Abu Taymiyyah – How Do I Deal With My Homosexual Lesbian or Bisexual Thoughts aadh
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The speakers discuss the importance of parent and sister support in addressing gay desire and Sharia law. They stress the benefits of taking a daily prayer and working hard to overcome physical and mental sicknesses, and emphasize the importance of slowing one's attention and reducing one's gaze to avoid war and crimes. They also discuss five commandments in dealing with homosexual and sexual misgivivivals, including being honest with oneself, fasting, reducing one's gaze, and whenever a desire to lower one's gaze is a result of a desire.
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And last but not least, I wish I
want to discuss
and will conclude with this.
For the sake of time I had to
leave our lower stuff.
There are those
who may have homosexual
and desires.
Does the Sharia criminalize
these types of individuals?
Our brother mentioned, as long as they don't
act upon it. That's a very common question.
Not so long ago I went to
Coventry ISOC,
Islamic Society,
I was giving a lecture.
One of the questions that I had to
answer was,
there is
a Muslim,
I think it was a sister or brother,
I can't remember.
It doesn't change the dynamics.
Who has these homosexual thoughts and urges.
Are they sinful for having these thoughts?
Let me ask you guys another question.
If one has
sexual thoughts, right, of wanting to commit with
so and so,
Is he or she
criminalized in the Sharia? Are they sinning now
for having these thoughts?
These urges?
The prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa Salam he said,
Indeed Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala has pardoned and
For that which they speak to themselves about,
As long as they don't
utter it
or act upon it.
Is that clear brothers and sisters?
genuinely have these concerns
and I receive
correspondence from time to time whether by email,
whether on Instagram, whether on Twitter
and it's heartbreaking,
And it may well be even that the
and I shouldn't even say a child, a
Or the one who is in his early
twenties or maybe even after that,
right? He's old in age.
That speaks to Muslims about this,
and then he is immediately shunned.
that is that is not right.
It is a test that he has to
deal with
and we should be supportive.
Not so long ago,
It was a brother from India
who messaged in saying that
he's attracted
to looking at his father's private past.
He one time saw it and he became
addicted to wanting
to see him.
He would peek through his door,
brothers and sisters, it's in my WhatsApp.
It was very very heartbreaking
to read
and excuse me for being so explicit,
but these are the
situation we have to deal with.
As parents and I was telling the sisters
this today as well, right?
As parents we have to
have expectations that there is a high possibility
that our children may wake up one day
and say, listen dad I am gay.
Brothers and sisters,
are we going to get angry? Now you
have to what?
Challenge their thought process.
Come with HUJAH, come with evidences,
right? And your arguments need to be strong.
This why is extremely extremely important to learn
your religion brothers and sisters.
At times you will find subhanAllah
some parents,
becoming physical with their children
and they take them to Arati
to read the Ruqi on him.
No, he's not possessed
or she's not possessed. She has genuine concerns
and questions that she
is now asking you to answer oh parent.
And if you don't answer them,
there'll be other people who are ready to
some of these concerns that they have.
This is the reality brothers and sisters.
Is it something nice far fetched?
Of course it's not. We are seeing it
right before our eyes.
Right? So we have to be there supporting
Just like we support
an individual who wants to commit Zina,
then in the messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam support
that young man who came to him and
said, You Rasulullah,
give me permission to commit zina.
What did the messrahl alaihi wa sallam did?
Did he take him to Arafi? He start
defaming him, shaming
him, humiliating him,
he began to what?
He began to stimulate his mind.
Would you like it for your mother? He
said, No. Would you like it for your
Would you like it for your female relatives?
Made him think,
So they are not sinful for having these
If someone else speaks to you about them
and tells you about these genuine concerns,
these are some of the things they could
advise him with.
1 has not been gifted with anything more
greater than patience as
said. Right?
The Jannah has been what?
Surrounded with
We are not going to reach Aljannah
except by what? By working hard,
being patient,
striving hard,
putting the effort in refraining from sins just
like the one who's having
to commit a Zina.
The same would be mentioned, right? We'll tell
him to be patient,
Right? To fight against his nafs.
And you are being rewarded by Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala for fighting your nafs.
And those who put in the effort and
they strive hard, we will guide them to
that which is correct.
Makes sense brothers and sisters? That's number 1.
Number 2,
strive in what? Making Dua in your sujood.
Specially in the last 3rd of the night,
whatever sickness an individual is suffering from,
right? Waking up in the last 3rd of
the night
is a cure for all of his spiritual
diseases and sicknesses,
and physical ones as well. As the messenger
said, upon you to stand the night.
this is the way of the righteous who
came before you.
Also, the messenger then goes on to say,
It helps you overcome the sins
that you carry out.
It removes the physical
and also spiritual sicknesses that you suffer from.
A dua in your sujood, and it's even
better when you are making this dua
in the night prayer in the last third
of the night.
