Abu Taymiyyah – Part 4 Who Are The Male Inheritors in The Law of Islamic Inheritance
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So I want you to imagine yourself in
your grave and the angels they approach you.
They ask you the 3 all important questions
to see if you pass the test of
life. Who is your lord? What is your
religion? And who is your prophet? Imagine you're
in that state right now. Will you be
able to answer those questions? You need to
live by these answers so you can answer
them in your grave but a person can't
live by something that he or she does
not know so you have to learn these
things. For that reason we have a Islamic
studies Programme and would like to invite you
to take a look at the programme by
joining our Telegram group at the link below.
And if you like it inshallah to Allah
and you think this is something that could
be suitable for you and you may be
able to learn that you're deen here, then
you can register for the 1st year of
our program and hopefully we see you on
the other side.
we start our lesson today,
I'm going to put some calculations on the
What was that number called?
Base number. Excellent.
And do you guys remember the 2 groups
of numbers that we took in the previous
class? Who remembers them?
Give me the first but in order.
Half and then being halved and then being
halved like that.
said half?
Quarter. And then an 8th.
And then an 8th.
This was the first group, right? Yeah. What
was the second group?
I want you to tell
me like how the sister suggested in the
q and a. Do you remember?
Yeah. Masha'Allah.
Go on.
Half of 2 thirds?
3rd. And then half of a third? 3rd.
These are the fractions mentioned in
the sunnah. Right?
These fractions are mentioned where?
In the Quran. Excellent.
I what's the base number?
24. He said 24. He said 8. Anyone
24. Why is it 24?
You go with the group one number,
and then I times the bottom number by
So what did you do?
is found with any of the central numbers.
He just basically took the
least of the numbers.
The base number in this scenario is?
Is the noise alright?
Just move this away maybe.
We mentioned
that if
an 8th comes with the second group, The
base number is going to be out of?
24. 24.
Just take that as a principle.
Some of our brothers who are very learned
in mathematics,
they have different ways of also finding the
base number.
It's not the only way, but this is
one of the ways
how to find the base number.
Make sense?
much would this
person get?
How much was left over? You divide that
much in 4th.
Should I give you guys a real life
We say that this is
a dead.
Allah says in the Quran,
the parents they will take a 6th each
if there is a child in the equation.
Who takes an 8th? See who Don't worry,
we haven't taken this properly yet, but it's
mentioned in the Quran.
When does someone get a thuman and with
what condition?
Wallet. Right?
say the eye right.
Is that clear?
So who takes it? Wife.
You got lost a little bit. Don't worry
about it. So someone passed away and he
left behind a father, a wife, and a
Okay. So you have to do 6 divided
by 24?
So now what do you do? Like we
mentioned that a dad is entitled to 6,
the wife is entitled to 8th, and then
the son, he is by the way for
those who don't know and will be taking
section of Farad today, inshallah
Who inherits
al Farhad,
and who inherits with tasib,
and who might be
a residuary beneficiary,
and someone who has a
specific amount
that he is entitled to.
Don't worry about all of that, alright?
You know what? I'm just gonna wipe this
all out because it's just gonna confuse you
guys at this point.
I just thought I'll give you guys a
real life scenario.
How do we calculate this now?
6 divided
24 divided by 6.
Because of course, there's someone here. Right? And
there's someone here and there's someone here.
How much did he get? 4. 4.
3. So you do 24 divided
by 8. 3. Is? 3. It's not 5?
Take away 7 is?
Or 15?
They get to lock. The residual beneficiary gets
the remainder. Then you have a residuary beneficiary.
You guys remember the residuary
beneficiary issue that we discussed?
So you have those who have a specific
allocated to them in the Quran.
And they are the 6 fractions that we
mentioned. Then there are those
are residuary beneficiaries.
How much would this one get? 17.
Let me just put it back again now.
Why the wife will take an 8? Will
come to
that. Why the dad will take a 6?
Will come to that. Why the son takes
the remaining?
Will come to that, inshallah.
Make sense?
At this point in time,
I want you guys to just be able
to calculate
the base number,
which is a very, very crucial number.
No. It's black. Right?
I feel like a math teacher.
What's the base number?
