Abu Taymiyyah – Hot Topics X Wives ,Marrying A Drug Dealer, Laziness, USA trip,Laziness & More
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I think the reason why the sheikh has
asked me is because
I used to give Khutbas here monthly before
the sheikh became the imam, but now he's
our imam, and we have to conform to
what he says.
The prophet
said your imam is your shield.
you stand behind him.
Our sheikh, may Allah preserve him. As you
guys can see, brothers and sisters, I don't
this needs to be spelled out.
Allah, I tell brothers and sisters all the
the Masdid Farqan here in Manchester
has become like the Masjid Green Lane in
and that is due to a number of
reasons. Number 1, as the sheikh mentioned, look
how many people pray
here for fajr.
Right? A lot of the masajid is just
maybe what, one row, 2 rows,
masjid is packed.
The fajr reflections that happened in subhanAllah, I
did it once. I I was fortunate enough
to be doing it once in the past,
and I was absolutely shocked by the numbers.
Right. I remember when I did the Khutbah
a couple of months ago, we had to
do 2 jum'ahs.
We had to do 2 jum'ahs in a
big masjid like this.
They shocked me after they said, oh, we
have to do another one. And I was
absolutely mentally and physically exhausted.
Right. Also, my brothers and my sisters, when
you look at,
and this is what I really like about
hence why I keep coming back.
They have a very, very good media team.
People think that I have a contract with
Masjid Farhan. No, I don't. I don't have
a contract with Masjid Farhan, but because, you
know, they take care of the content, they
put it out, and as someone who is
a speaker,
who tries to convey knowledge, you want the
knowledge to be recorded so you could reach
maximum people, if that makes sense.
And a lot of work goes into it.
Those who came to the university lecture and
Allahumab Barik, may Allah
blessed them with excellence. There was a lot
of youngsters that came today
and they had a discovery Islam week, and
they asked me to speak about dawah.
I told every single one of them to
get involved,
and it had nothing to do with the
masjid here.
Right? Sheikh just asked me literally right now.
They said, is discovery Islam week? Encourage them
to get involved
And this isn't me not inciting violence or
anything like that or harassment just in case
someone wants to take
what I say out of context.
Why is it that they've become the loudest
when you compare them with anyone else?
Why brothers and sisters? Are they so loud
on social media?
Whenever they want to acquire rights,
right, they make sure they get them rights.
It is simply because they are actively involved.
Even though they're minority, they're a raindrop compared
to everyone else however, they are the loudest
and that is because each member is playing
a role in spreading
that which they stand for,
so we have to be actively involved my
brothers and my sisters to learn our religion
and then to spread it, And that normally,
blossoms from the Masjid when you think about
it. How many youngsters are learning the book
of Allah
in the Masjid?
How many hifad
has this masjid generated?
Right. I honestly, will lie, tell everyone even
abroad. They asked me about mazirfaqan.
These videos that you see going out, don't
think brothers and sisters, it's a simple task.
Right? It's always the speaker that gets all
of the plaudits, the guy who is being
recorded and giving the dawah, Allah, you guys
know how much work goes into it and
how much money is spent,
like I pay from my own pocket my
brothers and my sister to the editor all
these videos that you see going around on
Instagram it costs
The easiest thing is to just record to
say in front of the camera. That's the
easiest thing. We have who
you know, subhanAllah all the time. I know
the stress that he goes through. I can
see from his face.
Sure. A lot goes into him, my brothers
and my sisters. It's not an easy task.
But when you tell people to do it
for free, they'll say, yeah, don't worry, I'll
do it. But then after one week, he
gets tired. I've seen enough people like that.
The editor, I make sure I pay him.
Even if he said I don't want money,
now I pay him from my own pocket.
Right? So there's a lot of expenses, there's
a lot of,
effort that goes into it, and everyone needs
to be involved. When you look at
the companions, I asked the brothers
in the jamiyah, in the university, how many
prophets were there in the time of the
They got confused.
A lot of them got scared of the
So what's this guy talking about?
And then I explained to them what I
meant by this. There was only 1 prophet.
Right? And there were so many companions who
had different roles in the community.
Not everyone was like Abu Huraira, radiAllahu ta'ala
Anhu. Who is the one that narrated the
most hadith of Abu Huraira? It wasn't the
4 Khulafa, Ar Rashidin, Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman
Ali. They weren't part of it.
They weren't part of the top 5 who
narrated the most had hadith.
Abu Hurayrah was very poor. He was taking
in all of the knowledge, and now we
see the fruits of that which he memorized
and that which he attended.
Abu Bakr Allah blessed him with wealth. Uthman,
They would
help the dua of the Prophet in different
ways. Right. If you think that you are
not the person who can speak or convey,
maybe Allah Azza wa Jal open another door
for you.
So think about your legacy. Right? Ullah, there's
a brother who went on Umrah with us,
18 years of age, guys.
After he came back from Umrah,
right, he sent a picture in the WhatsApp
group with all of the stitches. He had
a car crash.
And I messaged him privately to just kind
of, you know, make him feel good. A
week later, we get the message that he
passed away.
18 years of age, brothers and sisters. It's
times like that. It makes you think, what
do I want to leave behind that can
continue as a reward for me after I
depart from this world?
Brothers and sisters. It's something that maybe insha
Allahu ta'ala, we can all try to
think about.
You can see, subhanAllah, this is a masjid
that brings the youth together. We know what
the youth are doing.
I know what the youth are doing. I
receive messages on Instagram every single day, guys.
Of young people who are what? Distraught.
