Abu Taymiyyah – Is Nouman Ali Khan really fit to teach Tafseer
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The importance of understanding the Quran in order to teach the Bible is emphasized, along with the need to be clear about the principles. The speaker emphasizes the importance of learning the Quran to differentiate between correct and false actions and provides examples of past experiences as a way to be clear about the principles. It is emphasized that learning the Quran is necessary for understanding important issues and that one should be clear about the principles.
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Before I start all this thing Basically, my
cousin did
you know, he does just see it. Okay.
You know, she watched these videos by today.
And she said, yeah. Well, how can you
How can you do the Tasya? Okay. He
doesn't know any
Hadith. No.
Okay. Listen.
He himself,
he recently put on his Facebook
that, you know, Iman Ali Khan, that
he doesn't have any knowledge of hadith.
We studied before how to actually explain the
hadith. Sorry. How to explain the Quran. The
steps that we take. Do you remember when
we took this inside a lesson? How How
do we translate the Quran? Do tafsir or
the Quran?
Well, you need
to have the knowledge of
Some ayat in the end of the Quran.
Some of the ayats in the beginning of
the Quran, they explain some of the ayat
in what?
The end of the Quran.
Like the qista of Ibrahim alayhi salatu wasalam.
The qista of Ibrahim alayhi salatu wasalam. You
need to bring all the aya together in
order to fully understand
what took place in the life of what
Ibrahim aya sallam. Can you do that but
only have no aya?
Some of the Ayat are in Surat Al
Baqarah. Some of them are in Surat Ibrahim.
Some of them are in Surat,
Taib. You need to bring them together and
start explaining some of the ayat with the
other ayats
in order to fully understand what the qis'a
is talking about.
That's the first step.
The second step and this is unanimously
is to explain the Quran with the Hadith.
To explain the Quran with the Hadith.
Let me give you an example now.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala said in the Quran,
establish the prayer. Pray.
How many Rakan do we say? Let's just
say for Duhr.
4. 4. Where did you get it from?
In the Hadith. In the Hadith, it's not
mentioned in the Quran. There's not one eye
in the Quran
that says that you have to pray 4
raka'at for Duhr.
Do you understand what I'm saying?
Do you know do you know the Quran?
What's he trying to say?
What's he trying to say? Sorry?
The Quran. What's he trying to say? He's
trying to talk about the prophets and stuff.
No. The Quran has different things that we
talk about. What we're basically trying to say
now, when someone's explaining
the Quran, he needs to explain the Quran
with Quran.
Some ayat explain other ayat.
The Hadith,
Then explain the Quran as well. You have
many many hadith
the meaning of what the ayah is talking
about. So they don't just talk about what
can they talk about? Talk about all these
different things. The whole point is
Are you talking about?
Yeah. I've seen you saying that one move
earlier, you're going to quit and go off
Yeah. Yeah. That's the one we're talking about
basically now. Akhid is not written in the
Quran. There's no Akhid in the Quran.
And Alaqilin Alaqilin, the whole point is from
the usool, the fundamentals of our religion. When
it comes to explaining the Quran, you need
a Hadith.
You need a hadith.
Do you know how much sadaqah we pay?
Allah says in the Quran, we'll add to
zakatah. Pay the zakat.
Do you know how much that we have
to pay
on Eid al Fitr? Where does it say
the information?
In the Hadith of the prophet, sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam, simple as that. You need
the Hadith for many
and also orders that are mentioned in the
If he himself is saying, I don't know
how can I explain the Quran?
Okay. Let me give another example now.
There's an eye in the Quran
There's an Ayah in the Quran which says,
If someone looks at the apparent of this
okay, he will think that this ayah is
speaking about the people that sin
due to the apparent wording of the ayah.
Aisha radiallahu anha, she asked the prophet
is the intended meaning of this Aya? Doesn't
mean the people that are sinning,
they will fear Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala when
they come to him.
The prophet said no.
The prophet said no. The meaning of this
ayah is that when me and you, for
example, we do good deeds. Let's just say
you prayed
That we fear
if Allah
is going to accept these actions.
Do you understand what I'm saying? Us fearing,
is this action gonna be accepted? Is it
not gonna be accepted? What I still see
in my action? And etcetera. That's what the
Ayah is talking about. The whole point is
that this is not mentioned in the Hadith.
If you don't know the Hadith, how can
you explain the Quran?
So he doesn't use the Quran
and the summa. Okay. It's very it's that's
a very, very ignorant statement. You know the
matters pertaining to Akhira? Yeah. Where is it?
Okay. Before I go on to that, what
does Akhirah mean?
Akhirah means what a person firmly believes.
The matters of the akhira.
Who are they? The matters of what?
The things that a person needs to believe.
what do we have to do? Do we
have to believe in it or no? Allah
says in the
and then he goes on to say,
those that believe in the unseen.
Just because the word that is not mentioned
in the Quran, the majority of the Quran
is talking about what do a person needs
to believe.
All of it you have to believe.
All of it you have to believe, which
is your aqidah. The qadr. How many times
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala speak about the qadr?
The Qadr is being spoken of which is
the belief of a person.
When Jibreel Alaihi Salam came to the prophet
and he asked him about the iman. What
did he say?
And All of these mas'as are mentioned in
the Quran. How many prophets are mentioned in
the Quran? Many prophets.
We have to believe in the prophets.
What does Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala say?
The messenger, they believed, which is a form
of and we have to believe that these
messengers of the Haqq.
If a person doesn't believe 1 ayah in
the Quran, this person is a kafir.
One harf. Forget about the ayah, one harf.
