Abu Taymiyyah – Phones Under the Blanket

Abu Taymiyyah
AI: Summary ©
The speaker describes a situation where a person may have lost an opportunity to use a phone and may have lost it because they were under their blanket. They also mention a shaytan that will come up if a person turns away and he undoes the shaytan. The speaker warns that this may have happened because of a moment like that, and that the situation may have been wasted an opportunity for them.
AI: Transcript ©
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My brothers and my sisters,

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it's times like when you are under your

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and the Shaitan

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is calling you to put on that which

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is haram.

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And you have the phone right next to

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You know, before

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they had the Dell Computers, right, with the

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big back.

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Very big computers that they would place in

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the living room.

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If you wanted to do haram, you have

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to keep looking at the door.

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And the moment you hear, you know, a

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little crack of the door.

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And today my brothers and masters, we have

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these phones

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that one has under his blanket.

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It is at the tip of one's fingers

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to go and put it in that website

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or in Google, and that shayateen is gonna

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come up. And the Fawahish.

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It's times like that my brothers and my

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sisters. If a person

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turns away

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and he ignores the whispers of the shaytan

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and he yakhlibu shaytan. He overcomes him.

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That Allah

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And Allah will provide for him for where

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he doesn't expect.

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Doors start opening. It is maybe because of

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a moment like that. And just remember, if

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the shaitan gets better,

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gets the better of you, in that moment

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you may have

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wasted an opportunity

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of Allah azza wa Jal opening doors for

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