Abu Taymiyyah – Part 5 My husband is Forcing Me To Do Haraam him Do I accept

Abu Taymiyyah
AI: Summary ©
The segment discusses the issue of sex and the need for everyone to be truthful in their behavior. The segment also talks about the need for everyone to be straight up and not obey their parents' commands. The segment ends with a recap of the history of the message of Islam and the need for everyone to be truthful in their behavior.
AI: Transcript ©
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And inshallah to Allah brothers and sisters now

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I'm going to be moving on to the

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3rd part

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of the video

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which is

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if now

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the husband is telling his wife to do

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something that is impermissible.

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We just mentioned now some of the virtues,

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some of the Hadith that talk about the

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of a wife being

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obedient to husband.

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If he now tells her now to do

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something that is Haram, is that permissible?

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Is she allowed to obey him?

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Rather, she can't obey him in that which

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is Haram.

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And from the examples that we find,

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is when the husband and we have to

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stay really really balanced here. We mentioned the

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positives and likewise the negatives of the woman

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and likewise the husband.

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Sometimes the husband

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tries to cut the relationship between

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his wife

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and her parents.

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This is something that is Haram.

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The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam told us

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The one that cuts the relationship,

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the kith and the kin, this is impermissible.

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala also says,

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Have you not been disobedient to Allah Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala?

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That you cause corruption upon the earth,

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and you cut your relationship amongst yourselves.

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

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These people

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are people that Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala has

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and he has made them blind and deaf.

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These are the people that cut their relations

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between their family members. And he is not

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allowed to do this

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the girl and her mother,

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or her father.

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As you have these aya, these many, many

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hadith that talk about

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looking after the relationship between a kid and

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a kin,

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the close relatives and etcetera.

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Ibn Taymiyrahima Allahu Ta'ala says,

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If the husband now

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stops his wife

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from doing that which Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

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has commanded.

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Or He commands her now to do something

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Allah has made Haram,

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or prohibited.

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It is not

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permissible for her to be obedient to him

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in this regard.

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There is no obedience to the creation if

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it means disobedience to the creator.

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Rather even the owner of a slave, if

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he now tells his slave,

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In that which is

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in disobedience to Allah

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It is not permissible for the slave

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to obey his master

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in being disobedient to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

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So how is it not permissible

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for the mother

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sorry, for the

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wife to obey her husband.

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Or any of her parents

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when it comes to being disobedient to Allah

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Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

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Rather all the good is

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in being obedient to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

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and his messenger.

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And all the evil is

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in being disobedient to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

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in his messenger.

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And many examples of this

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that both the couple sometimes might fall into

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or even the parents might fall into when

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the parent is telling

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their daughter or their sons

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to be oppressive

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to the other half,

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or the parents are telling her

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to not obey the husband,

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and not to go with him if he

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decides to move to another place. Or if

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he wants to do something, they tell the

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girl don't do this.

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And sometimes when it comes to the husband

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and brothers, we're not going to go around

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the bush here, we're going to be really

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straight up.

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You find that some husbands,

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they force

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their wives

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into having sexual * with them while they

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are on their menses.

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says,

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They ask you about the menses, say to

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them it's harmful.

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And leave of the women while they are

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on their menses.

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This is what Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala told

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us to do.

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Or entering upon the woman

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in places where Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala has

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The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam cursed the individual

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that goes

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and has * with his wife in a

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place that has been prohibited.

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And we have to be really really straight

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up here. Brothers and sisters, we get emails

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regarding this.

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People saying

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my husband is trying to force me into

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doing this, and I don't know what to

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do, I don't know who to speak to.

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What do I do?

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The answer is it

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is not permissible for you to obey your

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husband in this

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because it is something that will bring the

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wrath of Allah

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subhanahu, the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said,

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the curse of Allah is always upon the

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individual now that enters

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his wife from the backside.

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And like we said, probably say we need

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to be really straight with this issue. It's

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from the Akhnam of Allah Azzawajal.

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As for the parents

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now commanding

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the girl

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to do that which Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

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told her to do?

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It is something

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that is

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and she has to listen to her parents

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even if she's married.

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As for

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her parents now ordering her,

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oh any of them.

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In that which,

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is in obedience to Allah

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trying to preserve

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the daily prayers, was it hadith and being

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truthful in speech.

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And also being

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or fulfilling the trust.

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And they now

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prohibit her from wasting her money.

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And anything like this.

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Upon her

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to obey them

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in these matters.

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Even if this kind of command now comes

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from other than the parents.

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So how about now if this kind of

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command comes from my parents?

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We need to understand, if someone now tells

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you need to now pray your prayers. You

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need to be truthful in speech.

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If anyone tells you that it's still upon

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you to do it, how about your parents

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now telling you to preserve the limits of

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala?

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So Insha'Allah,

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brothers and sisters,

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Wallahi, I'm not attacking anyone specifically.

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Wallahi, we made this video

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in order to stop any future breakups,

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And there's many people suffering from this kind

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of, these kind of issues.

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And only Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala knows our

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No one specific

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are we speaking about rather

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all that we're trying to do is

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protect the Ummah

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from trying to follow the disbelievers in their

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In that which Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala has

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And for everyone to be happy

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and everyone to know their limits because it's

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a big issue, it's a big problem.

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And Insha'Allah Ta'ala in part 2, we will

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be speaking about,

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and it's also something of a issue that

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very widespread in many households.

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You find that the son of a mother

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comes and he says,

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my own mother, my own mother,

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she's treating my sister-in-law

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like a slave.

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She cries all the time,

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she wears her out, she oppresses her. What

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do I do?

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She's living in my house, and this is

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what my mother is doing. Wallahi one brother

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came up to me and he said to

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you have certain mothers

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who watch these Indian films with Shah Rukh

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Khan and all these other characters in there

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who watch these kind of films, and this

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is where they get their mentality from. This

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is where they get

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how to deal with their daughter in laws.

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So they deal in such an oppressive way.

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We ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to preserve

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all of us.

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