Abu Taymiyyah – Part 1 Ahadeeth on Fasting Bukhari & Muslim Umdatul Ahkaam
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In this sitting, we will have breaks in
when going through these Hadith, Dahi, Bukhari and
Muslim. You could also say that we are
studying the Hadith in the kitab called 'Umnatil
Hakam' And in this book, Umnatul Hakam,
all the hadith are Matafikun Ali.
Buhari and Muslim, they have agreed upon the
hadith in Umritul Hakam and that's what makes
this book distinct from other books as well.
And obviously, their Masdar is what? The origin
is that these hadith have been taken from?
Bukhari and Muslim.
I would have like to speak about the
Mu'alifrahima Allahu Ta'ala, the author of the kitab,
but because of the timing
sha Allahu ta'ala I'm just going to cover
some of these Hadith as quickly as possible
because there's a lot to go through
So InshaAllah Ta'ala, I'm going to try and
take as much as possible in the sitting
that we have and then we're gonna finish
in another sitting InshaAllah
Because I'm always known not to finish whatever
I get taught to finish. You see, so
I'm gonna try Insha'Allah Ta'ala and if we
get time later on, I'll speak a bit
about the my alifrahi, Mawlahu Ta'ala. So the
first hadith, my brothers and my sisters,
The Messenger sallallahu alaihi wasallam, The Messenger sallallahu
alaihi wasallam, said in this hadith, do not
fast a day or 2 before the month
of Ramadan,
except for an individual.
He used to observe a habitual fasting,
and in that case it is permissible for
him. So inshallah wa ta'ala is speaking a
bit about each part of the hadith, here
the messenger sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, he said,
do not precede the month of Ramadan.
With what? By fasting a day or 2.
Here this is my brothers and my sisters,
this laam here is laamun nahi.
And you will learn this when you study
When you find a Laam, which is a
Laam of prohibition,
enters upon a
present tense.
Like here this word, takaddamoo
is what?
of you might not necessarily understand exactly what
I'm saying because you wouldn't need some sort
of, you know, background with regards to the
Arabic language.
While the but if it enters now the
Islam, which is the lamb of prohibition,
that would indicate the act being impermissible
and haram for a person to do.
He has some lines of poetry where he
tells us, when we know that an act
is what?
Impermissible prohibited. He
Okay? So Afa'alul Khamsa, which comes in the
the wording
and also
If the lambs enters upon it, you're going
to find that the noon at the end
of the word
for a person to fast a day or
2 before the
month of Ramadan.
Then the messenger sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, he
said, Beasomiyomin
Hear the word som inshaAllah ta'ala, I'm going
to stand over it for a moment. I
saw my brothers and my sisters linguistically,
who can tell me what it means?
Alimsad jazakallahu khairan. It means to withhold from
it means to withhold from something. If I
say to you, you need to do soom
from your Instagram. What does that mean?
You have to stay away and withhold from
using Instagram. If I say to you have
to do som from Facebook
that means you have to withhold
from using Facebook.
If I say to you need to do
some from your girlfriend this month
because it is haram and it's going to
destroy your Ramadan. It means you have to
stay away from her, you have to withhold
from her.
And this linguistic mean you can also find
it in the Quran
in which
When Jibreel came to her,
she responded back and what did she say?
I seek refuge in Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
from yourself. If you are somebody who has
a taqwa.
Wa alaikhi my brothers and my sisters. Then
he said to her,
I'm only a messenger that has been sent
to you.
At the end of the Qissa, when she
became really sad, you know, Jibril Alaihi Salam,
he said to
He said to her, if the people ask
you where did you get this child from?
Because Maryam alaihis salatu wa salam wasn't a
type to go and sleep around with others
And people are surprised now.
She doesn't have a husband.
Where did this child come from?
And people are bound to ask this type
of question, right? If a person not married
and all of a sudden she gets pregnant,
she has a child, where does child come
from? Say to them, I made a vow
to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala that I'm going
to do a song.
What was the song that she was doing?
I am not going to speak to anybody
Are you with me my brothers and my
sisters? So the song that she done was
what? To withhold from
So the linguistic meaning
is also found in the book of Allah
azza wa jal. Then we move on to
the technical meeting.
Not meeting, meaning,
Okay? What does it mean when we hear
about the song in the month of Ramadan?
In the sharia? What is it exactly speaking
about when it's referring to withholding?
Okay. They say it's
It is to stay away from something specifically.
Okay. So the first part states what?
To stay away from something specifically. What is
it that a person needs to stay away
from? There's 2 types.