Why is it 12?
We have what? A quarter. We mentioned that
if a quarter now comes with the
group, all the base number be out of?
This is why brothers,
them 4 principles I gave you guys.
It needed to be like water today.
But but but quickly like that.
If half comes with the second group?
6. 6. How you if a quarter comes
with a second group? 12. 12. Even 8th
comes with a second group? 24. 24.
Makes sense?
Play, what if a half comes with a
We make the base number
What do we do? The biggest numerator or
the biggest denominator?
in this case, what would it be?
12. 12.
For those who are attending for the first
time, if you don't understand, don't worry.
We're just playing around here.
When you want to play around,
And you want to spend some time doing
leisure, then do archery.
When you want to have chitchat,
so you wanna sit around having talk with
one another,
what should you do? Speak about?
Farai, inheritance.
So we're just
6. 6. 18.6.
Come on, brothers.
I had 8, I had 6, I had
What you basically do is,
if there is a fraction
where the numerator
is more than 1, like in this case
here it's pretty clear. What do you do?
divided by 3 is?
4. 4.
4 times 2,
like that. You divide by this and the
way to remember is because that which is
normally under you divide,
And then you multiply by the top.
For those who study maths,
that's how you calculate fractions.
Even if you didn't attend the week before,
the week before that, I'm sure you understand
that part. Right? No. Excellent.
Zakre Brothers?
Who's used Math Swatch in the past?
Guys know Math Swatch?
I genuinely believe Badullah.
It was math's watch that got me an
But then I got a d for college.
That was January exam then I left.
But later on got my distinctions and I
to Loughborough University to do civil engineering.
And perhaps don't scare.
So what would that be?
12 divided by 3 times 2?
8. 8.
12. 12 divided by 6 times 1.
12 divided by 4 times 1.
You guys get now how to calculate it?
I was going to ask how much do
you guys have in your bank account, but
We'll just take
that Tahmid has left behind. Mashallah. He says
He says,
The Hamid, what would you do now
to calculate how much each
individual gets?
What is the first mathematical
You're right, Sahir.
So how much is that? 8 plus 12?
2? 13. 10? 13.
This in Al Farai is called Al Aul.
Al Aul.
When each allocated amount is more than the
base number.
What we would do in this case is
maybe it was a bad example to use.
What we would do is we would write
13 here.
Instead of it being 12, it'll be 13.
Let's just change it about a little bit.
But the whole idea, me giving you guys
all these fractions was to calculate the base
number. Makes sense?
And then the remaining
Is, in this case how much?
Tameel left behind £20,000.
What is the first step
in distributing
this £20,000?
So you do 20,000 divided by 12?
20,000 divided by?
Which Which is 1666.
Divided by 12. And then what do you
So To allocate.
Okay. You got 1.66666.
And then you're just gonna tie this.
66. Right?
What did you do then? Times so now
that number, you times it by 8, and
that's how much the first person will get.
Multiply it by?
Let's take another one.
Yeah? And then you do the same thing
for the second person. So 1 point so
times 2,
and then you do times 2 again. And
that's how much
What's 1.666.66666
multiplied by 2?
Normally, what you would need to do is
round it up.
Okay? So you would say in this scenario,
Just to make your calculations a little bit
And then multiply that by 2 again, is
the remaining.
Does it add up to 20,000 brothers?
Does it add up to 20,000
when you make these calculations?
Have I lost you guys here?
It's pretty worthy. Right? It's pretty clear.
You guys with me so far?
Someone quickly do. Did you get 20,000?
Yeah. It all adds up to £20,000.
I guarantee you guys, and we've only taken
4 lessons, right?
If you were to now calculate how much
each inheritor would get if you were to
pass away today, you'd be able to calculate
it very easily without any
Do you
have parents?
You have a wife?
A wife?
No. You have children?
No. You have any grandparents?
From your dad's dad? I've got my grandmother,
my mom, and my grandmother, my dad.
That'll be very pretty
simple. After today's class
and then maybe another two classes,
guys should be able to
calculate your own inheritance.
A lot of the chapters that we take
like for example, earlier, it nearly became 13.
This is a chapter called Aul. Sometimes it's
less than the base number.
