Abu Taymiyyah – How Islam Is being Attacked
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My beloved brothers and sisters, I want to
make it clear
from the beginning that I am not here
to incite violence,
I am not here to incite phobia towards
anyone. It's unfortunate
that we have to say this at the
beginning of every program
simply because,
the opposition
is hot
on the heels all the time looking to
take out of context
that which we have to say.
My beloved brothers and sisters, in today's khutba
insha Allahu Ta'ala,
I want to speak a little bit about
the rights
that one has.
The rights that Al Islam
that we need to fulfill
Islam is a religion that teaches us and
educates us to be selfless,
Teaches us to look out
for others.
Teaches us
to ensure
that the rights of others are not violated.
So today, bi idhnillahaytaa'ala
in this khutba,
I want to speak about
the rights that women have, the rights that
non muslims have, and also the rights that
those who are physically disabled have
upon every single one of us.
The first one, my brothers and my sisters,
that which pertains to
My brothers and my sisters,
this issue of women's rights
is something that Al Islam
gets accused of
not giving its due rights.
Every single time when I delivered a program,
speaking about feminism,
I would always discuss right at the beginning
the rights that a woman is entitled to
under the umbrella of al Islam.
Just about after every single program, sister would
come up saying,
We didn't know that Al Islam
holds our interest in such a way.
We didn't know that we were entitled to
all of these rights.
We thought that Al Islam
always puts
women down. And my brothers and my sisters,
the root cause of that is jahal.
Right? We always say, Muslims are not perfect
but Islam is perfect.
If we just go back to the drawing
table, and we study
what Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala has said, and
what the messenger Sallallahu Wa Salam has told
us about Allah that which Mu'i
may have been oblivious about will start becoming
very clear for us.
The most important Khutba,
sermon that the Messenger salallahu alaihi wasallam gave
was the Khutbatul Jum'ah,
the Khutbat Hajjatulwada,
The farewell hajj. When the messenger sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam gave a whole load of instructions.
One of the instructions that he gave to
his companions, and at that time there was
120,000 who were present,
Istosu bin nisa'i khaira
Treat your women well.
Treat them with kindness.
The Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
is on his deathbed my brothers and my
sisters. What would you be thinking about when
you're on your deathbed?
You would want to discuss
with your relatives,
your children that which is most important for
you, right? The Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, he's
saying, Assalah, salah.
And your women folk,
treat them with kindness.
Treat them well. Just because so and so
is not doing it, that doesn't necessarily mean
there is a problem with al Islam.
Muslims are not perfect but Islam is. The
Messenger sallallahu alaihi wasallam,
he also told us another hadith,
The Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam he said, Whoever
has 2 sisters,
or he has 2 daughters. And in another
Salazar Baratin,
O Uchtain,
O Salazar Aqawatin,
O You has 3 daughters,
or 3 sisters,
Hatta You Mutna,
up until they depart from this world.
Oh, Hatta You Binna,
Up until they depart from this world, up
until they reach the age of puberty,
up until they get married.
You treat them well
with kindness.
The messenger sallallahu alaihi wa sallam is saying,
Anahu wa kaha tein. And he stuck his
two fingers together. Me and him are going
to be this close.
This is Al Islam my beloved brothers and
Even now my brothers and my sisters, when
we look at this issue of inheritance,
it's again something that the enemies of al
Islam try to pelt against al Islam, and
try to use to tarnish al Islam my
beloved brothers and sisters,
Right? Yes, there are cases when the man
is going to inherit
more than the woman. There are also other
when a woman is going to inherit more
than a man. And at times it is
equal, and so on and so forth. We
don't just nitpick what we want. We look
at the Islam in a holistic way.
Likewise, my brothers and my sisters, when Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala
talks about
a man being a maintainer for his women
again, it is taken out of context.
What does this actually mean?
He is there to defend you, to protect
your honor. He is there to put His
body on the line when you are in
danger and in a vulnerable situation,
when needed in any way shape or form
or if anyone try to disparage your dignity
or reputation in the slightest way,
He has to be there for you.