They are miserable in their lives
and then I compare them to the brothers
who are in the masjid memorizing Quran, attending
the lectures, attending the lectures, attending the program,
attending the lessons
And I think to myself, subhanAllah, it's because
of what?
They have that set up around them.
Right? This is why it really doesn't make
sense to me, my brothers and my sisters.
When one
a masjid maybe making a mistake or maybe
they see a masjid
doing something that they disagree with, right, the
kind of reaction
that could be the reason why some of
the shabaab
stopped coming to the misjid, brothers and sisters.
all of the shubuhad, the doubts, and the
fitna that are out there,
This child, have you thought about if you
disconnect him from the masjid? What could actually
happen to him?
Our religion is built on weighing the pros
and the cons.
There's so much at stake. Walaiah was a
brother, subhanAllah.
He was a revert. He was actually married
to a Somali sister from Holland.
He succumb to my classes in Nottingham.
Wallahi will sit at the front, brothers and
sisters. He will sit at the front.
He was the one who even recorded some
of the classes, voice voice recording.
Pen and paper taking down all of the
Some brothers who lack wisdom,
because I didn't agree to some of the
things, this is back in 2014.
I didn't agree to some of the things
that they were saying,
they wanted me to throw off a particular
sheikh, but I said, guys, I don't know.
I said to them, I don't know.
So they canceled the lessons. You know what
happened to our brother? He used to sit
in the front. He was so enthusiastic.
He had so much eagerness to learn.
He was just looking for any classes. Wallahi,
he went to extremists.
Wallahi went to extremists.
And I'm talking about guys who are wanting
to go abroad.
Right? And this brother was eventually caught by
the police
for trying to make a bomb
or some, you know, instructions of how to
do it and so on and so forth.
And he got thrown into
prison, even though he was coming to the
But after the classes were canceled
because of these brothers, over these petty things,
ah, I don't agree with you.
You need to make your mohif clear. As
we hear all the time, you need to
make your stance clear.
Right? And that's what ended up happening.
So I just want you guys to really,
you know,
appreciate having a masjid,
where shabab and the youth come together,
And now take this out of the equation,
let's just say, you know, argument's sake, there
was no masjid like this.
You as a youngster, who has become so
attached to the house of Allah azza wa
jal, where where would you what would you
You could be no different to all these
young sisters who tonight are going to be
partying, Friday night.
Friday night guys.
Friday night we know what they're doing. But
Allah bless you guys to sit here.
Chose you guys to be sitting here in
the house of Allah
Sorry guys, I just went a little bit
on there.
I didn't know this question was going to
be asked, but for the Sheikh.
Sheikh. Is that part of the hot topics
question? Yes. That's part to begin. Definitely, yes.
And brothers, you've just heard and also sisters,
you've heard what what Amir has said. All
of us need to be involved
tonight. You should not leave the masjid without
having the intention,
of of contributing financially to towards the masjid
and getting agile for this
and so we're going to begin with the
questions right now and the first question is
going to be a nice easy question for
the sheikh.
Sheikh recently went to the states
for the first time,
and we want you to share with us,
like, some of the amazing experiences that you've
had while you were visiting the states.
And we want you to also let us
know, like,
which state was your favorite state
while you were there. What were the amazing
experiences? Minnesota was my favorite state, Minnesota.
That's where all the Somalis are in it.
They say the biggest Somali population after Mogadishu
is Minnesota.
Well, I guess I'm being serious. My favorite
state. I went to 8 states in 12
I took 5 flights in 6 days. Right?
But my favorite state, honestly, brothers and sisters,
was Minnesota.
Allah have been dead serious. For sure. And
I know someone's gonna take this clip and
put it on TikTok, and it's gonna get,
you know?
Yes. I'll tell you guys why.
Even though the program
that we plan to do in the masjid
and this was a big masjid, much bigger
than this one.
Even had like a basketball court inside of
the Meze building.
It can maybe take over
2 and a half 1000 people.
everybody underestimated how many people would turn up.
Well, I brothers, I was told by them
eventually that 7,000 turn up. Oh, sure. 7,000.
And this is why the whole area shut
down, ambulance couldn't get in. Some of the
sisters passed out because of how hot it
was. They couldn't open the windows.
Even though the boys or the men's class
was, it was meant to be both for
both men and women,
but because he got so packed out, we
had to kick the brothers out.
The brothers left,
subhanallah, the whole mizyah was just packed with
Right? We initially thought that no sisters would
turn up. Brothers actually, in the beginning,
said we're not going to do a sisters
only session. Why?
Because liberalism is very widespread
in states like that. Feminism also.
And I thought maybe because of this conservative,
controversial guy
who has a wonderful time with feminists on
all the time,
Because of that, maybe they wouldn't turn up.
The fact that they decided to leave their
and to come to the masjid, that's what
really made me feel great, Wallahi.
Even though we couldn't have the programs that
we did, but because they all came, they
showed that
to learn.
Allah, that was my, you know, my favorite
thing out of everything that I saw.
And I was even told, subhanallah, some of
these sisters who came to the masjid with
with abaya,
some of them don't even wear the hijab
and abaya
cause of their TikTok accounts,
They're muttabarijjad
like online they don't wear it, but that
day they came to the masjid,
That day they came to the masjid wearing
the hijab.
Isn't that here, brothers and sisters? You know?
Fact that they actually left whatever they were
doing, and they came to a mazir, and
they packed out the house of Allah.
Even the brother said to me, there are
always people who give problems to the wathat
yal in Minnesota. Right?
But that just clearly showed them that there's
still a lot of khair.