That would be called Baburad.
These come later on,
but most people scenarios are pretty straightforward.
Is that clear? Are pretty straightforward.
We'll do one more
before we take
today's class.
My brothers, them four principles.
I'll call it 4 commandments.
When it comes to the base number, it's
very very important. Try to have it like
water. Try to have it like water.
What's half 6?
How many do we get?
So we'll take him out.
Because we're not taking Babilah out.
Makes sense?
Okay. We're gonna do this last one, inshallah
to Allah.
that it leaves behind.
What's the first step?
500 divided by? 6. 6. You get?
And then what do you do?
Finding the base number, my beloved brothers
and sisters,
is the essence of Faraiq.
Layer 1, you'll come across so many different
it still revolves around finding the base number.
That base number, if you get that wrong,
you'll be handing over chunks of money to
wrong people.
And once you've distributed it,
can you just say to the guy, oh,
give me the money back. He may give
it back to you, but what if he
You're leaving,
Some of the inheritors
He may need it at that time, but
you've done it wrong.
Even if you don't become like
a strong student in inheritance,
at least
you have what?
You have some sort of understanding in Faraiq.
Surface level
That's why they
Try to learn something from everything.
Try to learn something from everything.
It may not necessarily be
correct in
in totality, this particular statement.
However, makes a lot of sense. You try
to take something from everything, at least you
have found it and then you build on
each thing
that you've taken.
Today, we're going to take
Today's topic is the inheritors.
The male and female inheritance.
Who inherits?
Who inherits?
Is everyone
from your relatives that inherit? Do
you guys remember
the 3 categories
that we mentioned previously from those
who may inherit.
Do you guys remember?
All this first category?
Those who the Sharia has allocated
a specific amount to, or a specific share
And we mentioned they are the
fractions that were mentioned in the Quran.
And those it was allocated to. What was
the second category?
My favorite term in English.
The residuary beneficiary.
Right? And then you have a third category.
What's a third category? The one connected by
the female? None.
Arrahim they call them. Arrahim.
If there is a female between you
and the one
above them
That which connects
between you and the one above. If that's
a female, then Rahim.
Very very rare, very rare scenarios do they
ever inherit. It's mostly between the first category
and the second category.
Are you guys with me? Now we need
to know who
are the male and female inheritors.
Is that clear?
Who are those of the first category and
those of the second category? Who are they?
Is it my great great great uncle,
Sorry, great great great father who might be
alive, does he inherit?
Is it my
foster parents,
Do I inherit from them?
We need to know who inherits.
Let's start off with the men.
I could have easily just listed all of
The reason why I didn't list all of
them was I want you guys to memorize
it like this.
It'll get very very easy. Let me explain
something to you guys. Everyone pay attention.
When you're done with taking the selfie.
You have the son
and then you have
his children.
You have the father and then you have
the one above them.
How many is that already so far?
4. So you have the son, the father,
the uncle, and then you also have
They are 4 and then they branch out
as well.
Okay? So if you memorize inshallah
the father, the son, the brother and the
uncle. Remember that they were the first 4
that I put on the board.
They were the first 4 that I put
in the board.
And then they start branching out.
Are you guys with me?
The brother-in-law? Yeah. I just searched up.
Call me the brother-in-law.
Because that's basically your wife's relatives.
So wife's relatives, they don't inherit from you.
So you have the father,
the son, the uncle, and the brother.
Them 4 are very very clear.
Father has a grandfather.
The son has
a son.
The uncle then branches out to
a paternal.
Uncle which is the one from the
From the father, the half one. And then
you have the full one. Them 2. And
then they have kids as well.
You guys with me? And then you have
the brother, you have a half brother
from the father's side. Half brother from the
mother's side.
And you have the full one as well.
And each one of them have what?
Kids. An easy way to remember that look,
you have a full brother.
Full brother.
Let's put the in the middle. Right? Full
Half brother from the father side.
Half brother
from the mother side.
You guys with me?
And then his kids,
and then the other one's kids as well.
Everybody get that?
That's already 5 out of the way on
one side.
Guys with me?
And then on this side, you have the
the full one, the paternal one,
then his kids and then the full one's
kids as well.
