Abu Taymiyyah – Part 1 Aqeedatul Raziyain
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Okay, Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim wa Salatu was Salam ala Ashraf an
MBI will mursaleen Amina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa seldom
at the Sleeman Kathira following on from the introduction,
inshallah to Allah I'm going to now start the book
off Oslo Suniti were ticker Dean
also known as the de Arte either of the tours is Abu Zahra Ric and
also I will have him Alrighty.
So how did this whole book or this whole aqidah come about?
It was actually the son of Abu Hatem Rossi, who asked the
question, and I'm going to read out for you here inshallah. The
brothers here they translated it, we were informed by Abu Zaid a
Shermie. In a reading to him he said, we were informed by Chef Abu
Talib Abdulkadir even though Muhammad even Abdulkadir with
Muhammad in the Youssef in a reading to him and he was
listening and I Abu Zaid was listening and he Abu Talib
sanction that he said we were informed by Chef Abu his house
Ibrahim Ebner Omar Abdullah Mohammed Al Burma key who said he
was narrated to us by about Hassan
Ali even though Aziz even Mr. Duck him now I met him, not
him, not him at the birthday, who said, we were informed by Abu Abu
Muhammad Abdul Rahman IDNA behalf of NaVi Hatem May Allah make him
happy and be pleased with him who said,
Sal to be ye burrata and Muda, Hebei, 100 sunnah I asked my
father and abou Surah about the muda hip. Abba had a sunnah
regarding the fundamentals of the religion.
This in itself is a lesson This in itself, just asking
about the aqidah
of Allah sunnah to Gemma on searching for it
is something that is very, very important and we can go on for
lessons and lessons talking about this matter. Where do we take our
religion from? And as I mentioned before an introduction. What did
Muhammad Yunus theory Rahim Allah Allah say, in the habit and Modine
this knowledge is your religion
so be careful where you take your religion from Thunder amateur
Hola, Dinoco. So be careful of where you take your religion from.
And how can we find today so many Debian six?
Did they take it from the correct source?
Did they take it from the correct people?
Who was even behind him? Or was he taking it from an imam his father
was an Imam and Hadith, his appy there was sound.
So it's a lesson for us to when a matter occurs, whether it is from
the contemporary matters, or whether it is from the old
foundations of our religion is that we go searching for the
correct person who might give us his religion. This is why time and
time again what do we try to do? We try to collect collect connect
the brothers to who the classical scholars. This is why we thought
the Athena or Solarstone an Imam Khomeini, who was the teacher of
this person that we're studying now, who are the teachers who are
Hatem Ric
Anamosa, rising
and whose teacher was an island Sofia Marina
and if a person does that actually goes to the correct source of
taking his knowledge from the classical scholars and those who
are in accordance to these classical scholars.
You're gonna find that this person actually then becomes sound. As
for a person who has now gone to maybe the Bravia
or he has gone to the role awful, or has gone to someone else and
taken the most corrupt archive. This person hasn't fulfilled what
Allah subhanaw taala told him to do.
What did Allah subhanaw taala commanded to do? First Allah Allah
decree, in contrast to Allah moon, ask the people of knowledge. The
people have knowledge, if you don't know will be in it was with
proofs and evidences. So when a person is now going out to seek
knowledge from a guy that the Ulama don't know him
or his athey that is not in accordance to the classical
scholars, or the Allama the profane, or he is not known to be
upon the people of the Sunnah the people of the sauna don't know
him. Even sometimes you find when a student of knowledge comes back.
You have to know this person, either before you ask
Do you take notes from him?
And if this person is this person now, who is giving you knowledge?
Who did he take his knowledge from? Where did he take his
knowledge from?
And another way to know if a person is a scholar, Nam, like I
mentioned to you before as well as his students and his works.
First who praised him, his students and his works. And I gave
you the example even a team around him a low tide on some of the
scholars they mentioned. If only he had enough Abraham Allah to
Allah it was enough for us to what to know the scholarship and the
greatness and the owner of MTV Rahim Allah Allah.
So it's important to ask the Sahaba they used to ask, they
never used to go about using the actual, the intellect to do a
particular action. They used to go up to the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam, when they were going out to her name when they
were going after a battle of her name.
