Abu Taymiyyah – Heart Breaking – The Slander of Aisha [RA]

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The transcript describes the importance of the story of Aisha's marriage and the need for the audience to know the truth. They also discuss rumors and claims about a woman named Aisha R.A. who was spreading rumours and faced struggles. The segment touches on issues such as Islam, the loss of a sister, and the importance of forgiveness. The speakers also mention struggles faced by individuals, such as injuries and struggles with drugs.
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أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم إن الذين
جئوا بالإفك عصبة منكم لا
تحسبوه شرا لكم بل هو خير لكم لكل
امرئ منهم ما اكتسب من الاثم والذي تولي
كبره منهم له عذاب عظيم لولا
سمعتموا ظن المؤمنون والمؤمنات بأنفسهم خيرا وقالوا
هذا إفك مبين لولا جئوا
عليه بأربعة شهداء فإذ لم يأتوا بالشهداء
فأولئك عند الله هم الكاذبون ولولا فضل الله
عليكم ورحمته في الدنيا والآخرة لمثكم فيما
أفضتم في عذاب عظيم إِذ تَنَقَّوْنَا بِأَنْثِنَتِكُمْ
وَتَقُولُونَ بِأَفْوَاهِكُمْ مَا لَيْسَ لَكُمْ بِهِ
عِلْمٌ وَتَحْسَبُونَهُ هَيِّنًا وَهُوَ عِندَ اللَّهِ
عَظِيمٌ ولولا إِذْ سَمِعْتُمُواهُ قُلْتُمْ مَا يَكُونُ
لَنَا أَنْ نَتَكَلَّمَ بِهَٰذَا ثُبْحَانَكَ
هَذَا بُهْتَانٌ عَظِيمٌ يَعِظُكُمُ اللَّهُ أَن تَعُودُوا لِمِثْلِهِ
أَبَدًا إِن كُنتُم مُؤْمِنِينَ وَيُبَيِّنُوا اللَّهُ لَكُمُ
الْآيَاتِ وَاللَّهُ عَلِيمٌ حَكِيمٌ إِنَّ الَّذِينَ يُحِبُّونَ أَن
تَشِيعَ الفَاحِشَةُ فِي الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا لَهُمْ عَذَابٌ أَلِيمٌ
فِي الدُّنْيِ وَالْآخِرَةِ وَاللَّهُ يَعْلَمُ وَأَنتُمْ لَا تَعْلَمُونَ
الحمد لله رب العالمين وصلي وسلم على المبعوث
رحمة العالمين بعثه الله شاهدا ومبشرا ونذيرا وداعيا
إلى الله بإذنه واستيراجا منيرا My beloved brothers
and sisters السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته In
today's lecture I chose to go through the
قصة الإفك The great slander When Aisha was
accused of having committed a zina The wife
of the Prophet ﷺ This is one of
those stories that was narrated by Al-Bukhari
Which is pretty long And we're not going
to be able to go through the whole
story and stand over every single word that
was narrated In this hadith that was authentically
reported by Al-Bukhari Because we only have
50 minutes and then I need to shoot
off to Luton This is program number 2
today Prior to this I had a Dora
which went on for like 4 hours in
Reading And I'm a little bit exhausted as
well So what I've basically done is As
I was preparing this I put it into
sections I think I have something along the
lines of 12 sections Of this very long
hadith The other day when I was listening
to it as I was driving from A
to B The reciter of the hadith When
he was reading on to the teacher and
then the teacher Comments on the hadith It
went on for 12 minutes Just the hadith,
reciting it from beginning all the way to
the end It went on for 12 minutes
So it's a pretty long story That was
narrated by Al-Bukhari And like I said,
it would take a long time Maybe like
a whole Dora, 3-4 hours To go
through the whole story Of Aisha when she
was falsely slandered I think some of you
when you saw the poster You thought that
this was a woman's topic, right?
I had a go at Abdul Fattah for
making it those colors This is a story
that everybody can benefit from Young, old, male,
female Mother, father, husband, wife So the first
part, my brothers and my sisters The Prophet's
practice with his wives On Aisha she said
When the Prophet intended to go on a
journey He would draw a lot amongst his
wives Is everybody clear with a lot?
