Abu Taymiyyah – Part 6 Nawaaqid Al Islam
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Brothers and sisters,
this is now
6. This is now part 6 of Islam,
the acts that nullify a person's, al Islam.
We reach the 3rd
point in this small risala,
in the small treatise of the Mujaddid, Sheikh
Mohammed bin Abdullwahab
The 3rd
or action that nullifies a person's alayhis salam
brothers and sisters
anyone who doesn't now declare the Mushrikeen,
those who commit shirk,
shakafi kufriim,
or this person has doubts in regards to
these people's disbelief.
he declares the path they are upon to
be correct.
ichma'a This person has disbelieved,
he has left the foldable Islam and this
has been unanimously agreed upon.
So let's just say for example, brothers and
sisters, Mark and John.
Who I clearly know upon
the Milatoo,
they are upon the deen of the Christians.
They worship Jesus.
I, Mohammed,
come along and I say that they are
not Kufar,
even though they are upon clear cut Kufar,
or I have any doubts in regards to
John and Muhammad and Charlotte's Astaghfirullah and Mohammed,
Mark and Charlotte's
then Oh, I declare their ways to be
correct, I have now left the fold of
I have now left the fold of Islam.
Okay, brothers and sisters, what is very important
is that,
we set down
the wabit,
general principles.
Otherwise, brothers and sisters, we will end up
declaring those who don't deserve to be kuffar,
we declare them to be Kufar.
So Insha'Allah Ta'ala, this is what the this
video is about, explaining this principle Insha'Allah Ta'ala,
this principle that many have taken out of
and maybe they have been very sure when
it came to applying in the correct way.
Firstly, brothers and sisters, we need to understand
that the and the shirk is shaywahid,
whether they are kuffar and they are mushrikeen.
You find that mushrikeen
is a bit more specific
than the kafir.
Mushrikeen is the one who, brothers and sisters,
goes out and he starts associating partners of
Okay? And the ikum here, the ruling here
is 1, when it comes to application of
this principle.
Okay? As for the kafir, he could deny
one thing indeed, sharia, and he becomes a
And not necessarily be a mushrik, someone who
has gone out and associate partners of Allah
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, whether it is in his
his or his names and attributes.
Ibn Hazm
mentioned in
his He said,
Every Kafir is a Mushrik
and every Mushrik is a Kafir. And this
is the view of Imam Shafi'i
other than him. This is a matter, brothers
and sisters,
that the scholars have taken different views on.
Okay. Some of them they mentioned that
not every kafir
is a mushrik,
but every mushrik is a kafir.
Okay? But that which I mentioned quoting ibn
it is the view of Imam al Shafi
but it is not something
you know, we should
argue with one another with rather it's a
khilaf, it
is wasa, it is quite broad.
Okay, so brothers and sisters,
This Naqid, this point that we are speaking
about here, in this lesson
it has been unanimously agreed
the disbelief
of the person who falls into it.
And the intended purpose behind Mushrikeen
when the Sheikh mentioned mushrikeen,
Underline this brothers and sisters, it is the
kafir that is Asli.
His origin was kufar.
those who are added to them is
Those who fell into
a clear cut apostasy.
And the scholars have unanimously agreed upon this
person's apostasy that he's fallen into.
That is connected from the necessities or to
the necessities of our religion.
Like for example, someone coming along, brothers and
sisters, and denying
or negating
that one is going to be resurrected.
One is going to be resurrected
in the next life.
Also the day of judgement.
Or he now denies a verse from the
book of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
And brothers and sisters, when it comes to
if a person negates a haraf,
one letter from the Quran,
one letter, he takes the Qul out and
he said, no Qul shouldn't be in here.
As this was the case
of Al Gaddafi,
the previous Libyan ruler,
Na'am, or the case of the Rawafid, the
who not only have they denied
ayat, but many verses from the Quran.
There's parts of Surah Al Noor in which
they have denied. And they still accuse Aisha
of being a fornicator. You know what Ali
Whoever negates
a letter from the Quran, this person has
Okay. So these are the things brothers and
sisters, like negating, denying the resurrection or the
day of judgment or one verse from the
from the things that are known in our
religion through necessity.