Even though some of the companions they were neutral Islam, they were
new to Islam. They said to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam, huh? After they walked past a group of mushriks, who were
hanging there actually had their weapons on a tree code that Anwar
in order to get blessing so that they have good omen and they have
great luck to when they go out and fight and etc. They never went out
and they start doing things in their own accord. They asked the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he I learned that and what
come out of that and what is the lesson from there as all make us a
tree a lotta and what? Just like they have a tree as well. So the
prophets Elijah was sending became upset and he told them that what
they're saying is similar to what the people of Moses said to him.
He learned earlier Camino Mallya, makers of God, just like they have
a God as though they, the whole point is shut up. The results are
than better.
He derived from this that it is important for a person, whatever
the matter might be, to always go back to the scholars and ask that
question. You haven't? You haven't been told by Allah subhanho wa
Taala to act upon ignorance. No one's asked you to go do something
out of ignorance.
That's going on Buhari has waterhole chapter. baboon, el
Carbonell, Kali, well, Amman, the chapter of seeking knowledge
before you say, and before you actually act.
So if you're in hedge, you're in Omaha, something regarding CRM
software regarding solid, it is an obligation for you to want to go
and ask, no one has made an obligation for you to act with
If you look now, if you look now, brothers,
why are the queries and a lot of brothers going to ISIS? Why they
traveling to Iraq?
Did they get did they get scholarly advice from the
scholars? Did one alum say go and fight with ISIS?
Even if you go to Iraq now where do you where do you fight? You
have just had to Nosara proclaim to me Muslims claim to be fighting
for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala you have ISIS are claiming
the exact same thing. You have the all these other groups who are all
claiming under listener.
The owner man they look at it from a very, very tight angle.
And from a very fat position.
No, I never ever said go out what to go and none of them ever said
Go and stop fighting for the sake of Allah.
See what happens now. When you don't go back to the scholars.
You end up doing things thinking that you are going to become a
Shaheed or you're going to fight in the way of Allah subhana you're
going to go do jihad.
Rather, you've taken your knowledge from maybe corrupt
misguided individuals
who have given this person a fatwa. He is misguided. And he's
misguided others Oh.
And this is from the Allama. Tessa that's why the more time goes on
and it goes on and it goes on is becoming more hard and hard to
differentiate between who's speaking the Hulk and who's
speaking the Boston shareholders on having a latte he started
crying when he mentioned this hadith, most of you don't know
nurture, thought and frozen.
One of the biggest spoilers dilemma that we have to do here in
this dunya this hadith in Allah Allah Anta Jared Edma in design
enters your home in a bed while I can be alone anymore becomes an
arena. Allah subhanho wa Taala
doesn't just sees the end doesn't just sees the knowledge and remove
Raava the knowledge disappears and it becomes removed.
By the passing away the scholars
either let me play Ireland
Is it tougher than national rules? Angela Hatay that lamb yep they
alamin it tougher the national rules and you Hyla
until there is no island that remains until there's no island
that remains, people they start going back to the ignorance
people, ignorance men.
For after all, the rainbow theory waiting for after Bureau him in
some narrations, it comes, they gave fatawa with their opinion
and without knowledge follow Alalu
and they lead themselves the strength and other people astray
as well.
So that's very, very important where we take our knowledge from,
if I say to you, Allah, He brothers, I'm not saying this out
of humbleness or whatever, I never,
if I say to you something Wallahi
and this is a contract, I promise between every single one of you
Wallahi if I say to you something that goes against the Quran, or
the Sunnah, or something that scholar said, Wallah, you have to
take a throw in my face.
And this is what the scholars of the past I've said, Forgive me.
The scholars of the past have said, if I say something that goes
against the Quran and Sunnah or I teach you something from these
books that we're studying, that doesn't go in accordance to what
the older man have said, that will allow you not to take it from me.
Imam Shafi said, if you see something that I said and it goes
against the far throw against the wall
Janessa some point the point is not I'm trying to call you to what
I believe or what everyone else believes. Our whole main objective
is to connect the people to the classical scholars, the scholars
of this time. So when the scholars him, you go seek knowledge from
them, we're just like an overseer, a means to what teach you and as
far as I have to say.
So I
was asked
by even on behalf of Mr. Rossi.
And he also asked his father of what the Madhava hostility or
Gemma is when it comes to the fundamentals of religion.