Right, within our
Muslim brothers and sisters, especially our Somali
brothers and sisters, you know, over there. May
Allah bless them.
And I just wanna point out, because I
Somalis coming out and referring to the Minnesota,
Somalis as Zumalis.
Because of what they saw. I tell you
guys to fear Allah, azza wa jal.
Do not call yourself names, Yani. Don't give
each other these bad names, you know.
We need to fear Allah,
we need to fear Allah.
Mistakes happen, there are shortcomings and so on
and so forth.
What was the difference between the youth over
there and the youth over here in the
UK? Well, honestly, brothers, when I was leaving
to America, I didn't think
many people would turn up because whenever we
think American, I'm sure Sheikh will agree with
me on this, we think that
or we have this thought about Americans that
they're all Liberals, they're all feminist, and they're
all sympathetic and empathetic towards
gays and homosexuals. That's what we think.
And I even mentioned in the podcast that
we had in Minnesota, you can't actually blame
the Brits for that. When you have some
of their prominent figures coming out and supporting
the first female
* Magazine model or whatever, you think, if
that's the leader, then how about everyone else?
What do you expect from everyone else?
But, like I said to the Americans, we
British people
got it wrong.
We'll lie we got it wrong. To see
1,000 and 1,000 of Shabaab coming to the
Masjid, even Ohio, subhanAllah.
The security guard would walk in and he
starts, you know, loading his gun behind me.
Well, I was an experienced hire. He really,
really was.
Police walked in as well, I'm just like,
what's going on here? But it's normal for
But, they were like, what's going on here?
So for all of them to come, you
know, thousands of Shabab it was the biggest
masjid I've ever been to in Ohio.
I've never been to a masjid that was
that big, where I where I would look
at the last guy and I can't see
how he looks like.
And he was wide and very long as
well. And that was 3 floors, over 4,000
people turn up.
Right? So the shabab over there, yani,
I think they've literally had enough of this
soft type dawah.
They just want to be told what is
right and what is wrong. We are tired
of going around the bush.
That's what it seems like to me. The
fact that they came to a person like
right, with all the views that I have
and, you know,
none of my videos get taken down though
because we have disclaimers at the beginning.
That was written by the solicitors.
This is the reality of the matter, guys.
They just want to be told what is
real. They like realists,
and they applauded for that.
Even though I would say that they're a
little bit more far behind
from practicing the deen than the people that
we have here in the UK. Here they're
a lot more practicing.
Right? They're a lot more connected to the
But, yeah.
Masha'Allah, zakalakal Sheik. The next question
says how can I rid myself of laziness
and a lack of motivation?
It's a very good question. How can I
rid myself of laziness and also a lack
of motivation?
I want you all inshallah to tell you,
my brothers and my sisters, if you feel
like that, to take a pen and paper
and to write down what some of your
objectives are.
What are some of the things that you
are trying to accomplish?
Right? If you are someone, Bilahadef, without an
or without,
a goal that you're trying to accomplish,
you just wake up everyday,
sitting around, wasting your time, looking to just
pass time, if that makes sense.
Have goals and have ambitions.
If you don't, you will be like I
just mentioned.
Write it down.
Sometimes when writing something down, my brothers and
my sisters, tends to what?
Really push you, as opposed to when you're
just sitting around, and you're just having these
of what you wanna do, this false hope
I call it.
No. Secondly, my brothers and my sisters,
and this really really works brothers
and sisters.
Be someone who adheres to
be someone who adheres to a dua.
You Allah, give me strength.
I hope inshallah I can mention it from
the top of my head. He says,
Then he goes on to say,
Something along the lines of that. Whoever now
seeks the aid of Allah,
and he works hard, and he sticks to
saying astaghfirullah, astaghfirullah,
must give him that which the mind can't
Right? How many are we on?
2 or 3?
2. Number 3, my brothers and my sisters,
my messenger said,
There's always a period in your life
where you're extremely,
you know, exuberant, excited, you have the energy,
you have that determination, you have that drive,
You're extremely extremely zealous about carrying out certain
acts of worship.
You will do more than the obligatory acts.
But then there's a period that may follow
where you get a bit laxed, lethargic,
Right? So in that case what do you
do? You take a step back and you
stick to the farayd.
You stick to the obligatory acts, you continue
with that, and then slowly slowly you start
building up again.
Does that make sense?
Number 4.
Allah says in the Quran,
Allah says,
When you are someone who does istighfar,
and also repenting to Allah, Allah will send
down your
He will send down the rain in abundance
for you.
And then likewise, it will give you strength
above the strength that you already have.
People sometimes ask, how is it that so
and so can do all of this in
such a short space of time? 1st and
foremost, say Allah Mubarak.
And secondly secondly,
the istighfar
really, really has an impact on individual.
Astaghfirullah. Astaghfirullah. It could be that you're driving,
it could be that you're walking.
The dhikr of Allah
really really has an impact on you.
Earlier, I quoted a very powerful statement of
Malik Ndinar when he said,
When you begin to feel that your heart
is hard,
and you are weak in your body,
the weakness here is not speaking about
someone who didn't eat properly, no, you had
your 3 meals.
You had breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but as
you guys are aware, sometimes we feel this
we don't want to do anything,
and then he says,
also you find that your rizq has become
Hard to get to come your way, and
he is becoming
very tight.
To know that you have spoken about something
that doesn't concern you.
There's a type of weakness that comes.
There's a type of weakness that comes, my
brothers and my sisters,
right, of when we do certain acts.
And then there's a strength as well that
comes when we do certain acts, and one
of them is a sukhfar.
So just sit away from your phone and
start doing dhikr of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
Does that make sense?
