Abu Taymiyyah – Podcast Drowning in Jahiliyyah & Sin BTM Podcast
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All right. And it all started my sister. I say this to my sister
especially right. Pick up the phone, just dump it
Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah salam Wa alaykum
Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh and welcome back to beyond the member
podcast. I'm your host Muhammad vs Eid here at GLM beyond the member
we are a monumental day to day mashallah we're blessed to have
first time on being the Member Mr. Schiff obtained me Tamia. So I
it's your first time I have to give you you know the proper
intro Allama medic, Ramon you're gonna see my first podcast.
Masha Allah, I was actually telling you earlier I was like
looking through you know, the podcasts so we can discuss a topic
when mashallah 20 podcasts over 20 You know, they've discussed
everything I love about
having the law, how you keep him, Allah him the law, you Wonderland
hamdulillah May Allah bless you. I mean, so, you here with us? You
know, last time we were together, we're speaking, we're doing the
university talks university tour. You did a university tour back
last year back in November, October, November.
How was that you handled Arab land mean? Or Sally or Selim Island my
birth rahmatan in Ireland in Python lauscha hidden ambition on
one of the euro. Were there in a library and he was Suraj. And when
you're, when you're first and foremost, I think Allah subhanaw
taala for the different opportunities that it gives us to
spread his religion. Honestly,
that university tour went past 27 universities was one of the
most heartwarming projects that I've ever worked with. And for
those who are wondering, who was behind the this whole project and
some of the brains behind it, it was none other than horrible.
No Muhammad best
even Subhanallah from time to time I tell him, you know, I apologize
if, you know, we drove you crazy. It wasn't easy, putting all of
that together. And of course, the likes to show him was tough on
other brothers. So
honestly, it's something that I will never ever forget, I will
always appreciate and always be thankful for right? All that hard
work. And an effort that you put into contacting the icebox from
the Navy was sometimes you have to, you know, collaborate with the
SU, send over emails, go back and forth with the different
presidents now in that program together. Honestly, it was it was
so wonderful. Going past all of these universities, it wasn't
easy. But to see all of these Shabaab, these young people
attending the gathering, attending the lecture, wanting to benefit
and it really made me feel that there's still a lot of higher
you know, in the youth, the Muslim ummah, now that's really really
heartwarming to see, well, I you know, every now and again, I just
think about it. Any I think they call it the reminisce or menacing?
It really wasn't, you know, for me, obviously, I was on the other
side, you were there on the ground, you know, and from the
stories from traveling and getting there and going back, you know, it
was a, it was an amazing and amazing experience, you know, and
I only managed to make one of the lectures, which was in Aston
University and even that on my bed, it was it was really nice to
see the the lecture halls packed out, you know, everywhere you went
to Milan bless you. And regarding
these talks, you know,
they they are, they are really needed, you know, given lectures
and stuff like that, because many times we we like focusing on
different aspects of the data, and then we drive the data in that
direction only. So with this, it was it was something for everyone.
Would you agree with that? And without shadow of a doubt, I think
sometimes we
concentrate, maybe a little bit too much on students of knowledge.
Without a shadow of a doubt we want to bring us to his knowledge
even I you know, a lot of people may not necessarily know this,
they just see the odd flyer flying around of me teaching a book,
right? But Monday to Thursday, I actually teach students much on
write online
and we go through books like I've gone through to hate maybe seven
times I'm calling on the eighth time in the last two years on
number boondoggle, moron on Loma to be totally bat went through all
the books of tour heathen Arcada. Right. So I try to you know, focus
on bringing out the student that's going to inshallah Thailand and
inspire the people around him. Right. So it's very, very
important. However, we need to realize that the majority of
Muslims today especially here in the UK, they're not to Loveline
they are looking for this first spot.
If that's going to put them on that
right path of, you know, I need to seek knowledge. Every Muslim
should be seeking knowledge but many don't actually know that.
Right? Many people think that you only seek knowledge if you want to
become the next big Mufti. The next picture, I thought it would
lead me further to another Colima stimulus, miscellaneous said it
has an obligation upon every single Muslim. Like I honestly
believe you cannot function as a human being. Right without an
Islamic education. We're talking about when you get depressed, for
example, or you go through troubles in your life hardships,
how do I deal with it, you require knowledge. Just ask all of these
YouTubers I was actually mentioning yesterday when I was in
Dublin, right as an example, that we can't do without knowledge.
Look at all these YouTubers. Look at all these multimillionaires.
Look at all these very famous people.
Even though they have all the money, they have all the fame,
right? They've got the dunya open up
in front of them, right? And then they're still going through
troubles in their life. And mentally not there. Right then
antidepressants. They'll even say to look, we have double lives. I'm
talking about the likes of Logan Paul ksi. Yeah, Justin Bieber,
actually, one time sent it to my little brother. I asked him what
do you think? And he was shocked.
I said Subhanallah they're living double lives, you know.
So a lot of people that are, you know, extremely rich. They've been
tested with this and they don't they just don't know how to maybe
overcome some of these hardships that they're going through the
spiritual emptiness. This.
You know, it's lack of peace that they experience. Yeah. Yes. You
know, you, you study the deen of Allah subhanaw taala gives you
basic instructions to maybe how to deal with a lot of these problems
and a lot of these hardships. Yeah.
Yeah, definitely. I mean, there was a, there was a story I was
given by one of the Duat regarding a,
a person who was not a Muslim. And then the the, they went along to a
masjid. But the way they were they were, they look like they were
already a revert. So then the brothers who were there the Duat
that took him to another method. Because we were gonna go do
another talk there.
So he agreed, you know, and then when they asked the brother, if he
was Muslim said, I'm not Muslim. I just, you know, seen you guys. And
I thought, you guys, I was looking for an answer. And I thought you
guys were angels. You know, and I wanted to come along with you.
Right? So he came along, and then they took him with him, ended up
staying overnight at the masjid. And the brother in the middle of
the night, he's crying, the brother who wasn't Muslim, and he
was crying. And the day came through and asked him, Why you
crying in the middle of the night, he said, Because Muslims are the
worst people on Earth.
And he's like, Oh, the biller, what's going on now with scars or
mental health issues, whatever. He said, Why? Why are you saying
that? Is it because you guys have the answer to every problem on
Earth? In your religion? And you don't spread it? Subhanallah is
fun. Yeah. So when you when you mentioned that, that's what gave
me that. I remember that, that. That's something I experienced
that day had regarding and you'll be surprised a lot of people are
soul searching. Yeah, it could be the odd lecture, they're not going
to come to a solitaire method. And I'm going to come to get debit to
hate when you open a class on film, for example. They're not at
that level yet. So right, the majority of people, not students
of knowledge, like I looked around, and I asked myself the
question, why is it that all of these individuals, they've taken a
very different path in life? Yeah, perhaps maybe. Because nobody
inspired them? Nobody went to them. You know, we come across
that narration. And Elmo, laity and Miss traveled to write and not
the other way around. Yeah. Or you have to go and search for that.
No, we're not. We're not in that time anymore. You have to go to
the people. People are in a completely different world. Yes,
price. So traveling out to them, maybe doing the odd lecture in
their locality because they're not ready to seek knowledge. Right.
And in that lecture, you
try to inspire them that it's important that they learn that in
now, right, I'll tell you something's panela you know, I
went through Hawaii, about four principles. Chakra in Cuban
Islamic center.
Okay, it was so packed that, you know, they had to ask the shops.
Yeah, the chicken shop and the coffee shop, right? Can we play it
on the on the screen while it's live? And all these students can
sit there. I'm gonna show you how to actually speak to the shops
around, you know that a Jeep thing was the majority of those who
actually attended were university students.
Right. A lot of them. I remember recognizing them at the university
lectures, like I would stress when going through sort of the use of
Yeah, and so do you sort of 100 deals with so many different
issues? Right. Like, for example, use of resources for some gets
thrown into prison is going to hate right? Yeah.