He has a bunch of wives, right?
The Messenger of Allah had many wives That
he was married to at the same time
Which one is he going to take with
He's going out on his travels And the
travels of the past, my brothers and my
sisters Weren't like the travels of today They
would be away for months Just to go
on Hajj, my brothers and my sisters If
you're leaving Al Medina It could take days,
A little bit more than a week In
order to be able to get from Medina
to Mecca Recently I came across some brothers
They did the trek They walked it from
Medina to Mecca Just to have a bit
of an experience of what it was like
When the Messenger of Allah was doing those
trips Because they would be away for so
long The Messenger of Allah would cast a
lot Whoever's name came out This would be
the one that goes with the Messenger of
Allah And this is what Aisha said Whoever's
lot was drawn They would accompany the Messenger
of Allah So she says So on one
of the expeditions My name came out So
I accompanied the Messenger of Allah And this
was after the verse of Hijab came down
Instructing them now to start wearing the Hijab
So she says Right And I was carried
in a Houda A covered seat on a
camel I want you guys to maybe imagine
that with me for a moment So you
have a camel You have the seating area,
Back in the day they used to have
this Houda This Houdaj It would be like
You know when you go on these What
do you call the one in central London?
The London Eye Something similar to that Of
course not in that capacity But something a
little bit smaller That would be placed on
top of the camel And she was inside
of there covered This comes in extremely handy
Because later on brothers Aisha she goes missing
And everyone thinks that she's inside of there
Right And that is because she was hidden
Nobody was peeking through Right She would try
to cover herself In whatever way, shape or
form So that she could be hidden From
the eyes of the opposite Jannah So she
says This next part now I've titled it
Losing her necklace and staying behind Right So
she says The Messenger of Allah finished the
expedition Right And
then as we were returning We came near
Al Medina So he The Messenger of Allah
announced The departure at night So
she says I walked away from the army
To take care of some needs That I
had And when I returned to my place
Right She comes back I
discovered that a necklace of mine Made of
onyx beads had broken Aisha she went on
a search To find this necklace of hers
Right So what happens my brothers and my
sisters This is now the part Of when
she got lost Right And she was found
by a companion called Safwan Ibn Muattal Right
Aisha Aisha Aisha Deep into the
night She falls asleep Right And what did
we mention earlier The announcement was made For
what For them to departure right Those who
are carrying this Camel that they were assuming
Aisha Was covered inside of This hooded there
They didn't check As to whether Aisha Was
there or not So as she was searching
For this necklace of hers Right She fell
asleep Right We are then told Safwan Ibn
Muattal Was behind the army This companion Safwan
He was behind the army Right You are
wondering Why would he be behind the army
The scholars they mentioned Different things There are
also some narrations like In the Muslim Imam
Ahmed That this companion Would sometimes miss Fajr
And only wake up Right After sunrise And
there was even a time A complaint was
made to the messenger S.A.W. And
he mentioned that He is a heavy sleeper
Right And that he Desperately tries to pray
And keep up with the timings As much
as possible But because of his heavy sleep
He would at times miss Anyway Others they
mentioned That he was behind the army To
ensure That nobody was left behind Right And
this is exactly what happened Safwan Ibn Muattal
As-Sulami Is now what Behind the army
To ensure that nobody Is being left behind
And then he reached My place in the
morning She says Right The location that Aisha
R.A. Fell asleep in And he finds
A black figure Because of course she was
Covered right Of a sleeping person So he
approached her She says He recognized me And
woke her up I covered my face Right
away with my jilbab She says The outer
garment Right Very surprised What is she doing
here Aisha R.A. In the middle of
nowhere We're not talking about The streets of
Southall brothers And sisters This is in the
middle of the desert Nobody is there She
fell asleep And then as he Right Is
moving forward In the direction of Al Medina
He finds this young lady And the reason
why He recognized her Is because he knew
her Before the ayah Of hijab Was sent
down Right So he figured out Right away
that this was Aisha R.A. He woke
her up She says So I woke
up And then I realized That it was
him That this is Safwan So I covered
my face Right away Look what she says