And my beloved brothers and sisters,
right? As Ibn Taym Rahmatullah he mentioned,
is It is from the most
beneficial of cures.
You have to have the certainty.
You have to believe
there's only a matter of time,
that I overcome
whatever I'm trying to
get rid of.
Is that clear, brothers and sisters?
How many points have you mentioned?
2. Number 3,
Isn't this what we would advise someone who
is young in age and has urges to
commit to
Isn't this what we would advise him with?
Right? What does that do? It castrates one's
have a look at yourself in the month
of Ramadan when you're fasting. Do you have
the same desire
of outside the month of Ramadan? Allah, he
You really don't.
It really does castrate your desire
if we're honest with ourselves.
Mondays Thursdays fast.
If you still feel that you need more
than fast,
that which the Messenger sallallahu alaihi wasall advised,
Abdulai ibn Amr ibn al Aas with,
which is to fast one day and to
break 2 days. To fast one day and
to break 2 days.
If you're still looking for something greater than
And there's no better fasting than the siyam,
the fast of Dawud which is to fast
one day and then to break one day.
And after that,
what I can tell you pertaining to fasting,
your desires.
That's 3. Number 4,
to lower your gaze.
What is very well known and established is
what the eyes can't see, the heart won't
Whether we are speaking to brothers
or become infatuated when looking at a woman,
The same is said to the man who
is attracted to
same gender
or a woman who is attracted to the
same gender.
Lower your gaze. A lot of people think
is that you only lower your gaze
a woman walks past you.
Did you know that Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
also told you to lower your gaze?
To lower your gaze,
the worldly pleasures, the glitters, and the glamorous
of this dunya?
What happens brothers and sisters, right?
When you keep looking at the very very
nice car,
What does that do to an individual?
Intensifies one's desire to possess that.
What if you don't have the money to
purchase that?
What's the next step that
even some Muslims
end up taking?
They either go and steal it,
they commit crimes to save up the money
in order to buy this car. Is it
they start a war with Allah Subhanahu Wa
By taking out
a Riba interest based loan
to buy this
Can you see how an innocent glance
led an individual now to committing a war
with Allah
Can you
And we know that Riba is what?
If you don't stop this Riba,
right, you don't point end to it, you're
starting a war with Allah. And I don't
think anybody wants to be on the other
side of a battlefield
looking at Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. Right?
it is not just the opposite agenda that
we lower our gaze from brothers and sisters.
The Duniya
that you keep looking
at, right? Whether it is holiday resorts,
whether it is
homes that you keep looking
at, it intensifies that desire.
Especially now if you what?
All the people around you they possess some
of these
only pleasures and you don't, it hurts.
You're being told to lower your gaze and
to do what is right.
Likewise brothers and sisters, you should not be
looking at someone
that is very very attractive.
Okay? If this is now going
to intensify
your desires
or is going to spark a desire in
your heart for him
or for her.
If you say, sister now looking at another
sister or brother now looking at another brother,
you have to lower your gaze,
There was a young good looking child that
Umar ibn Khattab Radhiallahu Ta'ala Anhu,
Ordered to be taken out of the city.
Out of fear,
the fitna that his face will cause, SubhanAllah.
Lowering your gaze,
as Ibn Hajus mentioned,
Becoming infatuated
stems up from where?
Stems of originally from
not lowering your gaze. And he may start
as an innocent glance.
And then he says
Just as it's failed for a man, it's
also failed for a woman.
Right? And then he says
Many devout worshippers
who would adhere to the sharia brothers and
they lost their faith because of what?
Because of not lowering their gaze.
Allah brothers and sisters, and I know individuals
as well
who didn't lower their gaze one thing led
to another
to the extent where
everything spiraled out of control.
And you doing everything that I mentioned brothers
and sisters without the shadow of a doubt
you will be rewarded for it. Right?
How many is that? 4, right?
Number 5,
Whenever you're having these thoughts,
Can the be is either Hazeb or Amrul?
Whenever the would go through some sort of
hardship and difficulty, he would rush to
the salah.
Is this a hardship?
Would you agree that this is a hardship?
You'll rush to the Salah. What does a
Salah do?
In the salah,
The salah, it removes the filth and the
evil from your life.
Is that clear?
It removes the filth and the evil from
your life.
So get up and just stop praying.
Get up and you stop praying.
Makes sense?
5 commandments
in how to deal with
homosexual urges and thoughts that one has.
Right? In
will help if you keep believing
and you keep striving. It is only a
matter of time brothers and sisters
that this will now what come to an
I want every single one of you guys
right, to take these 5 commandments and to
share it with brothers and sisters.
There are some who don't feel comfortable,
right? Being vocal about it, it might be
a good idea
to bring up this discussion at a table
when the people are sitting around and to
just kinda like share it.
It varies from person to person. And some
of these people,
Their desires vary as well.