Abu Taymiyyah – Part 15 Say ‘Wallah’ You Are Not Going To Tell Anybody’
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Whoever is not well mannered
in his relationship with Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala,
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala will patch him up.
Will deal with him under the earth.
Say Wallahi you're not going to tell anybody.
We hear this all the time. Say Wallahi,
you're not going to tell anybody.
Is there anything wrong with
asking one to swear by Allah Subhanahu Wa
Ta'ala in order to
a very sensitive secret? The answer is no.
But my brothers and my sisters, every best
friend has a close friend, as they say.
You've told this individual now,
It could be so
that he's not somebody who's reliable.
He has a best friend and he goes
and tells him as well. And he says
to him say wallahi you're not gonna tell
anybody. And then he goes to Hizba and
so on and so forth.
Chinese whispers, the name of Allah is the
wajal is used in vain.
This is a very bad characteristic to have,
very bad trait.
And Al Islam
has come to protect
the secrets.
He has spoken quite extensively
with regards to
being trusted,
and being trustworthy.
We've even been told, that one of the
four characteristics of nifaq hypocrisy is,
When he is trusted, he breaks the trust.
It's a sad reality
that this is now even becoming widespread
amongst those who go out to study.
He just can't hold himself together.
He tells his closed ones
before he actually becomes public information.
And trust my brothers and my sisters like
a vase.
What happens when the vase
smashes into the ground?
Can you put the pieces back up together
again? The answer is no, you can't.
And that's exactly
how broken trust is.
The Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
He said
If one says something,
he tells you, gives you a piece of
and then he begins to turn
to his sides.
Whether it's his left or whether it's his
This is a clear indication that this is
A secret.
He doesn't want you to go out and
spread this to others.
And this is a trust.
The Those
who explain the hadith they say, he doesn't
have to turn to his left and turn
to his right. The fact
that he's given you some indication is enough.
I conclude with
this advice
of the mother of
Radiallahu ta'ala Anhu he said,
The Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam came to me
while I was playing with the kids.
He sent me to go and do something
and I ended up coming home late to
my mother.
When I came to my mother,
she asked him,
What caused you to come late?
Anasul Malik radiAllahu ta'ala Anhu responded back and
he said,
Masin Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam sent me to go
and do something.
So she asked,
What did he tell you to do? He
responded back and he said It
is a secret
What was her response?
Did she say wallahi I'm not going to
tell anybody.
This is going to stay private.
Look at this righteous mother
This sincere advisor Look what she said An
amazing advice that every single one of us
need to take into consideration.
She said to him,
Do not tell anybody
the secrets
of the prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
Uhadan here is an indefinite that has now
come in a negative context.
And we learned this in
It means absolutely nobody. It is generalized.
If an indefinite comes a negative indicates it
being in general. Indicates generality.
Not your mother, not your father,
not the jinn,
Not your close ones,
nobody That's what he means
So Ittaqillah
when it comes to the secrets of others,
it is a serious sin
And it is fit for that person if
constantly does this,
that he really becomes
close to
those who are hypocrites
and Allah knows best.
The worst of those in the eyes of
Allah, aza wajal, on the day of judgement
is a
man who did things with his wife.
Pay attention here with his wife.
After all of this takes place what does
he do? He takes this and he spreads
it to the people. I did this with
my wife and I did that. She said
this and she said that.