You know, someone who has maybe been thrown into prison unjustly
or maybe even just there. How does he deal with that? Someone's
infatuate Yeah, nice.
on a societal issue that we have a man who's maybe married to
multiple wives owners, number of kids, different wives, how does he
deal with them? So it deals with so many issues, Pamela. And I
would always stress guys, look, we went through all of this, it
enlightened you with regards to how to handle some of the problems
and difficulty you're going through. And all of this knowledge
and this was only what I raindrop, in a in an ocean, right? Subhan
Allah. So what are these people, okay would realize, okay, this is
exactly what I need to do. Maybe I'm going through all of this. I'm
spiritually dead, because I need to live my life the way your
husband created, it craves for its creator, right. And you cannot
learn how you cannot know how to worship Allah except by studying.
And that's your sole reason of existence. Majority of university
students, they didn't come to listen to bunny rabbits and
rainbows. They didn't come for just like a hot softener. They
came because even the title, was it just a short one. Yeah. And
normally people look at the topic of shake and towhead as like
boring topics. And the mystery was that packed majority were students
from universities, right? So we have the necessity that the
majority of people they're not students of knowledge, a lot of
them than ideological assault. They just need that first spark
someone to kind of like put them in the right direction and perhaps
doing these lectures.
You know, we'd be in the light to Allah put them in that direction
and give it that spot. And even the message the lights, I'm give
reminders, then he used to give hotbeds he's to give hot buzz.
That's not a book on the on Moton. You know it's not Mattoon book or,
or a mitten.
Yanni is not necessarily also, Dora. Give her 20 minute or 10
minute hotbar message. Eliza. Mr. As Abdullah Massoud narrated
right, he would give reminders on Thursdays.
So reminders are needed. Now I'll tell you, I'll tell you something
spamela. Even on Joseph, he mentioned
he said the
right finish the highlight will fail he was a male Hadith ly
Academy yak 50 Salah has, I have come to the conclusion he says
that just studying and listening to a hadith is just not enough to
rectify your heart in umzimvubu Shame not Ohio another if you see
yourself as it has to be mixed with heart softness, reading up
the seer of the righteous before you like I love salsa, like I
honestly really love it. I'll sit for hours just reading books,
masala I'll be very honest with you at times what happens is he
begins to harden your heart. Because his monitor there's like
arguments, you know, this, this side and then that side and
sometimes in discussing things that are a little further doesn't
have much benefit. So I would always have like
a book next to me right now speaks about the lives of the people of
the past. So by the time I finished reading or soul fit, I
need something to kind of like
even though sulfur is extremely, extremely important, extremely
important. Yeah. You can't expect to understand fact without it No,
Even in today's day, and some of the doubts that are being thrown
around in recently Subhan Allah
was on the Jubilee YouTube, where you had a group of conservative
Muslims and liberal Muslims, right. And one of the questions
that were asked was for them to debate amongst themselves is hijab
So you had this liberal? Right? I said, I looked through the Quran
and he said, Only should
I say ha.
Said instead it should, and that can be interpreted as something
that is a must. Or an obligation. Someone also offer comes in
extremely, extremely handy. It's
extremely handy. Knowing how to use words and how to play around
with it and the principles they will soon. Yeah, yeah. So I think
it's very, very important to go out to the people to travel or
life not easy. Yeah, right. But the Companions has traveled the
Mr. Lives and used to send his companions to places like Yemen or
Musa lashari. Yeah. Right, Madam Chairman senemo, the way that to
give out to the people, someone has delivered the message to him.
Sometimes you get upset and we feel sorry for ourselves or so and
so became misguided in that locality. Many people are posted
maybe because you didn't go to them. They needed maybe that one
reminder, to inspire them to start this journey in learning about the
Shall there's a lot of hair in it every month that you cover.
Many, many miles were covered.
I personally enjoyed as well, because it was my time to just be
Right? Yeah. Sometimes having a lot of people around you, you
begin to actually
you begin to wish for just having alone time. Yeah. So sometimes a
majority time we would have brothers, you know, jumping in a
car. Some of them would go to cars, but sometimes just being by
myself, it just allows me to
live radically.
Now, when when we were there was one
when he was in particular, or she was in Sheffield. And the message
was really, really
packed alarm about universal and universal and I seen a few things
in that lecture hall that really caught my mind thinking. Okay, so
one I seen, the first thing I seen was, it was a sister who was in
the lobby. She was sitting in the lecture hall, and right behind
her, a sister wasn't practicing hijab at all. Right heavy,
especially the Sheffield Marshall, I must give a special shout out to
Sheffield guys, right?
They really took bullets for me, honestly, they risked a lot to
want to go into too much detail.
To have that program on. Yeah, right. Actually, there was drug
dealers there. I even heard some of them were carrying weapons, or
they came to attend the lecture in order to benefit. Like you said,
in a lot of these programs, you would have non practicing crowds,
just you know, just go and listen to the lecture. I will see this
guy on YouTube all the time on Tik Tok and even one against tick tock
about AI, this is going benefit right here you'll see Subhanallah
sisters not wearing hijab attending me feeling comfortable
and make it very, very clear. It's a very non judgmental environment
now, right. And some of them actually waiting for the spark,
like I mentioned earlier, write something to kind of like put them
on the right path. You have some members that lecture and they
would feel comfortable. Yeah. Not even mentioned in there, like you
don't don't start looking down on these sisters and these brothers
have attended. Right?
Subhanallah you know, because the fact that they actually, you know,
made the effort to come to the lecture, you know, that in itself,
you know, it could have been doing a whole lot of other things.
Exactly. Especially as a university student with all the
fitna and the facade that is available to you so easily
accessible, but they come to listen to an Islamic lecture.
Lightly, you know, it was absolutely
heartwarming to receive emails, yeah. And they will see, like, I
wasn't even practicing, I don't wear hijab, I really, really
benefited from the sort of use of lecture. Right? And, you know, I'm
thinking of
taking certain steps now towards my religion and so on and so
forth, man. And then that kind of Allah here, you know, pointing
towards in reality, yeah, it's priceless. All right, absolutely
priceless. No matter how much you spent, even Allah azza wa jal, he
says, this right side comes to mind. Now, in fact, the method or
the Jamia murderer lifted me in a hole on him. It's Allah azza wa
jal, that brings the hearts of the believers towards that which is
correct, and towards a loving one another. Right. If you were to
spend everything on the earth, or Muhammad, you wouldn't be able to
bring the house together. So we're just means but to see that
happening realize absolutely priceless.
So today, you know, because we were talking about this, you know,
I wanted to the session that I would have with you, on the
podcast to be dedicated to those people who either are thinking
about it, they're looking for that spot, like you said, soul
searching, or the the the maybe he's just at the beginning of that
stage, right. And I've put together like a series of
questions that I want to ask you. So those people who are watching
can inshallah benefit from this discussion? Tomorrow. So my first
question I had for you was, what are some of the things some of the
reasons that a person, right, may hesitate? Right, may hesitated
start taking the religion more seriously, for example, they see
that there's a Islamic lecture somewhere.
And they want to attend. But they hesitate. they hesitate, or you
mentioned this before, on your phone, you're just scrolling
through and there's an Islamic reminder, and you hesitate to
listen. So you would you do just you swipe to the next one. Right?
There's a there's a sense of hesitation. Right. So that's,
that's this a two part question. So that's the first part. And the
second part is, why do people mock religion?
I think there's maybe a number of reasons as to why one may feel
hesitant in starting this journey to Allah subhanaw taala.
I think one of the reasons is that one feels
not worthy of taking that journey.
We need to understand my brothers and my sisters, right, as some of
the companions they would have with people who were murderers. I
don't think you've ever met anyone. Right? Some of the female
companions. Before Ali Sam, they used to do throw off around the
Kaaba naked. Right? They would bury their children's handler,
right, I'm gonna be allowed to and I know, it says, I'm Ronnie, you
know more than Jehovah deity. There are two things, right from
the methods of Jehovah. One would make him laugh and one one would
make him cry. That which would make him cry would be what was
get his daughter. And having that I mean, historically, dimensions
are the world band, and he would bury her. And before he buried her
Like she would be getting the Torah, the dirt and then she would
be, you know, throwing it on his
The other one was Subhan Allah
you know he would he would get a an idol that he worshipped before
he goes to sleep it would put it behind them, your heroes will say
I would put it behind your head of Sony. So it can God me right can
protect me. And then after I wake up if I felt that I'm in a state
of health and and unwell I would just eat it.
