Abu Taymiyyah – POWERFUL The Dangerous Consequences & Effects of Sins London
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yes Desi, for Hi here
first and foremost, I just want to take a moment out to thank the
administration of the masjid for hosting me in this wonderfully
built messages. As I was driving in too often, I thought to myself,
says if I'm in Bangladesh, in a Muslim country honestly, seeing so
many Licchavi is Javis
Gil Bobby's brothers were thoughts walking around. So I felt
extremely good. As we drove into the carpark of the masjid, I felt
even better. Saying the masjid the way it is Wallahi it really brings
a lot of joy to one's heart. And now I see all of these glowing
faces all of the Shabaab who could have easily been doing all sorts
of evil things on this day, Saturday, right, right. What are
mostly Shabaab doing either watching Premier League
or they are up to no good Saturday night getting ready to cause all
sorts of evil Right, right. So milma has already bless every
single one of you guys for taking up the time to benefit to acquire
some understanding of the religion.
My brothers and my sisters our lecture today may Allah azza wa
jal keep us all sincere is about the effects of sins.
Have you ever felt extremely miserable and down now?
And you try to find answers as to why you may feel so spiritually
Has there ever been a time brothers and sisters,
when you try to pick up the book of Allah subhanaw taala he tried
to read the Quran. However, it seemed as if there was a barrier
between you
and tasting the sweetness of the speech of Allah subhanho wa taala.
Has there have been times when you felt
that all of the doors have been closed around you?
Every time you want to get up on your two feet to accomplish
The doors seems shut on your face.
Has there ever been a time my beloved brothers and sisters?
Well, you have been struck with so many financial difficulties.
Every single time when you try to get up on your two feet to better
your financial position. I can you felt
as if there was no way out of the situation that you're in
Luma to bow to have Volkova darkness above darkness. Either
Astra Jaya, the whole new era.
You take out your hand it is as if you can't see it.
That's because of how dark it is.
My brothers and my sisters,
there are many reasons as to why we may feel a certain way
as to why we may feel
with what I mentioned.
The sins that are times you may take so lightly have some serious
consequences. Many people think that when you sin, you will only
be held to account when you meet Allah subhanaw taala on the Day of
Three reality of the matter is my brothers and my sisters, this is
far from it.
The sins have some serious consequences that will come back
to haunt us. Especially when we think that we can deceive Allah
azza wa jal it is just one night that I will disobey allies though
My brothers and my sisters, and now which is even worse than us.
And when we take these sins so lightly, not realizing that it
could be the first fork to one shooting out of the religion. And
yes, I'm not the one who said this. In fact, it was mentioned
over 700 years ago by the great Imam even though theme Rahmatullah
he it when he said,
Al Marcia to be very uncomfortable. The sin that one
carries out it is the first spark to disbelief to one apostate in
front of you
Allah subhanaw taala can go Blatter very Zina over at Gmail
should I say just as the kiss is the first part to sexual
*? What come and Xena very Zina and just adds the music
the one listens to is the first part two
brothers and sisters, the sins are not a light matter
that we might sometimes brothers and sisters look down on in the
community I'm gonna hear a duck puffy, a unique combination of
what could
never do have in a movie odds
as a great companion
I will not be allowed to either and I mentioned indeed you carry
out sins
that you see Subhanallah smaller or should I say maybe more
thinner, then a piece of hair.
And we used to count it or see it as the most destructive sins.
Today that which we take very minor, the major sins that might
happen in our communities, because we become so desensitized to it.
This my brothers or my sisters,
would be considered by the Companions as something that is a
no go it can't happen never.
Let alone the mind that sense, though is perhaps seen as
a normal part of life. These minor sins they used to see as the major
sins look how times have changed.
May Allah azza wa jal protect us. So I have brothers and sisters a
number of
the effects of sins written down here that I took from this guitar
coat adapt with.
