Huraira.
And then, Abdullah ibn Umar as Hafid al
mentioned or a suyuti in his alfiyah
of Musala Al Hadid.
Abdullah ibn Umar was second in line.
Right? Why am I mentioning this brothers and
Out of all people,
Abdullah ibn Umar when he would go for
Umrah, we've heard of Safa and Marwa, right?
He would stand at Safa and this is
from the places where your dua gets accepted,
And he will say, Allahumma,
O Allah,
You said,
Oh Allah, you said, call on to me
so I can respond to you.
And oh Allah, you do not break the
and look what he
supplicated brothers and sisters, look at the dua
that he made.
Oh Allah,
I ask you just as you guided me
to Al Islam,
you Allah don't take Islam away from me.
This is Abdullah ibn Umar brothers and sisters.
And you Allah take my soul while I
am in the state of Islam.
I am a Muslim, you Allah.
Allow me to die as a Muslim.
Look how he was so terrified
of losing his faith.
They didn't have
the type of doubts that we are dealing
with today, brothers and sisters. Whether it may
be atheism
that shakes your faith to the core,
Wallahi some of the statements that we are
hearing from some of our sisters
on social media after one of them became
a Muslim.
We know that this very well known individual
became a Muslim, right?
Some of the things that is coming out
of our Muslim sisters
where they are flirting with kufr and disbelief,
This is a type of time that we
are living in brothers and sisters
where our faith is being shaken to the
core because of all the doubts that we
are dealing with.
One time I heard
one of our in al Medina mentioned that
there was once upon a time
where they would tell the professors,
don't teach the students about all of these
different doubts.
Because most likely these students, when they go
back to the UK or when they go
back to their countries,
they will not come across it. Maybe now,
we will expose them to something that they
weren't even thinking about.
He said, them days are long gone. Why?
Because the whole world has become like a
small little village.
Agreed brothers and sisters?
The whole world has become like a small
little village
where you have the whole world
a fingertip away.
These gadgets and phones that we have handed
over to our children brothers and sisters,
they are accessing
all types of filth and evil.
They click on these hashtags.
Once upon a time, subhanallah,
the parent would say,
and they're all at home,
they don't hang around with the wrong crowd.
He would say, alhamdulillah, they are all here.
They don't hang around with drug dealers, they
don't hang around with women who go clubbing
in mini skirts
Because we thought at the time that this
is the only way that our children will
become corrupted. Sah.
These days are long gone brothers and sisters.
That young child is inside of the bedroom
with these gadgets and they are being exposed
to all types of doubts.
And then the child comes to the father
and says,
dad, I came across this and I came
across that. I have some questions.
The child is doubting Islam and then the
abba, the father he gets angry.
Why are you getting angry?
Or says, let me now take him to
Quran Saris.
He's probably go, jinn, let me go to
the rahi. No, he doesn't have jinn.
He just does not know
because he's being exposed to all of these
doubts, my brothers and my sisters.
Why am I mentioning this brothers and sisters?
Look at Abdullah ibn Umar radiAllahu ta'ala Anhuma.
Begging Allah Azawajal to allow him to die
as a Muslim.
Who from amongst us here
with this kind of environment that we live
in has ever even thought about, Dear Allah,
allow me to die as a Muslim.
Look at the greatest of the prophets my
brothers and my sisters.
Ibrahim alaihis salatu wasalam,
wasn't he the prophet who Allah told us
You have a perfect example in Ibrahim alaihis
Ibrahim alaihisattu wasalam
who fulfilled the commands of his Lord
with perfection.
Allah told him to submit, and he submitted
straight away. In everything that he was told,
no whys and no buts.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala tells him to slaughter
his own child straightaway.
No why and no but, should I do
it? Should I not do it?
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala instructs him,
my brothers and sisters
to leave his family in the middle of
Imagine that.
Imagine we were instructed to leave our children
in the middle of nowhere, brothers and sisters.
His wife Hajar
and also his son
in the middle of nowhere,
and he's walking away.
And she's running after him saying,
Allahu Amaraka biha that Allah instruct
you with this.