So this is what I've done in idol worshipers, the worst of the sins
that we come absolutely astonished with. Right?
He did it with Allah subhanaw taala was ready to accept the
repentance, right? You may think 1000 steps away from Allah
subhanho wa Taala just one step back to Allah azza wa jal is ready
to accept your repentance. Right? And forgive you for everything
that you've done. So thinking that you're not worthy, it's actually a
trap from the shape when when you think about it.
shaytaan making feel like that. And this is why I always actually
use this example, in the university lectures. It doesn't
matter whether you have been clubbing right? I'll even go as
far as saying prostitution, so from the worst of sins, right? Or
when somebody has about someone's always doing this, or have you
been Allah subhanaw taala forgave a prostitute did any right?
Forgive that prostitute who?
Just quench the first of a dog? Spanish she took her shoes off she
filled it with water now she quench the thirst of his dog's
Right. And last Would you forgive her?
Right. So the door of repentance is open only I bet the Alladhina
surf island for similar tokonoma Rahmatullah.
Not Allah azza wa jal, he says, Ahmed say to them, my service have
transgressed against themselves, do not lose hope in the Mercy of
Allah. So Allah forgives all sins. So it doesn't matter what you've
done. You've taken 1000 steps away from Allah azza wa jal, it just
requires you to take that one step back to Allah azza wa jal, and he
is ready to, you know, with his vast mercy to forgive you and
protect you from
what you may have been going through. It's apparently it's upon
you to take that step as something that is universal. Everybody makes
mistakes, everyone falling into sin school when you add them up,
not just someone who makes a mistake or tuber hotsy
automobilia. Someone constantly makes mistakes all the time,
that which makes you stand out from all of these sinners is
repenting to Allah subhanaw taala returning back to him, no, no. So
I think that's very, very important. I think maybe another
reason also is misconceptions. misconceptions about the deen fake
news, Islam's like this, because of course, there's an ideological
war against normative ism. You'll always come across posts, even
SubhanAllah. There was once upon a time
I would hear different speakers mentioning that the kuffar the
orientalist, they would buy URL links that may have the word
Islam. So when you google Islam, that's the first one that pops up
on Google. So you come across some of these articles portraying Islam
in a very, very negative light.
Right. However, today Subhanallah with the world becoming like a
small little village, you know, anyone can just like open an
account and start spewing all types of evil, right? Yeah, and
associating with Islam, that which is completely free from, right.
Just ask, right? If you have this misconception about the religion,
just ask someone who is knowledgeable you can trust. Don't
just ask any random individual. When it comes to your car breaking
down, you're not going to go and ask any random individual, you're
going to do your due diligence, you're going to do your research,
so you don't get ripped off. Right, so that he does a proper
job. Likewise, when it comes to you being sick, or ill, you're not
going to ask someone who's in his first year of medicine. Gonna ask
someone who is
very well versed, and not just any random doctor, you're gonna look
for the best one. So once upon a time, remember
the only generation that will travel to Germany? Drummer, yeah,
it will travel the gym, because they had all the doctors that are
far better. They're ready to spend money. Yeah, and whatever have
you. Right, just so they could get the best possible treatment. Yeah.
And medicine.
And and I always say this to university students, right? Just
because you don't have the answer. That doesn't mean there isn't an
answer. Right. Subhanallah if you just started now learning
medicine, you're in your first year, there's a lot of things that
you don't know no one in their right mind will just put, you
know, throw in the towel, pull the plug. You know what, this is not
for me because you need to learn how you're going to be asked a lot
of questions by the people around you, because simply, you've now
taken his journey in learning about medicine. But you're not
going to ask because you don't know a lot.
The same goes with regards to religion. You're on a journey,
right? There's a lot to learn
And there are answers. So even a built a monumental lie Allah he
says when you sit with the with the righteous, six things change
for you. One of them is mineral, mineral Shakeela, the arcane
you've got doubts. Right? And then you will end up having that
certainty when you sit with the righteous, you know, those
especially you have knowledge and yeah, you know, I think that's
another important point is fake news. That is so widespread, a lot
of things that you come across, right?
Or something that came to mind now I delivered a lecture on feminism
quite some time ago missive on Manchester. Right. And I just
spoke about
the status of a woman in Assam, right and how Allah azza wa jal
has honored her in so many different ways. Like I seen
feminists commenting, I even pinned one of them you find on my
channel, I pinned one of them. Right, others got in contact me
saying Subhanallah we thought Islam was oppressive towards
women, whatever have you know,
sometimes bit of clarity can go a very, very long way. But you just
need to ask these questions, just like you would ask for any other
aspect in your life.
I think also
another important aspect is
the fear of being judged.
And I've seen it happen right before, you know right before my
eyes, someone starts practicing everyone starts looking at him
differently or Mr. Righteous. Just yesterday, you were doing this.
And now you're trying to tell us what is right and what is wrong.
Right, complete belittlement this individuals advices and his zeal
now to help others.
And that might end up putting him off as well. Right? I put him off,
but remember my brothers and my sisters? Right? Everyone started
somewhere. Companions likewise. Right.
They were the worst people as you mentioned, then they became
Muslims and they became from the greatest of them. Right and they
went through a lot. Take the profits as an inspiration. While
other could be but also looming public Avasarala could debo
the prophets and the messengers before you there were rejected.
They were abused, not just verbally, but physically. Look
what the Mr. Isom went through his own family relatives, right? Like
what happened with Ebola, have contempt but the other biller had
been with it, but came down. Right? He gathered people around
the Kaaba RMO people, the one who humiliates him is his own uncle.
And when you get attacked or abused by your own family, it has
a lot more than some random individual that you didn't know.
Right? So it's bound to happen, it's part of the package, the
moment you start practicing, the shaytaan will try to come through
people in order to put you off, right to drag you back down. So
just bear that in mind. It's part of the package, we all get it.
Yeah, up until this very day, a relative may just turn around and
you know, just completely annihilate me. Yeah. Because he
wants to kind of like feel better about himself, you know? Yeah. And
he's normal. Yeah, right. Remember, it's Allah subhanaw
taala at the end of the day, right?
We're trying to please, is this pleasure that you're trying to
acquire, right now, which really matters, what he thinks about
anyone else.
And so these things that, you know, nobody mentioned, you know,
regarding, you know, the things that may cause a person to
hesitate, you know, whether that being
being a person who feels that they are not worthy, and being a person
who have so many misconceptions about Islam, or they don't know
the true Islam, you know, and and the last one, which you mentioned
about the feeling that people want to judge you, you know, whether
you because you make a change in your life and used to be so and so
on, and so on. So, so, these are all things that will cause you to
a person to hesitate as to be hesitant to kind of, you know,
start that journey.
So, how then, as a person, do you overcome them? How do you
overcome, you know, we already missing the missus couple of
misconceptions, you said, learn, you know, ask the right people,
but how about you know, feeling you know, that you're not worthy
number one, and then secondly, how about when people are going to be
you know, pointing fingers? You used to be this we know your past,
you know, that cover kind of person. Now you think you can be
this the next day? How do you ever come I'll give you a simple
solution from the Quran. There are so many examples, right? Even look
what pharaon done to Musa when it came to him giving Dawa. Right?
You were fat, the fat, calorie fat one two minute caffeine, as you
call them, McAfee for Owens calling mo salah satu sama
caffeine goes but you did x y and Zed right? And now you want to
call me today which is wah wah.
So what they continued, like I said, you know you have to weather
the storm is not an easy pass to take. Right?
Greatest people, they went through all of these hardships. I should
do nothing better than Olympia Phil. I'm thankful
Everything you've done in Santa Monica Medina, the most severely
tested people on the Gambia, the prophets and and those are like
them and those are simulator. Right? A person is tested in
accordance to his religion. And just remember my sisters and my
brothers. Right? When you now decide to start doing good, the
shaytans gonna come down hard on you.
Right? It's gonna get even more tough, even if not lamer, had to
lay it says, a shape on a hurrah swimmer, you're gonna let him or
Johan mobilier say they're not gonna reach the dialectic. I
really love this call. Right? So shaytaan is most eager the moment
you decide to do some hair. And the moment you started, he's gonna
calm down so hard on you. So it's bound to happen weather the storm,
Keep doing what you, you know, are supposed to be doing. Be delight
to Allah, it's going to die down. That doesn't mean that tests are
going to stop is going to come back again. base that journey.
