Abu Taymiyyah – Khled Siddq IVE HAD ENOUGH OF THESE MUSLIMS… & DeenSquad Case closed
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Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi
Wa Barakatuh.
Okay. In this episode, InshaAllahu Ta'ala brothers,
or in this video,
I want to discuss some of the
things pertaining
to our brother Ayam Khalid. May Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala bless him.
Okay. As you are all aware there has
been a lot of hype. There's been a
lot of commotion online. A lot of people
have been talking about these Nasheed artists.
Jaydeen, Deen Squad, Carter, I am Khalid.
Some of the
videos I've been making with musical instruments
and so on and so forth. And our
brother Imran,
recently part of the video. So I just
want to inshallah wata'ala do a sidraq of
some things he may have not mentioned which
I personally think is vital and crucial
for those who listen to these individuals to
And before I do that brothers, I just
want to insha Allahu Ta'ala point something out
as a disclaimer.
Time and time again we've seen a few
brothers here and there saying that this channel,
the channel
that says Abu Tamia
is always refuting.
Brothers and sisters, those who have studied usur
al fiqh, Qulloomin al Fadir Umum, Awda imin
al fadir Umum. All the time,
or all your videos, or all the time
you are refuting,
is from the words that indicate generality.
And this is not correct.
This is not correct.
If you look onto the channel, you'll find
there's maybe, from what I remember, around a
A 185 videos.
And if you look closely,
maybe you may have missed it, which I
find very very strange and astonishing,
that maybe just 10 of them
are refutations.
10 of them are refutations.
And it was something that was mandatory upon
me and other prophets to do because
falsehood was becoming widespread and it was becoming
And people are asking us,
are becoming confused.
And they need to know as to what
is right and what is wrong.
And brothers and sisters, you know what as
If the 185
were only refutations,
there wouldn't be a problem with it.
You know the Quran that we read the
Quran, you know what Sheikh Salih al Fawzani
The Quran, the whole Quran is a refutation.
How many times do you find Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala saying to the Messenger of Allah
say to them, oh Muhammad
bring forth your proofs if you are from
those who are truthful.'
Time and time again Allah tells him,
Say to them Muhammad,
Come to a, you know, collective
To a united
Between us and you
clarify insha Allahu Ta'ala.
And you know brothers and sisters,
and remember this and keep remembering this.
And I want these brothers who
keep stepping onto YouTube
and they start speaking about the religion of
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala incorrectly to know
that there will always be brothers in every
time and era.
In every time and every era
who will put
these doubts in its correct place.
They will clarify the misconceptions that is brought
It could be anyone.
Speaking about the religion of Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala is not something that is minor.
And there will always be these men in
every time and in every place.
And the brothers won't stop.
The brothers won't stop.
This channel inshaAllah will
carry on
promoting lectures,
lessons and refutations as we mentioned in a
previous video.
are you always repeating Abu Tamia and Dawaman?
You can go back to it. Find it
on the channel.
That it is part of our religion. Just
like teaching fiqh and aqeed is part of
our adun khutbas and lectures
and it will remind us that they are
part of our religion. Refutations are likewise part
of our religion and it won't stop.
The The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam told us
This knowledge is carried
in every time.
It's men. They will carry it.
They remove the distortion of those who go
extreme in the religion.
And then the Prophet said,
and also the misconception and the misguidance of
those who come with falsehood, the people of
And the false interpretations of the ignorant ones.
An ignorant one comes out on YouTube and
he starts interpreting a
aspect of our religion in the correct way.
There will be brothers who will clarify this,
and it will always remain.
And we ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to
take our souls,
accept that every battle that misguides another individual
for us to clarify it.
Hoping to meet Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala,
hoping to go under the statement of
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala that He commanded the
Come forth with that which you have been
commanded to and turn away from the polytheists.
And as Rabaydin Nasamat radiAllahu anhu,
he gave bayah to the Prophet sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam.
That we speak the truth wherever we are,
and we don't fear the blame and the
blame us. And be it Nihayla Ta'ala, we
So that which is pertaining
Deen Squad and some of the videos of
I am Khaled brothers and sisters
is a number of points.
The first point I want to mention insha
Allahu Ta'ala and this is very very apparent
and I struggle to understand as to how
someone can say this is Islamic.