Person needs affordable Islam, and one shouldn't doubt
this person's kufr.
Okay? And doubting or saying that they are
Muslims, after these things have become apparent to
them, then that what? Takes that person who
doubts or declares their way, or he doesn't
declare that person to be a kafir, it
makes him a kafir as well. With
the general principles I'm going to mention insha'Allah
and that which is like it.
And also the other causes of apostasy that
is clear
in which there is no doubt regarding.
He said what?
He said there's a unanimous agreement
that that person who doesn't declare
the Nasara, the Christians and also the Jews
to be Kufar
anyone who separates himself from the religion of
the Muslims.
This person is to be declared to be
a Kafir.
Or this person, he withholds from calling them
a Kafir, or Sheikhah, or this person he
doubts. He mentioned this in his Kitab, a
Shifa, in the second volume.
Okay, so brothers and sisters, this matter is
very serious,
very, very serious,
not declaring them to be Kufar after the
matter is very clear,
leads to a person leaving the fold
And also, Imam An Nawawi
the famous Imam who compiled
okay, the 40 hadiths
and he also put together a kitab
that you tend to find in every household.
The Famous imam he mentioned his kitab
he said
Whoever now doesn't declare.
who takes as a religion
other than Islam, like a Nasara,
like the Deen of the Christians. O Sheikh
Kafiq. O he doubts their kufr, the disbelieve.
O Saha hamad haboom for kafir or declares
their way to be correct, this person is
a disbeliever.
Even if he makes apparent
he's a Muslim and his belief,
like he shows to the people, he he,
affirms everything else
just like me and you. But at the
same time, he doesn't declare them to be
or he doubt for regarding it, or he
declares the way to be correct, this person
is a kafir. Why? Because brothers and sisters,
our religion, Allah
has told us in the Quran,
The religion with Allah
is what? Al Islam. And Allah says another
Whoever now
desires other than the religion of Islam, then
it won't be accepted from him.
And I want to carry on, insha Allahu
Ta'ala, mentioning the statements of the scholars, brothers
and sisters, because it's vital. We're not trying
to bring things from our own back pockets.
Okay? And this is a great example of
a matter in our religion in which
Al Ijmaa or Qaayimun Ali where you find
that Ijmaa
has stood over it.
You might not have an ayah, you might
not have a hadith that mentions this principle,
but there is a unanimous agreement. And I
will carry on mentioning these statements of the
because it's important not to speak about the
As the scholars used to mention, and Imam
Al Barabahari
Beware of speaking about the matter in the
religion and you don't have someone proceeding in
it. Sheikh Al Baan, you always used to
mention it, always used to repeat this, brothers
and sisters.
So, Thiam ibn Urayna
who was the teacher of Imam Al Khumeidi.
And Imam Al Khumeidi was the teacher of
Imam Bukhar
When you go to the first hadith,
Inna Malamal Binyat,
who do you find in it?
And he was brothers and sisters of Quran,
he was a contemporary
of Imam al Shafi'
He said, Al Quranu kalamullah.
The Quran is the speech of Allah
Whoever says the Quran is created, he is
a kafir.
Brothers and sisters, this is not some random
person saying this.
And whoever doubts this person's disbelief is a
kafir as well.
The son of Imam Ahmed
he narrated this in his Kitab as Sunnah,
we send it inside with the chain that
is authentic.
Ibn Ataymih
he mentioned in Majmu'al Fatawah, volume 27, page
he said,
Whoever doesn't
it to be Haram, and he's having another
the Prophet
was sent.
With the religion.
And he's taking the religion of the Jews
and the Christians.
the one that doesn't declare them to be
kuffar and he doesn't
hate them
this person is not a Muslim and
this has been unanimously agreed on by the
Muslims. So you find in all these transmissions,
brothers and sisters,
they talk about the action that is clear
cut kufar. Then after that, they mention anybody
who, what,
Doesn't declare them to be
Ibn Atayeemer also mentions his kitab salawin misrule.
now curses or insults
the companions, or any of them.
And he attaches to his claim
of insulting the Sahaba,
that Ali is a God or
a Prophet.