Remember agenda, he'll fit the agenda to Bill mCherry. Right in
order to get to agenda it's not going to be easy. And that's with
anything in life any success they should require, though to be easy.
Jana has been surrounded by difficulties by hardships by
trials and tribulations. Right. I have a social weathered a storm in
shallow Tyler. Right, you're taking this path of the MBR.
Right. And
as you mentioned in OS panela, the say when a person is is involved
in a lot of sins, and you know, doing a lot so many evil things,
the you know, shutdowns left them they're on autopilot. Even the
people around you, they'll be egging you on. Oh, wow. Yeah, you
did that. Certified.
Now, Chef, I'm one of the things sometimes the meat that may happen
once a person is embarked on this journey, you know, the mandate, of
course, is really high. And sometimes you tend to fall into
another trap. And you can correct me if I'm wrong, which is you
start to develop a, a sense of self amazement, right? And almost
the question I've put down is acting pious, right? Instead of
trying to attain piety, right, and you see yourself you know, you
even you know how the people who are saying, remind you, oh, you
personally X, Y and Zed, and now you become this person, that you
start doing it yourself. You forget everything that you were
before and you start to look down on others who were doing the
things that you were doing before? How do you avoid that? There's a
verse in the Quran where Allah subhanaw taala says Kedah Lika can
too many herbal feminine Alaric you will like that once upon a
time. And are you going around looking down at others treating
them? harshly? Right? Imagine somebody treated you like that.
When you were starting that journey of becoming a better
Muslim. Right? You were like that once upon a time. And well, I will
say this right. And Shazam, embezzlement, Elia Lee mentioned
this. He mentioned two I can't remember the other one. He says
one of the main causes of one falling off his religion is
looking down on others.
Right? Do it like that once upon a time. Now you're going around,
looking down at others, right? That individual might be sinning.
But he goes home and he cries his eyes out. Y'all I forgive me. He
has a secret acknowledges between him
and Allah subhanaw taala can be mature and enfilade. Mahnomen for
summer, as the saying goes up until now, I don't know who said
it. But it's such a powerful statement. How many people do you
know on the face of it is the unknown, right? But they are known
to Allah subhanaw taala that sincere repentance that he makes
the moment he goes on? He might wake up in the last hour of the
night, yeah, Allah forgive me for my sins, and He makes that. But
then the shaytaan gets the better of him. Right, especially in this
kind of environment that you're in where one can just flip very
quickly and can easily fall into sense. Right.
And even the Subhan Allah what you mentioned about, you know, the
self amazement and just acting pious and not being pious,
in reality, reminding us something that
it will claim or have to lie on images says all about the self led
icon when he and Phil Why hurry, I do want the Level button. Don't be
a saint from the outside. And then you're an enemy of Allah subhana
wa Taala behind closed doors, right?
You just care about what people think. And then behind closed
doors you do in the heck of hydrometallurgy as you violate the
veil that is between you and Allah subhanaw taala right. Subhanallah
you start sending secretly think that you got away with it, and one
sees me as the righteous individual was practicing lifespan
lemon, that situation, you know, the condition of this person is so
dangerous. Right? Not blaming him too late only. You mentioned.
The noble Hello at Suburban cassete the sense that you do in
private is a huge reason why you're going to fall off. Why
bother to hollow out Cyber Monday Sabbath and everybody that you do
in private
is a huge cause of you remaining firm.
So this is what we should be focused on a lot more than just
this outside appearance where we want to show people that we're
great. And we're this way that
and social media really pushed that now, you know, social media
really pushed for people to showcase their AI that, yeah, even
one of the great righteous people of the past was asked, I was a
sign of sincerity, said that you have more righteous acts in
private than you have in the open.
Right? Yeah, yeah. Zacha monocle. nuffic. Now, the other thing is
all of that, you know, you know, about
starting to partisan and you may have led life before you started,
you know, to embark on this journey. Can we? Are we can Is it
advisable for a person to use the past sins as an example, for
people when he's talking about when he's giving Dawa. Now, you
know, and I'm not talking about like a high level guy who's went
and he studied, and so on and so forth. I'm talking about your
average Muslim, who's embarked on a journey. And now he wants to
tell people look, I used to be just like you, and he used to do
X, Y, and Zed. Now, I'm like, this is advisable for them to do that.
I think there has to be a balance here, right? You got those who
might boast about what they did enjoy the SubhanAllah. There's
something that
I still haven't forgotten.
Right. And this happens Pantalon back in 2010, when I went to
Yemen. I don't want him was sitting around. And we were
you know, just reflecting on the lives that we had before we came
to Yemen right?
Now remember, there was his brother Subhanallah, who began to
talk about all of the fashion that he was doing. I did this and we'll
do this and we'll bring these girls over. I'm saying there's
listening, because everyone's listening, right? I don't know any
better. I'm pretty new to seeking knowledge.
And then right, then he goes, and he does this with his hands.
I did all of it. Right? They don't have it as if he's proud to have
carried out sins. And that brother is no longer practicing anymore.
Right? And you can spend like, on a sense that he loved what he was
doing. You know, today you speak to revert and he feels absolutely
disgusted at the life that he lived back in the day. And yeah,
as you handle even the message the lady was sending me says,
When speaking about hello to Emma Walesa, Tinman YG the fina Wajid
Halawa to Iman, three things he says one was to find it, and you
will taste the sweetness of faith. One of them is, and yeah, Cara and
Yehuda, Phil Kufri, Camellia Cara, whoa, and a new coffee. Not that
he hates going back to before. The same way he hates to be thrown
into the hellfire. Does that make sense? Right. So the kind of like,
boast about Yeah, I did this man. I lived the life and whatever have
you. Of course, it's not something that is praiseworthy as well and
needs to be avoided altogether. Sometimes there's alasa. Right? It
causes you to become a lot more thankful to Allah subhanaw taala.
And it gives that individual hope, look, I changed my life. I was no
different to you running around the streets. Right? But then from
there, this is what helped me. Right? Like I sometimes tell
brothers and sisters, especially when I go to Northland because
it's my area a lot the Camden lot will end up attending even though
some of them are living drug dealing lives and whatever have
you. That guy's was there once upon a time. But what really
helped me was often My friend got shot. And that goes a very, very
long way very long way with this person who's listening. And then
the reason why I started practicing or left whatever I was
doing was because
nobody did anything after he passed away after your shot, no
one went out to defend him. Right? Kind of Islam, they'll get blood
money and his family will come up and no one did anything. Right.
I thought to myself, like if that happens to me tomorrow
and other people going to react the exact same way all of my
friends that I think so great have that. You know,
I love so much I'm going to basically treat me like that. So I
can go a very long way when you know, and he was panela.
Jabra someone I thought I'd be allowed to learn who he was asked.
Right? Did used to sit or spend a lot of time with the messenger
Salani was said yes. Right, going to jelly. So we would sit off the
fader all the way up until sunrise. Right and then the
Companions fade to head this morning. Emily Jania. So I'll
defend you they will sit around and they will speak about the kind
of lives that they lived before at least in engineer in the state of
ignorance. Right? And they would laugh with Hacohen and the
prophets Allah it was sending them with smile.
While they were discussing this amongst themselves, remember
nowhere since I must let me commented on this and he said are
fi Joe's Wi Fi. There was
adcb Behringer hadiah
the shows purposive permissibility of discussing
the JD of an individual and what they used to do. Not only are we
mentioned example of Ermitage tablet the allowed to
write says two things from the affairs of JD one of them is that
which would make him cry and the other would make him laugh. Yeah.
And so when somebody hears the story now, I'm gonna talk with you
a lot and I know and he's like an idol worship
that before you go to sleep, you will put the idol next to your
hero Sunni because you think it's gonna protect you. And then when
you wake up in the morning, and Allah azza wa jal has granted you
you know Afia health and safety right you just ate
one thing this is what I'm worshiping something I can I can't
hear and I can't see in the condo anything just an idol. Doesn't
make you think. Yeah when Allah says in the Quran with the Quran
and meta lie article, it's going to matter. Now remember the
blessing of Allah upon you used to be enemies amongst one another
file every Nakula will become Allah azza wa jal saying up on the
right to remind them also has Raj who used to murder one another.