The way they act in these videos.
Brothers and sisters, bella Arabic, if Abdullah ibn
Mas'udha wakar radiAllahu anhu and Umar ibn Khattab
were here,
can you imagine them making nasheed videos and
acting like Drake and DJ Khaled?
Or acting like Tupac with the way they
do their hands. You know, going doing this
with their hands and, you know, the hand
That is only known from the disbelievers.
Does a Muslim act like the way
Jaydeen has been acting in his videos?
Or maybe our brother
Khalid or these
other nasheed artists putting their hands 'Yeah honey,
just feel uncomfortable even moving my hands around
like that.
Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, he warned us
from imitating the non Muslims.
Whoever imitates the people is from them. Imagine
to yourself brothers, maybe just stop the video
and imagine.
Abu Bakr radiAllahu anhu
doing this with his hands and just moving
Is this the way of the Muslim?
That's point number 1 which I personally think
is non Islamic at all.
And the second thing I want to mention
insha Allahu Ta'ala, and this is what our
brother Khalid, he reiterated time and time again
in the video.
And to be honest with you, I was
absolutely gobsmacked and shocked.
When he kept on repeating the aqal the
aqal the aqal and see for yourself now.
You you know, you heard the hadith in
in, you know, enjoying the good and forbid
the evil, and all of a sudden this
overwhelmed with things like, I need to grab
a camera. I need to I need to
tell my neighbor what she's doing wrong.
I need to tell this person what they're
doing wrong. I need to These are the
questions I was asking myself and the same
that I used that brought me to the
dean, the same logic that I that I
used and it brought me in a thought,
you know, there's there's only one God. You
know, prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sama was
a messenger. With the same logic I was
using within the deen. But all of a
sudden, the to use that logic to come
to the deen, that's fine. Yeah. That's cool.
That's not a problem. As soon as I
started using that logic within the I started
thinking, maybe it's not as black and white
as I thought it was these issues, these
big issues, you know, that are that are
really, having a detrimental effect on this Omar
because thinking it's one way. Thinking this is
the opinion and it's clear. You can't you
can't expect me to use my mind and
and I arrive in the religion through using
my mind and then then tell me no,
you don't need to use your mind anymore.
You're here. This is what it is. See
you later. No. Islam is not that simple.
I was listening to a shaker on YouTube
and he says he said something so beautiful,
so profound. He said, we do not doubt
but we doubt our understanding of Islam. Wow.
All of a sudden, all of your accolades
are stripped away. All of your the knowledge,
everything you've accumulated, it just strips away because
you think, wow. If I if if I
doubt my understanding, that means I can't tell
this person with as much confidence as I
was telling him that what he was doing
was Haram, you know? Then I have to
stop then I have to start looking at
myself. I have to start thinking, wow, like,
maybe I'm in the wrong.
People don't like doing So as you know,
I've seen brother and sister in the clip
now when he kept on repeating,
Brothers and sisters,
our religion,
we don't give precedence to our aqal over
Ibrahimur Rahim Allah has volumes on this.
Dar Utta'arudil
aqali wal nakli.
A kitab where he talks about this.
How the aqal will go in accordance to
the Naqal. The Naqal meaning the text. And
there's no contradiction between the two.
And that we cannot give precedence to the
intellect over
the musus, the text from the Quran and
the sunnah.
And that the aqal alaihis salim, like sound,
will not go against the nakl al saih.
The texts that are authentic.
Rather there's a problem with you,
if your mind is telling you or your
intelligence is telling you
that maybe I can take this position over
that, mussos.
Rather our religion brothers and sisters, Itiba'ah.
We have so many people as Uqul.
There are different levels.
So what determines which aql that we take?
The mind or the thinking or the opinion,
the aql of my Sheikh or the aql
of your Sheikh.
You know our brothers and sisters, if this
understanding of the Quran came from other people's
understanding, as Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala told us,
If it came from other than Allah Subhanahu
wa Ta'ala, this Quran,
there would have been a lot of difference.
And this is what we have today.
People who have brought their own understanding, there's
a dispute amongst the people because of their
understanding how they interpret the certain muscles.
