Abu Taymiyyah – PART1 Taweeez, Jinn, Magic the cure, When is the last time you touched the Quran
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The Quran explains the importance of following the sunGeneration, the way people are treated based on their satisfaction with their relationships. The way people are treated is based on their satisfaction with their relationships, and shaytan slips in and people leave one another. The Quran explains that the woman is going to give her a good life because she is doing the good deeds, and shaytan slips in and people leave one another. The Quran also tells us that the woman is going to give her a good life because she is doing the good deeds. The Quran also tells us that the woman is going to give her a good life because she is doing the good deeds.
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Brothers and sisters,
as the brother announced,
generally inshallah,
this speech will be about the Quran.
With Ramadan fast approaching, it is a month
of Quran as Allah azza wa jal clearly
told us in the Quran.
The month of Ramadan in which the Quran
came down,
you know, which is mentioning as yesterday to
some of the youth as well. We need
to understand that when it comes to the
month of Ramadan, not everyone's the same.
Mohammed and JAMA, when they both fast or
when they both pray, they're not the same.
Everyone is different when it comes to
the month of Ramadan likewise.
Just because from the apparent everyone's doing the
same thing, they're not equal.
There's from the people that the Prophet
told us
Perhaps he fasts, he gets nothing out of
the fasting except hunger and thirst. And likewise
the salat, Allah
the Prophet gave us an example.
A man he comes out the prayer and
he didn't get anything out of the prayer
except maybe
20%, 30%, 40%, 50%.
So not everyone is equal.
Not everyone is equal when it comes to
the month of Ramadan. From the ways for
us to come in the month of Ramadan
and get the optimum, the maximum reward
is putting a lot of emphasis in the
This is the month that the prophet shalallahu
alaihi wasallam Jibreel used to come to him,
and he used to recite the Quran to
In the last year he came to him
Every night of the month of Ramadan,
Jibreel used to come to the
Prophet read the Quran on him.
So it shows you the emphasis
that we should also be
putting into the Quran in the month of
The importance of it. But the sad thing
is brothers and sisters,
we are living in a time
that the Quran that we find inside our
house is the masahif
has collected dust.
We don't read it, we don't open it,
we don't recite it, we don't ponder upon
The Quran has just left our homes.
Even though the masaheb are there, the Quran
is barely mentioned. The Quran is barely in
our lives.
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, he quoted
the Rasul in the Quran.
The Rasulah said, You Rabbi, O
Lord, our people they have or my people
they have boycotting the Quran, it's Mahjur. The
Quran is Mahjur.
And it's no different
now. Even though it is,
within ourselves,
we have the Quran amongst ourselves.
We don't recite the Quran.
So many people, brothers and sisters, so many
people today they are suffering.
They are suffering
from problems,
Sometimes someone calls you, Hey, ghost you, I've
got problem in my marriage.
Many people do that. Many people call me
and they say, We've got problems in our
A few questions that you ask, you think
just of why.
After a few questions,
you find that these people are so far
from the Quran, so far from the religion.
How do we expect to get any prosperity
or any goodness in our lives?
When we have turned away from the guidance,
that Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala sent down upon
us all,
and we don't
make it part of our lives. Allah says
in the Quran,
send down upon your light, a very clear
It will guide the person.
Whoever follows the satisfaction,
the reward of this Lord it will guide
This Quran is a guidance, something that takes
the person out of the dunamat,
into the Noor.
They used to kill one another.
They used to kill one another. They had
tribal problems, brothers and sisters.
They hated one another. Oath and Khazraj.
There's a I in the Quran insert Al
Remember the favors upon you when you were
He brought your hearts together.
And through his favors you became brothers.
other than
was it other than the Quran,
the guidance from the Quran,
that was the reason why they became friends.
The guidance they found in the Quran, telling
them to be brothers.
The believers, the iman, is that which makes
brothers? And you were on the fringes
of the fire. You're just about to drop
in it. You were on the edges of
the fire.
Allah saved you from it. Those who have
a cast,
You can see why people they hated one
another. Especially here in Brixton, they had gangs
that we used to hear about when we
was young. We used to be scared of
Don't ever go to Brixton. You got this
gang called PDC. You got this other gang
called SMS. Everyone was scared.
But now you find that the Islam that
was spread in this area, plenty people who
are in these gangs, who are on the
streets they became. Because of what?
None other than Al Islam. The guidance that
a person finds in the Quran.
And likewise Allah has told us for anyone
who wants a happy life.
This Quran is telling us the depression that
we're suffering from, that many people go through.
It's the Quran.
whoever from the male and the female.
The second thing that is mentioned is Muhammad.
He's a believer.
This person is going to give him a
good life.
Because this person is doing the good deeds.
Where is the good deeds coming from? Where
do we get it from? None other than
the Quran. And likewise, the sunnah of the
The Quran is telling you to follow the
So any problem that happens now in your
life, your marriage,
between the spouses,
the husband and the wife,
they decide now to maybe take it to
another place.
Do these people expect to get any goodness
in their marriage?
I'll give you an example.
What do most husband and wife when they
split up or a divorce is about to
happen, what happens? What do they do?
As soon now, he has divorced her.
They have problems. He's divorced. They told her
to harass over.
What do most people do? Where does she
go? Or where does the guy go?
It's a question.
She goes back to the house?
Or he kicks her out?
Most cases,
Actually, 99% today in this country that we
The woman, she runs back
to her mom's house.
Oh, the guy kicks her out. He's had
enough of her.
What does the Quran tell us?
And most cases what happens, these people that
actually leave one another, but shaytan slips in.
But shaytan
is whispering in his or might come through
the family, the mom or the dad. Ah,
you don't need him. You got children, you
got child, you're gonna get housing benefits,
you're going to get all sorts of benefits,
you're gonna get a house, you don't need
So she wants to have an independent life.
Oh, he kicks her out.
Just to cut it very short inshallah, Allah
Don't kick her out and she shouldn't leave.
You don't know. The fact that you stay
together, Allah will make something happen, between the
The Hikmah behind this is what? Stay together.
Perhaps Allah might make something happen between the
But many people they turned away from it.
And what does Allah Azzawajal tell us?
Whoever turns away enough from the Quran,
this person will going to give him a
depressive life.
A depressed life. He stays depressed for another
2 years, She is depressed
or she might go through many bad experiences.
If only you stuck
and you attach yourself to the Quran.
Another thing brothers and sisters I want to
speak about also,
is the Shifa of this Quran.
We have to know, there isn't a sickness
that has come down.
Except that there is a cure for it.
Never did Allah send down a sickness except
that He send down a cure with it
as all.
And this Quran that we have Bayna Adina,
it is from the best of the cures.
Allah tells us,
And remind us that we
should cure for the hearts.
This Quran is a Shifa.
do we take it as a Shifa?
As soon as we become ill, what happens?
People are lining up at the NHS and
the GP.
There is no problem with that.
Why don't you first turn to Allah
There is no harm now.
to the GP, to the NHS, going to
the hospital.
Why don't you turn to the Quran firstly?
Pull your hands up to Allah
Do on yourself, read the ayat of the
Quran on yourself first.
Then maybe turn to this Isbaab.
Could be that one time
you act upon the statement of Allah
my slave ask, I am close to him.
Your Lord has said, call on to me,
let me reply back to you. You put
your hands up to Allah
is shy.
That when his servant puts his hands up
to Allah
that he sends it back empty handed. You
turn to Allah
then take the Isbam.
The Quran has everything in it. Wallahi, we
don't need to look any further.
What did the Prophet do today?
He loses his wealth,
he becomes bankrupt.
London Bridge shuts himself over.
The Quran tells us,
We will test you with the loss of
And we'll give flat tiling to those who
are patient.
So many things that we don't need to
look further to other than the Quran. But
we have boycotted it, we have decided to