This question comes from one of the sisters,
and the sister is saying that I've I've
fallen in love with a brother, but this
brother is a drug dealer.
He's a drug dealer, yep.
And I wanna get married to him.
I wanna get married to him.
And whenever I tell him to come off
lifestyle that he's in,
he always disappoints me,
and I'm truly, truly in love with him.
What advice do you have for me, Sheikh?
A sister who's trying to be righteous
falling in love with a brother
who's not in
selling drugs, you know, in the streets.
what advice?
She still she said, I'm really, really attached
to him, you know, too close.
1st and foremost, you should do marriage counseling
with Sheikh Mohammed Ali. That's number 1.
Number 2, my beloved brothers and sisters Yes.
I want you guys to look at the
big picture.
Today I gave a hudmi in Preston, and
one of the points that I try to
and really emphasize
because I was giving the khutba about parenting,
and there was a lot of Shabab there.
There was a lot of young people there.
And a lot of time when you speak
about parenting, the child or the young person
switches off, oh, that doesn't concern me. I'm
not married.
The smart and intelligent individual
starts preparing from now.
He's not married. He starts preparing
from now,
how he wants to conduct himself around his
From now,
you could be 16, 17, 18. What do
I mean by that? The whole Khutba was
about that we need to nurture our children,
we need to have relationship with them, and
most importantly, we need to
embed within them al Islam.
How can you do that if you don't
know about the Deen?
If we as a generation don't know my
brothers and my sisters, what do you expect
from the next generation?
I gave a lecture not so long ago
on Christmas,
and I I remember I concluded a lecture
with, brothers, if you don't know your religion
right now, don't be surprised tomorrow that Jamaa
and Mohammed and Gulaid
tomorrow are holding a Christmas tree and walking
into the house.
And you are saying to them, Jamaa, what
are you doing?
And he says, Abba, what? What's the problem?
And I simply because he doesn't know.
We're already seeing it with our kids.
And because they don't know, they bring a
whole load of baggage
to the house.
So the shahid, my point is my sister,
you want to get married to this drug
How do you expect your children to turn
You know, we hear about the hadith of
the time,
Every newborn is born upon the fitra, but
the parents, they turn him into a Jew.
The parents, they turn him into Christian. The
parents, they turn him into a medusi. You
may look at this hadith from the apparent
and think, okay, it's only limited to these
It could be that a parents turn the
child into a drug dealer.
It could be that a parents now turn
him into someone who's addicted to films,
and that is because the child, all he
is what his parents do.
Right? They wake up to,
you know, the house being a drug bath.
This is how they grow up. And they
hear, oh my dad's been drug dealing and
he's still drug dealing, and that's what's
beautified in his eyes. My sister,
my sister,
you are in love with this guy. Tomorrow,
he will get shifted.
Tomorrow, he will be imprisoned.
How do you wish to live your life
after that?
How do you wish to live your life
after that? This excitement only what last for
a little while.
You get married,
that excitement dies down, just ask your parents.
Does the she agree?
Yeah. She might get into trouble if he
says something, you know.
No, but, you know, I I think everybody
understands what I'm talking about.
You're married men, you guys have an idea.
You don't have that same excitement, should I
say, I think that's how I should wear
dress. There's always excitement, you know. It's she
has to keep on the toes, and you
as well.
And but you guys understand what I mean.
The excitement I want to, you know, and
it's gonna be all rosy and whatever have
you. Guys, that's a myth. That is a
Then the reality comes up. Now, you will
be waking up to morning breath.
It's a different person that you have to
deal with.
The akhlaq of that person starts coming out.
My sister, if this individual can't adhere to
the commandments of Allah, you think he's going
to adhere to the commandments of you? No.
He's going to respect you, and he can't
respect Allah, aza wajal.
Think about that for a moment.
Right? Think about that for a moment.
And also another important point I wanted to
Things completely crossed my mind.
My sister. Yes. It's very important point.
I speak to drug dealers all the time.
Not like that, guys.
Not like
that. Not like that, guys.
Allah, you know what job did you say
to me? Even though he has a girlfriend,
he has side girl, he has this girl
and that girl and whatever have you, you
know he says to me,
you know,
I have all these girls, but they're not
Khadija material.
He goes, look how easy she came to
me, and I'm just playing around with the
bar. She came so easily,
tomorrow she might just go to another guy
so easily as well, you know, so I
Because now you're having a relationship with him,
my sister.
Nasih halewajillahi azaawajal.
Don't think he's ever going to look at
you as a wife material.
Tell him to go straight to your dad.
Sometimes we look at the issue of wilayah,
of the wali as, oh, he's trying to
control me.
Allahi, my sister.
There is a bigger role to play than
what you think.
When he sees now, oh, she disrespects
all of her
guardians and she disrespects her brother, my brother's
like this.
You know what? I can just, you know
who if I mistreat her, who's she gonna
go back to? I've got her khalas.
Allah bless you guys. AmeenshaAllah.
Sheikh, just moving on from there, what advice
do you have for someone who's into drug
dealing right now or someone who's thinking about
becoming a drug dealer?
What advice do you have for those brothers
who are trapped in that lifestyle?
What would you like to say to them?
Again, one of the things that drug dealers
mentioned to me all the time, brothers and
we've got the cars,
we have the money,
we have the women,
however we are spiritually dead,
Spiritually empty.
Driving around, nice cars but the guy is
so miserable inside.
There's another way or another angle that drug
dealing can be looked at.
Do you know how many lives you're ruining?
Has that ever
resonated with you?
How many lives are you actually ruining?