The first type is, the food, the drink,
and and also the sexual *, something that
we all know about. Right? And this is
mentioned in Hadith Al Khudsi when Allah azza
wa jalai said, and when I say Hadith
Al Khudsi, it is the Messenger
saying something,
but it is
a message from Allah Azzawajal.
What did Allah Azzawajal say?
He leaves up food
and drink and also a sexual *
for my sake.
Okay? So these three things
are the things that are going to invalidate
your fast, And inshaAllah ta'ala, I'm going to
be touching on each one when we take
the other hadith that is to come inshaAllah
ta'ala. But generally speaking,
these are the main invalidators
of the
So you have that which is going to
invalidate your fast. And you have also another
that a person needs to withhold from
and that is what,
That which is going to reduce the reward
of your fast.
Okay? And this is exactly what the messenger
of Allah ae wala salam told us about.
Whoever doesn't leave off, Khawl Azur.
Khawl Azur, they say all types of I
full speech.
And normally when you go through the books
of fiqh, whether it's a Shafi'i fiqh or
you know Hanbali fiqh and other fiqh, they
talk about certain aspects more than others.
They say things like that a person needs
to stay away from that could really really
the reward of his fast? Lying.
It is to say the opposite of the
We all know what lying means. Right? And
we all know it is a major sin.
Allah told you stay away from lying.
For indeed the khadib, the lying leads to
Wickedness, transgression.
And then that type of fujur, what does
it lead to? It leads to hellfire.
Fire. And any action you find,
it has the issue or the threat of
the * fire attached to it, it is
a major sin.
Even though it's so easy,
stay upon the tongue, right? It's very hard
to lie.
Pinocchio, right?
There's no stars becoming
Very easy to do, right?
That could really really destroy your Ramadan and
it's a major sin.
Also then you have the issue of namima.
We all know what an means, right?
To take speech from here, take it over
there, and then bring it back, and then
take it here, And what does that do?
It causes
corruption between
the brothers and the sisters.
Again, it's a major sin.
Because that individual the messalallahu alaihi wa sallam
told us about,
2 people, the mitzvahala alaihi wa sallam, walked
past, went away in the grave.
One of them, he never used to clean
himself properly when coming out of the toilet,
and he was being punished in the grave.
Another person was who?
Somebody who used to do naniema.
He used to take speech from here then
go there, and he used to corrupt the
that was there. While they and then the
other third thing that he mentioned is al
tabak bite.
Do you guys know what Ghiba is?
They said
Allah is Messenger and the best. He said,
To mention about your brother that which he
disliked in his absence.
Even my brothers and my sisters?
Some of the and I mentioned this yesterday
in the conference that we had, people of
the salif, and when I say salif I
mean the 3 golden generation.
Some held the view that aghiba
can invalidate your fast.
They used to say
Let us all go sit in,
Let us sit in the Masjid
and safeguard our tongues from what? Backbiting.
Because you know we understand from this how
serious this issue is, it's not a light
Fact that some actually held the view,
one should not be taking it lightly. Even
if the outward stronger opinion is that it
doesn't invalidate your fast.
Imam Muhammad he
was asked,
He was asked, does Dhaghiba backbiting invalidate the
person's fast? He said that if that was
the case, then none of us would be,
or none of us would have a fasting
that is accepted, and that's obviously out of
him, humbleness that he's saying this, meaning that
even he, you know, wouldn't necessarily have a
So point of the matter is guys, we
have things that invalidate
one's fast.
And then we have things that what? Reduce
the reward.
To such an extent where a person,
he will have no reward
from the fasting that he does. The 17
hours here in the UK is a very
long time.
And it's Khidaliq
who are struggling.
What do you say?
Perhaps a person, he fasts
and he gets nothing out of the fasting
except what?
Thirst and hunger.
Imagine you come on Yomartiyama,
and the fasting or the Ramadan of 2019,
you had absolutely zulf. You know what zulf
means? 0.
That's what zulf means, right?
You had absolutely nothing.
Why? Because you weren't able to control your
and that's the real type of fasting.
When you fast,
then make sure your eyes fast as all,
and your ears fast as well, and your
tongue fast as well. From what? From lying
and also sinning.
Your eyes need to fast as well my
brothers and my sisters. This is why Instagram
is a problem,
generally speaking. And even more a problem in
the month of Ramadan.
And likewise now, what they've done to Facebook
when a brother came to Madinah, he raised
his concern and he mentioned this to me.
Because when you just start scrolling down, I
don't think that was the case before. Allahu
Because I don't watch videos on Facebook, I
just have a page.
Scroll down, you scroll down, you scroll down
and you find what?