Why am I the Raka? I let him feed me and I'm sorry. And what they
both found the scholars in all the major cities upon
look at the second question you asked, and also what the other
scholars are upon, told my father, huh, Bayview athey that goes
against the rest of the major scholars then what keep it to
but he wants to also know if the other major scholars are what upon
the same Arcada
warmer Yeah, definitely than him indolic And what they said
themselves believed from that because Roberts these are folder
we're studying is motif on IE, the URL nama are in agreement with it.
The Roma are in agreement with it.
There is no extra effort when it comes to ha Messiah Hello Kadar
Messiah and Iman. Messiah
of Sahaba
I can't say okay for Lance cursing the Sahaba Fulani or something
against Abu Bakr Allah it's like it's like fifth like fifth hmm I
personally can maybe do will do once and once everybody probably
wash it once and once or he washes it twice and twice or three times
three times. Let him do this one and I'll do this one Allah Allah,
we have a problem if someone is cursing the Sahaba These are from
the soil the fundamentals that are under sunnah have gathered upon
unanimously agreed there is no extra effort is not a light matter
for us why it is not something that is brought a person to come
in you can say wherever you want. It is would you ban composure for
a person to believe these matters I was studying
for UCLA, and they replied at the rockin rockin and rollin ma V.
Jamie. I'm sorry. We were acquainted with the scholars in
all regions in all regions, ages and why Iraq and war Mr. Anwar
Sharman warrior Manna for Can I mean math heavy him the scholars
in hijas which was the time Saudi Arabia was also known as Hejaz,
Iraq, Egypt, chum, and Yemen. And it was from the mother hub and
Imana Oh, learn why I'm alone. Yes, he do. Why young posts that
Eman meaning faith is statement and action. It increases and
it says
sort of
He says either rockin and rollin Murphy Jamie Earl I'm sorry Hey
jazz and why rock and roll Mr. Anwar Sherman well Yemen
Afghanistan with heavy we acquainted with we were acquainted
as scholars in all regions meaning the scholars they were with they
all believed this aqidah
Dr Dan indolic was what do you agree with those? No no it goes on
what they believed from that
when he when they
they never said we both
like it should the humbleness
yes you could say that name because it's not necessarily
for example if your student name you're not necessarily calling to
your Arcada you're calling to the athlete of Ira sooner even though
the IMA the athlete is far greater than your personal self
Nam please
ask for those
they also and he said to them and refer them back to the scholars
scholars but not sure
okay, why is so important about the matters of will Iman
why is so important of the matters of an Iman Why is it so important
for us to actually study this
to do to a couple of reasons. So that one doesn't become
In though he does in his religion, one not becoming complacent in his
Ever personnel things if he just says La ilaha IL Allah and he
believes lie Allah him Allah
and he doesn't need to do any action, why was him this guy's
just gonna sit there, you know, enjoy himself. He doesn't need to
do any images. Why? Because it's not going to affect his image and
he becomes too complacent.
And then you have the other side of the spectrum.
If a personnel things, if he leaves off our Wi Fi by due to
maybe his laziness or his deficiency,
he becomes a carrier. He loses hope altogether and initiates
so running away from complacency,
one becoming too complacent his religion
thinking that he doesn't need to do any action and I'm going to
explain this more.
More as the lesson goes on. But we're trying to run away from
complacency and also the other side of the spectrum which is
becoming too fearful to an extent where we run away from the
original together
and once a person sphere becomes
or outweighs his hope, nine weapons
he runs away and he falls into destruction as we are going to
cover in shallow China
and how many times do we hear all the time? Ah, my Eman is in my
You tell someone to grow your beard ha ha Iman Tama
my emails in my heart. As long as I got a sensation and anger or
correct intention, whatever else I do is fine. Most of you have heard
one guy tells another guy grow up that he will lie the man is in the
hot so no matter what he does with his limbs. It doesn't affect his
and all of this we're going to cover your shallow Tyler
Not falling into the two sides.
One Hulu extravagance and the other wishes watering down an
aisle Asuna always was out in these matters. They're always in
the middle
so the EMA and bravas
the definition of an EMA and
the definition of an EMA and
it has three main pillars
three main pillars and write this down
the definition of an Eman are three main pillars
and you can't actualize the reality of iman except with these
three pillars.
Number one
An affirmation with the tongue Oh will only be listen affirmation of
the tongue.