But no, brothers and sisters, it's not my
sheikh's understanding or his intellect or your sheikh's
intellect, my father or your mother or your
uncle or your granddad, that will lie.
That which
is the mizah.
Its cutting point between everyone's understanding is the
understanding of the sahaba. They set the blueprint.
They were there with the Prophet sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam.
They were there understanding and they saw how
he understood it and how he conveyed it
to them.
So it's their understanding that we take. And
brothers and sisters, billahi alaik,
isn't this the same
problem that the atheists have?
Using their aqr with everything.
That it led them to maybe apostating from
the religion of Allah.
There are some of our brothers that we
know because of the Akhir, but the mind
doesn't allow me to, you know, maybe look
at it in such a way. Our religion
is it Tabak.
Our religion is it Tabak. If you want
an action to be accepted, there's 3 conditions.
Al Islam.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala tells us
Whoever now desires other than religion of Islam,
he won't be accepted from him. The second
condition, alikhlas.
The person is sincere in his actions.
A lot of people might say these, you
know, artists they they are sincere what they're
doing. Yes. They might be sincere.
Allah says, 'wa'maumiroo ilaaliabdulallahuqnasinilahuqdeem.
Sincerity in their religion.
And in the third one, is where a
lot of these people they have fell short
Whatever you do, even if you're sincere, it
has to be in accordance to what the
prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam came with and
what he done. The kefir, the way it
is done, it needs to be in accordance
to him.
So we have the Sahaba transmitted it to
You can tell me all you like that
they are sincere, but brothers and sisters, the
action needs to be in accordance to the
way of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.
And again brothers, using the akhl.
Ali radiAllahu anhu the great Sahabi. Do you
know what he said brothers and sisters? Just
to show you
that our religion is not aqal.
Our religion is not Aqal.
He said if our religion was Aqal,
then we would be wiping
the bottom of the huff.
You know the leather socks that we might
wear, even the socks. When we make wudu,
where do we wipe? Do we wipe the
top or do we wipe the bottom?
But doesn't it make sense that we wipe
the bottom because the bottom is the place
that gets dirty?
But we don't. Rather, we pray on it,
and we wipe the top.
And the top doesn't get as dirty as
the bottom.
Why? Because our religion
is Our religion is
It's something that you have to follow. You
listen and you obey and you submit.
Put your aqaal to the side. Because if
we start putting people's aqaals into consideration,
we're gonna sit here for maybe the next
1000000000 years, and we will never ever be
to come to a conclusion
in certain matters. That's why it's just itiba'a.
The understanding of the sahabah, they had better
understanding than everyone else. The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam told us,
The best of you are you, the sahaba.
Then those who came after him they're tabiayn
and those who came after him are tabiayn.
Another thing that I was a bit astonished
what Khaled kept on repeating that our religion
is not black and white. May Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala bless you brothers and sisters this
is not something that is
personal. He's from the same city as me,
and maybe after this I'm gonna offer to
take him to Heavenly Desserts. Those who are
in Leicester, they know what Heavenly Desserts is.
It's an ice cream parlour on London Road.
Or to maybe
the other one on Headington Road will grab
an ice cream and not pay for it.
Well, like, or nothing personal against the brother.
But the people are gonna watch that video,
and people are going to
become misguided, which we don't want. And this
is a rahmah for him to refrain from
speaking about the religion,
unless you become qualified to do so.
Stick to your vlogs that you wanna do.
There's a reason why Allah the people, the
the brothers
and the students of Nain, they don't speak
about these other vloggers because that's their own
field. They're not stepping into the arena of
the religion speaking about the religion.
That's why it's a problem now. For only
you stuck to what you are best at.
Stick to it. But the religion, leave it.
If you don't know what you are saying.
It's the issue of
the religion not being clear cut.
Brothers and sisters,
if the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam,
he told you as our brother mentioned as
well in his video iman,
'I have left with you that which is
pure and white.
The light is like the day.' Salameenah is
very very clear.
And no one
deviates someone except that he becomes destroyed.
So our religion is clear.
Our religion is clear. We can say it
generally like that. And just yesterday to our
Alida was explaining the same thing to him.
We can say it generally,
but one cannot say generally like that,
that our religion
is not black and white. Why? Because you
have a mosque that you're going against. You
have a text that you're going against.