If I say the word
in Surat Al Khlas,
it's not correct.
What does that mean? I'm a kafir
because I've negated one heart from the Quran.
Ali Radiallahu Anhu said,
Whoever negates 1 harp
in the Quran, this person has what?
Apostated. He's a kafir.
Just take him off out.
These letters are taken on this person. He's
gone. Allah says,
No one negates our Ayat except that he's
the kafir.
So the whole Quran, as a whole, we
need to believe in it.
And we need to believe in every single
aspect of the Quran, which is the aqidah.
Akadah has been mentioned in the Quran.
The word aqad has an in the Quran.
But what does it mean you need to
believe in every single matter of the Quran?
So it's very, very,
how he's speaking about the prophet.
He's speaking about the prophet Ibrahim
and his story and that we need to
believe in him and at the same time,
Haqqi does not mention in the Quran.
Do you understand what I'm saying? It just
doesn't make sense.
And a person that is doing tafsir,
these very basic mistakes.
Yani just shows the statue of this individual.
Speaking okay. That's that's another good point.
Speaking about the Quran with your opinion.
You know, Adnan, if I if you if
you now was to tell me this ayah
means this because your sheikh said this,
or your father said this, or your mother
said this, And I come up to you
and I say to you, no, no, no,
no, no. My father and my grandpa said
the meaning of this ayah is this.
And then Isa comes along and says something
else, no, my grandpa says this, are we
ever gonna get anywhere?
No. For you. Because these are all mere
If everyone was to come and say their
own opinion about the Quran, they'd be a
There'd be an absolute mess.
That's why we have principles in place.
Fundamentals in our religion.
Of how to do tafsir of the Quran.
Ibn Abbas, what did he mention? And pay
attention to this. Very, very dangerous.
He said,
Whoever speaks about the Quran with his opinion,
let this person book his seat in hellfire.
You know how to book your seats when
it comes to traveling, you just go on
the internet, you put your name in and
everything, very very easy, isn't it? This is
even easier.
When you book it, you'll see it in
Do you understand what I'm saying? I've seen
it. Yeah. Absolutely. I've seen it. Uh-huh. And
he's explaining it. Yeah. I was watching it.
Yeah. And when he said that, I haven't
seen him use any Hadith yet. They may
not be Hadith yet. But one thing I
was sure about him when he said the,
there's no need for No. No. Everyone's seen
it. It's all over the Internet, and this
is now misguiding a lot of people and
a lot of people have spoken about. The
whole point is,
that we need to understand these important matters.
We need to really understand these important matters,
and hence, a person can only understand these
issues if he studies.
How does a person know now if any
guy comes on the Internet and starts speaking
what is correct and what is not
correct, the only way a person can differentiate
is by studying his religion.
If me and you don't study,
is gonna come tomorrow, another guy is gonna
come 2, 3 years later, another guy 4,
5 years later. He's gonna speak about whatever
he wants to speak. And what happens? When
he's gonna get deluded?
We're gonna get deception, deceived by this individual.
So that's why studying your religion, studying these
basic principles of why I love your religion
is very very important because otherwise you'll be
like the rest of the people as Allah
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala mentions.
If you follow the majority of the people
in the world,
they will what? Misguide you.
K? So that's why the religion is very,
very important that you study. Going back to
the issue, I was mentioning to you, if
your parent comes, your parent comes, my parent
comes, na'am, start speaking about the Quran, it's
gonna be a mess. Everyone's gonna have their
own opinions. That's why I mentioned to you
before as
well, the
fundamentals of our religion
when it comes to doing tafsir of Quran
in the Quran.
Sorry. Doing tafsir of the Quran, 5 steps.
And pay attention to this. If someone starts
coming speaking about the religion of Allah Subhanahu
wa'ala, you automatically
know. These guys speaking with desire or speaking
with ignorance.
What I mentioned in the first one? Quran
Teaching the Quran Quran. Sheikh Islam he mentioned
this in his
Usul Al Tafsir, and also if the Uthayi
mean explains this.
Right? Explain in the Quran with Quran.
That's 1.
Second thing, explaining the hadith
with Quran.
Allah says,
We send down the remembrance upon you, O
The ayat are coming down upon him. It's
being revealed to him.
Bayb, these ayats are being revealed to him.
And what's he doing? He's explaining it.
You explain to the people. So all these
hadith, in Bukhari, in Muslim, where he talks
about so many of the ayats.
Imam Bukhari has a whole chapter. Nam, whole
chapter of a tafsir.
Bring in a hadith explaining the Quran.
3rd thing,
Quran. The Sahaba when they start speaking about
the Quran,
their kalam has wait.
the likes of Ibn Abbas.
Tabari. You find them quoting
Ibn Abbas a lot and transmitting from him.
Like, because, you know, the prophet
So some of
Ibn Abbas is the one that narrated. Ibn
Well, the explanation
Oh, so this this thing is very, very
He's the one that narrated the narration. Whoever
says about the Quran
with his opinion, that this person is what?
Put his seat in the hellfire. So there's
no Majal that Ibn Abbas is going to
be doing that. So
Because that's his sole fundamentals. He is there
hearing everything that's going on in front of
Prophet He lived
with him. Taib and the Sahaba likewise, they
lived with the Prophet
So anything that is transmitted from them, tayb,
is bound to be something very authentic.
That they
seen this from the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam.
Then you have the tafsir of the tabi'im.
Tafsir of the Tavia'im.
People like Mujahid,
Ata, and other than them who took the
knowledge from
who the Sahaba.
Ibrahim Abu Abbas used to stop him at
every Ayah.