Right is done is going to become more clear affirmation with the
So, for example, saying La ilaha illallah with your tongue
affirming the Eman with your tongue by saying Leila
one can have faith. He can't be a Muslim except after what? Uttering
it with his tongue
altering it with his tongue.
A man came to the rumba solo and he was telling me said to him
polyfill Islamia, colon, last Hello, and
tell me something in Islam.
Tell me something in Islam, that I can't ask anyone else. Nobody else
can tell me.
The progress a lot to say Tim Poole meant to be nice to start
him say I believe in Allah.
He told him to what say I believe in Allah. Some of you might be
thinking why has this got to do anything? And I'm but it's going
to become more clear inshallah. By the very moment to say with your
tongue, the Eman needs to come off your tongue, you need to affirm it
with your tongue to say I'm meant to be loud to say La Ilaha illa
that's just a proof that the tongue saying something with a
tongue has what I significance when it comes to the matters
pertaining on the man
a man came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he
said to him who live in Islamic Allah last anyone who had me look
tell me something in Islam that I can't ask anyone else
so the prophets Allah Allah and said to him all meant to be lived
from a study him say I believe in Allah what is why is that What did
he just tell him to
the same of his tongue
for most of them and then after that be firm, which is the action
we're gonna come on to that later inshallah.
And also, Allah subhanho wa Taala says in the Lydian a call or a
boon hola como esta amo, Allah subhanho wa Taala praises those
who said
in the linea Nakamura bone Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala is our
through master karma, and then after they were found upon the
so the whole point I want you to see here, that faith is affirmed
with your tongue. Part of iman is affirmation with what the tongue
and when I mentioned these three pillars, after that, I'm going to
tell you why if I take this one out, what do I do Who do I enter
into an Islam?
Because if we don't have these three, in the end, we might end
the morass of volunteerism.
We might even enter for our own into an Islam
if we don't want,
establish and actualize the correct definition of an Iman or
you'll find the guy that says Wallahi the Imam is in my heart.
He's committing Zina. He's going to his girlfriend he's stealing
No, he's shaving his beard committing open fist and he'll say
I think you might see my heart because in my heart I'm fine.
Bye Tip
number two
is to be genuine to believe and affirm of the heart affirmation of
the heart or you could say Believe in the heart
to God to be genuinely generally
like to call double Jana
Jana means hot or we like to call the will call
and the proof of this is the hadith of Gibreel
one want to progress a lot so I'm sent an email
when he was asked about an email what an email is an email No. And
to Mina Billahi why mela Ekati Waku to be here what also Lee
while Yeoman acid, one codon, Heidi, what's your right to
believe the man is to believe
the man is to believe these are the pillars of an email. What I'm
speaking about now is what the definition of a human
the pillars that make the definition of an EMA
put these pillars that we've learned in this have to recite,
there's no contract. There's no contradiction whatsoever. That's
the pillars of an EMA. I'm speaking about the definition
The definition of an EMA is not to just believe in Allah subhanho wa
taala. The melodica is something that a person has to believe
what we're speaking about now the definition of an event
so what did the Prophet Salla agent say? And the man taught me
Now what does that mean? I mean, to believe that you believe in
Allah subhanaw What do we understand from this?
Part of the definition of a human is what to believe your heart,
what was the first one tongue to say with your tongue. So if I say
Allah, Allah, Allah was my tongue. And then what
I don't believe in my heart is that is a problem. That's a big
problem. I have to also believe Lena and Allah in my heart, I
can't believe her. I can't believe that there is a lord that has
other than Allah subhanho wa Taala has the right to be worshipped.
The second pillar has been destroyed
third, one alignment action
and put two lines like this under it, right action, and then put an
upside down triangle, two lines, sorry, not upside down. Like, you
know, the two sides, the two long sides of a triangle put it like
that on the island, because there's two things that come under
action with the limbs and action with the heart.
Give me an action of the heart, about Abdel Hakim, fear and what
else love another one.
Something that a lot of the women in our society don't have
shown us and higher.
Oh, Jade, all of these do they take part in the heart or where
else on the limbs?
On the heart, the higher the shine as to what takes place in the
heart and then it becomes apparent upon the limbs.
But the origin of a war is in the heart time. And then Allameh noble
Jawara production with the limbs, action with the limbs.