You are the cause of people's minds becoming
so corrupted.
Imagine that for a moment.
And being the cause of people becoming addicted.
Ruining people's minds, and ruining people's bodies,
and it's all on your scale of bad
deeds when you stand in front of Allah
Subhanahu wa ta'ala.
I've never seen a drug dealer becoming successful.
And I know a lot of them guys.
This is just just one point here. The
fact that he goes to sleep
some of them might even like what? Cry
themselves to sleep.
And that's more of a punishment than anything
else. You can be thrown into prison,
But the fact that you're dead inside,
all that guilt,
all that sadness, and that money can't actually
give you that happiness that you thought you
could maybe acquire.
I'll tell you guys something else, which you're
not going to find in the books.
Haram money
goes very very quickly.
Haram money,
goes very very quickly
as opposed to that which might be little,
but it was halal.
No more comment on that.
Don't ask me how I know as well.
The next question, Sheikh,
what's consists considered maintaining
ties of kinship?
Well, Lai, this is something that goes back
Yannick, because I think the question
realizes though that I need to keep keep
good ties with my family,
right? How do I keep good ties? Is
that what they're saying? Yes. That's what they're
I think this is my brothers and brothers
and sisters, something that goes back to earth.
There are certain things that we have been
instructed within the Quran. For example, like being
dutiful to our parents,
honoring our guests,
ties with our relatives. Right? However, it hasn't
been specified exactly how you should do that.
And this is when the application of uruf
comes in, which means
The poet he said,
You act upon the urf, you act upon
customs of the people, if the sharia, the
legislator hasn't
specified it. This is a legal
qaal al jakih, for those who are interested
in it.
Like we've not been told exactly how you
honor your guests. I believe, Sheikh, and tell
me we disagree. Right?
That today when you bring your guests over,
part of honoring them is to give them
the Wi Fi password the moment they walk
in. Yes.
Yes. That wasn't maybe something back in the
day. Today, WiFi password they need it, you
know, because you're gonna use all of all
your data.
And there's not always best connection
when you go. You need to give them
that fiber optic Virgin Atlantic.
Or is it Virgin? This Virgin Atlantic is
For him to me, that's just one example.
So it's something that goes back to the
customer to people. It may well be that
many of our relatives today, if you just
video call them for a couple of minutes,
actually that means the world to them because
they understand how busy people are.
Mhmm. Right? Even though before it was a
lot more difficult, you had to go and
visit them.
But today people are more than happy.
Like when I call my mother on on
video call,
right, she loves it.
Means a lot to her, and likewise some
of my other aunties, I video call them,
And that, you know, it's like months of,
you know, ziyarah, this, that, maybe one video
But it differs from time to place
and the customs that one may follow and
so on and so forth.
And it's getting late,
the brothers
I'm sure
they they have enjoyed your presence
and and the question that I would like
to ask you right now,
with regards,
to the youth that we have at Hamda.
We have a lot of youth with us
right now.
What are the
advice you would like to give to any
youth who wants to come back to Allah.
He normally doesn't pray salah.
He has come to the masjid tonight maybe
for the first time
and he wants to kind of like improve
his life
and and be a better Muslim.
So what advice, practical advice do you have?
He doesn't wanna go back to his lifestyle,
he wants to change. What advice would you
like for him please?
Very good question. My brothers and my sisters,
I want you guys to understand that
if you take a 1,000 steps away from
you only need one step to come back
to Allah
A 1000 steps away from Allah
You've become the worst of the drug dealers,
or the worst of the people. You are
a sister who's exposing her beauty on the
World Wide Web, selling herself for a monthly
on some of these very well known
it only
requires one step for you to come back
to Allah's subject.
One step brothers and sisters.
For you to put an end to that,
you Allah forgive me.
I want to change my life around.
It doesn't matter how bad you've become brothers
and sisters. It doesn't
That door of repentance is
open. Allah says in the Quran. And if
there is 1 verse or the verse
that shows the mercy of Allah Azza wa
Jal, Subhan Allah Azza wa Jal said.
Satan Muhammad, my servants who have transgressed against
Do not lose hope in the mercy of
Indeed Allah
forgives all sins.
I see sometimes, subhanAllah, tweets where people are
saying, you know, I've indulged
in so much sin, I'm contemplating suicide. I
feel like there's no hope for me.
Did you guys
see the video that went round, I think
in the last 24 hours, while I was
in Phinusr Park Masjid, and I was talking
to the youth.
sisters, once upon a time I had a
helicopter chasing me. I said it before.
Wallahi there was a helicopter chasing me, and
no ask me why.
Even if you look at some of the
companions, my brothers and my sisters,
right, they were carrying out the worst
of sins.
Imagine now my brothers and my sisters, women
going around the Kaaba
Actually don't imagine it.
Some of the female companions, they used to
Go around the cab naked.
But when they embrace the Islam, clean slate.
He repents from Allah
He repent to Allah
right? Sincerely,
got no more, insha Allahu Ta'ala, you know,
since he's been erased.
So remember that brothers and sisters.
And then stay steadfast on that. You have
the month of Ramadan,
that as an opportunity, as a lifeline that
throws away.
The scene has been set.
The doors of jannah have been swung open
and the doors of hellfire have been slammed
shut, and the shayateen have been locked up.
It is the stepping stone
that we may be looking for.
There are certain individuals who start practicing in
the month of Ramadan. And then you got
people saying that, oh, Ramadan Muslim. She only
Allah Right?
It's a stepping stone that many want to,
you know, step on in order to become
The month of Ramadan.
