Abu Taymiyyah – QA Do I HAVE to Fast if I have Exams (Funny)

Abu Taymiyyah
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The speaker gives advice to brothers and sisters on how to prepare for exams, including fasting and taking part in the suhoor. They also give advice on how to eat during exams and encourage them to practice fasting and not drink water. The speaker also mentions a school visit for the next day to teach about Al Islam and emphasizes the importance of fasting for everyone.

AI: Summary ©

00:00:12 --> 00:00:13
			Yes, Esa.
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			Are you 2 brothers? They are. Yes. Masha'Allah.
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			I see the resemblance.
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			What advice would you give to brothers? Because
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			I know, like, it's exam season and those
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			who choose not to fast on the day
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			that they have exams.
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			Or What about right. In in order to
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			try and, like,
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			because they believe that, obviously, when fasting is
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			hard and it's harder to concentrate, what advice
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			Can I just repeat the question for the
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			sisters? Yeah.
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			The brother's asking what advice can you give
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			to the brothers or the sisters who are
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			revising for their exams or gonna be sitting
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			their exams? Should they be fasting and things
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			like that? Okay.
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			Firstly, the exams are in the morning. Right?
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			Or is it in the evening? It's similar
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			in the morning in the afternoon. Okay. Afternoon.
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			Around what time? 1, 2 o'clock.
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			1, 2 o'clock, but most in the morning,
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			Okay, when does the person normally become so
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			Just about when we're reaching 8 o'clock, 7
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			you know. And it's a common question that
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			you find a lot of the kids they're
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			trying to get a fatwa, I'm not trying
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			to say you,
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			but they're just trying to get a fatwa.
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			When a person has a sehri in the
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			morning and he goes to sleep, he wakes
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			most people often don't eat till like after
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			12 o'clock right? Lunch time is 12 o'clock.
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			Me outside the Ramadan,
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			by the time I reach 12 o'clock I'm
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			exhausted. I need to digest something.
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			That's just me, I'm a skinny
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			guy and I need to I have a
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			very high metabolism
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			and I have to eat.
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			In the month of Ramadan, brothers and
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			sisters, most of us will agree we can
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			go maybe 10 hours, 11 hours without feeling
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			anything. Why?
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			Take part in the suhoor, eat, you know,
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			at the time of sihri
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			as they call it.
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			For indeed in the suhoor there's a lot
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			of barakah.
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			Well my brothers and sisters, me personally,
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			I don't
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			drink nothing other than just water.
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			Until this very day I don't think for
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			the Surah of anything.
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			And I just there's reasons behind that.
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			Are you with me brothers and sisters?
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			So try and eat those especially who are
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			going to be,
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			you know, they've got exams,
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			try and eat as much as possible
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			in the time of suhoor. Another thing that
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			you could do is Istighfar.
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			Astaghfirullah, Astaghfirullah, Astaghfirullah
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			Now she has another one, but anyways there's
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			another verse that says,
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			When you do, Istighfar.
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			She says Astaghfirullah, Astaghfirullah. Allah will give you
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			strength above strength.
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			Try it
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			and ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala,
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			make dua for him, to him.
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			Because you have an advantage that the non
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			Muslims don't have.
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			They don't believe in Allah, he's not gonna
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			raise his hands,
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			ask Allah to help him in his exam
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			and to give him
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			and you'll be responded to straight away
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			because the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallamih said
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			to us
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			is shy, he's generous, that when his servant
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			puts his hands up to him that he
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			sends him back empty handed.
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			So you're fasting on top of that. The
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			hadith that we mentioned, one of the means
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			of your dua being accepted is what?
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			And on top of that you put your
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			hands up to him which is another means.
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			And you ask him through his names and
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			attributes which is another means.
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			So on and so forth.
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			Allah will inshaAllah ta'ala strengthen you and it
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			won't be much of an issue. And then
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			once you get home go to sleep,
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			strengthen up.
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			Thank you very much,
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			Ustad Abu Tamy, I thank you very much
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			for coming and
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			giving us your beneficial
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			We only have 1 minute left, brothers and
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			sisters. So just to quickly
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			inform you all that tomorrow, we do have
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			a school visit,
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			a a school coming to visit the center
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			tomorrow from 10 AM till 2:30 PM, and
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			they want to learn about Al Islam.
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			So one of the things that they want
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			to witness is seeing Salatul,
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			in Jamat.
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			So if any Buddhist who are not working
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			and they can make,
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			make it here for Salatrol Dohor, at half
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			past one, please try to come because you're
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			gonna have 25 children
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			and about 5 teachers sitting at the back
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			there, and they wanna see the brothers praying
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			in in unity, in congregation.
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			So please, brothers,
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			just try to make it tomorrow if you
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			can. If you're not working,
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			Especially the youngsters. The youngsters, if they come
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			and all the youngsters see these youngsters, they
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			will think that el Islam is not just
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			for old people.
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			That's right.
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			So please remember this is, you know, this
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			is a dawah sent to this. It must