The sickness in the cure
will lie when you read them oedema, the introduction it breaks
your heart because it was a letter that was sent to ignore team of
one saying,
If I continue like this, then indeed I will run myself in the
destruction. I remember when chef Andres awful brother was teaching
us this guitar. He was saying that this is a guitar. It is a book
that is so relevant
for those in today's day and age, especially those who have become
addicted to since because the question, the one who sent this
rissalah this message to him no time Rahmatullah and he it was
very evident that he was addicted to some sin. However, it wasn't
made clear exactly what the sin was. But it was some sort of
addiction that you could take away from the Mapa Dima.
So the che ne Rahmatullah Allah He He wrote a whole book that has
also been translated into English, which I advise every single one of
you guys inshallah to Allah to look for it's called the sickness
and the cure by an author implements Allah
the first consequence brothers and sisters of the sins that we carry
held manually.
Brothers and sisters, from the most common questions that I
received, especially in the month of Ramadan, is the month of Quran
right? Shadow Ramadan Eleni on Xena via Quran, the month of
Ramadan in which the Quran came down. We all want to open the book
of Allah azza wa jal. We want to hit the ground running. We want to
better ourselves so that we become better Muslims outside the month
of Ramadan. We want to use Ramadan as a stepping stone.
And is there a better place to be starting than the Quran? You open
the Quran in this blessed month when the shayateen have been
locked up, and the doors of Jannah haven't swung open, and the doors
of hellfire have been slammed shut. You open the Quran, you sit
there for a couple of minutes and it just doesn't seem to be
penetrating an individual's heart. You can't sit there holding the
Quran. You close it and then you come back maybe 20 minutes later
you open the Quran doesn't seem to be happening.
Seems like our hearts have become sealed. We struggle to have that
connection with the Quran. That connection with Allah azza wa jal
why brothers and sisters, eminent Dame Rahmatullah Alayhi. He says,
from the consequences of sins is that one is deprived of knowledge.
Have you guys heard of an imam Shafi I know Salima Malik.
Two out of the four great Imams the fifth.
The first of them is the great Imam Ali Mohammed
Al Imam Abu Hanifa Rahmatullah Ali
and then you have any memory and then the one who came after me
Shafi and then an email.
Two of them Imam Shafi and acima Malik, they came together and at
the time Imam Shafi was a student he sat down in front of the great
Imam, the Imam of in Medina.
Malik known as Rahmatullah he was he
was absolutely amazed
at how sharp the memorization of an imam Shafi Rahmatullah era and
he said to him the following in the Quran, and Allah, Allah
vehicle, Vika Lura fella two three have You vomited Marcia? I can see
that Allah azza wa jal has placed a nor a light in your heart.
Do not extinguish this light
with the darkness of sinning
Subhan Allah and Allah.
As time went on, they say the memorization of Imam Shafi became
effective, he started suffering from some memory loss.
His memorization was so sharp, imagine you have a Kitab right? He
would have to cover one side, just so it doesn't get mixed with the
other side of
photographic memory.
Lahu Artois.
So his memory became affected. You know what the reason was? They say
because he sold the ankles of a woman. So spine goes on the ankle,
and he looked at it.
And that affected his memory.
I remember before I was leaving, and Yemen
one brother said to me listen to him, because he knew I memorize
the Quran. He said, Mohamed, I advise you not to go back to the
UK. I said why? He goes, you may look at a woman and you will end
up forgetting the whole Quran. When I looked at her brother and I
thought, Is he being serious.
As time went on, I began to realize exactly what he meant. By
image Scheffer is memory becoming affected because he looks at some
bangles on a woman's ankles.
Now you live in a sexualized society where women are
Just about every banner. And every billboard you have a half naked
that is being used as a marketing tool to sell a product. That's
what it's come to brothers and sisters. If only our sisters knew
exactly what society is trying to do to her.
They are there to strip you off your clothing to objectify you.
While Allah subhanho wa Taala has honored you as a woman.
And everything that is precious when you think about it. It is so
hard to get to a grid
who in his right mind walks around the streets of East London
flushing his bank card or the money they are stored in a safe
the diamonds and the power. It's very hard to get to. And now women
are precious. So it's hard to get to them. They are covered just
like all of these other precious, materialistic things.
Anyways, brothers and sisters, he saw the ankles of a woman that had
bangles and they affected his memory.