Wallahi By Allah I did not speak A
single word Or he did not speak A
single word to me Nor did I hear
anything From him Right What can we take
from this My brothers and my sisters Interactions
between Men and women Right Unless There is
A need for you to speak To the
opposite gender Should you be speaking to them
Sometimes I go to the university Right And
I speak to them About the situation A
common question That they always tend to ask
is Can men and women Just be friends
Can men and women Just be friends Because
of course I'm in a university setting And
the sarcastic Individual that I am I would
say to them Go ask Steve Harvey You
guys know Steve Harvey Steve Harvey Has a
video If you just type in Can men
and women Just be friends Don't do it
now Do it later Right And he is
conversing With the woman You can't see her
face Right And he is explaining to her
That we are waiting For a crack in
the door The moment We men Get an
opportunity We are ready to You know what
We are ready to dive in And slip
in Right And then you have the lady
No they can I don't know Poor thing
Right We also have an example In Maryam
Peace be upon her Mention in which surah
In which chapter of the Quran Come on
brothers Surah Maryam But Al Imran She is
mentioned in there as well Surah Maryam It
is the obvious answer To be given Right
We know that Jibreel Peace be upon him
Approached her to give her the news That
she Is going to give birth To who
To Isa peace be upon him Right What
was her direct response Right away Right I
seek refuge in Allah from you Right Straight
away I seek refuge in Allah If you
are pious If you have Taqwa Leave me
alone But of course Jibreel peace be upon
him He approached her In order to give
her the glad tidings The good news That
she was going to become Pregnant And the
rest is history She didn't say Come sit
down Right Can I get you some Dates
from the palm tree Right She didn't She
didn't start being All Ali Pali Open with
him Absolutely not This is also Very similar
to what Huh The Quran is just It
gives examples of both Male and female We
have a similar example With who Yusuf peace
be upon him A similar response When she
locked him Inside of the room And said
hey Let's get it on Right What was
the Initial response Seeking refuge in Allah Azawajal
Right Both Maryam Both what Yusuf peace be
upon him There's a Hadith In the message
I know of a statement If one was
to utter it Whatever he's experiencing Or feeling
at the time Will disappear And that is
what I seek refuge in Allah From the
accursed Satan Are you provinces with me Someone
slips in The Satan is whispering I seek
refuge in Allah From the accursed Satan I
remember my auntie As I was growing up
Whenever she saw Two people arguing with one
another She would scream from The other side
of the room I seek refuge in Allah
And everyone would start laughing Well I remember
it Like it was yesterday Isn't that what
the Messenger peace be upon him said Yeah
It can be tough It can be hard
But the Sharia Gives us the solutions To
our problems And how to navigate And maneuver
around The different situations That we get ourselves
Involved in And that's how It all starts
Right Something so innocent And I spoke a
lot about it When I delivered that Surah
Yusuf Tour Around the country 27 universities I
believe it was And we spoke about it
In a lot of detail How to fortify
How to protect yourself And here is a
Wonderful example Don't say to me Oh I
don't fear for myself Are you a man
If you don't get urges Then we have
a problem You need help brother Right Allah
tells in the Quran And man has been
created Weak What weak Weaknesses Both Sufyan al
-Thor And also Imam Ahmad They mentioned This
weakness means here Right He is lowering his
gaze And then a lady walks past He
starts looking at her Messenger
of Allah Says I haven't left A fitna
more greater Upon men Than women My sisters
may Misunderstand this I remember one time I
said this They were like Oh my God
You are calling me a fitna Right Meaning
This man is so weak And he struggles
To keep himself together Upon seeing a woman
Especially if he is Alone with her Surat
Yusuf We are taught A huge lesson He
found himself In a compromising situation Even though
he did not Want this to be the
case Allah knows As to whether The Sharia
In the past Prohibited A man being alone
With a woman But in our Sharia Shaytan
Never does a man Seclude himself with a
woman Except that the third is Shaytan Isn't
that so Right Even though Prophet Is not
safe My brothers and my sisters Hence why
he began To run away Right And she
is going crazy Over him And she is
Ripping his clothes From behind Anyway This is
not the story Of Yusuf But the lesson
That we can take here My brothers and
my sisters Is also to show you That
we have answers Within our Sharia Right Of