And the proof of this is when the prophets of Allah Allah was some
said and Eman obey their own was a tuna Wolfie reweighting was gonna
short but that the Eman is 60 branches and in some narration 70
branches Allah Allah Allah Allah in this hadith you have the
definition for what? All three of them
an email will be the one with seven Luna
sure about a 70 branches. The highest of it is the sailor ilaha
IL Allah, Allah, Allah Allah and Allah, the highest of it is to say
La ilaha illallah
wa de na hat
Imam to do Adam and authorial.
And the lowest part of an EMA is to remove what something harmful
from the road from the path something harmful from the path.
Is that why is that is that saying is I believe it's an action. So
what does it show you that Iman
is what
action and also
affirmation of the tongue. So to say hola hola hola. You're
affirming what with your tongue and then the handle and the end of
the Hadith. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said and hire me
in an email. Shyness is from an emotion which is from the
the actions of the heart
and also an honorable hottie whoever goes back to the table
Iman and whoever can memorize the whole lie Have you memorized
keytab and Iman a lot of these messiah will Iman will become very
very clear you will have the Hadith the proofs and evidences or
you have it like water a lot of these masala gonna become very,
very easy.
And Okitama Imani say Behati
I remember I went through the turban Iman or some of these
Messiah before I memorized who said Buhari because the memorizing
party name and the marketable Iman is one of the first chapters. You
have Kitab in that way. Then you have Kitab Imani FW type
I studied it
can get very very confusing. Sometimes you might not understand
the point. If you go memorize that
And you'll find that there is so much proofs and evidences, to
rebuke some of the false statements which are being
ascribed to the self. As we're going to come to learn, you find
many people the Murgia who say, Amma is not from the Iman,
this time and I said to you, hmm, imagine if I say Allah, Allah and
Allah and my heart is fine tomorrow. I'm sorry. I'm fine.
This is the aftermath of the merger, that the ML doesn't affect
you at all. So you know what, America in America there is no
difference between you and America
because they say La ilaha IL Allah and they believe in the heart and
no effect
so whatever action you do on whatever action the Malaika do
even though they're constantly in
your half honorable move okay with maroon they don't commit Massey so
your ad none or anyone else or the guy that's committing Zina the
Muslim by the same time as the Moorhead there's no difference
between the Zanni and what the Malaika
because actions has nothing to do with an email
so the athlete of the guy that saying hurt I gotta say my Eman is
fine. And Emma is in the heart Wallah he is treading a very
dangerous path
there isn't a heart none Eman takes place but these people they
what are my mom Brother I'll give a scenario. One brother said to
him inshallah Grow your beard and this anokhi goes.
Forget about what's growing your beard.
It's an actual
is it's a wedgie.
So I'm gonna, it's compulsory.
You're gonna see your visa.
I like winning the bid is a YG the prophets Allah Allah has commanded
and we know that the command of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
salam ala strophe Allah Muhammad, who does the apostle have a
command of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said Grow your
beard. Felicia
was to share it
and shave it or trim the mustache so you can trim your mustache
if you really want to use the machine
wave so the whole point is that the commander the Prophet Salado
so adequately in the Bravo What did he say he goes in the emails
in my heart whether I grow it or not nothing you understand I'm
saying so if you pray or not nothing in other words, if you do
see him or not nothing because your email your heart
can you
know when a person cleans himself and things like that
and also remember he has many many different different chapters to
try and refute this doubt. He says it Teva or Gen Z mineral Iman
following the Janaza is from Iman many many different chapters, ways
following the Janaza action. So it's possible Iman say one says
Okay, forget about all these actions. Has he done to actualize
the definition of an EMA law? And then it brings the Hadith money
Tabitha Jana is that a Muslim in Eman Iraqi Saba, whoever follows
the Janaza with what with faith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam connected the Janaza having faith in Allah subhanaw taala the
Iman and the action have been connected to another place.
So more Ramadan middle Iman fasting in the month of Ramadan
from Iman in another place or Salah to middle Iman. So that is
what it covers nearly everything about Iman, you say with your
You have what kosher and your heart, your committee what action
will your limbs you believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala
so all this is covered in Asana
the Yamo Nila Tajiri a Yamo Laila to other Emil Iman. Standing up on
the latest ricotta is from Amen. Imam Buhari chapters there
and he goes on