And then he mentioned his very famous lines of poetry when he
Shaco to Isla okay and so heavily Farshad Annie and Arthur King
Massey, fast Bernie be underlined Manu Ron, well known Lila Daniels.
I complained to hear about my bad memory loss for a very long time.
I thought, why did he go to a Kia who's this individual called Rocky
and Adjara. He could have done to Mr. Malik he could have done to so
and so. And that individual payment to a Kia I'll tell you
guys why after.
I complained to Wilkie about my bad memory loss.
He advised me to leave off sending out of all of the advice that I
could have given him. He told him leave of absence
for Shannon electrical mass law what
he didn't say to me Imam Shafi. The glory days are behind you.
You've memorized you're bound to forget at old age.
fast burning dandelion, Manon
Well no Loyola your daddy I'll see.
He told me that his aim is they know it is a light
and this light is not given to a sinner.
As time went on, after studying this guitar brothers and sisters,
I was reading said Hola Mundo Bella and I came across
what was so amazing about working with giraffe, and it will make
sense as to why you went in
I even have some inventions
now right to da de Verkehr in Katana. I never, ever saw Akia
holding a book, never in the mountain will have everything was
from the top of his memory.
So I asked him man the world this year. What is the cause of
forgetting or memory loss is the reverse. You don't act upon it. So
they will Allah He said
cool mousey
to leave of sinning merger Rob Tomislav, I've never tried
anything like
the sense brothers and sisters, it deprives god
of being able to taste the pleasure of the Quran, to be able
to sit down and to recite Wallahi the sins that we carry out, it
prevents us
They could have made a lot of excuses for themselves. However,
they were self critical which you will come to in shallow dialogue
in a moment.
Even if Nakoda Rahmatullah Alayhi he says the following mean Melania
ephemeral Quran your talent to levy from the causes as to why one
may be deprived of being able to understand the Quran
and tasting the sweetness of it. Three things
number one, and number seven
he's someone who persists on the sense that he does everybody makes
mistakes, here is speaking about persisting on it.
He got away with it, there were no consequences. And sometimes that
happens, right? There were no consequences. So how about I got
away with it.
I was struck with any difficulty or any hardship or any financial
problems. Let me try it again.
And you're gonna miss out on Allah. Number two,
and you're gonna move Tell him we'll keep it
to be tested with arrogance. This is a huge factor as to how an
individual may be prevented from being able to taste the sweetness
of the Quran.
And he may make sense as to why we struggled to open the book of
Allah azza wa jal. It may well do brothers and sisters
even show some tips on how to lie on a fake Italia rug Alisha theory
Alright, so Cassie, are on midwinters Even in a lesson.
You've told me keep an eye so many, many of those who ascribe
themselves to knowledge. He's not just talking about the average
Joe, they see walking around the streets of East London law. He's
talking about people of knowledge are tested with arrogance. Well,
you're Ramona Hurricane Katrina.
They are then deprived of the essence of knowledge.
You've been studying or you've been upon a certain way for maybe
10 years.
Or you were brought up from a young age doing something that is
in contrary to the Sharia.
You become old white vein, you have a little bit, someone comes
and corrects you, who are you to come and correct me.
That's the kind of response that comes out of your mouth.
I knew what the Sunnah was, before you knew what a sandwich was, what
Elia had this ammonia is by one of the pioneers of the dialogue when
I was in Yemen throw Do you want to tell me what the Sunnah is? I
knew about a pseudonym before you knew what a sandwich was.
I heard statements such as
I used to clean your backside. Now you want to teach me how to make
although all of this Brothers is killer, it's arrogance. And the
messenger colonialism said arrogance is bottom half
wantonness, to belittle the people
and to reject the truth.
Does that make sense to my brothers and my sisters? We really
have to empty the vessel. This heart needs to be cleaned.
Otherwise we will be
deprived of that, which is going to grant the salvation, and I
think it's important that I touched on this
statement of imminent Joseph Mitchell like it, a lot of the
time we talk about it What's so good about El, many people think
that you only seek knowledge. If you want to become a chef. If you
want to become a serious student of knowledge, now allow
brothers and sisters pay attention to this very important point.