Right You know, they have post Cold Wars here right? Turf Wars
and whatever have you these to fight Subhanallah and murder kill
one another. But most trivial things
as Hanalei you know the moment that has to be the fanaticism is
about to kick in you remind them look, this is what we used to do.
Law saved us from it seen as a masa him that right? So we need to
be pretty balanced with regards to this. Yeah, yeah. This is not like
one way here. There's always a balance in between and there's
like a locker. Now I want to talk about is maybe a bit more
issues that people may face, Inshallah, on the on the way to
making a change in their life, and some of these are quite specific.
Inshallah, for individuals who may be struggling with stuff like
this. And one of the first things that I that came across and I
thought about asking you was regarding haram relationships,
right, being in a relationship, you know, that's, you know,
obviously, Islam only recognizes one relationship and which is
marriage. So being in a relationship, haram relationship,
how do you go about then ending it? Right, because your, you know,
your heart can be in two places, if you may. So what is what advice
can you give someone who's trying who's struggling with this or at
the moment? One thing I will say is that a lot of these haram
relationships, they don't end well. Just ask me like on
Instagram, the amount of messages I get from sisters, Oh, you made
me all of these promises. Please help.
I feel absolutely distraught, broken.
Promises that anything that starts with haram, don't expect it to end
in a halal way. Even shareholders same team are hammered to lie on a
says what I learned in the Quran, lemon had mushy and naledi Lehi
Fela Buddha Yoda Rama
says know anything, right? Or anytime an individual now love
something for other than Allah subhana wa Tada sake is bound to
hurt him. It's only a matter of time before you are hurt by it. So
explains why you know you're going through a lot of trouble and
you're broken. Right? The fact that you didn't know this haram
with him, he doesn't see you as wife material. Because if she'd
done it with me too much, you're going to have someone else, like
habibi. I speak to drug dealers, some of them are my friends.
Right? Not not not like that.
I speak to them and we engage in conversation, I sometimes take
them out with just, you know, we talk or you'll see a drug dealer
saying, right?
I want to assist that has never been touched.
Right? All these guys are lose, you know, start everything with
them. And
this is how drug dealers talk.
Right? He looks at you as a new, something that can just be
disposed of like very, very quickly. I've got nothing to lose
muscle, you know, if I'm going to do the marriage thing properly,
I'm going to do it properly, like with someone move straight? Yeah.
Right. So my advice to my sister is, right. You know, pick up the
phone and tell him
and right now, as soon as you listen to this, whoever's
listening to it, pick up their phone call and just tell him it's
Right? And do it for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala when you
leave something for the sake of Allah, Allah will always give it
which is better. I would love to go into a lot of detail with
regards to the statement that I'm gonna help. It's one of my
favorite statements. He says, I have a Tula hum Senior Center.
From our budget to hello with a lot. He barely had to talk to the
rest of the show. I worship the last 50 years.
And I didn't taste the sweetness of a bad worship until I left
three things.
One of them is talk to Lila NASA hataoka Deltona, tecalemit. I
stopped trying to please everyone, and I was able to speak the truth.
Right and when you do that, what happens? People start feeling
extremely uncomfortable around
All right, Scott is always you know, killing the mood killing the
Right? There was a second thing that was mentioned with Dr.
Sabbath Vaseline to Sabbath funny. I stopped hanging around the bad
people the transgressors. And then I was able to find good, you know,
friends, good companionship. And if you look Subhan Allah the to
have a connection with one another. You started killing the
Viber put in quotation marks. He started using the Islamic card.
Oh, we shouldn't be doing this. We shouldn't be like it's only a
matter of time before you end up leaving them or they'll kind of
they'll feel very uncomfortable around you. And Hollis. Yeah,
yeah. And then what happens after they've left you Allah azza wa jal
will bring in righteous companionship into your life. And
it all starts with you.
And just saying the right thing. Yeah. Right, killing the mood as
they say.
And yes, you might go through a period where you can't be lonely.
But be patient must be patient, my brother, right? Allah azza wa jal
does not fade, his promise, the message, some items are in nickel
into that shiny, tiny little article hiraman, you're only if
someone for the sake of Allah except Allah will give it out to
the better. Right. And then the third thing that was mentioned is
I talked to Hello dunya.
You know, I stopped chasing after the dunya, the sweetness of the
dunya, I was able to find the sweetness of the Hereafter. And
again, we all have a connection started with killing the vibe.
Allah took these bad people out of your life, replace them with good
ones. And then you've got the good ones who remind you thereafter,
righteous people, you don't see them sitting around, talking to
you about the latest car to go and buy their own. You have Allah has
oetjen Right? And they all started my sister, I say this to my
sister, especially right? Pick up the phone, just dump it.
And you have the courage to do so now. And yes, if you feel
heartbroken you feel like wanting to go back and whatever have you.
I advise to pray.
Right advise to pray the message Salani was sending whenever he was
going through a tightness in his chest, some sort of anxiety, some
sort of
difficulty in his heart. Right? What do you do? Allies are
generally 1000s in the horror genre like analemma and Nokia the
sadhaka semicolon that said, we have a Hammurabi code as
we know you're going through a lot of tightness and, and difficulty
and agony in your heart. We know Right? Allah will tell him for set
behind Arabic due to spear Subhan, Allah Subhan, Allah Subhan, Allah
hamdulillah and so on and so forth, and be from the Sagittarian
pray. Right.
When the missile is on kanamycin the hazard what I'm on says that
in the Salah, you know, the Hadith, whenever you went through
the he would rush to the prayer
shall say something. You know, I don't think I've said this
publicly before. But when my brother got stabbed,
Lai was one of the most difficult periods of my life.
I see, it was so hard to deal with.
However, I remembered, you know, it's times like this where you
have to put into application what you've learned, right? What would
the Miscellaneous, I mean, this kind of situation, do someone who
six out of his seven children, he would rush to the prayer, and the
law, He that prayer around that time. And it's not something I can
put into words like how it would really, really helped me overcome
the pain and the agony. And maybe one time when I walked walked into
work, right, it was on the COVID period, actually started working
at a time.
The manager came up to me and said, I really commend and admire
how you're dealing with all of this because a lot of people knew
him at work. Yeah, some of them were his friends and he kind of
and this was a perfect opportunity to talk with him. Yes, the
prophets a lot he was saying.
He taught us you know, how to deal with it, you know, he had coping
coping mechanisms, right.
And one of them is the prayer on them as vicar and then the
laminotomy Nicola won't be the killer. Right? kuffaar What do
they do Muslims? They drink to forget we do they have to remember
a drink themselves to sleep whenever they go through some
hardship and difficulty. Now we have what is solo. So whenever you
feel any sort of pain, my brothers and my sisters has run into the
Braille. Exactly. Okay. You mentioned you mentioned before,
regarding, you know, speaking to drug dealers, and what I want to
ask you now is regarding to those who have the habits of actually
consuming, you know, intoxications whether they be drugs, or alcohol
and other haram substances. And they've developed an addiction,
you know,
what kind of
things can they do, you know, because they want to begin this
journey, and they feel this is holding them back, you know,
because we're talking more specifically now. You told my son
Really now become addicted and Yeah, someone who's just consuming
extreme of the actual, you know, intoxicants, you know, and this is
maybe it may be holding them back, you know from
beginning that journey taking that journey, you know, I would say,
seek professional help from licensed therapists and
Don't feel like that you have to,
you know, tread this journey by yourself.
I seek help and be open about it. I will even say to the parents
don't just like kick him out of the house, the moment he opens up
to you about his drug addiction, it's like he needs help, he's
actually coming to I need help. Right? Support him be there by his
However, of course, you know, if no, his drug addiction is going to
affect the rest of the children at home, you're gonna have to find
the solution. But I'm just talking about like, sometimes when parents
find out that the child has become an addict, and they completely
annihilate him, they want nothing to do that he needs help. Right?
And he seek some professional help for him. Take him to right but
people near suffers will be open about it to someone, maybe I can
really help you don't have to try this journey by yourself. No.
Right. And the thing is, it's important to mention that when we
talk about, you know, intoxicants and drugs, and addicted to them,
people automatically think like, you know, and then in this may
even make it even seem like the of course there are levels to them.