And this is of course, in contrary to
what we see in the world of De
Atha, Right?
What we need to understand and I'm saying
this especially to my sisters, right? Him being
your protector and your maintainer
is the right that you have over Him.
However, it is made to appear that He
has rights over you. No, this is the
right that you have over Him to protect
you and to honor you and to maintain
you. It is not a choice that He
Right? You have these discussions taking place and
these debates online. If someone now breaks into
the house, who's going to go downstairs?
The husband or the wife?
This is what they're discussing. What happened to,
right? The manly characteristics.
You being a high value man.
He tells his wife or his woman folk
to go downstairs and he's hiding upstairs.
This is not al Islam my beloved brothers
and sisters.
No religion,
no ideology
gives a woman more rights than the religion
of Al Islam.
It just requires us, my brothers and my
sisters to dig deep, right? To research, to
learn our religion. And Al Jahal, ignorance
is one of the root causes my brothers
and my sisters of people getting a wrong
image of Al Islam.
The second right my brothers and my sisters
that I want to speak about is the
rights that the non Muslims
have over us.
Again, as one of those topics that is
taken out of context, we nitpick, we say
whatever we want in order to make Al
look a certain way. Right?
Number 1, my brothers and my sisters, we
do not entice violence slash harassment towards non
We must be law abiding citizens
and I don't think anyone disagrees with that.
The rights that they also have,
my brothers and my sisters, over us
is us inviting them to alislam.
Right? Presenting alislam
in the best possible way. Right? So that
they embrace this wonderful religion
that is in their own best interest.
Just the other day, my brothers and my
sisters, just to give you an idea,
those who may not necessarily have embraced the
religion of Islam, the state they are in,
We all have heard of the Daily Mail,
A news article
or a news tabloid
that gives Muslims problems all the time.
This was on the daily mail.
Muslims have the highest life satisfaction.
They have a feeling of oneness
that trumps Christians, Buddhist and Yogis.
The study suggest, I'm just quoting,
I don't have my own views and opinions,
right? This is the daily mail my brothers
and my sisters.
So a lot of people are in the
state. Anil Islam my brothers and my sisters
is a cue to a lot of the
that many of them may have,
being spiritually
dead and empty,
not having a purpose in life. I'm sure
a lot of us have heard of Jim
You know what he said my brothers and
my sisters,
I think everybody
should get rich and famous
and do everything they dreamt of
so that they can realize that it's simply
not the answer.
Many people need alislam my brothers and my
This religion
that bi'idnillahi ta'ala is going to give you
the happiness
and the satisfaction that you are looking for.
I'm sure, especially
our sisters have heard of an individual called
Kylie Jenner,
right? Who's an American socialite,
media personality and businesswoman.
She starred in the reality
TV series called Keeping Up With the Kardashians
between 2,007
to 2021.
You know what she said my brothers and
my sisters,
right? She regrets
getting plastic surgery at a young age, and
hopes her daughter
Stormy doesn't do the same. She said, I
would be heartbroken
if she wanted to get her body done
at 19.
I wanna be the best mom and the
best example for her, and I just wish
I could
like be her and do it all differently
cause I wouldn't touch anything.
Right? Look where they at and look at
the peace that al Islam has granted us
my brothers and my sisters. The contentment,
the satisfaction
that we acquire when we do what Allah
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala instructed us to do.
Likewise, my brothers and my sisters, the rights
that the non Muslims have over us is
that we do not defraud them. We strongly
condemn the practice
of claiming to be separated from your spouse,
when in reality you're not.
In Al Islam, we believe that this Haramani
lying about a situation just so you can
get a little bit more cash.
This money as we believe
is not lawful
for any Muslim my brothers and my sisters.
Number 4. It is part of our faith
as Muslims to acknowledge
the good someone has done, even disbelievers,
right? If that quality is something that Allah
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala loves. Number 5, my brothers
and my sisters, we do not oppress
the non muslims,
right? The messenger sallallahu alaihi wa sallam told
us, fitaqidawatalmagrum
Fear the invocation
of the dis fear the invocation
of the one that you've oppressed.