Would you agree? Would you agree that because of a lack of
there is that which is inflammatory. Considered by the
text. I'm not here by the way, brothers and sisters to express my
own views and opinions.
I'm just quoting
there is a morals sexual practices that has become normalized in the
The world's become a very colorful place.
You want to cross the road, the zebra crossing is rainbow colors.
It's become a very colorful world, right?
We've become so desensitized. So what is unacceptable morally as
per the scripts, and by the way, brothers, sisters, this isn't this
isn't only a Muslim position.
The Jews believe the exact same thing and the Christians. I
believe it's 230 Jewish rabbis They call themselves the Torah,
and mental health experts and doctors. They came together to
take a unified position against the telephone team.
Saying how this is what harmful and immoral?
Does that make sense?
But then as Muslims you feel extremely embarrassed and shy to
speak about what is in the Quran. Come on brothers. We are either
made to feel that we have to have coalition's with them or we must
be on the backfoot
the point I wanted to make is likewise, how to be a man
how to be what a man
toxic masculinity.
Alpha Male materialshe People are taking guidance from an individual
for half the times he is absolutely filthy evil.
The feminists have had a stronghold on society for a very
long time. And now the opposite has emerged. Shabaab are glued to
these individuals either a feminist or what now this new
isn't in line with the Sharia. I will allow a lot of it isn't
points I want to make my brothers and my sisters
teaches us how to navigate and maneuver around fitness to shoot
for fitness to share what
the fitness of sexual temptations and desires
teaches you that.
Put your hand up if you came to my lecture yesterday in Edmonton
Islamic center.
Play to me Let me ask you guys a question.
When the Why have an ISIS blocked use of interrupt. And she said
let's go.
What did he do?
He saw refuge from Allah azza wa jal and then
they just sit there. What did he start doing? He ran away from her.
Run away from her right. Is this not a how to deal with some of
these sexual temptations? Today, a sister slides into your DM, right?
And then the shaytaan whispers I'm going to give her Dawa.
She ends up giving him Dawa.
Her looks and love giving him dialogue.
Because of you entertaining, that which you should have ran far away
And there's so much more that can be led brothers and sisters so
much more.
Does that make sense? But how to deal with the day to day struggles
and challenges.
Likewise, money Malleus thought was around when Jabril came to
Africa methanol Robuchon Surya in the form of a human being, they
should just sit around entertaining this man for just
approach that in your own development. I seek refuge in
Allah azza wa jal from you if you are someone have to stay away from
That's the response. She never got to
excited I'm getting a little bit of attention
teaches us a lot. So that
enables us to maneuver and navigate around these temptations.
And most importantly, also brothers and sisters Pfitzner to
Shubo hat.
The fifth now of Dallas, we are taking our kids and our brothers
and sisters, to these universities and the schools
which have breeding grounds for cohort shake, and all sorts of
evil, agreed. And even more so. So they are being fed a lot of
colorful things
and then when the child comes home asking questions, we get angry, or
we say that she has or he has a gin now internal agenda.
He just doesn't know he wasn't taught how to tackle a lot of that
which is facing and now. Hello, he has every right to ask us
Brothers and sisters their enemies not just to become an island a
It will help you immensely in dealing with a lot of your
problems. Has anyone here watch the lecture on my YouTube channel
called filthy fathers, cheating husbands and premixing
put your hand up if you have
hamdulillah so I can ask the question why
if we sit here and we speak about why you shouldn't gender mix,
people say are heavy come again. Haram please write backward minded
out of touch with reality. What do you mean don't gender mix we are
in a 21st century.
I mentioned a hadith and verses. But what I also did, I mentioned
firsthand accounts of people who fell victim
to gender mixing
a woman would open the door come with your husband's and let's all
sit around and have tea
what happens and by the way, I took all of these accounts from
some q&a Because they emailed in
sharing some of their personal experiences of how they fell
victim to the gender mixing walleye some husbands were
cheating on their wives and they are in the same house
because of his gender mixing and probably the woman that's writing
this email she's writing a watch she's what
crying eyes eyes.