how to navigate And maneuver around A lot
of these challenges That we have Right He
didn't say a single word To me Right
And I didn't hear Anything from him Right
What about If she is your cousin Huh
But she is family though Isn't it In
Urdu They always say Cousin, sister Huh And
sometimes Even within our own community She is
your sister Aadi Huh They say Oh she
is like your sister Go Aadi You guys
go sit there Or maybe go upstairs You
know Just go play We are busy as
elders Right And then I have to Pick
up the pieces My brothers and my sisters
When something haram happens They call me Oh
can I get them Married off together One
simple commandment My brothers and my sisters We
are told We don't conform to And then
do we have Anyone to blame Except ourselves
Isn't that so My brothers and my sisters
Haven't we let our guard down Do we
not hear The statement being uttered Right She
says Fawatia ala yadiha Farakibtuha The only thing
that happened Or the interaction between them was
He simply made his camo new Stepped back
And allowed me to mount it Right Eventually
My brothers and my sisters They catch up
with the army Abdullah ibn Ubayy ibn Salul
Right The head The chief of the munafiqeen
Has already Started rumours That Safwan Was doing
something with Aisha RadhiAllahu ta'ala anha It's
from this point That it gets heart breaking
Very very sad In fact This story of
Aisha RadhiAllahu ta'ala anha Is one of
the saddest And most heart breaking stories That
you can ever read And of course Up
until this point Right Fakadimna almadinata She says
Fajtakaitu heena qadimtu shahraan We returned back to
almadina And I felt ill for a month
Rumours going round And round And round And
it hasn't yet reached Aisha radhiAllahu ta'ala
anha She says Walnasu yufiduna fee qawli ashaabil
ifk Wala ash'uru bishain min dhalik Meanwhile
As she has fallen ill My brothers and
my sisters People were spreading the rumours Of
those who accused me And I was unaware
of it However
She says Something that really troubled me Was
that During my illness Was that I did
not experience Or I did not see The
same kind of kindness From the messenger Sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam That I used to see
Whenever I felt ill These rumours My brothers
and my sisters Really shook the messenger Sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam Right Which shows us My
brothers and my sisters The rumours that are
spread It can cause a lot of doubt
In an individual However We are taught In
how to Navigate around these rumours Right That
are spread About our fellow Muslims Especially Especially
If we know Nothing but good about them
Sometimes my brothers and my sisters Wallahi It
amazes me It flabbergasts me Wallahi It shocks
me You've known someone For over 10 years
You've known nothing but goodness About that individual
You hear one or two things And you
are what Oh you know what We need
to get rid of him We need to
drop him Why don't you verify Why don't
you double check Why don't you ask the
question Why are you just going off with
Whatever you heard Later on inshallah When I
go through some of the verses Allah azza
wa jal Praises A group from amongst them
Huh What's the end of the verse Where's
the Hufadh Sahih When they heard about the
believing men And the believing women These rumours
That are being spread What was their initial
response This is indeed a great slander That
should be the reaction of a believer The
moment he hears something Right About someone who
He's not known anything But good about them
So the Messenger of Allah Was shaken He
was disturbed By all these rumours that Were
going round and round Being circulated By the
Munafiqeen Which was also Believed By Some of
the companions It affected them as well The
next part My brothers and my sisters That
which relates to a delay in revelation She
says Or Or Right She
said A whole month Went past Without any
revelation Coming down Regarding Aisha Innocence Right And
then subhanAllah My brothers and my sisters The
day arrived When the Messenger of Allah Decided
to confront Aisha R.A Or being told
That the rumours May well be disturbing However
At the end of the day One is
a human being And he can become Affected
by it Right It affected the Messenger of
Allah And he done That which is what
Required of him O you who believe If
a transgressor comes to you With a prophecy
It's alright Good Good Which Qiraat
Good Qiraat Hamza There's two ways of reciting
it O you who believe If a transgressor
comes to you With information What should you
Now put it on the internet Right Retweet
it Make a video on TikTok Start posting
it All over the internet My brothers and
my sisters Right Ha That's social media for
you They don't believe Or social media doesn't
believe In listening to both sides of the
story Am I correct to say that?