He said, no. Allah told me to leave
you. He says,
If that's the case, Allah
will not forsake us. Can everybody move forward
please? I've just been given the signal, they're
struggling to get in, please try to get
us forward as possible. Assalamu
alaikum. My brothers and my sisters, he was
to construct a Kaaba under the scorching heat.
Under the scorching heat, Ibrahim and his son
Ishmael, they are building the Kaaba. For those
who have gone to Al Madinah and Makkah,
we know how hot he is, right? He's
what? Constructing the Kaaba brothers and sisters.
No whys and no buts straight away.
Right? It would make Sheikh Bimbas cry.
You know why? This is Ibrahim alaihis salaam.
Allah told him to submit.
He was chosen for this particular job that
no one else was asked
to carry out and even then he says,
You Allah accept from me.
Having said all of this, my brothers and
my sisters,
Ibrahim alaihisatt waslam, he smashed the idols. Right?
What does he say straight after that?
He makes dua to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
Later on in his life. Oh Allah,
prevent me
and also my children from worshiping
This is Ibrahim alaihis salam. He was our
perfect example when it came to a tawhid,
when it came to waging war against the
worst possible sin which is a shirk And
then he says, you Allah,
prevent me and also my children from worshipping
statues and idols.
This is Ibrahim alaihisatt wasalam brothers and sisters.
It wasn't just Ibrahim.
You look at
Yousaf alaihisattu wasalam, and this is one of
the great lessons that we can take from
this wonderful chapter.
Yusuf alaihisatt wasalam who was such a patient
human being,
He went through so many trials and tribulations
and you would think to yourself that because
of his patience
he would be guaranteed Aljannah right
or he might think of that sah,
Allah tells us about the people of patience,
they will be granted,
right? A reckoning or a reward without any
He begs Allah,
Allow me to die as a Muslim, O
And make me from amongst the righteous.
Musa alaihis salatu wa salam
Oh Allah, grant us patience and allow us
to die as Muslims. Musa alaihi wasallam.
Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasalam.
Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasalam who walked on
the face of this Earth with no past
and future sins,
He begs Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala,
O turner of the hearts, keep our hearts
firm upon your religion.
In another hadith we are told that the
messenger salallahu alaihi wa sallam would say, faizaarataliibadikafitna
Oh Allah,
if you want
for your Ibad, you Allah take my soul,
and I have not been trialed in my
These are the prophets my brothers and my
Right? And then you compare it to our
situation with everything that we are going through.
Whether you're old in age, whether you're young
my brothers and my sisters, the messenger salallahu
alaihi wa sallam told us,
hasten to doing good deeds. The
fittan, the temptations, the trials,
they are like the dark patches of the
night. Imagine
now walking in the forest and there is
no light you will see yourself tripping over
left right and center, you don't know where
you're heading. This is what the fitna does
to a person when it strikes him.
He doesn't know which direction he's going into.
He becomes almost unrecognizable.
He loses his way brothers and sisters.
We are being told to do righteous deeds.
Perhaps the righteous deeds
will help us in this kind of situation.
Yusbihul insanum mumminan wayumsi kafira.
When he wakes up in the morning and
then by the night he's a kafir.
He's lost his tuhid, he's lost his monotheism.
It may well be when the time of
the evening enters, he is a believer, he
is has Islam, and then by the morning
he's become a kafir.
You know I used to say to myself
what are some of the things that could
cause this?
Now you look at these phones, he's just
on his phone. By the evening he may
have just finished the Maghrib prayer,
or the Isha prayer.
Brothers and sisters he gets onto his phone,
the first message that he receives on WhatsApp
is a message that shakes his faith.
And then in a couple of moments he
has left the fold of Islam.
And then by the morning my brothers and
my sisters, he's questioning whether I should go
to fajr or not, because of some of
the doubts that he was exposed to brothers
and sisters.
The hadith of the prophet salallahu alaihi wa
sallam does it not scare us. Most of
us have memorized it. In fact, our children
have memorized it.
Inal Abda
When he keeps doing the actions of the
people of Jannah, until between him
and also entering into Al Jannah
is the length of a hand span
or an arms length, however they translate it.