I remember I said something when I was going through these different
It's times like that when I really appreciate knowledge.
Because they Cherie I tells us how to save our relationships. All of
these people are emailing in
the talking about how their relationship broke down. I lost
the love of my life. My husband,
I lost him because I innocently opened my house for people to come
Can you see our M comes in extremely handy for not being
alone with the opposite gender Maha Rajan Mamre de la Cannatonic.
The machine one never does a man seclude himself with a woman
except that the third one? Well, I don't care if you're a chef. I
don't care he or she is solid and frozen.
Or one of the great scholars of our time. Have you think that you
can control yourself when you're alone with them? Then I think
you're alien.
You're not a human species.
As men, that's our biggest Phitsanulok to be honest here
According to Mirova, who use the limb Puck, no, could barely see
properly. Right? And he was paralyzed.
He never had a wife. You know what he said?
If you make me the Chancellor of the city, I will take the job in
charge of the wealth. But if you ask me to be in charge, or to look
after me to show her an ugly slave then I wouldn't do so I don't feel
comfortable. I fear for myself.
That makes sense. My brothers and my sisters. This is teaching us
how to have a way of life that will protect us from a lot of
heartbreak, a lot of problems, a lot of struggles, a lot of
difficulties that we experience when living life.
So going back to the point that I mentioned brothers and sisters
about aliens shaitan does not want you to study
if you're not studying
And then know that the Satan has managed to get the better of you.
Why do I say this? Look, white men chose to lie and he mentioned
he died by the way in the year 590, Judas maybe over 800 years
Allah No. And Owen, tell bees to Iblees. Ireland, Nancy subdomain
again, the first deception of iblees was the rocky away from
This knowledge that will give you the insight of how to deal with
doubts, that will shake your Eman and also some of the sexual
temptations that will lead you towards that direction.
Shaitan doesn't want you to study he will look for every way to
block away from knowledge. And that is because there is no it is
right. For you. The Oxfam has not been uncovered on the dilemma of
Russia. If you manage to extinguish the light, you will see
yourself stumbling in the darkness
does that make sense? My brothers and my sisters we don't just study
because I want to become the next share. I want to become the man
here to do the harvest. A new very massive
that's not why we study
your salvation in this dunya is totally dependent on you taking
time out to study the deen of Allah subhanho wa Taala
also that which I want to make mention of as to why we may be
struggling to read the book of Allah azza wa jal has music
entered into our hearts immunostain Rahmatullah Ali. He
mentioned the very powerful line of poetry. I remember when I was
younger, my mom caught me with music on my phone, we used to have
the Nokia, you know in for it, you connect to the guy's phone, and
then he transfers the music files.
Because remember, it's
best to hold the phone together for like 10 minutes to move one
So I will give the phone to a classmate and throughout the hours
in school, he will transfer it. And then one day my mom caught me.
She said to me, I'm Hemet. I know you want to memorize the Quran,
you will not be able to do so if you are listening to music. We
always think our parents are backwards.
They don't have a clue of what the reality on the ground is.
Yet later on I started studying I came across his line of poetry
when he said Chable Kitabi worship while hanging Alina fatale beyond
delay ch Sirmione
the love of music
and the love of the Quran are two things that just can't come
together on top
does that make sense? Because
I'll tell you guys about a friend that I had in in Medina
should I mentioned it later on?
I'll mention it all
right, I
know I mentioned it later on
my show later here because this you're probably thinking to
yourself * addicted to Netflix.
This is what may be going to prevent
them from entering into my heart is that it? This is what rushes to
people's minds. The moment we speak about sins that will prevent
knowledge entering into your house
Have you guys heard of Have
you seen
this title half it? Does anybody know what half it may not have the
user today have is
back in the day if someone has the title habit how many have you
doesn't need to memorize in order to have this title of habit
100 1000s 100,000 Hadith
even the hedgehog mentioned about this individual
fantasy volleyball match for that the Hatton for it
he forgot the majority of though he memorized and even the Quran
you know the reason was well Creole in no Canada, Africa or in
in America Canada seven.
