Abu Taymiyyah – I’m 18 & I’m too young to get married [Funny] Khutba @ Ayyub’s Nikkah

Abu Taymiyyah
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of understanding the reputation of couples in marriage and how it can affect their satisfaction with religion. They also mention the importance of having a degree and car for a woman. The speaker emphasizes the need to avoid wasting money and making it difficult for one another.
AI: Transcript ©
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Very very quickly inshaAllah we just want to

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stand over a few hadith of the prophet

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sallallahu alaihi wasallam. Hopefully inshaAllah

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our perspective and our mindset, the way we

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look at some things in our religion, especially

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things like marriage, we will have a better

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understanding and we'll look at it in a

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better way as well. Firstly, the prophet sallallahu

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alaihi wa sallam said in a hadith,

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a woman, she's married due to four reasons.

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Or this is what the people actually do,

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they get married to women due to four

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reasons. And he mentioned,

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The first thing that he mentioned was

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her wealth. This what people do.

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The people, when they get married, they normally

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get married maybe due to her wealth.

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And the second thing was the reputation, the

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lineage of the family. And the third thing

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was what? Her beauty. So very very quickly

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insha Allahu Ta'ala, I just want to point

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out a few things.

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So people look at it in a better

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Sometimes you find when couples get married it

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is based upon what's the money,

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or maybe the car that he has, or

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maybe the house that she or he has.

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Allah, these marriages you find that

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because it is started in a incorrect

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it might break down very very quickly and

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I'll tell you why. If the marriage now

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is based upon money, what happens when the

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money goes?

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A lot of us we saw this recession

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that took place, paid After recession goes, the

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BMW that he had, or the money that

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she had, or the house that he had,

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he ended up going. What happens then? Are

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we gonna split up? Because that money is

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not there anymore.

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Second thing,

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the lineage. Some people think that because of

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the reputation of the family, the guys always

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like that. It could be completely different.

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Thirdly is the

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the beauty.

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If it is solely built around the beauty,

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what happens when that beauty goes,

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woman's gonna get pregnant,

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you know, she might not be as, you

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used to see her before.

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Now, he might end up getting a scar

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in his face, she might become fat or

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he might become fat. What happens then when

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you lose attraction? But that which remains beautiful

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is what? The akhlaq,

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the deen of a person. Hence, why the

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prophet said,

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Go for the one

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that has religion

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before you end up hitting your hand on

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the floor out of regret.

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Is like figurative speech that the Arabs use.

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Do this, otherwise you're gonna get regretful.

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Even the prophet salallahu alaihi was entertaining the

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rajjud, the man he said,

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whoever comes to you now

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and you are satisfied with his religion and

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also his akhlaq,

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then get him married off.

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Either that you do this, there's gonna be

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a fitna and a facade upon the earth.

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You know. And you tend to find brothers

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and sisters oh, there's no sisters here. Brothers,

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If it is solely built upon the religion

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of Allah

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and they are always trying to seek the

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pleasure of Allah azza wa Jal, everything they

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do is based upon, you know, Allah azza

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wa Jal's book, the messenger sallallahu alaihi wa

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sallam. This is the most happiest of marriages.

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Problems are gonna happen. We're duludid if we

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think problems are not gonna happen.

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Scuffles between the husband and wife is going

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to happen.

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Always tell the Prophet, you know, the relationship

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should be like a triangle.

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Like this triangle,

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not the masonic sign with the eyes in

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the middle, but the,

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triangle where you have Allah

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and you have at the top, and the

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husband and wife, they are working towards Allah

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Whatever they try to do,

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the problems that they have, they always try

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to work with the correct intention. No, I

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need to get him back. I need to

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make him understand. I need to get one

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of him. I need to do this. Tikfatah.

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And you read the israhan,

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he wants to killallahu bayna ummaha. If they

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want rectification,

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and they have the intention, they want they

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have the intention Allah Azawajal will solve the

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problems between them. And the last thing inshaAllah

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ta'ala that I want to mention is, that

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that which is pertaining us,

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us, as a community,

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when we tend to make things very very

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for the people or for our children.

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The as, Sheikh Aid was mentioning the things

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are very very easy. Our religion has been

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made very very easy in Nadim al Yosuram,

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the Prophet said. Our religion is very very

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easy. But

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we have turned marriage into such a big

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thing as if a mountain is dropping on

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our heads. When the issue of marriage comes

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up, no. You need to have this. You

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need to have a degree. You need to

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have a car. You need and and it

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goes on. The list goes on. Our brother,

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you is me, I think, 18 years old,

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19 years old. 20.

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20 years old. He hasn't finished his degree

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like, you know, yani is something very very

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simple, very very simple. And also you find

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that getting married is the reason why Allah

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subhanahu wa ta'ala increases the provision for a

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person. Allah says,

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Get married off to the female slaves amongst

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you, the righteous amongst you. If they are

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poor, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will enrich in

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them. As for saying, you need to have

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this car, the chaklefante needs to be there.

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The whole needs to be 5, 6 grand.

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Making the Mahad 5, 6 grand, which becomes

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very very hard for a person. We close

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off this door of halal, make it very

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very difficult. What do the kids do? Wallahi

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rabbis complain to me all the time.

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They wanna get married, they wanna do things

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in halal way, then he goes behind the

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parents back. They're doing zina, they're doing all

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sorts of wahiswakls,

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the girl gets pregnant. Then they think to

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themselves, oh, now we need to get them

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married off.

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Before the aid comes to our family.

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Or we're more concerned about trying to please

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the people, now what the people have to

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The prophet

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he said,

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Whoever now tries to

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please the people

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and he enrages Allah

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Allah will make the people angry with him

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and Allah will become angry with him as

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well. When it comes to like wasting money,

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wanting to do it in such a, you

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I like in human way, I believe it

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is. Now I'm making it so difficult for

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the people,

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so much tardir and everything else. Allah says,

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Those who waste are like the problems of

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the shaitan.

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So starting it off in a way where

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you're wasting money and haramah take your place

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and, you know, making it difficult for the

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people. You find that the barakah gets taken

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out. The prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said,

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and I conclude with this insha Allah.

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Make your even if it is with 1

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Even if it is with 1 sheep. That's

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how simple the issue is. That's what the

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Prophet commanded

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and we shouldn't be making it difficult for

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one another.

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