Just a little bit left before he enters
into jannah, brothers and sisters.
Just a little bit. Imagine
your lifespan is 81 years of age, 80
years you are worshiping Allah, and then that
1 year
you lose your way. Is that possible for
it to happen without a shadow of a
doubt especially in the time and age that
we live in?
You might ask yourself why would that happen?
Or why would Allah allow this to happen?
Ibnurajib Rahmatullahi a'layhi explains this, you know what
he says?
Because of a disease in his heart. You
know what this disease is? Some of us
my brothers and my brothers, we know what
is right and what is wrong.
However, sometimes the shaitan, he whispers and he
it is just one night. You got away
with it once. You got away with it
twice, no one found out what you are
doing behind everyone else's back.
This reminds me of what one of the
brothers of Yusuf said, Uqtulu
zah liskinim.
They were overwhelmed with envy. And then what
happens after?
After we've done the crime, we've killed him,
we will all become righteous people.
This is the kind of mindset that we
suffer from. Just once I really got away
with it a couple of times, let me
just do it one more time.
And because of that, he ends up having
a very bad ending.
My beloved brothers and sisters,
from time to time,
we come across videos,
clips, snippets
of those who had
a very pleasant ending.
Not so long ago, and I'm sure it's
still fresh in the minds of many who
have attended today,
That Indonesian lady
who was reading Surat Al Baqarah, I believe,
and then she passed away.
The video went viral,
sure a lot of us have seen it,
She was reading the Quran and that was
the last thing that came out of her
You think my brothers and my sisters this
just by chance?
I've seen people drop dead in the prophet
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam's masjid.
I've seen people die and the last thing
that he was doing was holding a mushaf
in the prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam's masjid.
You do a little bit of digging up
and you come to know that this man
was a person of Quran.
He was always reading the book of Allah
Another was maybe a person of salah and
he died in his salah brothers and sisters.
We see these CCTV clips going around, right?
At a time when no one is in
the masjid, there's that one guy and then
he dies in his salah.
You think this happens by chance my brothers
and my sisters?
Right? I'll give you guys another example of
Abu Zorah Ataraz
who was from the great Mahadeethin of the
Look how he died my brothers and my
sisters, and it will teach us a huge
Muhammad ibn Idris
and also Abu Hatim Razi Rahmatullahi Alayhi,
they entered upon Abu Zura who was on
his death bed.
But because he was the teacher, they
didn't feel comfortable to tell him to say
La ilaha illallah.
They said to him, let's start revising some
of the ahadith
of when one is on his death bed.
Everyone here, he has memorized the hadith, right?
Whoever's last statement is.
So when one is on his deathbed, we
try to do the talaqim.
So they entered upon him and they were
let's revise some of the hadith.
And then they mentioned the chain of the
The chains are important and they were muhaddithun,
right? Scholars of hadith always
working and dealing with the hadith of the
Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.
So then subhanAllah,
this man who's on his deathbed, he says,
Hadithna Abu Asamin Nabeel.
And that's how he passed away.
He didn't complete the hadith because we have
to try and get that person to say,
La Illaha illallah, and that's the last thing
that we hope that he says.
The last winner came out of his mouth
with the
And that's how he passed away brothers and
How can we have a death like this,
my brothers and my sisters?
The scholars they mentioned reasons.
Number 1, my brothers and my sisters,
being someone who learns about Allah Subhanahu Wa
Ta'ala's obligations,
learning about Tawhid,
From a very young age we grew up
my brothers and my sisters saying swear on
your dead man's grave,
swear on your mom's life,
right, swear on your dad's life.
Little do we know that this is something
that will cause our tawheed to diminish
it is the most precious thing
that we as Muslims can hold on to,
my brothers and my sisters.
Right? And there are so many different practices
that we see ourselves falling into.
Issues pertaining to going against the Qadr of
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala being enraged and upset
at it. This all affects our monotheism, our
tuhiid of Allahuja lafiyarullah.
And the opposite my brothers and my sisters
is also true
of how an individual can die
an unpleasant death.
Have you guys heard of someone called Alan
He's currently the match of the day presenter,
I always give this example.