Milwaukee it fineness because he always used to rip into people. He
always used to rip into people. And because of that he forgot the
majority of what he memorize. And also the Quran.
100,000 Hadith brothers and sisters.
When I came across this statement, a lot of things began to make
sense to me. I will see this brother in Yemen Wallahi
Opening the Quran will sit down for 10 minutes
it was close it go off for 20 minutes and come back open the
Quran sit there five minutes and leave again
for the state in Yemen in the match for years and he still
didn't memorize the Quran and likewise he struggled even
understanding the Arabic language
and he's just like everyone else who's gone there to study you know
what his brother was known for? I'll just put Syria
he was sent around
the ship is like that the church is like this T shirts like that
the shirts like this non stop
makes a lot of sense now brothers and sisters right? So a lot of
Whatever sin it might be, whether it is *, addiction,
adults content,
you struggling to stay away from your girlfriend, whoever it might
be or whatever it might be.
sins have a detrimental effect and being able to acquire this know
that will
be your salvation in this dunya before the hereafter
How long do I have
lie? I've got another lecture in the OSI
just check for me how long will it take to get there?
Or someone else maybe he's using his phone just check the pipe I
follow. I would love to spend more time with you bros. Like I said, I
feel like I'm Indonesia.
I feel like you're in a Muslim country seeing all of these
Families Together.
The second consequence of serious health man or risk
being deprived of provision
Did you know my brothers and my sisters
that the sins that we carry out has a direct correlation with our
financial status.
What's my evidence for it when the messiness allottee was some set in
Judah now you around Morris will be healthy at any one is deprived
of the provision because of the sin that he carries out.
You know, the out office they have a save you know, the thing is, I
don't know that you saw Have you ever go on holiday you saw Have
you ever gone?
No one who has haram relationships, he's going to
become bankrupt.
The one was haram relationships is going to become bankrupt.
There are so many different weak narrations as well, that how Zina
has a direct impact on
your financial situation.
You know, brothers and sisters, I receive a lot of messages of
brothers struggling with * on Instagram, saying I
have this issue I have that issue. I'm become addicted while atheria.
And I can just say just about every single message that I
receive of someone who's struggling with *. He
always writes in that message. I'm struggling financially as well.
Just about every message
you provinces with me.
There was a brother that one time called me
LIVE in Birmingham.
He said, no matter what I try, I just don't seem to be able to find
a job.
So I asked him, because you know what this book changes your life
changes the way you think. I asked him? How are your relationships
or your relationship with your father, your mother, I just happen
to ask that. But before that I think I questioned as to whether
his private life is found or not. How's your private life? He goes,
No, I'm not addicted. I don't do any of the stuff that how's your
relationship with your parents?
This is now
the answer that I was looking for in order to help him
he says I have a very very bad relationship with my parents. I
said why?
He said I started practicing and I came to know about raising your
hands in the Salah.
And this is very very important I'm about to say. We know that
raising your hands in the Salah is sunnah Hadith, Abdullah of normal
canovee Somebody was telling me are very they had an incubator
that Xanadu with a Kimberley record with a lot of harassment
requests in Varanasi.
However, many families they don't know that this is a tsunami.
So he's learned something he starts rubbing in his dad's face
All right. He says rubbing in it doesn't look is how I pray.
What is that taught him not to raise his hands from a young age?
Why don't you go and Dad, look, I came across this have a nice
relationship with him a nice discussion.
And because of that they're getting into arguments, something
as small as that.
They're getting into arguments. I said to him, you're 110% Wrong.
He started disrespecting your father and your mother. Because of
a sunnah that you learned, which you didn't approach in the correct
way when discussing with your parents. What like some parents,
they think the moment you start raising your hands in the Salah,
this is the first step to joining ISIS. Do you know that? Some
parents think that
and because of that, they may react a certain way. And you as a
young man should deal with it in a more smarter way. You're here.
He's arguing with his mother. He's arguing with his father. I'm like
The biggest right after the right of Allah is what? How you are with
your parents.
This is a major huge sinner you're falling into are told to get
tequila go and kiss them on the forehead and say sorry.