But drugs or drugs, whether you are smoking weed or marijuana, you
know, that it counts as actual drug because so many people,
people think oh, this is Jani. It is normal. It's not like, I'm not
I'm not taking heroin. I'm not taking cocaine. I'm not taking
these other drugs. I'm just doing the order. spliff here in there, I
gotta do something. Yeah. Growing up just about every individual
that I knew was big on weed is going through mental health issues
now. Just about everyone that I personally know who you smoke weed
in front of me? was big on it, like excessively, right?
It all starts you know, as you mentioned, just one spliff here.
Right? It's like, it's nothing big. And then one turns into
another. You're doing a lot more regularly now.
And he has a long term effects when the doctor say that drugs
have long term consequences. Right? Exactly. We're talking
about so many that I've seen Well, I actually feel sorry for them. It
breaks my heart now. Seeing them the state that they're in, to
going through a lot of mental health issues. Right.
And as the doctors always say, right. And this is an Islamic
principle as well. Prevention is better than the cure.
Right? Prevention is better than a cure. And he don't feel shy to say
no, no peer pressure. Think about the consequences. Think about your
future. Right? Now, sometimes just researching or maybe writing down
the consequences of me doing certain acts and go a very long
way. Right? You sit down okay, look, I'm going to write now, if I
do this, what is what does it need to? Or what happened to my life?
What would happen to my future? Or what happened to my, to my kids,
Allah azza wa jal protect us from that? Prevention is better than
the cure? No, right? Cut these people off. We have to learn to
say no, I've got a whole lecture in it. Someone has called we have
to learn to say no, it was in Australia where I delivered this
lecture. And it was revolving around a statement about how I
worship law for 50 years. I didn't taste the sweetness of faith until
I left these three things. No, right. I'm a principled
individual. And I'm not going to be bullied and pressured into
doing this or doing that. And when you are someone who carries
himself like that you will be respected by the people around
Right, we are in need of lead. There's not just people who are
like sheep in the process electrical ima just follows what
everyone else does. Yeah. Be someone who inspires change. I
puts people straight. And look at the respect that you will acquire
through that.
knucklehead that's um, you can't even put into words you know,
subhanAllah, the kind of that that world of drug abuse and substance
abuse is, is it's a different world man, Alana Stein, may Allah
protect us all.
Want to talk to you about now Shalom sisters who want to start
practicing the hijab, they want to start practicing the hijab. And
you know, and I've seen allies, and I've seen posts, you know,
brothers, putting posts of other sisters advising other sisters,
not to begin the journey of wearing the hijab. They're
advising them.
They're saying, you know, Yanni is you don't have to do it now. Or
that's not what Allah meant by saying the same thing.
talked about when the sister who was bringing up the is hijab
mandatory, and people who believe now that is not mandatory, you
know whether they want to play around with the ayat and and the
translations wherever the case may be, but their sisters who advise
other sisters to say, you don't have to you don't have to take on
this quote unquote, burden, the struggle of wearing hijab let's
quickly say something right?
We can maybe put the people into two categories. So there are some
who know what's wrong.
Right? And they accept Okay, look, I'm weak, I'm falling short. I'm
negligent. May Allah subhanaw taala help me now which is even
worse than this. And sometimes the person who comes across practicing
falls into this right? Or no, you don't need to do it. I don't speak
about the religion of Allah azza wa jal if you have no knowledge of
it, right? And then making others feel that they actually have
substance to how they feel and what they say and write
scatola speaking about the region of Allah subhanaw taala without
knowledge, I don't think we realize how serious actually is
Yeah, and salt a lot of Allah subhanaw taala talks about the
different levels of since Paulina Maha Rama Rama Alpha Hashem Alba
Hara minha button, when a small malleability will help you and to
Shrek will be ly mal immunity resultado when the Hora laminata
Animal speaking about Allah subhana wa taala, without
knowledge was actually mentioned.
was mentioned off the ship. Yeah. And this one, as I mentioned,
okay, here, you find Ethan was mentioned buggy, violation
ascending, and so on and so forth. Right? All these things were
mentioned. And it's going in order with regards to seriousness. So to
ask, okay, is there anything really that's worse than shit? And
in the scholars they debated? Why is speaking with that knowledge
being mentioned off the ship isn't shipped the worst of the worst?
When you think about it, right? When you fall into sherek, this
stems from what stems from speaking without knowledge now
attributing to Allah as the agenda which is free from now, right?
associating partners of him all of this is based on gel near an
ignorance. So
it's a very, very serious, you'll end up maybe attributing to the
dean, because when you say this now, right? You're saying, okay,
that the Sharia is actually, you know,
claiming this Subhanallah you're in a better position to maybe do
it then or to do this or you don't just leave that aside? Yeah.
If they are singing, and they know they're singing, okay, levers, and
let's help them now overcome this by, you know, supporting them on
the journey for you to say don't do this now. Okay, with which what
evidence you're actually giving a welcome shot. I know you're giving
an Islamic ruling.
So be very, very careful, especially so anyways, I just
digress there. No, no, it's fine. So we've got to get into that
sister who's getting this advice? Or maybe she's not getting it
advice. But she actually she wants to start, you know,
taking on this honorable act of worship of, you know,
having the hijab.
Well, I have a number of things that we mentioned, one of them
could be that everyone is in need of moral support, right. So start
with a friend, someone who wears the hijab, sometimes being around
individuals who do something. Yeah. And he really makes it easy
for you just think about Milan for a moment. Right? And compare that
to someone who needs to make up fasts that he missed. In the month
of Ramadan. Everyone is doing it is so much more easy on the knifes
agreed? Yeah. And then even if there's one day that you need to
make up for life becomes like a huge burden. No one else is
fasting. If tardy time, right? Food is not on the table like it
is in the month of Ramadan. Right? So Subhanallah, collective Ibadah
can go a very, very long way. Even if you look at the Hadith of the
man who killed 100. Yeah. What did the scholar instructing with?
Because in Polish law, or the Kedah waka interview lesson? Yeah,
go do it Allah. So if I would deliver,
I deliver the lecture I actually took 21 benefits out of it. One of
the benefits is what I just mentioned. Now, when you're around
the group, Phoebe told them leave this locality and go to so and so
place, right? Go go to someone's place. And there are individuals
who worship allies and worship Allah with makes it a lot easier
than when you're by yourself. Now, does that make sense? So when
you're around individuals who wear the hijab becomes so much more
easier, so much more easier. Right? And I've come across
systems like that. You know, sometimes she doesn't wear the
job. She used to walk around, you know, dressing inappropriately,
but now she's in a circle. She wants to hijab so she can easily
fit in and not feel odd.
So, honey, share this journey with a friend. Now that friend can
encourage you, right? Also, what I can suggest is the moment you
There is something that will help you insha Allah to Allah, stay
firm in this, right? And remember, Shere Khan was better Oh chef
mentioned this right? Very powerful Hadith of the prophets,
Allah is the Arabi that came to him and said in the Shariah
disseminated castriota, Allah,
the obligations of Assam become too much for me. Right? Can you
give me something that is Jeremy comprehensive a template to it,
that will help me remain firm on it. You may look at this and
think, Well, the first part of that is right, that he found it
too difficult. And he's asking maybe to be pardoned from certain
obligations, that he's asking for something that's going to help him
continue these obligatory acts.
He said, Now he has led Sanlucar or automobili Karela. Keep your
tongue moist with the remembrance of Allah subhanaw taala.
Does that make sense?
So when you do an act of worship, and you remember Allah azza wa jal
much with your tongue actually strengthens you. Gives you Oh, my
soul to the lies. Oh, God says we are called Mr. Robinson. Matobo.
Welcome, Mr. Robert Matobo. Really, your sistema de comida.
rara, why is it worth an article? Write,
such as people, and you do so far. I the last panel, the title will
send the heavens on raining, right?
We'll send the rain down from the heavens. And he will give you
strength of Austrian liquor.
Right. So when you feel like he's getting a little bit heavy, a lot
of liquor, I do a lot of liquor. I think sometimes we fall short. And
that means that you buy these things. And there's a bit
controversial that I mentioned this, but I'm just gonna say it's
There's a bottle of the library fix the last thing Sharla before
we do a an overall of what two more questions and inshallah I've
kept you we could be here for hours.