There's that kind of person, but then there's
another person, and this one is blameworthy.
He only stops because it's Ramadan. But then,
in the last 10 nights of his planning,
which hotel to sleep in, which she shaba
to go to, which woman to hang around
Adi Musiba. On the most
honorable and best nights of the year, people
are planning how to want how they want
to disobey Allah as on the day of
Even Kabir
Malik, he said,
Whoever fast in a month, and he's telling
that when I finish the month that I'm
gonna disobey Allah, the fasting will be thrown
in his face and rejected.
Does that make sense my brothers and my
That's very very important.
The door of repentance is open.
Right? Use the month of Ramadan to
new acts of worship,
to stay away from these habits, and then
stay steadfast on that, Insha'Allah, even on the
day of 8th, and you will see what
Allah will do for you while many people
are disobeying Allah.
But you have given that up. You've made
a sacrifice.
The next question Sheikh Dazakalakaif
for that wonderful answer, can ex husband
just have casual conversation with his ex wife?
Well, this is so so common, so so
common brothers and sisters.
Right? They divorced,
it may well be that he is now
And she's remarried as well, but they're cheating
and chatting with one another. Like he's, oh,
he's my ex husband. If the husband says,
what you doing? Oh, ex husband.
The fact that he has an ex, it
means Khalas, he's ex.
Yeah. You need to put a big x
on his name.
And your
if needed,
because somebody might say, oh, there's kids between
It should be extremely, extremely limited.
She's not halal for
you. She's like any other lady that you
see now. There is not halal for you,
unless, of course, you
have a marriage contract between you both, which
you can't, because you're married now my sister.
SubhanAllah. Even non Muslims, you see them discussing
amongst themselves. Wallahi,
how is it that my husband is saying
to me I can't have male friends? This
is what?
This is discussions they're having. This person is
going over the top. No, he's not going
over the top. Right.
Number 1, we have what? Laws that we
need to abide by. Allah
gave us rules and regulations.
And secondly, where's the respect?
Where is the respect? Unless there is a
need, okay, pertaining to the kids. What time
are they coming?
Right? And even then,
it may well be that he could go
through someone, if he needs to get a
message across to you.
He could send the message now through the
children if they're old enough, or through a
brother or whatever, and an agreement can be
made, or what subgroup which has a makram
in there.
But I was just casually getting on the
phone, and then one thing leads to another.
Right? There's a video that I have online.
Because what I'm mentioning now, you may think,
oh, this guy is being a little bit
extreme. He's out of touch with reality.
He's a little bit backwards.
Okay. No problem. You know what this video
is called? Cheating husbands,
filthy fathers, and free mixing.
In this video, my brothers and my sisters,
all I did was read out
first hand experiences of victims. Victims of what?
Victims of free mixing.
A lady that would open her door for
couples to come in, you know, husbands and
wives, couples to come in, to have innocent
chit chats over food or tea.
The lady who invited them is in the
kitchen cooking,
or getting the tea ready. And then her
husband is upstairs committing haram with one of
the ladies she invited. Subhanallah.
And then the lady you can find all
of these articles on some q and a,
I just took it from there.
First time experience with victims.
And as they're writing, Wallahi breaks your heart.
What does it boil down to? It boils
down to what?
Not carrying out the commandments of Allah. Very
simple basic knowledge
that you may not necessarily have acted upon.
Right? And then she's talking about how she
can't forgive her husband, and she's heartbroken, she's
thinking about divorcing,
and she can't she can't live with herself,
the fact that he's done this, fortunate, is
the reality.
Alright. Can you see how elm, my brothers
of master knowledge, saves us?
In this dunya, likewise, the hereafter, some people
think elm is a career path like mathematics
or engineering.
So we need elm to survive.
You can't function in this world or navigate
and maneuver without knowledge. Otherwise, look at this
who's now suffering.
Is very, very important, guys.
Right? We can't function without
TazakAllah Khair Sheikh for that wonderful answer.
And finally,
this is going to be the final question.
Just a general advice for our brothers and
sisters who are present here tonight.
And after that, we will conclude it inshallah.
What would be your final advice
to our brothers and sisters who came out
I'm gonna read out a question that a
brother said to me, Insha'Allah.
If I may, Sheikh. Yes.
And the question says, we said, I hope
you're well.
This is your brother in Islam and then
he mentioned his name from Manchester. Inshallah, today
you're going to have a hot topics lecture
at Alfaqan,
and I wish you could answer the question
about Maqamat.
It has confused a lot of the young
brothers, JazakAllah Khayron. I hope to see you
today Insha'Allah.
My brothers and my sisters,
you know there are issues in our religion
which some of the great mountains
of our deen
have spoken about, and it may well be
that they have differed upon.
Right? Of course we have fundamental
aspects of our deen, and then you have
that which branches off
some of these fundamentals or issues that are
if that makes sense.
A big problem that I think we have
here is
not knowing how to deal with someone who
may differ with us
on an issue, or a judgment call.
And what this brother is referring to
is what was maybe being discussed before the
was it a asha prayer?
There are scholars that have taken certain views
on that particular matter.
And even when I had the discussion with
the sheikh, he says, I respect the opposing
A brother called me not so long ago,
and he said, okay, this issue of maqamat,
I said to him,
do to harir of the khilaf. What does
that mean?
Sometimes when we discuss a particular matter in
our religion,
we have to agree on certain aspects. What
is agreed upon,
that is correct
or allowed, and what is haram that has
been agreed upon.
And then you have that which is what?
Right? What is it that we are now,
needing to discuss, so we don't conflate
the issues that have been agreed upon when
we continue in our discussion. It's very very
important you learn this in fiqh.