All types of filth.
And all of that is going to affect
your fast.
Do you think
the person who controls all of these niyaan,
and I say that it's niyaan,
blessings Allah gave him. The eyes, the hearing,
and the tongue that he has, and the
person who doesn't.
Also the side point I'm gonna mention haditha
is mawdur,
that goes around WhatsApp.
Every year, every year I see it going
and obviously this type of hadith goes against
what the fasting is calling to, right?
The person who's fasting,
him staying quiet
is as if he is saying, Subhanallah, Subhanallah.
And him sleeping is a ibadah.
So a person, he might go out, you
know, he might spend the whole day in
the month of Ramadan,
sleeping and then based upon his hadith, he
thinks he's actually getting so much reward.
Hadith is actually madur, guys.
So next time you see this hadith, notify
So here this issue of fasting a day
or 2,
before the month of Ramadan,
And this is insha Allahu Ta'ala something that
I want to touch on.
Okay. So the Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam is
saying that you can't
fast before the month of Ramadan
This individual had a habitual fasting that he
used to observe. For example now, somebody used
to fast every Mondays
and Thursdays.
And then that day
falls onto
a day or 2 before the month of
Ramadan. He's allowed to fast?
He's allowed to fast.
Make sure you write this down, I'm going
to categorize this issue into 2. The habitual
fast that a person observes can be put
into 2 categories
When it is coinciding
with the days that the messenger salallahu alaihi
wa sallam has prohibited. I'll repeat that again.
The habitual fasting that a person observes,
if that now coincides
with the days that the Messenger sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam has prohibited,
can be
split into 2 categories.
You have the days like
Eidul Atha
and Eidul Fitr that the messenger salalahu alaihi
was prohibited, right? And also the days of
which is the 3 days
Eidul Abha.
If a person was fasting Mondays Thursdays
and it falls
on the day of Eid
or the days of tashayikh, is allowed to
The answer is no.
It is impermissible,
Then you have other days that the messenger
salallahu alaihi wa sallam prohibited,
the fasting
of the day of Jum'ah.
The messenger salallahu alaihi was telling me he
said in hadith,
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I mean Thursday night, the Arabic language.
Thursday night,
they say they call the layla to Jumal.
So Thursday night,
if one individual now wanted to
single out the night in prayer when he
normally doesn't pray before that,
this is why the messenger
Okay? You're not allowed to single it out,
whether it is for prayer or whether it
is for
So this is also
a day in which the messenger salah is
prohibited. There's another narration as well with regards
to singling out
Saturday for fasting.
But there's a lot of Kalam on the
hadith, I'm not going to InshaAllahu ta'ala, this
moment in time go into it. So you
have the first type in which a person,
he is not allowed to
fast whatever the case.
And then you have these kind of days
like the day of
aljumah. If now an individual is observing a
habitual fast,
like he does this
What is
This is the best type of fasting,
One day off, one day on.
If now this fasting that he observes
falls on the Friday, he's allowed to fast?
He's allowed to fast because this is a
habitual type of fasting.
What are they?
Oh, Insha'Allah ta'ala what I mention is clear.
Now we move on to the issue now
because the messian Allah alaihi wa sallam spoke
fasting a day or 2. So when a
person fast a day or 2, that falls
in what? The month of Shaaban. Right? So
there's some
that is connected to it. Because the masala
alaihi wa sallam spoke about fasting a day
or 2 which falls in the month of
Shaaban, we have to speak about this issue.
Okay. So they say, fasting in the month
of Shaaban
is of 3 different levels. Which month is
The month after Ramadan or the month before
The month before Ramadan.
Okay? So this can now be put into
3 levels.
Sometimes fasting in the month of Shaaban can
be wajib
and it can be even wajib
to fast a day or 2 before the
month of Ramadan. How am I contradicting myself
We've just been going on about the issue
it being prohibited, it being haram to fast
a day or 2.
That's if an individual now wants to do
voluntary fasts.
But sometimes it can be wajib.
Who can quickly tell me how it can
be wajib?
Jameel. There was an individual in the Ramadan
he had 2 days remaining
and then he completely forgot.
And then someone reminded him, remember, we broke
our fast because we were traveling. Oh, yes.
And there's only 2 days left.
So only 2 days left. What do we
say to the individual?
You have to fast.
Because this is a type of fasting that
is what?
Waijab upon you. And if you delay it
and the Ramadan kicks in
then you have seriously sinned.
And you would also need to pay fidya
when making up the days
that you missed in the previous Ramadan, if
the next Ramadan kicks in.