He made a mistake. What they tend to
say normally brothers and sisters, that Jibril,
he took the wrong path, and he ended
up giving the revelation to the Prophet
when it was upon him to go to
Ali Radiallahu Anhu.
And then there's no doubt
in the kufr, the disbelief of this person
who curses,
insults them, or he claims that Ali is
a Allah, a God, or a Prophet, or
that Jibril made a mistake.
Rather, there's no doubt over the one
who withholds
from declaring that person who has fallen into
all these things that has been previously mentioned,
the aforementioned things
in him being a kafir.
Also, Ibrahim
He mentioned his kitab
Okay? In his risala, which he called as
siniya, to the tayfatul adawiyah, he said,
Whenever now doubts this person who's calling on
to Ali to Kafir as well, eyewitnesses, brother,
they see with my own eyes
around the Kaaba.
These people going around the Kaaba, so culminating
the Kaaba, what they're saying?
Oh, Ali, save us from the fire. Calling
on to Ali
I witnessed this taking place around the camp,
and I've mentioned this many times.
Okay. Brothers and sisters, now I'm going to
move on to
the the wabit,
the general principles
when it comes to this Qa'ida or
this action that nullifies the persons in Islam.
There are 3
principles that we need to be aware of
this individual is taken at the fold of
Islam or is declared to be a Kafir.
Same thing.
Before 1 is declared to be Kafir for
falling into this nullifier,
3 things need to be taken into consideration.
Not just like that. We just jump on
it straight away, we declared our person to
be a kafir.
Al Babitul Awal, the first of Babit,
to know their situation.
Ibn Taym
mentioned in his answer to a question that
was put forth to him and he'll shook
me liibni
not al arabi but arabi
He was asked about this individual called Ibnu
Arabi, wagaidhimal al mushrikeen albateen.
And those who are like them from the
mushriks, albateen.
But the Batinin, brothers and sisters, they are
deviant sect which has Kufr and Balayi with
And Ibn Arabi had Kufri Yajid Balay with
He says,
Their statements
are worse than the statements of the Nasara.
And there is a contradiction when it comes
the the statements of the nasara.
Sometimes they take the position of the
and I will explain, Insha'Allah,
what the beliefs of the is
and what Al Itihad
means as well. Okay. Very Kufri beliefs,
beliefs that they have.
And they deceive the individual who doesn't understand
And this is all kufr,
inwardly and externally.
With the unanimous agreement of every Muslim
and whoever now doubts the kufr of these
and this is now Molten al Shaheb, this
is the point I'm trying to get across
to you
after coming to know the reality of their
and knowing the religion of Islam Poor Kafir
He is a
Just like the person who doubts the kufr,
the disbelief of the Ehud, the nasaara, the
Christians, and also the Mushriks.
Okay. So he basically in this point, brothers
and sisters, ishtarata,
He mentioned 2 conditions before declaring them to
a kafir.
know the,
their statements.
To know their situations and also to know
the religion of Islam,
to know the proofs and evidences that show
that this is a piece of kufr.
the from this is that you know the
situation, after that he knows
okay, what does say that show that this
is now a very serious type of kufar?
And when you hear Alhurul and Alitihad brothers
and sisters,
there is a
difference between the 2.
Okay. In a nutshell, brothers and sisters,
let's just say you have 2 things.
You have
2 things.
is when you put these 2 things together,
when you put these 2 things together,
there is times when you can separate them.
Aswad I Tihad is when you put 2
things together, it becomes 1.
Let me give you an example of sukhar.
You know, these, sugar cubes.
If you put that in tea, what happens,
it remains there, right, for a a period
of time. Let's just talk about a period
of time where it remains there.
I can take that piece of sugar out,
2 things have been put together,
I can take the sugar out and it's
still these two things. That is what Alati
Sorry. That is,
When 2 things you can put together and
then remove them and separate them, and they
still remain the 2 things.
As for let's just say, for example, now
I mix the I swirl it and I
use a spoon to, mix it,
and then the sugar ends up melting inside
the coffee or the tea.
And now these two elements, they become one
thing within each other. These two elements have
become 1 in that particular thing.