One sheikh one time told me about
a young man who was on his deathbed.
They went to visit him
so they can maybe do the talkeen of
La ilaha illallah.
You walk into his bedroom, you find the
wallpaper has an image of Alan Shearer,
Blanket has an image of Alan Shearer. Everything
you see Alan Shearer, Alan Shearer.
He wakes up Alan Shearer, he goes to
sleep Alan Shearer. And for those who don't
know I'm talking about he was known as
the fox in the box.
A striker was scoring all over the goals
and I believe he's still the all time
Premier League top goal scorer
Like the Ronaldo and Messi of yesterday.
Right? He's on his deathbed. They try to
get him to say La ilaha illallah. What
do you think he said brothers and sisters?
Everyone here can say
brothers. No one will have an issue but
on the deathbed is not that straightforward.
Right? Especially my brothers and my sisters, if
we were people of sins
Look what Al Ahmad ibn Uqayim Alhammatullahi Alaihi
mentions in his kitab al Jawab al Kafih.
He says one of those individuals was on
his deathbed and they tried to get him
to say La ilaha illallah. You know what
he said brothers and sisters?
Because how is this going to benefit me?
There's a Muslim saying this. How is La
ilaha illallah going to benefit me?
I have never prayed a single prayer. That's
what came out of his mouth and he
passed away like that. Another
example my brothers and my sisters, Ibn Rajabi
speaks about
a righteous man from the passcode Abdul Aziz
ibn Abi Rawad.
He was on his deathbed.
No, sorry. He said he went to visit
someone who was on his deathbed.
He said,
You know what that man said?
He is a disbeliever in that which you
are saying and that's how he passed away
so he done some digging up to find
out what kind of life did this person
Faizahu a muminul khamr.
He was someone who was an alcoholic.
And to conclude my brothers and my sisters,
Ibn Al Qayyib
he tells us about an individual who was
on his deathbed. They tried to get him
to say La ilaha illallah.
He was someone, my brothers and my sisters,
who used the a lot.
He's on his death bed, they asked him
to say La ilaha illallah. You know what
he says?
Ibn Ulkay mentions this in his book over
700 years ago.
Someone may grab me outside and say there's
a difference of opinion on music,
and without a shadow of a doubt, this
is not something that is true at all.
There are Ijma'at,
centuries after centuries where scholars, they done tahreem
of this.
Even then, let's just say for argument's sake,
even though that's not a case, that there's
a difference of opinion. Let me ask you
a question.
The last thing that you want to be
uttering before you leave this world,
is it
a lyric from maybe Kanye West
or Justin Bieber
or Madonna?
That's the last thing that's coming out of
your mouth,
and that's how you pass away.
Every single Eid, brothers and sisters, every Eid
I hear about someone who died with alcohol
in his mouth, or someone who was jumping
up and down in the club, or blasting
music in his car. Every Eid I hear
about it.
Right? Maybe the shaitan was telling him, 30
days in the month of Ramadan, you've done
great, masha Allah Tabarakallah.
Just enjoy yourself one night and we can
see on Wombs the Road. Right? It is
as if the shayateen have been released.
You could actually see it happening with the
way people are behaving.
May Allah
protect us from that.
To conclude my brothers and my sisters,
what is it that we need to stay
away from? Perhaps that might be the cause
of us falling off.
There's so many that can be mentioned.
Ibn Uqaymi says,
the sins that you do in private is
the reason why you fall off.
You doing righteous acts while you are alone,
no one's watching is the reason why Allah
will keep you firm.
Brothers and sisters, a dua,
we may not talked about it. Look how
they were and then also righteous deeds,
right? Especially learning about Allah
the Tawhid,
right? It's a reason why we will die
upon Attawhid which is La ilaha illallah
my brothers and my sisters,
we've just been told that there is a
huge gathering outside, they haven't prayed Jum'ah.
So we will do inshallah ta'ala a summarized
shorter second Jum'ah
after this prayer. So please try to clear
the way, Be Adi Allayta'ala, as soon as
you're finished. You can pray your sunun,
not outside, inside of your house, inshallah.