We can say generally like, 'Naa'am, our religion
is black and white. Our religion is clear
But you cannot say our religion is not
black and white.
Why? Because you don't have a proof firstly
for your statement.
But the one who does say it is
like white, it is clear, he has a
clear cut hadith from the Prophet salallahu alayhi
wa sallam. And another one. And I want
to put this hadith into context and explain
When the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said
the halal is clear
and the haram is likewise clear.
And between it,
it's them doubtful matters.
Most people they don't know about it.
And whoever now stays away from the doubts,
he has preserved
his religion and has also preserved his honor.
And now falls in these doubtful matters, he
has fallen into haram.
So brothers and sisters, now when we look
at these nasheed, you know, so called nasheed,
I don't even personally want to call this
nasheed because I don't see that to be
nasheed. What the Arabs see to be nasheed
and what today is being called nasheed in
our western world, completely two different things.
Is it from the matters that are clear?
Or is it from the
haram also clear?
we have clear cut proofs telling us, the
Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, there will come a
time where the people they will do istihlalaba
al Mahazif.
In the hadith, the famous hadith in Sayyid
There will come a time when the people,
they will make
harir, they will make silk, and they will
also make zina,
and they will also make ma'azif, musical instruments,
they will make it halal.
You know Ibn Abbas radiAllahu anhu he said,
and the narration was narrated by Muhammad Al
He said,
Al Ma'azif Haram, musical instruments haram. That's the
first thing. Then he said,
The drum is haram.
Specifically mentioned it. And then he said, Al
Mazameer haram.
The Mazameer, the flute is also haram.
And our brother in the recent Nasheed video,
in the 8th festival one, he was using
a drum. Okay. You could say to me
the sound wasn't being played. But is it
permissible now for me to record a video
and I've got the
piano next to me and act like I'm
playing it? The answer is no.
We could say is that we need to
stay away from it because the prophet told
us between the halal is wadhi. Even though
I perceive believe that the music is clearly
haram and it's been clearly taught to us.
The musical instruments.
Musical instruments clearly.
But even now, for argument's sake, it's a
gritty area of doubt for matter.
You've been told to stay away from it,
in order to safeguard your religion, in order
to force into it, it has fallen into
Leave that which doubts you over that which
doesn't doubt you.
So that's the other point I wanted to
mention brothers and sisters in regards to this
another important thing that I personally think is
vital that I mentioned also,
and it's deceiving a lot of people.
our brother Khaleel puts right in the beginning
of his videos a disclaimer
that no musical instruments have been used.
People begin to think that, okay, our brother
Khaleel, he doesn't see music to be permissible.
So they're gonna watch his video and they're
going to listen to it. He's doing something
right. He's not like maybe like Jaydeen and,
you know, Deen Squad and things like that
are using musical instruments.
I'm not trying to say that you're deceiving
or that our brother Khaled is deceiving, but
it can come across very very deceptive, and
I'll tell you why.
Because brothers and sisters, our brother Khalid,
he doesn't see the musical instruments to be
He doesn't have a problem with Jaydeens
nasheeds and their music and things like that.
He doesn't have a problem with it.
As I spoke to him personally,
which was totally shocking to me, I personally
thought, okay, he's doing vocal beats because
he believes that to be incorrect.
And the excuse that the brother gave me
was, okay, I personally don't want to do
it for my own nafs.
I don't want to do it. I don't
see it to be haram, but I just
don't want to do it for my own
Akhid, the brother that's gonna watch your videos.
You might
be getting more people watching your videos than
Discord and Nimla because it's a bit clear
that they're using musical instruments and people thinking
that you don't see it to be haram.
And that your one is totally fine. Even
though our brother clarified
that if something is similar
to something that is haram then it becomes
haram in itself.
And the fact that you have to put
a disclaimer right in the beginning, it just
shows so clearly
it is so similar to our music.
Another thing I want to also mention a
doubt that I wanna clarify
how some people are saying,
just recently someone messaged this in one of
the WhatsApp groups. The brother Khalid has changed
his life around through it, and he has
guided so many Muslims through it.
Brothers and sisters,
the fact that you're doing something wrong and
guiding the people through it, it doesn't justify
it altogether.