Social media does not believe In listening to
both sides of the story Right If something
goes out about you That's it It may
have a detrimental effect On an individual's reputation
Right It's just a reality That we have
to deal with This is what the world
has become Even though Al-Islam Teaches us
morality Teaches us to double check Teaches us
to be fair and just Give that individual
a chance Isn't it so?
Even Ali Ibn Talib He says That the
Messenger of Allah Said If two people come
And seek your judgement Then don't take sides
Until you've listened to both sides Right And
then he said You will know how to
judge accordingly Ali Ibn Talib He said I
continued judging in this way From the time
I heard the Messenger of Allah And sometimes
My brothers and my sisters It is a
parent Or a relative Right And they will
say to you Where is your loyalty?
Right You should be by my side When
in reality They are the oppressors They are
the wrongdoers Isn't it so?
My brothers and my sisters It can be
difficult It can be hard Especially if a
loved one Like a mother or a father
Is involved But what does Allah Azza wa
Jalla say?
Right Even if it is against yourself Or
your parents Or what?
Your relatives Hold up justice Be fair Right
If it's a parent Mom I love you
But I can't get involved Because at the
end of the day On Yawm Al Qiyamah
Are you going to be accompanied by them?
Right Everyone will be resurrected by themselves We
came into this world by ourselves We will
be admitted into that grave by ourselves And
then we'll be resurrected On Yawm Al Qiyamah
by ourselves Right Yes And they will also
run away from you To make things worse
The day when one will run away from
his brother Right His mother and also His
father Let me give you all the principles
My brothers and my sisters This principle will
come in extremely handy Those on the streets
can probably relate But likewise those Who have
Ambitions to give da'wah And so on
and so forth Or in any other Capacity
of life Ibn Taymiyya says When the people
start cooperating in sin and evil It's only
a matter of time Before they begin to
hate one another And that is because you
cooperated Upon sin and evil The good friend
that you see right now The good friend
that you see right now My brothers and
my sisters Right You defend him You stand
by his side When you know he's doing
wrong It's only a matter of time before
you guys What?
Clash with one another That's why be thankful
to Allah If you have a friend Right
That pulls you up When you're doing something
wrong It's not an issue of loyalty Wa
ma loyalty What is right And what is
wrong That does not make sense My brothers
and my sisters Even Ibn Taymiyya talks about
Teachers who have They have partisanship Right They
will tell their students Stay away from so
and so Because there's an issue between him
And somebody else Talks about it I discussed
it in a five hour video That you'll
find online Right at the end The partisanship
Right Of teachers Just because I'm your teacher
Does that give me the right now To
say to you Because I have a personal
problem With another teacher Stay away from him
Is it okay for me to do so?
Absolutely not And take this from me A
lot of that which you see Right Between
people of religiosity And Dawah Are issues that
are personal Which has been masked Right With
issues of Deen Right Read up the story
of Imam Al-Bukhari Rahim Allah Ta'ala
The man who warned against him Was an
Imam called Muhammad Ibn Yahya Al-Dhuhli Rahim
Allah Ta'ala Rahmatan Wasi'ah He was
like The Shaykh In Naysabur Right The Shaykh
Imagine when Imam Al-Bukhari Rahim Allah Ta
'ala Came 20,000 people Attended his gathering
20,000 Like Muhammad Ibn Yahya Al-Dhuhli
He would encourage his students Go Until he
began to see gaps In his gatherings And
he got to him Both Tajuddin Al-Subki
and Imam Al-Dhahabi Rahim Allah Ta'ala
They mentioned that this was Because of envy
Then he spoke about him Would you believe
it From 20,000 To how many remained?
How many do you think?