The the person who,
who've started this journey. Now, you mentioned something very
interesting regarding a having people to do that rather with you
know, and it will strengthen you. Now, this may come in the show, in
the shape of a form of a friend or a spouse. Right. So that's my
question. So now, very long way now. So what kind of person you
end up? Indeed. So now about the person who, what advice can be
given to the person who,
on this journey started this journey and wants to find a
spouse? They're looking to find out and that the problem is, like,
we mentioned so many things today. Regarding you know, hesitation is
the perfect podcast for Instagram. If
you're asking what are the questions that Subhanallah you
know, always the Shabaab they send in Yeah, even that, that
discussion that we've done before that was SubhanAllah. So perfect
anytime now, someone asks a question, well, a very common
question or just send them the podcast. Now. That discussion that
we had in green invested so long ago, honestly, I really loved
that. It was amazing. The only reason I really loved it is
because it is gonna save me a lot of time. A big problem that I have
heard is I received so much correspondence actually read it,
Masha, I read the emails that I receive, and a lot of the
Instagram messages up. I just don't have the time. I don't know
how to get back to them. Now. I might respond to one it still says
nighttime plus, it's apparently any it won't show us 100 Because,
you know, it just is nighttime, but I just can't. Yeah, but him
delay, you know, brings me so much joy when someone asks a question.
I sent him a video. The other day someone asked about what's Versa,
with our study suffers from you know, the whispers of a shaper
when it comes to
those. Yeah, yeah. And I think you're exactly 100 in handling.
So, I think this will be good for the Sharla Instagramers aka fitna
now, so, of course, like look, you know,
these are these are like, your, the modern day kind of situation
for people, you know, and people see, like, the opposite gender,
who may be you know, what are they doing, you know, pull ups with the
machine in the background, and they got the left here and causing
a hadith, you know, and the sisters who, you know, who got the
different colored bulbs on but they never showed their face and,
and, yeah, Annie, your mind is just especially for if you're a
single person, you know, this idea this fantasy of have marriage is
you know, what can we advise our brothers and sisters who are who I
owe soul searching in a different way. Soul Mate searching, if you
kind of reminds me off now
other day when I was in East Baltimore, I did a discussion. The
brother who was on the panel with you asked me he goes, some some of
the sisters today. They want to practice and go with a with a
Do you know what a hint of Ruth I've actually wrote that down, you
shocked. I was like what?
I said in front of everyone started, like bursting into
laughter. Yeah.
And yes, I actually thought I knew the Shabaab and what they wanted.
Now girls want a practicing with a hint erode. Actually, the pleaser
Actually, I think that's a bit of an oxymoron. Like, someone who's
rolled like why is he just selling drugs? Or what is the only
he's made? He's got a nice car and he's doing haram at the same time
is practicing doesn't? Yeah, I think it's the mannerisms. You
know, it's a target sounds a little bit rosier. Yeah. Well, the
way he carries himself, you know?
Yeah, I think it's not rolled in terms of, you know, dealing with
haram and drugs like that. I think it's the kind of their mannerisms
or the way they they are, or maybe even to take it, take it a step
further is the understand the life of the ad, and then not a person
who may be
gullible and naive. Right, and think that the whole world is, you
roses and wherever, right? Everything they mean. No, I'm
just, you know, exploring. Yeah, I'm trying because ever since I've
heard it, I'm trying to think, you know, of what does that mean? You
know, it can't be that you're a practicing person and you want
someone who does haram. It can be that you're either a practicing
Muslim, but you maybe feel you want someone who understands, I
think we need to do some research on exactly what they mean by this.
Yeah, well, I
need someone who has like experience with the cost of Jania.
It's not bad marrying them. Yeah. He's practicing now and he's fully
on dean. And he's kind of like, as they say, streetwise, right.
streetwise now, I'm officially there's no issue.
Right? But the question is, do they actually really mean that
when they say they want to go with hinter road now?
Someone was still like, got one foot
in Jay Hillier? Yeah, this person's not going to be any.
Any you're going to suffer? Yeah. Right. He's still doing his drug
dealing, you know, half
half the time and a part time drug dealing. And that same time he's
practicing trying to have a family. I a lot of time, it
doesn't end well, because the sins affect your marriage. I think
sometimes we forget that.
I always give this example of the triangle theory and restore it.
Yeah. Yeah. Michel, Michel Foucault. Yeah, was with you when
you got to Allah as origin
at the top, and then you got the husband and wife, two corners,
right? When they do that which is pleasing to Allah azza wa jal,
because I'm getting closer.
And even the distance between them is getting closer, and they're
getting closer to Allah. And then when they do that was just a waste
of lives, but they're just gonna get further. No, this is an
Islamic concept. Right? It's an Islamic concept, the sins that you
carry out the affects your marriage, without shadow of a
doubt. Yeah. So he's like, partly drug dealing. Right? At the same
time, he's trying to remain Halal in his relationship, my sister,
these things are gonna affect you. Reread is
imminently mentioned is all about sort of someone's self said in the
last Illa Waratah urine feed dad, but he will not, I just will be
alive. And then all of a sudden, I see a change in my wife a change
in the attitude of my writing base, my family and so on and so
forth. He begins to affect you in many different ways.
So, just bear that in mind. So what about these individuals then?
If they want to, they're looking for a spouse? Now they're looking,
you know, you're looking at this.
Where do they find them? Yeah, not not. Not necessarily Where do they
find them? You know, but how do they go about looking? Right? How
do they go about looking? You know, I think I'm gonna address
something all right. Because there was big hype on this, especially
on tick tock because he got taken on to tick they always find his
way. You know, on tick tock. I was asked this question in the hot
topics discussion, Mr. Mustafa on Manchester, by the issue of
marriage, matrimonial websites and what have you. And I mentioned two
marriage apps. How don't get paid by them? One of them I don't even
know who they are. Right. But you know, when we tell people don't do
this, you have to try and find them a halal alternative, right?
So because you have all of these other matrimony apps such as
muzmatch and single Muslim,
not common, whatever have you.
And they've got this other one as well. I forgot what it's called.
Especially this mismatch okay, this is what was different in this
and Tinder
right? So I provided two alternatives and everyone thought
that I'm actually getting paid by these
spatula likely I didn't get paid a single penny to say it no one
asked me to say it I've you said no in your lecture I will give you
this is just genuine
concern that the Muslim community has with regards to what the
Shabbat we're doing. Right? And you just changing the name of
something doesn't actually change the reality. Tomato tomahto it was
different so nothing doesn't change the haha that's me. I'd
love to hear haha. Now, right? So at this moment in time in this day
and age, marriage apps can go a very long way and as these Halal
options such as pure matrimonial Yeah, I don't even know who runs
it. However, I've seen it I've seen brothers on it. And Sharia
compliant from what I've seen. Yeah, the other one cause sooner
much as well. Yeah, I know these brothers. But the fact that
somebody can accuse me of taking money when one of them I don't
even know who they are who's running it, but I just saw that he
was Sharia compliant.
So I thought make that clear.
Yeah, he did. Some of these ones are very good. Yeah, it's free
precaution. I know they're probably going to take it and load
it onto the Instagram channels and whatever have you is what is the
only is what it is these are halal alternatives. Perfectly fine.
Another way of maybe finding a spouse is
the massage. Right?
You know, I think we need to realize that every other person is
going to know someone. Right? When you think about it, if this guy
doesn't have a sister, like someone that he knows her sister,
yeah, right. So depending on where you go, that's the kind of people
you're going to find. Yeah, so when you're on the massage it also
Allah subhanaw taala there's a type of crowd that comes to the
masjid. And there's a type of individual that you're actually
looking for. Right? And if you're looking for that Islamic type
individual doesn't have a hint of Rodini
whoever that whoever that is, any can ask people in the midst to do
tend to come regularly to the house of Allah azza wa jal,
they're more likely you're going to have a better idea. Speaking to
your parents, now.
I bet
you know, window shopping on Instagram, you're running yourself
into destruction or you're opening a big door fits and I always say
to brothers and sisters, right? The moment you click on the
profile picture, you're playing with fire. Lightning with fire on
it starts with an innocent glass and then you can't hold yourself
back from messaging her. And then the ship ons. Whispering I'll give
her Dawa. She ended up giving you the hour with her looks and
whatever she's wearing and this and that.
