Abu Taymiyyah – Questioner Asks How I Can Overcome Pornography
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So how can a young man today
get rid of addictions and * and so
on and so forth.
It's, of course, a very widespread
problem that a lot of the youth are
facing. Right?
Normally we advise with a number of things.
Number 1,
which is called the spiritual
disease and its cure there's even a book
I put it on my Twitter yesterday, Kashar
Jamaruddin Usman from Nairobi.
He once I mentioned this in the q
and a, and this is a book that
I love. I always like to go through
it. So then we posted it. It's in
English. It is one of the best books
on this topic that you will find.
Aslan Sheikh Mil Qayyim,
wrote this book as a response
to someone who asked a question about a
sin that they were going through.
Right? And he said in the question that
if I don't find a solution, it will
destroy my dunya and akhira.
Hatashah Abduzak, he used to teach this in
the haram.
Right? Allah, it changed my life, it changed
my perspective and how I look at people's
So in it
Right? From the most beneficial of cures is
In your sujood, qiyamulayil,
when you wake up in the last set
of the night, you make sense and say,
dua, you Allah help me get rid of
this sin.
Second thing is that we advise you to
read this book.
It talks about the consequences and the effects
of sin.
Right. It talks about the consequences and the
effects of sin.
Number 3,
you know, they say it's one thing identifying
the problem, it's another finding the solution.
First, we have to identify the problem, right?
And part of finding the solution is,
what is causing me now to fall into
the sin? We should get a pen and
paper. I normally tell the shayab, you get
a pen
and paper,
write down the sins that you have,
and then next to it write, what is
causing the sin?
What is the reason that I'm falling into
the sin?
Is it maybe because of a phone? Is
it maybe because I'm alone all the time?
What is the reason?
A lot of the time is because
maybe it is Instagram,
maybe it is TikTok or lie some of
apps are problematic.
It is the root cause for * addiction
later on.
It starts off now you are following a
Right? You are following some of these celebrities,
then you want more halas. You got bored
of it, you want something more intense, then
he moves on to what?
That which is free free *.
And then when he's finished watching one of
the videos, then he starts paying for it,
and then he destroys
it. What is causing me not to fall
into this Haram? I have to identify it.
Does that make sense?
It might be that we are have to
for a period, we put away this
and we use the,
what do you guys call the Nokia
they call it the trap phone in the
UK the one that the drug dealer have?
From the UK. Where in the UK?
You already know the chat phone. They have
the chat phone there, the Nokia. You know
the one that we used to have? The
You need to have that for a period
of time.
If it's maybe because you are alone, shaitanu
3, shaitan is closer to 1 than 2.
So, try to maybe move away from being
alone all the time. Be around people, go
to the masjid, try to busy yourself with
I always advise the shabab against living alone.
Oh, lying, living alone is a problem.
Shaitan is very close to you when you
are alone.
So we have to identify.
It varies from person to person.
All we also advise after that is every
time you fall into that sin, go make
and then pray torakaat every time.
If you do that every time you fall
back into our sin, it's only a matter
of time
that you get rid of the sin.
If Allah sees that goodness and He will
give it to you.
Does that make sense?
Show Allah that you really want it, even
if you fall back into the sin,
no matter how many times, You
keep returning back to Allah.
Right? With the dua, with everything else that
I said, Insha'Allah, it's a period of time.
Psychologists, they say it takes maybe, what, 21
days, maybe 25, 30 days that you
stay like this without the phone or without
that thing that is causing you to read
that book. It's on my Twitter.
I put the link.
And Insha'Allah,
you will overcome it,