Otherwise, you're going speaking about something, he's going
to be meaning something completely different. We need
to agree what we agree on.
Right? What has been agreed upon by the
There are of course a type of maqamat,
my brothers and my sisters,
where the nagamat,
the tone
has been taken from musical
pianos for example,
or a particular musical tone,
and then someone now instead of playing music,
he wants to read the Quran like
Right? This seminar is not allowed. It is.
Right? However,
like the brother, I think our young brother,
who started reading with the Maqamal Hejazi.
How Sheikh Mohammed Ayub I'm sure you guys
have maybe heard of that.
When he start reading with
the Hijazi type of Maqam,
and it's not done with takalluf or anything
like that.
His voice was like that. Someone pointed out
to him, oh, this this Sheikh reads like
And you may want to be just
perfect it by
doing this and then doing that.
We have types of maqamat, my brothers and
my sisters, and your fisid is very common
in Egypt.
Where one is,
you know how you have where you stretch
4 harakat or 6 harakat,
he's making a 12 harakat,
you know,
up until his veins come out, and the
guy looks like he's about to pass out,
And we're not even speaking about that. We
are just talking about
the issue of if it now
is excluded from all of the things that
we talked about, and this is something that
the scholars they discuss amongst themselves.
Me and Sheikh Mohammed, we were going back
and forth, we were having the discussions in
a civilized manner.
We even have a WhatsApp group, where you
have the du'a in there, where we go
back and forth. I love that.
Right? We go back and forth, back and
forth, back and forth,
and then after that it's all love. Some
of these brothers who write articles, I've invited
them to this group, but they refused.
And sometimes what happens, sometimes what happens is
when you just see something a certain way,
or you do a quick Google search and
you come across certain fatawa,
and you decide to maybe take that particular
view, you don't see the objecting view
or maybe someone who's in opposition to that,
and how he would answer.
Right? This is why the scholars, they say,
Knowledge is amongst what?
The students, they go back and forth, back
and forth. You come out with a perspective
that you may not necessarily have seen before.
Oh, maybe Akitaib, he responded like that, then
you need now a response.
It allows you to expand
madarik, if that makes sense.
Having said all of them, my brothers and
my sisters,
we can differ all day.
Right. Me and Sheikh Mohammed, we can sit
here, and we can discuss this issue, the
arguments for and against.
However, it's not an akhidamata.
Right? There is a particular way and approach
to address these issues.
Brothers, as you guys are aware, I go
to a lot of masajid.
Masajid are not perfect,
Masajid are not perfect.
It may well be that they make a
mistake, or you think they made a mistake.
There's a way to approach it.
Like I said right at the beginning,
you start writing articles confusing the shabab,
think about where that shab is gonna go
But you don't take that into consideration which
is a big mafsarah here.
Masajid, my brothers and my sisters, does not
consist of just the imam. It consist of
a whole administration.
There are trustees.
There are other people that have different perspective
on things,
that have different ways of looking at things,
which may be different to yours.
And I want all of you guys to
come. Tomorrow after Isha,
I will speak about 10 points
in how to establish unity in times of
tribulation and fitan,
right? How to remain together?
How to my brothers and my sisters when
we differ with one another,
how to conduct ourselves?
Caused Sheikh Bimbaaz to be so beloved in
the hearts of the people?
Even in the hearts of his opponents,
People who did not agree with the Sheikh,
but they still, they still testify to his
And I want to put another question out,
actually leaves that question.
Sheikh Bimbasrah
one time wrote a letter
to an individual
to a sheikh called Ramadan
And you know what the discussion was about?
Right? Seeking blessings from the righteous,
which is a big issue.
It's a big issue.
some of the oliya, the saints knowing the
unseen. Again, this is a serious matter.
To say that the Oliya, they know the
unseen which is exclusive is a big issue.
And then also celebrating the mauled.
He sent him a letter from his home.
Look how he started a letter. We'll lie
today if someone said this.
imagine the kind of response
or the refutation that would come out. Maybe
the refutation will start as dalmugil.
You are misguided, you are this, and you're
saying this, and Akhi, is your objective
to bring that person closer to the deen,
to make him or to push him away?
What is your objective when it comes to,
giving advice?
Look how we started it. Min Abdul Aziz,
ibn Abdillah ibn Baz he didn't even put
shaykh before his name and look what he
says, ileafadeel
akh almukarramaddoctor
Muhammad Saeed Ramadan al Booti. To
my honorable brother
who's virtuous a doctor,
Muhammad Saeed Ramadan al Bauti
wa Fakkahullah
He says
And then he gives the date.
He says,
it has made me very happy, and I'm
how eager you are to try and follow
the truth.
Right? And then he said,
there's no doubt that the hack is not
connected to what someone holds as a med
Right? And likewise, the truth is not known
by men but vice versa.
But I just want you guys to just
focus on the kind of wordings that he's
using now to address this situation.
This issue of Maqamad, my brothers and my
sisters, is no way,
right, in the same bracket as
these three issues about tabaruq bisaalihin.
Well, I imagine somebody actually did that,
May Allah protect our shirk. Let's just say,
arguments say, Sheikh done that tomorrow, the uproar
that will happen in the community.
Right? Sorry Sheikh to use you as an
example, Afan.
Are you brothers and sisters with me?
I always ask myself the question why, you
know, when you look at the students of
Sheikh Ibn Usayim, Sheikh Albani,
they are very very different to
the students of another Sheikh.
And we respect
Sheikh Rabi Al Methirin.