And Aisha
she used to delay the fasting that she
still needed to make up all the way
till when?
The month of Sha'aban.
So sometimes it can be wajib.
And sometimes my brothers and my sisters, it
can be what?
It can be mustahab,
it can be highly recommended to fast in
the month of
This is exactly what Aisha radhiallahu ta'ala Anand
she mentioned about
the Masina Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
Aisha radiAllahu ta'ala Anha, she said, I never
saw the missus sala alayhi was ever complete
a month
other than the month of Ramadan, and I
never saw him fasting a month
more than any other mom except the month
of Shaaban.
He used to fast excessively
in the month of Shaaban.
Are you with me? So if a person
now decided
to fast the month of sha'ba,
not in the 1st day, 2nd day, 3rd
okay? And then he reached all the way
to the 28th day. Is he allowed to
fast on 29th and also 30th?
Answer is no.
He can fast the whole of the month
of Shaban except these 2 days.
That which is prohibited for a person to
fast a voluntary fast a day or 2
before the month of Ramadan.
And then you have a third scenario,
they say it becomes a makru
for a person to fast.
When does it become disliked, Maqru means to,
or this act now being disliked.
It can become disliked.
They said based on the Hadith of the
alaihi wa sallam,
When the midpoint
of Shaaban
or when the midpoint it reaches the month
of Shaaban,
then you should not fast.
That's obviously if an individual
did not start fasting at the beginning of
the month of Sha'agan,
if the midpoint kicks in and one wanted
now to start fasting,
we will say you are not allowed to
Some scholars they hold it to be impermissible
and some scholars they say it's what? It
is makru.
And they say that the sarif is what?
The fact that the messenger salallahu alayhi wa
sallam used to fast
throughout the month of Sha'aban.
So InshaAllah Ta'ala I hope this is clear,
I've got a football here,
it's a champions league football,
that's a price today,
not Yeah, price, not price. Price today insha
Allahu Ta'ala. So make sure you pay attention
to some of these taksimat. I'm going to
ask question at the end,
and whoever insha Allahu ta'ala answers the best
question I'm gonna give him the football. It
got given to me yesterday.
Someone said, give this as a gift.
Because now us saying it is instead of
us saying that it is haram,
instead of doing
in the next hadith guys, he said,
When you see see what? The crescent,
then observe your fast.
And also when you see it at the
end of the month of Ramadan,
then break your fast. When? Eid kicks in,
Even now it becomes cloudy,
or your vision is blurred when you're trying
to sight the Moon,
Do something called a Taqdir.
And I'm going to InshaAllah Ta'ala speak about
this part of the Hadith because this part
of the Hadith caused a lot of Khilaf
among the scholars.
So hey my brothers and my sisters, we
have to understand
The month of Ramadan we know that it
has kicked in, or we know that it
has now become wajib upon us through 3
The first way is that if it is
the Muslims they go out.
As it came in Harib Nuhim radiAllahu ta'ala
Anhu said,
The Muslims, they went out in order to
sight the moon.
he said that I told the Messenger
that I saw it.
He fasted that day and he also commanded
the others to fast.
So if it is now seen with the
naked eye
then then we say that the month of
Ramadan has
How many witnesses do you need?
1 is enough.
If that individual is trustworthy,
if one person sees it
and he's upright in his religion also, what
do we say?
That the month of Ramadan has kicked in.
Because here in this hadith, Nur Muhammad radiAllahu
ta'ala was the only one that saw it.
He went to the Messenger sallallahu alaihi wa
sallam and the Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam fasted.
Kharjul Khamsa. You also have another hadith. Alimna
Abbasir radiAllahu Alaihi
He told him the Bedouin,
who was a companion and saw the
crescent. He asked him,
He asked him, do you bear witness that
nobody has the right to be worshiped and
insured except Allah? He said, yes.
He was checking his integrity.
This individual is somebody who believes in Allah
And he also asked him that Muhammad salallahu
alaihi wa sallam is the final messenger.
Then the Musa alaihi wa sallam told Bilal
to go and make the announcement,
so that the people can fast tomorrow.
And Allah says,
Whoever from amongst you sights or sees or
witness in the month, then let him fast.
So now,
the Muslims, they go out in order to
sight the moon.
And that's exactly what we're waiting for when
you know,
waiting anxiously whether it's going to be the
month of Ramadan or not, right at the
end of Shaaban, right?
People go out to the desert,
and they try to sight the Moon, in
Saudi Arabia and other places as well.
The second way that we know my brothers
and my sisters that the month of Ramadan
has started
is that
if 30 days have completed
So the first is what?
