Abu Taymiyyah – Mum Phones While Speaking About Mums aadh

Abu Taymiyyah
AI: Summary ©
A woman is discussing her mother's behavior and how she talks about her mother while on the phone. She talks about her mother's health and how she is feeling
the pain of her mother speaking for a long time. She also talks about how she talks about her mother and how she talks about her mother.
AI: Transcript ©
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Ask yourself this question and you told me whether this is bad

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manners or not.

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Your mom is calling out and she's saying yeah, Abdullah, come here I

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need you go to Sainsbury's and buy me some milk. And you say mom

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Wait, I'm chilling with my friends

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good Atticus with your mom

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would you guys think honestly

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your mum will carried you for nine months

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and then breastfed she went through all of that trouble you

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know when you were really really realize?

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Right? When you have a wife and she becomes pregnant

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when that pregnant woman drives you crazy.

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Oh, somebody gets confused when the married guys are looking at

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They say the first three months, right of a pregnancy is when she

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will drive you into the ground.

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The hardest part of her pregnancy the first three months and then

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you take a three month break and then it's back on again.

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pulling your hair out.

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Okay, brothers and sisters. Only then you realize

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it's one of those this duration that I came across among the

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LifeLock person all the Allahu Taala

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was it underlining?

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He was underlining Mr.

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was going around the GABA

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as he was accommodating around the Kaaba.

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He was carrying his mother on his shoulders

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was carrying his mother on his shoulders.

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And after that came to his noble companion.

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And he said, Have I paid back?

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My mother, have I fulfilled her rights now house because of course

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the mother has a lot of rice on you.

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Have I now fulfilling the rights of obligation?

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You know what he said?

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When a tongue

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not even one contraction.

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Because no contractions means I don't think a lot of you guys are

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going to know. I remember when I looked outside, what does that

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mean? Try to look it up in Arabic.

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So many years ago, I was like, How do I translate this?

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How do I say in English.

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And then when the wife gets pregnant

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after the water breaks

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the whole day, you know how she's going to spend it.

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She'll go through unbearable pains. And then it will stop for a

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little bit. And then it starts again. All the way up until she

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gives birth. That could be one day that could be two days that could

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be three days. And at times they can't even speak for a single

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Because of these continuous pains.

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Maybe within one hour she may have

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40 to 45 contractions

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in between each one she has a couple of moments or sometimes

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breaks in between

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that's one contraction.

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To live in harmony. He said Well, I'm not even one

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that's really really profound brothers, sisters, and he was

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going back to the point I was making you stay to mother.

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Sweet there. Let me finish whatever I'm doing with my friends

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and he's standing in front of the house. chit chatting with him.

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joking around with him playing around with him.

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Or you're on what?

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PS five

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the latest one is the PS six now.

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The one off vs wife

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screen gaming. Mom. Yes. As bad manners brothers and sisters. To

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say yes. Right. And you're continuing playing. What should

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you be doing? You should be running back to your lung. I say

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okay, Mom, what is it that you need?

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She only called your name because she needs you to come.

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Yes. What?

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So I want to know what

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because you just called me my mom

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Teddy mama, we were speaking about how to treat your mother. And then

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you quote

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Speaking about how to treat the mother and then have no Swati

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okay don't worry mama ohada Nene and the dentist about etickets and

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ADAD. And how to treat your mother. Right and then at Swati,

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you called

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yes she goes I have a very long life So may Allah give me a long

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life I'm ready or they call it

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a son

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among comes before That's right.

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Exactly was talking about

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