Two Imam Muslim And also Ahmad bin Salama
May Allah not test us With someone like
that The point is My brothers and my
sisters I know I'm going on A bit
of a tangent here Right To verify information
And Surat An-Nur Is A big part
of that So now The day has arrived
My brothers and my sisters For the Messenger
To confront his beloved wife The rumors are
going round And round And it's intensifying So
he sits down So the Messenger of Allah
Testified when he sat down He testified that
No one has the right To be worshiped
in truth Except Allah SWT He recited The
testimony of faith And then he began To
converse with her Then he said She says
And then To proceed O Aisha He has
reached me So and so So if you
are innocent Allah SWT will make you innocent
Allah SWT will make you innocent He said
O Aisha Indeed he has reached me That
you did X, Y and Z Imagine having
to confront A female relative Whether it is
a wife A daughter A sister He has
reached me That you've done X, Y and
Z And that can be very very difficult
Very hard He says If you are innocent
Then Allah SWT Will free you Will exonerate
you And
if you have now Fallen into Haram Right
You've fallen into sin Then seek forgiveness From
Allah SWT Make Tawbah And
he says If the servant Repents From that
which he has fallen into Right, then Allah
SWT Will forgive him Allah SWT Will overlook
his sins Will pardon him But you would
have to go And make Tawbah Can you
imagine My brothers and my sisters Ummul Mumineen
Right And it's becoming Even more and more
Difficult Difficult for her Upon finding out What
everybody was saying She became even more sick
Right It's okay to be sad When these
things happen Right One is a human being
He has feelings He has emotions And then
we move on To my brothers and my
sisters Aisha RA On her initial reaction She
said When the Messenger of Allah SAW Finished
his speech She said Right I said
to my father Answer the Messenger of Allah
SAW When the Messenger of Allah SAW finished
his speech She said My tears completely stopped
And not a single drop remained Right She's
been constantly crying Crying Crying Crying She then
says I said to my father Respond to
the Messenger of Allah SAW Talk to him
Right His response was By Allah I do
not know what to say To the Messenger
of Allah SAW And then she says to
her mother Respond to him Oh mother Talk
to him She said I do not know
what to say To the Messenger of Allah
SAW A similar response I do not know
what to say To the Messenger of Allah
SAW Aisha RA Then says She
says And I was a young lady A
young girl Who did not recite Much of
the Quran Right By Allah By Allah I
have known You have heard This Hadith Until
it settled In your souls And you believed
in it She said By Allah I know
you have heard This story Until it has
settled Inside of your hearts And you have
indeed Believed it Right If I was to
tell you That I am innocent By Allah
He knows that I am innocent Then you
would not believe me If I told you
That I am innocent And if I
were to admit To something Allah knows I
am innocent of You would believe me And
then he says She says And then she
says I find no example For you Except
the words Of the father of Yusuf Let
me ask you a question Why did she
say The father of Yusuf Doesn't Yusuf SAW's
father Have a name Why didn't she just
say Yaqub SAW Who can tell me Huh
Our brother here mentioned Yusuf SAW Went through
many trials Hardships and difficulties So she wanted
to point out To them Right Or indicate
to them What Aisha RA What Yusuf SAW
Had gone through Anyone else Huh Aisha RA
Are my brothers and my sisters Right You
know in that moment Right When everything Has
just intensified And your mind Is no longer
there You're in a state Of bother Sometimes
you even forget The most smallest of things
Right She couldn't remember Yaqub SAW's name Allahu
Akbar She couldn't remember his name Right In
any case What did Yaqub SAW say Fasabrun
Jameel Wallahu al musta'anu Ala ma tasifun
And it was very convenient For this particular
situation here She said Beautiful patience The aid
of Allah Is sought In that which you
describe Fasabrun jameel How many times Was it
uttered by Yaqub SAW Brothers and sisters Twice
The first time when He lost Yusuf The
second time when Bin Yameen My brothers and
sisters This is my favourite benefit From Surah
Yusuf My favourite After Yaqub SAW Lost his
first Most beloved son Yusuf SAW He said
Beautiful patience The aid of Allah Is sought
In that which you describe Right Later on
Bin Yameen goes missing The second most Beloved
child Right But look what he says this
time Beautiful patience Right Perhaps
now Now Allah will bring them All together
Back to me Pay close attention To the
difference The first time he said it And
the second time Which one has more hope
The first time when he lost Yusuf SAW
Or the second Second He says perhaps now
After he has lost His second most beloved
child Right Allah will bring them All back
together Right Because also remember One of his
other children Had stayed behind Because he took
an oath That I'm going to bring him