Sheikh Rabi Al Methkhari.
Sheikh that we, inshallah,
May Allah azza wa jah forgive him. But
the students that studied with him
are very different to the other mashaikh.
Why brothers and sisters?
You see refutations being started as, you're this
and you're that, and you're this and you're
that, and you're this and you're that. This
is the way of the Ikhwani this, sururid
this, Ikhwani this, sururid
this. Let's look at the issues and discuss
that. Let's now have a discussion about that.
Instead of labeling that this message is like
this or this administration and then
And I noticed a big difference. Why? I
asked myself.
You see the students of this sheikh, they're
all fighting amongst themselves. But you don't see
that with the students of Sheikh Bimbas,
Sheikh Al Uthaimin, Sheikh Al Bani.
And tomorrow,
I'll discuss that in a lot more detail.
It made a lot of sense to me
later on down the line.
And sometimes when we see some of these
brothers, they've been hugely influenced by,
you know, that side of things, if that
makes sense.
Look at Shekh Bimba's brothers and sisters. And
I'm gonna conclude with this.
Look at Ibnutaym rahmatullahi a lai. Right?
Look what it says. You see a lot
of people who start seeking knowledge,
right, who are trying to gain an understanding,
when they see those,
have sufism with them,
They see them as absolutely nothing.
And they look at them as ignorant people
who are all misguided.
And he sees, subhanallah, their tariqah or whatever
they are following, right?
As absolutely nothing.
And then look what he says,
And then he speaks about those who have
Sufism with them, when when they look at
aspects of the Sharia, they would see it
as absolutely what? Nothing
he's speaking about both sides.
and then here comes the sketch
because the Sawab, the truth is
what is in accordance to the book of
and the sunnah of the messenger
whether it might be here, or whether it
might be there.
And whatever goes against the Quran and the
sunnah, whether it might be here, or whether
it might be there,
it is what? Rebuked.
Allah this insaf.
You know the
the fairness and the justice of Sheikh Usimatim
that I've been collecting over the last couple
of years. It makes me ask myself the
question, don't these brothers read Sheikh Usamatimiya's,
And if only we study that, we can
maybe what? Find a way to really bring
people's hearts closer.
Look what Daha'i bhi rhammatullahi a lai mentions
Look what he says.
Because I have some sort of inclination towards
Abu Muhammad, ibn Hazm, and that is because
he loves authentic hadith, and he has good
understanding of it.
Even though I don't agree with him, on
issues of the narrators of hadith.
And then he says,
and likewise,
his very
horrible stances that he has,
in the subsidiary matters and likewise, the usool,
the aqid of our religion.
He's talking about this. I don't agree with
him. He's got very, very bad, horrible positions.
But then look what he says.
I say this with surety and conviction that
he was wrong in these issues.
However, I don't call him a Kafir.
And I also don't call him misguided.
However, I hope that Allah pardons and forgives
him, and likewise for the Muslims. However, I
admit and acknowledge
how smart and intelligent he was,
and how vast his knowledge was.
And I'm going to inshaAllah elaborate
on this bi'idnillayta'a in a lot more detail
Our objective, my brothers and my sisters, no
matter who is,
I don't care if that person
someone who's cursing the companions.
He's an ignorant, actually. I'm going to find
a way, now how can I convince him?
How can I now make him understand that
this is wrong?
Does that make sense, brother? That's how we
should be thinking.
As for every time I see someone doing
something that I don't agree with, I write
an article, I come out against him,
look what Sheikh Mibal's guys, the letter that
he wrote to that person.
Right? And these issues are big, but look
how he's wording it.
Right? And later on this article was published,
and it makes you think, subhanAllah, why Sheikh
was so loved by even his opponents.
Sometimes someone who may be considered an innovator
would walk into Sheikh Bimbaaz's
sitting, and then he would bring him close,
he would make him sit next to him.
And then he would advise them.
He would advise them.
Alakkul lihal guys. Ana, I'll talk to Alaykum.
It's really bothered me when the brother messaged.
Right? We We're never going to
agree, right? Especially when it comes to subsidiary
it's sometimes open to interpretation, and we can
have tea together and discuss this messa'il.
However, the option isn't for us to behave
Ways where we start boycotting and confusing the
shabab and whatever have you.
Mawlai, there's people that I've been advising for
the last maybe 9 years. I could have
boycott to them, 9 years. And he had
all sorts of beliefs. Over time,
slowly slowly he will leave these things off.
Takes time.
The eiffer tower wasn't built in 1 year,
The way the masjid was when I first
came is a big difference
how it is now.
Does that make sense?
It takes time, brother and sister. There's a
statement of Allah when he says,
We've all memorized it. We read every Friday.
And I look at this and I think
to myself,
If we don't apply this with the people
of the Masjid, who we're gonna apply on?
It is speaking about be patient with those
who worship Allah day and night. Well,
Well, I only, you know, really really resonated
with me when I started giving Dawah, and
started coming in contact with the masajid.
Sheikh Mohammed is going to make a mistake
because he's a human being.
I'm going to make a mistake, guys. We
are all going to make mistakes. The Idaraat
of Masajid, the administrator, they're going to make
mistakes. They are going to do which you
don't agree with.
there's an approach. We have to be patient.
We have to be extremely extremely patient in
how we conduct ourselves.
Otherwise, wallahi, my brothers and my sisters, when
you think about it now with all of
the shubuhat,
with all of the daws,
people now leaving Al Islam, them being them
being in need of a tawhid,
Are we now going to start
having these inner fights amongst ourselves over issues
that can be discussed over
for answering all these amazing
important questions.