Abu Taymiyyah – Making Fasts While Having Stomach Pains & Making them Up

Abu Taymiyyah
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the issue of individuals experiencing stomach problems and doctors advising them not to fast outside of the month ofzilla. They also mention a study on Islam and how it is obligatory to study Islam. The speaker then provides information on an online institute called the knowledge college to help individuals study and become a slave and worshiper of Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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If a person has stomach problems and doctors

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have advised not to pass as they're undergoing

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So the question I was asking, if an

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individual has ongoing stomach problem and the doctors

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have advised him not to fast,

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okay, if that person can't fast in the

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month of Ramadan, they can,

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okay, outside the month of Ramadan, jayid, he

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has to do that.

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The only time we're completely forced or a

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person he,

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doesn't need to fast and just pay fidya,

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even individual

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has this type of chronic illness

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where he doesn't expect to recover,

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or a man who has become really really

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old in age, and he's just too weak

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to fast.

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Okay? And obviously this would be something that

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you need to discuss with the doctor, if

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they're saying that even outside the month of

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Ramadan, your case is completely different.

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But if you have this ongoing stomach problem

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I recently even spoke to Sheikh Ahmed Musheikh

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about this particular matter who's one of the

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most prominent

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students of Sheikh Mirazaimin.

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So the questioner

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doesn't necessarily make it clear in the question.

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Is this something that

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is continual

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or is it something that, you know, the

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pain starts kicking in maybe on the 3rd

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day? Because some people's illness, they can fast

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for one day then they can't fast the

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next day.

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I've really looked into this issue because I

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was previously afflicted prior as well.

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So one day he can, the other 2

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days he can't. So he just does that

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throughout the whole year. Throughout the whole year

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where you have what? 365 days, right? 1

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month to the next year.

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1 Ramadan to the next Ramadan, what does

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the person do?

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He fasts the days he can't

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and then he doesn't, he'll he has a

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lot of gaps in between

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and he has to end up doing 30

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days like that because he's still

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somebody who is capable of fasting.

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Even if it is for a day or

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2, none.

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Hey guys, I really hope that you benefited

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from that video. Before you go, I wanna

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ask you a really important question.

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Have you guys ever thought about

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studying Islam and seeking knowledge?

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If not, then I want you to reflect

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upon this hadith for the Prophet sallallahu alaihi

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wa sallam. The Prophet said that seeking knowledge

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is obligatory upon every single Muslim.

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Of course, that doesn't mean you have to

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be a scholar, but you have to know

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the basics in order for you to be

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the best possible slave and worshiper of Allah

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that you can possibly eat. So we decided

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to provide a solution for this.

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You see many people wanna study but they

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don't have the means or the resources to

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do so. So we set up an online

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institute called the knowledge college where you can

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study Islam from the comfort of your own

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home. So if you want more information on

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the Knowledge College and you'd like to sign

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up go to the link below check out

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the website and hopefully we see you on

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the other side. Assalamu Alaikum

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