You think a father or a mother will reject a hadith and cite
He could have easily taken the Hadith book and said that look, I
came across this hadith. Maybe the father was or Subhan Allah I
didn't know. But he's rubbing in his face.
Well, I called me back two weeks later, and he says, All the doors
open up for me. I'm doing this now I'm doing that. And whatever have
I'm doing amazing financially.
The sins that we carry out brothers and sisters has a direct
impact on our financial situation.
In the Rajala Johan risk, the hottie at Indiana, someone may say
to me, I don't know probably someone's gonna ask as I'm walking
out. Look at all of these kuffaar Look at all of these drug dealers.
They have the latest cars
and they have all the money.
They why hasn't the sins affected them?
Is money the only type of provision that Allah azza wa jal
grant see.
When you interview a lot of these people of money is
something that you will find common within a lot of them is how
they are so empty in their hearts.
Miserable so many issues in his life. And there's nothing more
worse than being struck with an empty heart.
As Monica Medina mentioned, I don't even have to obey Him.
you haven't been struck with a punishment more greater than
having what a hardened heart.
I always mentioned this and you've probably heard it before. Do you
guys know Logan? Paul?
You guys know ksi?
Guys, no, Justin Bieber.
Have you guys heard of The Beatles?
Or the Beatles? You guys are saying yes.
The elders know what the youngest don't the millennials. You guys
are outdated.
Ashamed middle column, there's a brother Oh, compiled figures. No
smell to Jana. He compiled small little clips. Of all of these very
well known famous individuals
who are saying exactly the same thing.
We thought the money would give us the happiness that we were looking
However, we on antidepressants, I have this issue of that issue at
Institute to it as well.
Let me also read this out. I wasn't planning to talk about it,
but I mentioned it
I remember sending it to a brother.
Have you guys heard of Jim Carrey?
Who's Jim Carrey?
He's an American Canadian comedian such as
Liberty said, I think everybody should get rich and famous and do
everything they ever dreamed of. So they can see that it's not only
on sa
condo my brother and my sister. It's not all about money.
It's not all about fame, which we are chasing
The Money cannot fill the void Wallahi you can be a drug dealer.
You have all of the money, and he may well be the Christ Himself.
I've had rapid say that I have rapid messaging me on Instagram,
crying the eyes eyes, please help me.
And the guy has like hundreds and 1000s or even millions of
followers and they are Muslims
so to answer a question, there is nothing more greater of punishment
than being struck with an empty heart.
He may be given the money, but then that is something that money
When you Venerable shahidul Hiva
let the one who is present conveyed to the one who's absent
who needs to hear this. All of them brothers and sisters, I
remember the Beatles were saying, Well, we thought he was it.
Same money, but then we realize is not the answer.
You have Britney Spears was crying in an interview. The interviewer
is asking what is it that you want? Because I just want people
to leave me alone. I want the paparazzi to leave me alone. I
just want to not be touched.
These are some of the figures that
our young women sisters are so crazy about and listening to.
What I want everyone to understand my brothers and my sister
especially the wealth that we use to disobey Allah azza wa jal
morosi Allah will be showing him in Life Center who Allah Sahaba
never do us something to disobey Allah azza wa jal with except
Allah azza wa jal destroyed us.
Have you wondered? Sometimes you know, we dropped the phone
or we get into a car crash.
The way we are as human beings, we are ready to point the finger at
everyone except ourselves.
It was probably the guy who was in IE his fault why I dropped my
phone here.
Agreed. So
have you guys heard them? How many have you seen in the students are
awarded on the Allah Allah Allah, this righteous man who used to
narrate from the lifetime of our era, you know, after him, he was
thrown into prison. You know why? Because he became bankruptcy.
How did he become bankrupt? He bought oil, you know, as
a businessman, you will normally buy things on credit, sell it, and
then pay the creditor bacsa. That's how many businessmen
operate. So he bought it. And then all of a sudden he found a rat
stuck inside of it. He bought it for a lot of money.
So you have to pull everything out.
Who do you think you blame?
The guy who sold in it
he could have easily blamed him right?