If I am now
giving people contracts that
are totally amazing, I'm giving them some crazy
returns on the investments,
But I'm dealing with Riba.
And because of my good dealings through these
transactions of Riba, they're becoming Muslims. Does that
justify my actions,
and make it cool for me to do?
Of course it doesn't.
And likewise with everything else.
If I'm selling kuffar,
alcohol for very cheap, and at the time
I'm giving them dawah and selling it to
them. Does that justify my action?
Doing a good of
means of good.
Means that are very very good.
Haliejous, my yajous of course it's not permissible.
My brothers and sisters
you know the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam he
told us in hadith and Sayyid Bukhari
Allah Azzawajal will assist this religion, will aid
this religion through
a transgressor.
If Donald Trump comes tomorrow and
he bombs Bashar Assad
and the Muslims become saved. Are we all
going to say, yes, Donald Trump is such
a great individual. Masha'Allah, he's great.
Practical example.
Is that what we're going to say?
Rather, Allah has assisted
the religion and the Muslims
through a rajal al fajr, a transgressor,
who just bombed another transgressor
and saved and through it the muslims were
And you know where the statement
initially initiated from? There was a man in
the time of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa
sallam, they were in jihad, they were fighting.
The kuffar were fighting them. And he was
killing, he was killing like no tomorrow. He
was fighting.
He looked brave
and he was doing a good job.
He ended up getting sliced really really badly
and because of the pain he couldn't endure
it. Do you know what he did? He
killed himself.
And the prophet salallahu alayhi was came to
know about this.
One day asked, and the sahaba, they saw
how he was fighting the Prophet that he's
in a fire.
So they were shocked, some of them were
even about to apostate from their religion. Someone
who's been fighting like this then all of
a sudden You Rasulullah he says in a
And the Prophet told them that why he's
in a fire because he killed himself. Then
he said, In Allah, you ayda hadithi barajun
Doesn't aid this religion through a individual who's
a fajr.
So insha Allahu Ta'ala brothers
and sisters,
I hope these points are very very clear
insha Allahu Ta'ala.
The last point I want to insha Allahu
Ta'ala is mentioned.
One thing that our brother, he mentioned in
one of his videos,
that he gets closer to Allah Subhanahu Wa
Ta'ala through these actions.
You know any action that we get through
closer to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala with, it
requires a proof.
You need daleel on minulku'anilu
sunati for something to be ibadah.
And for you making a
act that is not
ibadah into an ibadah, you'd end up falling
into innovation.
And the fact that maybe you have gained
so many subscribers,
do not be deluded
because there are millions of people that have
millions of subscribers
that are doing great on YouTube.
Having a large people attending your lessons and
listening to you
doesn't always mean anything brothers and sisters. Majority
in the Quran has been defamed
and numbers.
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says to us in
the Quran, If
you follow the majority of the people on
the earth they will lead you astray.
Allah says to us,
few are those who think Allah is a
wajal. The fact that there's not many, are
we going to say, okay, we're going to
leave it off?
Most people they don't believe except that they
mushrik. Some of them have iman, but at
the same time they're falling into shirk.
And many other verses.
Abdullahi Masruhi said, is
that which is in accordance to the Haqq
even if you're by yourself.
Brother Nasirah, I will repeat again. There's nothing
personal to the brother.
A brother
that I initially found
after I sat down with him the first
very sincere.
InshaAllah Ta'ala after this he will
think, he will contemplate
and he will leave off maybe speaking about
certain issues
because it's just going to harm him even
And you know one thing I want to
conclude is inshallah
the reason why
there's all of a sudden been you know,
a war on social media
Deen Squad and also
our brother Khaled
and not necessarily in the past with Haris
Jay, another artist
who's very famous that
girls like to listen to him,
and also Maher Zayn and other nim,
it's because these brothers have come out justifying
Halal, hip hop. Bilal
and hip hop.
And they began to justify it on social
media, so it became a problem. And the
fact that we've got fulan and fulan on
our side.
mere opinions, they don't have any effect on
the hudja.
The proofs and evidences. Kalamulullahayi
siddalullahu alaihi siddalu biha. The speech of the
scholars is only used as a backup ref,
in within itself it's not proof.
shaduallalai lalanta astaghfiruka