Abu Taymiyyah – Q&A {Funny} A Child Asks Why Do You Warn Against Tiktok

Abu Taymiyyah
AI: Summary ©
A young man asks why TikTok is allowed on phones and if it is allowed to be used for Islamic reminders. The man also discusses the importance of memorizing the Quran and the potential exposure to one's social media exposure. The conversation ends with the man promising to delete TikTok and the possibility of being removed from social media.
AI: Transcript ©
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Very good question.

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Very good question.

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Our young man here is asking why shouldn't

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we have TikTok on our phones?

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Let me ask you, what's your name?

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Abdul Aman. Abdul Rahman. You have one of

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the best names.

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May Allah reward your father for naming you

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The most beloved names to Allah is Abdul

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and Abdullah.

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Abdul Rahman, let me ask you a question.

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Is it allowed to play music?

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Yes. No. You're not allowed to play music

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because it's not.

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No. No. Very good.

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That taught you well.

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So now, when you go on to TikTok,

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what's the first thing that you normally see?

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So does that make it allowed for you

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to use TikTok?

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No. But but my money is TikTok for

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For that.

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I'm sure there are other apps.

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If one needed Islamic reminders can revert

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to. I really want everyone to understand this.

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There are certain apps

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that you could use

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when coming into that which is impermissible is

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far less

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than apps like TikTok.

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Can you really afford

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to see, like, 10 haram things before you

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come across something that is maybe what?

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By that time, your heart has already become

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Really badly affected.

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Right. Can we put Twitter, for example, in

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the same category as Instagram?

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Can we

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because there's Tabakat. Right? There's levels.

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I remember the Instagram account that I have

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that you see now. Right?

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It was given to me when he only

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had something like 800 followers or something like

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The brothers, they all said to me, listen.

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You have to be on Instagram. I was

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like, brothers, I don't. I always thought that

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was an app for young kid young kids.

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Never thought that elder people have used it.

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They were like, you have to have it.

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If you wanna be able to get to

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the youngsters in the youth,

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you have to post Islamic reminders on that.

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So then I agreed. I took it.

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But they said something to me. You know

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what they said?

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Don't ever press the search button.

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Would you guys agree to that?

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Don't ever press

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search button

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because of what your eyes might be exposed

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know brothers and sisters. Right?

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What was he, like, really known for? Does

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anyone know?

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Jameen, anything else?

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That's like I thought somebody would say fiqhaza,

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which is also true. It was also known

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for his memorization.

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Later on down the line, his memorization became

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effective. He began to suffer from loss of

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then he complained to Waqiya.

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But do you, brothers and sisters, know what

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affected his memorization?

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What did he look at that affected the

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memorization, they say?

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He looked at

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some bangles that were bangling around a woman's

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Imagine that.

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She was fully what? Covered and clothed.

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her ankles were uncovered,

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and there were bangles on there.

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And he said that affected his memorization.

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His memorization was so powerful. If there was,

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like, a book that was open, he would

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have to cover one

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side like that just so the other side

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doesn't get mixed with it.

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I know a lot of us, mashallah, we

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want to memorize the Quran,

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Right? We wanna learn our religion. We wanna

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taste the sweetness

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of the Quran in this month.

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I'm sure every single one here wants that.

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Then let me ask you guys an honest

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question. When you go now on this when

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you click on the search button on Instagram,

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or you have these apps like Snapchat or,

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and TikTok. As soon as you enter you

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are what?

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It's like shoved in your face. Look at

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Can we really afford that?

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Can our hearts really afford that?

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Afford to become affected by that?

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May Allah

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help us all in today's day and age.

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It's becoming worse and worse and worse.

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And today, subhanAllah,

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normally, we would tell our children,

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don't hang around with the wrong crowd outside.

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It's become much more than that now. Them

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days when we thought that the only way

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that our children would become corrupted is by

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them hanging around with the wrong crowd,

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them days are long over.

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Today, our children are inside of the house

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and outside at the same time,

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and they might be exposed to that which

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is more worse

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inside of the house than outside. Do you

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guys agree?

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Because of what they are exposed to.

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Even one might leave the fold of Islam

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without ever going outside.

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Allah one sheikh, Sheikh Abdelkader,

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He really put it nicely. He said, today,

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the world has become like a little village.

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The whole world

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has become like a little village

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that everyone is living in because of social

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media. But the point is, today, because of

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this small little village that we live in,

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due to social media,

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right, one's exposed to everything. He's exposed to

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Right? I remember many, many years ago, the

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scholars would say, don't expose the students

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to certain types of innovation.

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Why? Because, you know, now they might become

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exposed so they might start reading on it

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when they really don't need it and it's

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very far fetched that they will ever run

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into something like that.

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Can we say that in today's day and

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Can we?

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With everything at your disposal.

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Does that answer your question, Abdulham?

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Yes. Hamdulillah. Are you happy with that? Yes.

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You're gonna delete TikTok?

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I'm going to tell my mom my mom

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to stop TikTok

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Thanks, Evelyn. Guys.

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