The the
one that passed away, his son.
Let's just say for example, I have a
brother called Ibrahim.
Ibrahim is my full brother. The one I
was sitting there in the corner.
I also have a brother from
my dad's other wife. That makes him
my half paternal brother.
Makes sense?
If he now had kids,
his name is Abdul Hadi.
If Abdul Hadi had now kids,
they would become
The sons here.
Is that clear?
Is it okay if you go over the
Okay. The uncles.
I have an uncle. He's my dad's brother.
he's my what?
My fool.
My dad,
he has a half brother
from his dad's side.
That makes him also my uncle,
but a half uncle. Does that make sense?
You guys with me?
Let me just
did everybody get that so far?
So we have 14 written down here, and
the number 15 is the one who freed
a slave.
They call him the Marduk.
We'll we'll come on to all of that.
We'll come on to all of that. It
might not even necessarily get there.
If your father is alive, your brothers get
Your brothers get absolutely nothing.
So there
are times when some are going to be
some of them are going to be blocked,
maybe a better term to be using is
so and so is blocked from inheriting.
So how many on this side?
5 or 4?
4. How many on that side?
5. 5.
How many?
Here? 2. How many on top? 2. Here
we say we are in Allah. Here we
also say we're in Nizel.
The example that is used here is a
grandson. It could also be a great grandson,
the great great great great great. That's why
they always say we're in nizil. Even anything
that comes lower from that. But don't confuse
yourself with that now. These are the 15.
Right? 14 are written down here. The 15th
one is the one who has freed his
faith, which we don't necessarily need to speak
about. You brothers and sisters with me?
Okay. Who can quickly go through all of
them from the top of his mind?
Always remember the 4. Who are the 4?
The one above, the one under, the one
on the left and the one on the
right. Who's under?
Just to look at me as the one
who has passed away.
They even mentioned in the books,
you will not become a Faraday,
a scholar in Farayid
until you kill everybody that you know.
How does that mean?
Until you kill your children, you kill your
father, you kill your neighbors,
how does that mean? That you go physically
go out and start killing them?
You start calculating, okay, so and so has
passed away.
Right? My dad, take him out of the
equation, he's died now. Who inherits? Your son's
passed away. Who inherits?
Making all these calculations, he makes you what?
Very skilled
at calculating
Say before now.
Look at me as the one who's passed
I have a son,
I have a father, I have an uncle
and I also have
a brother.
Grandfather above. So it's my father and the
great grandfather,
my father and the grandfather.
That's already what? 2.
Son and the grandson, that's already 4.
And then you have my brother.
My full brother,
half brother from my dad's side, half brother
from my mom's side. That's what?
Half brother.
My full
brother has children.
My paternal
half brother also has children. They are what?
That's another 5.
And then my uncle.
My full uncle, and then you have the
half uncle.
And both of them have kids, that's another
4 plus 2 plus 2 is how much?
8. Plus 5 is?
13. 13. How many left? 2. Who's the
14th one? The husband. The husband.
Who is the 15th one? 1. The one
who frees safe.
Everybody get that? We're not gonna stop our
class until 2 brothers come up and they
explain it the way I just did.
You come.
No. You you you. Yeah.
Well, like I said,
gone through all of that, listed it. But
like this, you'll be able to memorize it.
And I know how difficult it can be
to memorize what? 15 of them.
Where's the father? Is he up, down, left,
right, up? And above him is grandfather. Above
him is grandfather, it's 2. So the son
below. Son below? Anything below. So
the grandson. Grandson. Anything below that comes after
that. So how many is that altogether? Four.
Yeah. 4. Right? And you have the brothers.
You have a full brother. You have the
full brother? Half brother from the paternal. Half
brother from the paternal. Half brother from the
maternal. Half brother from the maternal. Full brother's
Four brothers the full brother, his children, his
sons. Yes. And then the half brothers from
the paternal sons. Then you have the That's
how many altogether?
There's always 5 on the
brother's side.
Is that clear?
So how many is altogether? 5 plus 2
plus 2 is how many altogether?
9. 9.
And you have the full uncle?
Full uncle. And you have the paternal uncle?