Yes, Masha. Allah protect us.
Okay, this is
my final Sharla question for today.
hamdulillah is how does an individual make sure that they
don't fall back into the J Helia. That they either have left or
about to leave I
think a number of things that we mentioned here
one of them is hating
on what you left off
seeing the evil in the filth in it. I spend a lot of reverse that
I speak to a lie you know they think back at the state that they
were in the filth and the evil that they were involved in. Right
and they are absolute disgusted i When you put that in comparison to
so they're constantly reminding themselves and that really helps
us for you glorifying it or feeling as if you're missing out
and he just wants to probably falling back into a previous life
that you had
also what can you know maybe go a very long way as
making Daniel sujood or Lila them Allahumma Yamaha Libelle Kullu
Sabhal be an authentic alternative the hearts keep my heart firm upon
your religion
sing in the la serata I'm stalking you know we say every every rock
alright so to factor in in a certain stalking you say it with a
conscious heart.
I because now we do it all the time. Yeah, it's become like a
routine right?
And we don't actually say it with a passion that is neither than
conviction. Yeah, yeah. That da especially yeah Mahalo. Mahalo.
stomatognathic the missile asked us to do it excessively. Yeah. And
he was guaranteed agenda. Right? I'm done. I'm gonna remodel the
alotta line Homer?
Who is the second
companion in line. After Maria Radi Allahu Anhu narrated the most
the Hadith.
Right, right, the most heavy after borella on your own. If you write
a letter I've already read normal
thing. It's like 2500 something, right?
You've got to suffer.
Sephora after finishing the offer on the car we go to
the place where your dog is accepted you will say aloha my
niece I look camera had eaten Italy salami and Nurten zero money
when the telephone your animals
all I just as you guided me to understand I asked you not to
strip is them away from me and allow me to die as
put in reverse assign it the Muslim or Muslim is in need of
that. Yeah. I sometimes you talk about the river that they could or
they're more vulnerable to falling back into where they came from
right? The Muslim especially in today's day and age
today's the need with all of the facade, the corruption, the
different isms, right? The ideological war that Muslims are
facing, I need to constantly ask Allah Rama dazzles.
Today when we address as a as a Muslim system over hijab, when
she's spewing all types of all types of coffee Brioni literally
flirting with coffee
because of some of the feministic
sentiments that she has absorbed and embraced.
It's fun. Right? So a lot deeper than that. Of course, now it's an
ideology, not realizing, okay, this is actually anti semitic,
sexual for the some because of being exposed to all of that filth
in university.
Just to constantly ask Allah subhanaw taala. Right. And as we
mentioned before, it's all a bad sir.
Bad that was
doing a lot of deeds in private, a
lot of these in private.
Right. I think we mentioned this right. Yeah. I mentioned this.
Never did this on the panel discussion. Yesterday, for
example, you fell into watching * for privacy, and you
followed up with another private sin, which is to get up make
although pray to God, what we say yet it hasn't had some follow up
the good. The bad did with the good one. Yeah, as I saw, awesome
said, man, it's awesome. And shareholders some Tamia talks
about following up with a type of deed that is similar to the bad
one that you carried out, as you can see that you did it privately.
There's also I think it's very important that we mentioned this
If we're falling into sins,
right, did that which is pleasing to Allah subhanaw taala. We have
to constantly ask ourselves, what is it that constantly pulls me
back? Interesting.
And it might be good idea to get a pen and paper. Right? It's one
thing identifying a problem. It's another finding a solution. Some
of us are struggling to identify the problem. They I fell into this
sin what led me not fall into this.
And then I went into, right. I keep looking at haram they was the
cause of all of this the phone, they've I might need to get rid of
it for a period of time. I told brothers who are addicted to
*, get rid of the smartphone, have the track phone
for a couple of weeks. Yeah, they say if you want to introduce a new
habit or get rid of a bad 120 days, someday they say 30 days.
They've he's actually identified. Now this is not causing the
problem. I need to put it into it. That's exactly what streaming is
out to someone. Do you know that on the statement of Allah, in the
early barley, we're actually a softener to jihad.
He had finally branded horses that distracted him from the acid trail
in order to order them he sorted them. I don't think anyone here
What point is the car up for auction? Right? Is Mercedes if it
visited him or distracted from the from any prayer? Yes, exactly. I'm
not going to do that, by the way. But that's exactly what he done.
Yeah, he identified what the problem was what caused him not to
be occupied from Allah. So then we put
an end to that.
We have to you know, constantly just okay, what is it that's
causing me to fall back into this haram? And one haram will lead to
another? If not aim, says, and Marcia to belittle. The center's
the first box to disbelief.
So take your pen and paper, okay. I'm falling into this because I
did this. I need to find a way now to eliminate this from my life.
You know, so one thing that I think I definitely took away from
this, which is something that maybe things in which we really
don't do as much anymore because we're too distracted. And that is
self reflection, self evaluation. You know, because you mentioned a
few times, you know, a person writing down, taking notes,
understanding what they are, who they are, what they do, and what
the way their problems lie and their pros and their cons, and
evaluating themselves. Having that sense of self accountability. You
know, that's something that really taken away from this because if
you can't do any of the things that we're talking about, what you
said is the advice I'm going to throw up now, husbands are going
to have to hold yourself to account before the day comes where
you're held to account.
Exactly what it is. Not exactly
Looking when you're self accountable, especially when
things go wrong in your life. So reason why Allah azza wa jal is,
you know, coming to shower you with blessings. I'm going to
mention that because a lot of time what happens when we go through
difficulties and hardships are ready to point the finger at
everyone except ourselves.
Even he says we're either writing up their confidence either whether
you're joining us in your local fandom and the Muslim Atomos
says, If you see someone retaliating after going through
some difficulty and hardship could be that someone has now abused you
or harmed you. I'm not saying that correct to do that. But what
should your reaction be with
this, this this thing that you're doing between you and Allah azza
wa jal soon that's happened between you and Allah azza wa jal,
you sit down you start seeking forgiveness. Maybe I'm going
through this because of a similar carried out. I fell into Yeah. And
he says that if he doesn't do that, then no, this guy's going
through a huge calamity. Him not realizing that not being self
accountable, or self critical. This guy's got issues. But when he
now does the opposite, by being self critical, it ends up becoming
an enormous blessing in this
you know, Santa
Monica Luffy when I was I'm happy with the dissonant even though I'm
absolutely saucer. Allah bless us though it's been a long trip from
Ireland. At the anytime when you've had an encounter, as I've
always had you out.
With that being the university to us.
Yes, it was tiring. But when you see so many people benefiting,
you'll forget everything from the right. Maybe this is from the
blitzes of this world, you know that my husband had this, someone
who's gone through so many difficulties on your Meriam
then he comes out, and he's asked to go through anything goes now.
For me, it's like that like in this dunya now
it's tiring, three hours trip and then you see Subhanallah so many
people hungry and thirsty to benefit, and you can see them
actually benefit and then they send you I changed my life. Yeah.
Even I went to Ireland, okay. One prof actually traveled from
Germany. That's in the program in Ireland, you know,
think goes like you've changed my life. Things like that, like keeps
you going, you know? Yeah. I mean, Allah bless you. melodica we have
no life. It's just a pleasure. Because I know in sha Allah,
Allah, this is going to benefit a lot of people. Ask Allah to make
it the benefit for the people and honestly, and to make us see and
what we said and accepted from us
is gonna save me a lot of times or shut up. I'm struggling with time.
Still trying to figure out how do I correspond to everyone now now
so if anyone's listening to this, don't take offense, like, don't do
it intention. I'm not ignoring
him then. And with that too shallow to Allah will end this
podcast. Like think I was part of Darla, first and foremost for
allowing us to be here and having this discussion. Pray that those
who are watching and listening have benefited because I know I
have been hamdulillah and I mean, until next time, shout out to
either I've been humbled by the aid here at beyond the member with
our staff, and we'll Tamia Subhanak, Oklahoma behind the
Kushala Elana stuff, lots of Warwick Assalamu alaykum
Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh