Abu Taymiyyah – Part 9 Aqeedatul Raziyain
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The segment discusses various topics related to Islam, including Jana's weight and the importance of the Jana-Andran (JAN) in the religion. It also touches on various historical events and references to people of different ages. The segment emphasizes the importance of shrooming individuals to avoid death and avoiding false accusations. The segment also touches on the use of Mahdi's (the god who only cares about actions and regulations) words in relation to the implementation of laws and regulations, the importance of belief in the Holy Spirit, and emotional and emotional boiances. The transcript ends with a discussion of the weight of warmer rock Emma and the weight of Omaha in a warmer rock.
AI: Summary ©
Smilla Rahmanir Rahim wa salatu salam ala surefeed mbi will
mursaleen Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa seldom at the
Sleeman kathira.
Abu Zahra tarazi Rahim Allah to Allah and also bohat in Marathi
just as they came in his book they mentioned while janitor one hour
will have gone whoa whoa mama Hello pattern. I'll Jana and fire
are true
they are both creations.
Law Latifah Ania Ania burden
and they will never ever perish. Fell Jana to survive only Oh Leah
and the Jana is a reward for Allah subhanho wa Taala is only up
one hour or a BB only animosity
and the fire is a punishment for the people of sins. Illa mon Rahim
Allah except for whom He has mercy upon
so inshallah to Allah what we're going to do now we're going to
take the RTE the van as soon as he will Gemma when it comes to the
belief that we have in regards to the agenda and dinar
Why is the correct belief about the Sunnah towards your man when
it comes to this matter? This is what we're basically studying now.
Without a doubt it is known in the religion of Allah subhanaw taala
with necessity that Jana is part of the religion. Jana has come in
the Quran many times i Nobody ever doubts this type
and also the fire the narc Dalek is mentioned in the Quran in many,
many places, many, many places Allah Allah subhanho wa Taala said
well, no the phenomenal addable adna doing an either but Allah
Allah, your German and will make them taste the minor punishment
before we give them the major punishment, and Allah subhanho wa
Taala he says in the Quran was reo, Illa Marathi Marathi coma
Jannetty Arga sama what was that? Then we talked in haste into doing
good deeds and seeking forgiveness from your Lord
and hasten to trying to obtain the Janna
outdoors somehow what what are the width of it is the summer worth
and likewise the art of that which has been prepared for the month of
June. And there's many many, many, many Hadith talk about the Jana
and dinar, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said, a narrow
logy talk they don't use elements of energies and manera Jahannam
the fire that you can deal with in this dunya is 170 of the fight
that you find in the earth era. So that's something that you won't
find the Muslim ever disputing, saying that the Jana and dinar is
not something that is part of the religion by while Janet will not
happen, so we know that it is something that is true. While
Houma and mahalo Catan
and they are both creations.
And we also have to understand that the Jana Anna are currently
here with us. They are created, they are created.
Why? And what's the proof is that the journal has already been
created. And it's already there. Allah subhanaw taala mentioned in
the idea was Willa ferati Mira become why Jannette in algoa,
Samoa to a debt limit in haste and four months Vera seeking
forgiveness from your load,
the forgiving of your load and also work hard towards trying to
obtain the agenda which is the size of the heavens and earth or a
debt limit. Okay, and here's the showerhead for it that it is past
And if you translate an English it means was prepared,
prepared. That shows you what the Jannah has already been created.
As for dinar, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he
mentioned already to NARA for either ACARA Alia Nisa our shown
the fire
and the majority of those in the fire who are women.
The prophets a lot of some Hadith I'd be sorry, the Audrey and also
on the authority of Abdullah basadi Allahu Anhu and the Hadith
in Sahih al Bukhari Kitab al Iman
and the chattering of it is BB Kufri Duna Cofrin.
You know with meow
or eaten up, I was shown the fire
for either actor or honey Anissa and the majority of those
in the fire women.
The majority of those in the fire are women.
So, just finishing off the Hadith
the Prophet SAW Allah Allah
So I'm gonna say the UK for now, they do Cofer.
So as a hobby said I UK for Nabila, do they do cover with
Allah subhanaw taala Do they just believe in Allah azza wa jal
but the prophets a lot has been said no yet for the last year,
they do call for, to the husband. We have to understand a call for
is two types go for is two types call from which means to disbelief
to negate, to disbelieve in Allah Subhana Allah to Allah his
Messenger mancha Farah Villa your Mala at wakatobi Veronica Yamanaka
Allah subhanho wa Taala says woman yet for will e manufactured
habitat Hello waffleh ferrata Manohar serene and whoever
disbelieves in a human
whether it's the angels whether it's Allah whether it is his
books, anything that you disbelieve in to negates drilled
to this minivan Allah subhanaw taala that's the biggest cookbook,
and the cover is different types Joho this bar, tuber nine which
we're going to come on to inshallah to Allah when we take no
I can do this time I'll go through a whole lesson some of the
preventative factors of a tech field some of the conditions of a
to create Nam and ruling by other than the book of Allah subhanho wa
Taala Is it a call from Akbar is a call from afar all of this we're
going to take Inshallah, but we have to understand now and the man
who had a chapter that hadith Quran and he will call for dunya
being ungrateful to the husband and the minor q4.
So right now major q4 and minor q4
and the minor q4. The minor q4
can be different things as all
can be different things. But one of its meaning that we intend here
is to be ungrateful.
If I say now that I had none a yoke for OB Mohamed it can mean
two things. Sorry, it can mean
let's just say now I said I'd Nan yuck for him. Hamad anon is doing
comfortable Hamad.
Does that mean he disbelieves in Muhammad as to whether he's alive
or not know what you mean tense by his that he is ungrateful to
So that's why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said
yeah Cardinal Aisha they're ungrateful Tada Shira
Monica for now. And also Allah subhanho wa Taala says first
Gurunath could come wash Karolyi when I talk Feraud remember me and
I'll remember you thank me and do not be ungrateful.
Now I'm and also Allah subhanho wa Taala told us about the people of
Sabah when Allah subhanho wa Taala destroy them. Look at Ghana, Lisa
in famous get him to engender Tanya ano Minashi Malin Calomiris
Cara Bigcommerce Karuna hobo that employ about tomorrow Baba for in
Surah sub Allah subhanho wa Taala Saba is a place in in Yemen. Nam
ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala blessed him with many blessings, they had
gardens, they had the river flowing.
They had everything with them. Allah subhanho wa Taala said Kulu
Amir is Farah Bigcommerce Corolla, eat from the provision of your
Lord and be thankful to him.
But what did he do? For Qatar will be an Urmila further of Allah who
Lieberson Gob McConnell yes in our own, but because they were
ungrateful to Allah subhanaw taala.
Further Kamala holy basil Jordan McHenry has known Allah subhanho
wa Taala made them taste
a covering of hunger
he made them taste hunger when he destroyed them
sort of sub
NATO basically comes after Yeah, if you look it's all on one page.
Now I mean source sub
consent Page
Melissa NPMS Kenny him is on Jana Tanya Tanya mean in Washington.
Hello Mary Scarab, the commercial ruler who will
be Micah follow.
Now I'm just gonna make it just a reminder for her New Jersey Ilca
for non
valleca Jersey now be Monica for a while New Jersey Ilca Fortezza.
Come on Chiron
is in surah. Saba,
I just read out to you right now.
for about seven
On Page 439 Wash kulula Who Bella to employ Eva to Nora booga for
thank Allah subhanho wa Taala then Allah azza wa jal says for Arado
they turned away for Santa Allah him c'est la la renewable de la
home be Jannetty him Jana teeny, the WA T O code and humped in West
Nineveh shaman sit in Cali so after they turned away, we sent
down upon them a sale
a flood which basically changed the agenda that they have into
what Pelant
the liquor Jersey now mimica for Ohio, New Jersey looking for and
this is what we basically rewarded them with for doing for
them just what being grateful to Allah subhanho wa Taala turning
away from the blessings of Allah azza wa jal
one New Jersey Illinois California why New Jersey? And
do we now only nine reward those who are excessive in disbelief
so brothers, the Jana is created and likewise the fire is also
created. Nom and we were just basically saying earlier what the
call for split into two, the major q4 and the minor q4 and the minor
COVID has many many different things in its different forms,
which we're going to come on to inshallah to Isla in another
lesson and likewise go for it comes in different forms as well
but we need to understand now two things go from Morocco from Ascot,
and being ungrateful now, is a form of Cofer Nam. So if I say the
Euro Kaffir it doesn't necessarily necessitate that. It is the
aquifer that you have now disbelieved, analyze origin, I
could intend by it, that you are an ungrateful individual.
Are you with me?
Not used specifically en
la definizione Abaddon
and they will never ever perish. The Jana and dinar will never ever
perish. Allah subhanho wa Taala says Ye Molina, certainly to
fulfill Jannetty Holly Dean fee her mad dama de semana y to an
auto Illa Masha Roebuck, Alta Omroep measured Ruth upon arrival
measures Ruth, are you ready to Makua and as for those that have
now rejoice in the Jana
they will stay in there for eternity.
As long as the heavens and the earth remain
Illa Mushara book except that which Allah subhanaw taala wills
upon him is good. Something that will never ever perish forever
disconnect doesn't sort hood.
Agenda to survive only Olia he won our ACABO DE LIMA sia T and the
Jana as we are all aware, it is the reward for who those are the
righteous deeds, those that do righteous deeds.
Why now recall only a limited city and dinar is a punishment for the
people that this will be Allah subhanaw taala
and as we're going to come into Inshallah, to Allah when we study
two types of people enter into the fire,
the CAFR the disbeliever Nam the disbeliever
which will we stay in there for eternity you will never ever
coming out. So the one that's committing coffin and shake, he
will never ever come out from the fire.
That's why the issue of shake and covering something really, really
great. And that's why they're older my time and time and time
again, they teach the books pertaining what to hate, so you
can rectify your Arcada and your toe hate and you know, commission
on us, for those who studied with me, Colorado last week, I went
through it. Now.
The reason why it's so important
is because once a person commits one act of shift and he dies upon
that this person Allah subhanaw taala has made the agenda haram
upon him in the home are you sialic Billa fuckup haram Allahu
Allah hin genuine ma Hoonah we have made the Jana haram upon the
one that may shake.
You can be the biggest buyer, someone that prays 24 hours,
someone that would pay sadaqa millions and billions of pounds.
He spent sadaqa. So yeah, I'm Catholic, he's always fasting.
Some of the old thought was salam Yasumoto man while you're still
Roman, one day is fasting. I wonder is breaking this fast,
which is the best form of sin.
It can be the most righteous pick out the most righteous individual
when it comes to the ribeye that bring him out, huh? If he just
committed one act of shake, and he dies upon not dies upon that shed
and he doesn't make Toba to Allah subhanho wa Taala never, ever is
especially coming out
Never ever.
That's why shirk and kufr is something that is very, very
Are you with me?
Let's flip you know,
the guy does drinking hamara
all his life what is drinking hamara Xena, he's got a girlfriend
He's always with her doing stuff to her.
Nam, he stills Nam, he's a disobedient individual. But at the
same time he's Tauheed it's up to scratch. He doesn't commit any
shirk, his athlete is rectified.
If this person dies upon well he's upon
sooner or later if he enters into the fire,
he will come out sooner or later. And at the same time before he
goes in either Allah subhanho wa Taala will forgive him or Allah
subhanaw taala will punish him.
What does Allah azza wa jal say in Mala Hello Ferrania Shaka VOA
Africa doing Adeleke Allah subhanho wa Taala forgive shake,
but if it gives anything else and as for those that say us for those
that say Wallahi Why do you not all selfies? Oh, hello fees Oh,
wherever you are code always calling about what warning the
people like a sheikh. Do you see anybody worshipping statues?
Muhammad How do you answer that?
No, I wanted the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam fight against on
which principle is this from the principles of Cordoba
31 JazakAllah Imam Mohammed Abdul Wahab Rahim Allah to Allah He
mentioned Nam and then the beasts of Allah Allah says Allah Allah
guna sin Mustafa retainer fee Eva that him that when the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came? He came to people who were this
united in their worship? Woman, Homer? Yeah.
Awesome. Woman, Homer. Yeah, Abu al Malika woman Homer Yakubu, a
Saudi Southwestern woman, Homer Yeah, Buddha Salah hain.
Some of these, they will say to you, or some ignorant people
they'll say to you, why do you always speak about Share, share,
share, share, share, share, share all the time? Do you see anybody
worshipping such as?
As if that's the only form of what shaped will as origin
and that's not the only thing that Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam waged war against their will people in his time they were
making dua to
Sid Sato Sana.
There were people that were worshipping the shrimps and
Nakamura that has to do with a Shem say, well, I'll cover it
later when Maha worship so welcome lattice Julie Shams, he says do
not prostrate to the shrimps under the sun and the moon shows you
what these people are worshipping some they got nothing to do with
they were worshipping jar stones, or for it to mulata well, is that
what matters? Sally's Aloha, Hola, como Zachary wall Allah Allah azza
wa jal. They were types of stones.
Nom even the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned a
hadith where he talked about Tabarrok seeking blessings. Now
I'm seeking blessings now from maybe a tree are seeking blessings
now from a grave or somewhere else.
And what was the story
that Anwar Shakalaka the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and
his companions they were going to fight what a battle they were
going to name
so I'll be working the lazy you mentioned karuna, who the third
radical Islam we were neutralism
so we basically went past the machine extract the tree core data
on what that the tree called that and what
they used to hang their isolate her while you're not gonna be her,
they used to devote themselves to replace the microphone. They used
to be there they used to seek blessings from the tree. So when
they go inside the wall, they are able to have good luck and
So that's the hobby or the Allahu Anhu he mentioned he Alanna that
unwanted comment on that and what make us a better what which was
called the tree just like they have a data and waters Oh, the
prophets Allah Allah said Allahu Akbar.
Allahu Akbar. You have said similar to what the people of Musa
said to him is Allah Allah and command whom Allah make us a God
just like they have a God as well. That shows you what the Prophet
SAW Allah Allah have some similar eyes, seeking blessings from other
than Allah subhanho wa Taala to be similar towards making a good
which is an act of shift
Billa azza wa jal
but there's a tough scene in the issue of one now believes that
Allah subhanho wa Taala is the one that sends down the blessings He
is the one that can
Only bring harm or benefit. None bring harm or benefit. But this is
just a suburb that shows us how miners should
No, no, no, no, that is Shrek. Akbar that is the major shake
Yeah, but the thing is what they did was they diverted a Baghdad to
this awesome
venue Allah subhanho wa Taala was a nun. There's only thought of
No, no, but these ones are saying to you that we believe Allah
subhanho wa Taala now and he's the one that that brings the harm and
the benefit, but this is just a cause. This is just a horse. He
basically this person has got a tie with around his hand. For
example, not always, let me give a practical example. The Taiwanese
people have we know that nothing can benefit you and harm you
except by what the will of Allah is origin. This person he believes
Allah subhanho wa Taala brings benefit brings home but he just
wears this because he believes that it's because he believes this
is because this should cause harm. And he goes on to the Hadith min
whoever hangs a talisman he has committed Sheikh.
But who legislated that we were something around the hand and as
long as you've got that you are basically you know, under
protection, and no harm will come to you. The belief is innovation
is the belief itself because
there's things that I mentioned this in the lesson yesterday as
well there's a hadith where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam mentioned to us as well. He said, mana Xena Menza men,
Zeeland, whoever now comes to a place comes to house for color or
to be killed ematic ly Tamati Mishima kala Lemmy Allahu Sheikh,
whoever comes to his house and he said at the beginning my delight I
met Michel Imahara Nothing will harm him.
That's now a sub. You've been advised now to read this die when
you come to a certain place and nothing will harm you take the
ASVAB do not come and start legislating things that ALLAH
SubhanA wa has legislated.
Jason I'm saying asked for these raw asks for these raw, can I ask
you a question?
Are you allowed to pray Salaat to Allah azza wa jal
is there a bad time? These raw they used to ask Google their
statues? Oh, statue, Nam.
We want you to do this and this get us closer to Allah subhanho wa
Taala and etc.
They used to make dua to them to try and get closer to Allah azza
wa jal because they knew they thought that these statues they
have a min Zilla platform status with Allah azza wa jal
Okay, so they used to make dua to them, just like Salah isn't a bad
and do is likewise in Nevada, just like you wouldn't pray to the
statues or to a grave you wouldn't make dua to them. Because the
prophets Allah Allah mentioned the Hadith do well a brother or
Colorado commented on your sigil documents or Hey, tell me the
are you with me? Just like so. Why isn't a by the eyes and everybody
knows all these laws they commit a shake and by diverting the dua to
Allah and Allah azza wa jal and this is no different from the
people that come to me and they worship what the OBOR they make
dua to them
Okay, can I ask you the talisman is he now diverting a bother to
anonymous origin
he's not
asked for this one.
is a bit in like the belief is he believes I'm seeking refuge in
speech of Allah
which is Hadith Daya Nam it's a bit unbelief
if he believes now that this thing now what you call it
isn't enough innovative way to innovate?
Nom Nom. That's why That's why we say shake us for what was the 30
for sure. As far again? Do you remember when we took this in our
Okay, cool new them been
Kulu them being Aqua laminin Sama, who Sharia
should come as well. Every action or sin that the legislator has
called it
With the name of shift he has called the sheikh, but at the same
time lamea block dot Rajat Aish by the way, Allah subhanaw taala
but he hasn't reached the stage where one is not worshiping
besides Allah azza wa jal. So now for example, the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said about the timer him hanging a
talisman is a form of shake. Am I now worshiping other than Allah
subhanaw taala for hanging a string around my neck,
or you know with me,
the shadow has called the shake. But hanging a talisman is
basically in itself you're not actually worshiping besides Allah
subhanho wa Taala you're not like making dua to Allah and Allah azza
wa jal
none, and I was gonna come on to that. If one truly believes that
this ribbon around his hand brings benefit and harm in itself, that
should Akbar that is the membership. As long as I wear this
ribbon around my hand, as long as I wear it, I am under protection.
This thing is basically
nothing but some of them though. We obviously we can't judge from
that we can only get from that parent. If the guy says to us now
Yeah, okay.
If the guy said not, for example, Jonnie, praying our grief, bring
our grief. Let me give an example of praying our grief.
I can say all day, every day that whoever prays to our grief, these
guys are Catherine mushrik.
Someone comes now and he starts praying towards the grave.
There are some people they believe that as long as they're praying
next to a grave, they're praying next to a grave. His EBA is more
accepted than when he is not praying other grief. Is he not
praying to the grief? Is he committing ship, he's not
committing shift. It's a bit and some people they believe as long
as they make dua outside the grave. His dua is more accepted
and more you know, accepted from Allah subhanaw taala
you know with me, I can't say that this guy what he's doing now I'm
without a doubt, I can see generally that praying towards the
grave to the person inside the gravest discomfort. Akbar takes
the person on the phone who can without doubt, but this person I
need to call him and speak to him. I need to ask him what you're
Because I will lie in my bed here I believe in this and not because
to me it will lie I believe that my dua making dua to him after
that we say should we should Akbar mashallah consider Khan Akbar and
he's making dua to the grave for all of this inshallah Tanya one
we're going to take in Allah I don't Autobot in our solar filata
now when we go through his books insha Allah Tala yeah so it's no
point now because obviously the some of these books we some of us
might have not studied so it might be difficult to understand number
we're gonna study the fundamentals and everything when we come on to
inshallah Anna so everything is wild.
repeat every action
every action that the legislator meaning Allah subhanaw taala is
messenger they have called it Sheikh by hasn't reached the level
where one is now
worshiping besides Allah azza wa jal
okay could lose them been
almost certain sama shadow
while I'm here block Illa Dora Jetty a bad that you Leila
in Lama Rahim Allah subhanho wa Taala the reason why
the Imam he mentioned whenever a commonly animosity then he
followed up with Islam or Rahim Allah the dinar is a punishment
for the people of Massiah except for the one that ALLAH SubhanA wa
Tada has mercy upon. What did we mentioned earlier if a person now
is committing major sin base to Hades intact what can Allah
subhanaw taala do to
forgive him? So he mentioned Elam Rahim Allah except for the one
that Allah subhanaw taala has mercy upon that's why he mentioned
I'm gonna go very quickly, so Bravo's pay attention, we're
running out of time. What's the route to help on the Surat is help
is something that is true.
And the Surat is of two types Serato in his day was routed
Serato AC was Serato manually.
The Serato hissy
is the Sirat
that is tangible
I think that's the best way to translate it what do you think
in a certain manner we How would you translate that in English?
Okay, I'll explain.
Non tangible okay you know now how we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to
pass on this
straight path he did not set out on the team that we pray every day
and sort Fatiha you know solid now
is that something that is tangible?
Is there like a path that I can walk on and everything that is
there a path like that when I say hidden or Serato Mr. O Allah guide
us upon the straight path
is there like a path and actual specific path Yeah, that is
tangible that I can walk on that is going to take me straight to
gender. No, there isn't. So, Rob is one thing that is man away that
we have on the back of our minds as long as we do righteous deeds
we do this and we do this and we do that trying to get closer to
Allah subhanho wa Taala we are on the correct path inshallah to
Allah to agenda.
Thus the okay as for the HESI is the ceratonia Multi AMA, where
Allah subhanaw taala says, we mean Camila can Allah Rebecca Hartman
ma Macelleria therminal Nigella Zina taka one other of volume and
if you have GCWR
Nam there is not a person except that he's going to
only go on the path on your multi Amma whoa Allah met ninja Hannah
is basically above the Jahannam and people are falling off left
right and center. Some people are dragging on there. Some people are
going past it with a blink of an eye. Now due to a person's actions
people are going to be different in their speed something Surat
With me hanya
is Amara Allahu Allah fo cologne Allah na Sakata fee Harmon socket,
mineral co fatty wonderful salty the wind ma si hacer beam, Niger
Allah otter Island, Momineen Almaty and I mean hobby Huseby
Amelie him, that when the highlight of the Creation now they
go on the path and those that have gone on some of them have fallen
off from the disbelievers and those who have committed my RC
Niger lauter Island mumineen limitata and then Allah subhanho
wa Taala will save the believers those who are piety mean happy
Huseby Amanda him based upon the actions like we mentioned due to a
person's action some people are going to be going
the speed of the blink of an eye
now some of them like lightning
some people are going to be dragging on there
and the prophets Allah audios will be there along the Selim Selim
Oh Allah save them all the lawsuits
and people are falling off left right and center
and that all goes back to the action of a person I want to say
about the narc dinar is 1/78
Sorry 70 times more than the fight that we have today
with Mia
there's gonna be
it's gonna be like
some people are going to be very going very very fast and some
people don't
like lightning now like lightning before you said there's going to
be like a light there
like lightening it's just a Yanni
according to
that one is going to be
now without how Yeah, but he's speaking about the spirit. One is
going past there's going to be like a light or no fever is like
metaphorically like like a simile they're saying it's because
similarly, when
Nam the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam himself Boulogne people
are going to be in darkness now I was gonna go very very quickly
came in in narration now I'm that there's going to be darkness
if nobody has me said Carla can Abdullayev narrow rwasa While the
anre Sophie Hijiri Emirati for Bucha for Beckett imra to have a
Carla ma you Kiki. Carla try to catch up Kate Ferber que tu I have
to live in Ottawa who was a Sahabi Radi Allahu Anhu while they are
not Sophie hedger in Marathi basically
He had his head on the
thighs of his wife and he was lying down on there. So he started
crying. He started crying. So his wife started crying as Oh, Carla
tried to get fit so I asked her why are you crying? Because right
right to tap give a que tu i saw you crying so I cried as well in
the locker to hola hola hola hola Isla Wayman, Camilla worried
I remember the statement of ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada Wei Ming Camilla.
There's not a person except that he's going to be going past the
Surat Fela Andrey Anjuman habla and I don't know if I'm going to
be saved from it or not.
On time what kind of more Elan
while Misa Nola de la O'Keeffe attorney you're gonna feel bad.
And the Nissan
which is a scale it has two sides it has two plates in which the
good and the bad actions of the slaves will be weighed. is
something that is the truth. It is the truth
are you with me? We've moved on now to the marathon
I love the tools on OB Hill
your mentality was okay we'll do we'll even if it isn't, this is
something that is mandatory compulsory. That one that has to
believe in minute or more in Imani video manakins from the message
that one needs to believe in from the affairs of the Agora come out
that one man who had the master data right and among carry that
Alec Minassian figure in one Hadith
when we are talking to the person and what did He mean when a team
when I'm allowed to RSA, both aerobill Misa and he will hold the
Lezzy RGB name in Hurrian. And hello, and I affirm I affirm now
the Mi Zan and also the health the museum that comes in Yama, Yama
and three things will be weighed
but how we're going to come on to the inshallah Tada is the pool
now and three things will be wait three things will be wait.
I might have a bad man to do it but
the actions of what the servant
the actions of a servant servant
What does Allah subhanaw taala say? While was no Yama is in ill
health, the scale of Yama Yama is is its truth feminine suppose that
my wife Zeno for hola como and mafia Hun and whoever scales is
heavy for like a monopoly on this person will be on Yo Ma Rihanna
from the successful ones firm and Colette noisy you know, for her
fear Aisha Tara via why mom and Halford Mola Zeno For more how we
are warmer the rock Emma here in our own Hermia and whoever scale
is heavy for fear ation and raw they will be in a Saturday
satisfactory place where we'll be living in one moment have admired
for more we're here for more how are we? Well I'm I'm in Hartford
and whoever scale is light for OMO how are we
whoever scale is light for Omaha we are basically this person will
be in destruction
while madaraka here nah don't hire me and what do you know about
that? Now don't hire me it is a blazing fire play.
And the three things that a person will be scaled is firstly himself.
He himself will be weighed a person will be weighed
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in the hula Yeti or
I'll lean on semi you know liars and and Elijah number over a big
fat man will be brought a numeral to him and he will be weighed
second one
first one sorry yeah, the first one was actions and the first one
was actions.
And okay, they mentioned the proof for the first one. I'll give you a
hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said the humps in
math Hello Nephilim is and is fighting there's nothing more
heavier on a scale than anything. Lie Allah and Allah Subhana Allah
he will hamdu lillah Allahu Akbar
Allah Allah and Allah Subhana Allah he will hamdu lillah Allahu
Akbar while one or two Salah u2f
lilmar and Muslim if I accessible
for the decoder for
Okay, so you got nine I had a lot was Subhanallah well hamdu lillah
Allahu Akbar Walla Walla to Saleh Etowah lynmarie, a
righteous boy that you had a righteous son that you had, he
passed away and he becomes patient.
because obviously you profess to have a righteous child where Jani
necessitates a lot of things that you nurture him. Let's just say
I'd known you had the righteous kid, and he died and you became
Based on the western philosophy, the scale on your monthly army
will be very, very heavy and from the five things that nothing is
more greater than it
it's nothing more greater than it and the Hadith was narrated in the
Tabaka over Mossad, Fatah Makkasan Cobra when you psychedelic are
gonna be awesome for us to know.
And also emotional Bonnier have a lot to Isla. He graded us Hadith
to be so here this hadith is quite rare you don't hear a lot of
people mentioning it.
But the Hadith sahih La ilaha IL allah how easy is to say Allah
Allah and Allah Subhana Allah will be 100 Subhana light at all the
most the Hadith
Kelly Mahtani haffi attorney
Phil ehsani Habib attorney Isla Rahman attorney al Mizan.
Two words there is very very light upon the tongue, very beloved and
the Most Merciful One
and it's very, it's very, very heavy on the scale Subhan Allah
Subhana Allah Subhan Allah and Ali
mentioned the
four things
the five things that lie Allah Subhana Allah he will hamdulillah
and Allahu Akbar
first one was you losing now or a righteous kid that you had passing
away? Now? And then you being patient upon it?
The rewards for this is great, even the Prophet sallallahu it was
I mentioned other Hadith about a woman that loses kids, mom and
could name rotten to the mythos and meanwhile they are Illa
cannula. Hijab women are not never does a woman now
lose two kids except that this is now a screen between her and the
fire. So what am i She said with Nene rasool Allah What about to
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said with me
so if you lose three or if you lose two then you're patient upon
it as a means of getting a protection from
a screen there being between you and the fire
because it's not something that's easy losing a kid Yeah, losing a
especially a righteous one or righteous kid doesn't come along
quite often now and also because if you look at it from the outside
the parent has to put so much work in trying to nurture him trying to
teach him put him on the correct path help him now I'm all of this
is requires patient it's not easy. Tell me how many kids you will
find who are righteous how many kids you will find that righteous
you can maybe count them on your two fingers sorry your two hands
and I said
no I'm so it's not easy thing
that's gonna be big fat greement.
In in the hall. Yeah. To Raju Loon, Semyon Alima Lyons and and
Elijah Nava.
First one is actually the second one is actually the person will be
brought and he'll be Wait
a big fat more we brought in Yeoman camellias and and Elijah
never out and he won't even weigh the
the mosquito the weight of a wing of a mosquito. Forget about the
wing. Normally when you get the mosquito and you put him on the
skull as you anything.
And what happens when you bring a big fat obese man and put him on
the scale?
I've got a little joke in it. I assess To be continued. You hear
the kids say TO BE CONTINUED last time.
But this person will be brought in Yama, Yama, and he won't be
absolutely nothing because of his what he shipped and his call for
and the fact that
and also the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned
in regards to Abdullah route.
One time the wind came, the wind came and
it blew his soap that he was wearing and his shins became
apparent. So some people were laughing. Some people were
laughing. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said to
them Why are you laughing? They said mean Dr. Cathy Sakai. We are
laughing at the thinness of his shins. The Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam replied back and he said for Allah the NFCA beard
for long enough CBD Lahoma is called a filmy Zanny mean,
generally offered.
His tuitions are more heavier upon the scale than offered
Mahama as Call of ms, Endymion, Jubilee or Sheldon
is it just the tuitions of Abdullah and Mr.
shins suck. I
mean did it Saturday