And that's how we are as human beings we're ready to point the
finger at everyone except ourselves.
He was self critical. When things start going wrong in your life,
brother and sisters, the first blade you should be looking at is
Nobody else
and I'm not saying that you just need to walk get punched and then
you turn the cheek
he will be held to account for but it could have happened because of
how you conduct it between yourself and Allah subhanaw taala
So Mohammed ceiling what happened to him? You know what he said?
I hear Abla Salah Deena Salah factory to the bottom. I degraded
an individual that I ran into over 30 years ago because of him being
bankrupt, sometimes walk past an individual right? And look at this
He goes I degraded someone over 30 years ago. And because of that,
I'm going through this now.
Because of that, I'm going through this now.
Allahu Akbar being self critical.
Does that make sense? He held himself to account he took a good
look at himself in the mirror.
And when you do that, you will see things taking a turn for the
as he told me to live in LA and in New Jersey mentioned in New Jersey
commented on the Spitzer the story and he said well me through
holacracy examples that these are many well known as an FBI veteran
Juan Manuel are the sovereign individual in RFO. Never I might
afflicted by some sort of distress, anxiety, hardship,
except it is because of a sin that I committed.
Maybe I start making excuses for myself.
And then all of a sudden, I begin to see the punishment or it's
foreign or whoever.
But when you hold yourself to account, things will take a turn
for the better and better.
So, last point,
on the last effect of since
I really want to mention it. Final thing when I find time
when your heart now brothers and sisters become so black, because
everything that you do, guess what? places a black.on your heart
after a point where your heart becomes so black.
And when your heart has become so black, it begins to project on
your face. So much so that you can tell a sinner from a non sinner,
especially if that individual has committed Zina
the type of effect that he has on an individual's face Wallahi
it is indeed extremely evidence.
He won't undo the narration that anastomotic saw a woman outside
and he looked at her more than he should have. And then he walked
into his my friend's house
man looked at him and then dropped his head semoga Nigerian Senator
you know why is it that some people they enter into my house
and the eyes committed Zina?
Subhan Allah hola there's so many answers I want to speak about but
I'll quickly mention this what Abdullah Naga said and also has a
Muslim in Nolan has an idea and in which the good deed it was the
glow of somebody's face.
Agreed. When somebody goes for armor and he comes back and he's
growing he wasn't Vaseline.
See, I was growing the good deeds.
Even when we are in Medina, a brother goes what can comes back
would like see difference,
especially when you wake up in the night
has an apostate Rahmatullah Alayhi by the way, this is a solution to
our sisters.
Whoever we can,
I might say to you that make us harm by need to provide an
alternative right?
It's good to provide alternatives. This is a wonderful alternative.
Has an anniversary of Motorola era said no value return.
Oh, my bad hygiene. I've been Lane maniacs any nursing we don't even
know ha why is it that those who stand up in the night they have
the nicest faces in the day.
He was asked that is the random color of money fell by some Allah
faced secluding themselves with Allah azza wa jal while the people
were sleeping. So Allah I covered them with his nor so my sister you
are not on your face, country or night person Vaseline on inshallah
You look great.
Likewise, my brother's
right on the LTM
for this I'm going to have to show off honestly I want to spend more
time he will lie. Like I said I'm really happy to be here
for allowing me to come to this wonderfully built masjid and his
lovely area normally I tell people make hit your to Birmingham more
or less
I hear the other three times a day I thought as
my brother good friend Yeah, because the white retracts he
walks into the area and all of the Asians they look at it
because everyone there is even Pakistani or Indian
that's how much mashallah Islam is there. Right
as Panama here this is now something we have to add to the
of places that people could migrate to
just documented here and why Salah welcome honestly, it was an
absolute pleasure. And I'll see you guys when I see you
for those who want to attend the lecture. The postcode is on my on
the postcard on my social media. So in some ways it
tagless I'll be doing another lecture on the trials and
something I forgot that
there's too many programs as we can.
The enemies of Excel or something along the lines of that shallow
Tada. I'll see you guys over there. Otherwise somebody come to
LA he or workout Subhanak