Paternal uncle. And their children.
And their children. Then you have That's what?
Four together.
Did everybody get that? You have your full
uncle and then you have the paternal uncle,
and both of them have kids.
Babe, how many is all together? 13.
Like husband. Husband. I'm gonna free it safe.
I'm gonna free it safe, Jameel.
Do you know who taught me this way
brothers and sisters?
It was none of my teachers.
It was this random brother who came to
the Haram.
He decided
to walk into the inheritance circles.
The Sheikh who runs all of these inheritance
circles, right?
He asked me,
he asked me to listen to
some of those who wanted to start this
Normally, the chef will give you a paper.
On this paper, there's two sides.
One of the things that you have to
memorize is,
who from the male
or who from the men
And who from the female inherits? The only
the female is very very simple. So only
10 of them will take that next week,
So you've got brothers, right? Picking up this
paper, literally memorizing it, just like that.
One after the other. One time a brother
came, I think he was from Sudan,
and the teacher was like, Can you listen
to him? So I'm sitting there, students are
coming 1 by 1,
reading what's on the 2 pages.
This prophet was like, listen I have a
very easy way of memorizing this.
Right? And then he said, you got 4
You got what? The son, You got the
father, you got the brother and you got
the uncle.
Just put these 4 together like that. Then
go up a little bit and then go
down a little bit and then branch out
on your left and then branch out on
right. I'm sure most of us are not
memorizing. Right?
So you go up a little bit. Who
is that?
There's already 2 at the top. And anyone
who goes all over him, or is higher
than him. So there's 2 already at the
top. How many at the bottom? 2. 2.
You got a son and? Grandson. A grandson.
How many is altogether?
your brother?
How many on that side? 5. 5.
So you have the full brother,
the half paternal brother,
the half maternal brother.
That's 3.
The 4th brother has kids
and the paternal brother has kids as well.
How many is that? 5.
And then you have the uncle.
Full uncle.
Paternal uncle. I think everybody knows who the
paternal uncle now is. Right?
My dad,
he has a full brother
And then he also had a half brother.
Because their father had more than one wife.
Everybody get that?
How many on that side? 4.
How many is all together?
And then you got the husband who's by
himself. I don't think anybody will forget the
Sahih. And then the one who frees the
That's 15 altogether.
I missed a little bit earlier. So what
do you mean by the husband?
Husband. As in The wife passes the way
she leaves by the husband. The wife's affected.
Yeah. Okay. Yeah. So now the wife passes.
No. No. No.
not speaking about husband and husband.
The reason why they're laughing is because
suffer a light, Azim.
He came to read to me just before
I left in Madinah.
You know, Al Imam al Bukhari Muhammadullah says,
someone will not become an Alim. Alim.
Until he takes knowledge from those who are
higher than him, Those that are like him
and those that may have less knowledge than
So this brother now,
right? Has just started inheritance course.
And I've been studying it for months on
He is now benefiting me with something,
right? That no teachers ever taught me.
You guys with me? Not even the teachers
in the Halakat knew this method
of memorizing the 15. It will be very
difficult to forget Islam.
Would you guys agree with that? Instead of
me giving you 15,
Maybe you can zoom in here.
The 15 are written just like that.
If I say to you sit down and
You might find a little bit
difficult memorizing it. And then even if you
did memorize, you forget it.
Everybody get that? One last person to come
Come come.
Don't really.
No no no.
By the way, it's not a promo for
It's the person plus the weight? Come here.
Come here. It's an excellent
So they don't get confused at what's on
the board.
Person passes away, he has his father,
and then he means his son.
To the right is his brother. To the
left is his uncle,
full uncle.
Then we start with the top. Then he
has his grandfather.
On the bottom is his son's son.
On his right, full brother, and then he
has his half 2 half brothers,
maternal and paternal.
The full brother's sons, and, half brother paternal
Has how many on that side? So that's
5 on that side. 2. 2 at the
top, 2 at the bottom. Then left hand
side is full uncle,
then paternal uncle, and then both their sons.
Excellent. How many is altogether?
13. We got 2 left. And then husband
free today. Yeah. No one on free today.
Did you before this study this before? Yeah.
First time? First time.