Even if he's a disbeliever,
even if he's a disbeliever, if he puts
his hands up and he makes dua against
may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala help you. The
messenger sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said, fa'ina lai
sadoonah hijab.
Meaning the dua will be accepted straight away.
Ibn Utaymi rahmatullahi alaihi in his kitab, minhajasunatun
nabawiyah, He said,
has instructed us not to say about him
except that which is truth.
And not to say anything about Him except
with knowledge.
He instructed us to be fair and just,
He says,
if a Jew or a Christian, let alone
a Rafili
was to say something that is the truth,
That we reject it.
If it is in line with that which
is correct, we have to accept it.
We only reject that which is false. Also
a'hi says, wallahi.
Right? He swore by Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
It is not lawful for one to oppress
another even if he's a disbeliever. And then
he quoted the statement of Allah azza wa
Just because you have a hatred towards a
that shouldn't now lead you to being oppressive
and unjust towards that individual.
Likewise, my brothers and my sisters, Al Islam
as mentioned in Surat Luqman and others, right?
When it comes to our non Muslim relatives,
instructs us to be kind
and generous
and good towards them as long as they
are not trying to strip us away from
our alaihis salam.
My brothers and my sisters,
we Muslims are unapologetic
with regards to what we believe.
We as Muslims,
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala has honored us as
Umar Khattab Radi Allah Wa Ta'ala mentioned.
bil Islam.
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala has honored us through
The moment we begin to desire other than
that, Allah aasawajal
will humiliate us. We do not compromise.
Us holding on to our religion
does not contradict
being kind and good towards everyone else.
And last but not least my brothers and
my sisters,
gave a focus
and a lot of concern to, Ashabal Ikhdiya
jatul Khasa
Those who are physically disabled,
Islam my brothers and my sisters,
when you look at the messenger sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam, he didn't just disregard them, he
didn't just put them to the side, ever
then that was never ever the case.
If you look at a time when a
woman came to the messenger of Sallallahu Alaihi
She had a deficiency in her intellect. Faqalat
You Rasool Allah. She said, O Messenger MALLAH,
Inna li'laiqahaja,
I need you to help me. Faqalia
Oh mother of so and so, take me
wherever you need to take me. Right?
So I can fulfill the needs that you
He stopped whatever he was doing in order
to help this woman out,
who had an issue with the intellect. Likewise,
my brothers and my sisters, we know the
famous Pisa of Abdullah ibnhumi Maktoum, the blind
man. One time the messenger Sallallahu alaihi wasallam
was sitting with some of the heads of
The blind man,
Abdullah ibn Nami Matum, the great companion came,
and the messenger sallallahu alaihi wasallam frowned and
he turned away from him. Abbasawa ta'ala, Allah
Subhanahu wa ta'ala admonished him, right? Not to
treat this individual who has this physical disabilities
in his manner.
Before al Islam,
before al Islam,
they would ostracize
and throw to the side
Anyone who was what? Blind.
Sick. And then the verse came down,
That you don't just treat them in a
manner of such.
Likewise, my brothers and sisters, Umar ibn Abdul
who many of the scholars consider as the
5th caliphate, Yeah. I mean, righteousness even though
he was number 8 after the prophet
He instructed everyone who had this physical
disabilities to write to him. So that he
could appoint
a worker
to help them out. Those who had an
issue now, getting up to the prayer,
he would appoint a worker for them.
Al Hadith and examples, the narrations and the
examples are many my brothers and my sisters.
We wouldn't be able to give it as
true justice in a 15 minute Khutba
just to make it very very clear, I
am not here to incite violence
or phobia.
Everything that I said, I just quoted the
scripture and some articles from the daily mail.
May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala bless us all
and make us from amongst those
who hear the reminder and act upon it,
Allah would make the dua,
Oh Allah protect me and my family from
what they do, so we say,