Sight, right? If it is seen. The second
one is, it's
the month of Shaaban,
has been completed with 30 days.
This is exactly what the messenger said,
and he made a sign with his hand,
meaning 30 days.
And even the poet would
So these two cases, my brothers and my
sisters, have been agreed upon.
That the month of Ramadan, if it becomes
now completed with 30 days,
then the month of Ramadan has kicked in
Sorry, in the month of Shaban. And the
other one is what? If it is sighted.
So that's 2 ways.
Then the third way has been different on.
The third way, in order to affirm that
the month of Ramadan has kicked in, has
been different.
And the reason why they differed is with
regards to the end of the hadith when
the messenger sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, he said,
When now your vision is blurred because of
there being clouds that are covering the moon,
the crescent,
or maybe because there is dust
that blocks your vision of the crescent.
Scholars are different. What do we do now?
have the
They say you have to fast.
This is the day of shirk. You know
when everybody is doubting, and we're waiting anxiously.
Right? Is Is it going to be Ramadan
tomorrow or no?
This month or the month before Afon, this
year, when we was waiting, what happened?
He was waiting anxiously. What happened?
Was it Ramadan the next day or was
it Su Shaaban?
Su Shaaban. It was Su Shaaban.
Everybody was waiting, is it going to be
Ramadan, is it not? Then the news came
that tomorrow is still
month of Sha'aban. We're not going to be
fasting tomorrow.
That's the day that I'm speaking about guys.
That day now, the Muslims come out and
then the sighting of the moon is blurred
because of dust or cloud,
you have the hanabil who say that you
have to fast that next day.
But that's not a stronger opinion.
You find that the Jumhul they say no,
if your vision is now blurred, the majority
of scholars like the Shafi'i and also Malik,
Imam Rahimullah Ta'ala, also Imam Abu Hanifa, they
say what?
That you have to complete the month of
Shaaban to 30 days.
What the heck guys?
Why? Because there's another hadith that explains this
in where its wording is a bit what?
it is vague,
carries a lot of meaning.
Because some scholars say faqdurullah means
while the a little bit technical, I don't
wanna confuse you guys. There's another narration that
If you come out, it becomes blurred,
you know, your vision, there's something blocking it,
whether it's dust or clouds, you can't see
the crescent, Messenger Salaam is saying to you,
make sure you complete
30 days of Sha'aban.
And there's another narration that they use as
well. He
Whoever fast
on the day in which
the people are doubting whether the month of
Ramadan has kicked in or not, and this
person has disobeyed,
My name is Mohammed, by the way.
Was what?
Abu Qasem,
Guys, you have to understand,
and I'm gonna be doing this every now
and again, you know, when things I feel
like it's getting a bit technical and it's
getting a bit overwhelming.
If you want to maintain your iman,
then you really have to seek knowledge.
And while Allah is sometimes very difficult upon
the nafs. A lot of these Mahabiras you
know that some of your brothers might go
to, what it does is it increases your
Iman. If your Iman is maybe very low,
you go to the Mahadirah,
it's like taking a paracetamol,
pushes your Iman up.
But if you wanna really maintain your Iman,
what you need to do is,
you need to seek knowledge.
Learn how to worship Allah
so you can do that Ibadah properly.
And will Allah acknowledge my brothers and my
sisters, it's not an easy thing.
It's not an easy. It's not like mathematics
or English or physics and
elim is a completely different ballgame. So I
remember, subhanAllah, when I was one time sitting
in the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, his
Shastulayman al Rahidi saw that something that he
was teaching
was overwhelming the students. He said, Alilmuthaqeel.
is what? It's very heavy.
And those who are patient are only what?
A few in number.
And And those who become scholars are only
within a minority.
It's why you don't find
so many scholars walking around on the streets
of London, right?
Because it's very difficult to most people take
this path.
Some the moment they taste a bit of
it's get relaxed again.
But you find every other profession.
So if you wanna be from the people
my brothers and my sisters, you have to
exert your efforts.
You really have to, you know,
He used to say, if I was able
to get the Ilm and pour it into
your mouth out of danda.
But the ilm is only attained
by the scraping of the knees and by
the scraping of the elbows.
Meaning you have to really go out, you're
gonna have to struggle if you really want
just a little bit of il.
That's why Sufianath Thawri and
also Imam Zuri,
they mentioned that if you want a bit
of knowledge, you have to give it your
You're only gonna get a little bit. Imagine
the guy who goes in half heartedly, oh
yeah, let me just, you know, try get
How much are you gonna get? It's a
guy who's giving his fullest, he's only gonna
get a little bit.
Because the is a lot