back So he says until I find him
I'm going to stay here Right Subhan Allah
Yusuf SAW Was in Egypt Right He had
now become the minister And he kept behind
Bin Yameen And he didn't want to let
him go Right So one of the other
brothers From the Eldest amongst them Also stayed
behind Until he was let go So the
rest had to go back Yaqub SAW All
of a sudden Has more hope This time
round Right This is my favourite benefit You
know what the scholars Mention my brothers and
my sisters When you go through hardships It
may well be that Things get so much
more harder Right It is then When you're
about to reach Breaking point That Allah SWT
Will send down upon you ease Right You've
gone through all these And it happens again
Most people would lose hope Right And by
the way My brothers and my sisters From
the time that he saw the dream All
the way up until They got back together
Meaning the whole family The end of Yusuf
SAW You know how many years Some of
the scholars mention From the beginning all the
way to the end Somewhat close to 80
years Others mention 40 And there are different
numbers That are mentioned But there's not really
a delirium for it But it shows us
It was a very long time But Yaqub
SAW Opinion of Allah SWT Was still positive
And he kept on going Beautiful patience The
aid of Allah SWT Is sought In that
which you described She said Then I turned
over And lay down on my bed She
said at that moment I knew I was
innocent And that Allah SWT Would declare my
innocence She still has good thought In Allah
SWT Right She still believed That Allah SWT
Is going to exonerate Her from all of
these accusations And slanders that are being made
However Look what she says However I
never thought That Allah SWT Would reveal verses
Concerning me That would be recited Right And
she says What she was hoping for She
says Right I'm too insignificant For Allah SWT
To speak To send down verses About me
That would be recited Till the day of
resurrection She never thought My brothers and my
sisters Great of herself This is an attribute
Of the believer Right That he doesn't become
Self amazed with themselves Or deluded Right That
they don't think Much of themselves They always
see That there is what?
Room for improvement Are you brothers and sisters
with me?
Yes I was hoping Right When I had
the trust In Allah SWT That I would
be exonerated But in what way?
She said Right I was hoping That he
would see Rasool Allah SWT In a dream
That Allah SWT Would declare me innocent I
was hoping That he would see a dream
And in the dream Right My name would
be cleared Something like that As for Allah
To send down verses Right Even though I'm
Insignificant Right I was never expecting that She
said By Allah Rasool Allah SWT Didn't send
anyone Out of the house To be sent
down By Allah Nobody left their place Right
No the messenger Or anyone from the household
Had left the house Until Allah SWT Began
to reveal verses Right She says And he
was overtaken By the state That he would
normally experience During revelations When the revelation Would
come down upon The messenger My brothers and
my sisters The messenger S.A.W. Would
begin To sweat heavily His forehead would drip
She said Right His forehead would drip
With sweat like pearls Right And then when
All of these verses Came down My brothers
and my sisters The first words That the
messenger S.A.W. Uttered After revelation Right
He was relieved From the state of revelation
He smiled With relief The first thing That
he said was Oh Aisha Allah SWT Has
declared your innocence My mother said Get up
and go to him Right Get up Go
to your husband Aisha S.A.W. Responded
back by saying By Allah I'm not going
to go to him And I will not
praise Anyone except Allah I will only praise
Allah SWT Can she be excused My brothers
and my sisters After everything she went through
Right The hardships And the difficulties And even
then the messenger S.A.W. Was unsure
And he did whatever he could By verifying
information Until The verses from Right As Allah
SWT Tells us Those indeed Who spread This
slander Are a group From amongst you A
group from amongst you And it's always So
much more convincing When They speak like you
They dress like you They talk like you
And they walk like you Right Do not
see this as anything bad Rather indeed This
is good for you Every individual Will be
held to account For the sin that they
carried out I normally quote this verse My
brothers and my sisters When speaking about The
problem of evil Right That atheists really struggle
To navigate around Right Sometimes from the apparent
It seems as if It's nothing but evil
For us The poet he says Right Right
Right It might be something That you really
dislike However it drags Along with it That
which is going to Bring you utter joy
That which you really Badly want And love
Is hidden You can't see it However that
which is Disliked Is what is On the
apparent Everything happens For a reason If you're
wondering Why Allah Azzawajal Is allowing certain things
To take place Because they compare Allah to
his creation Right They compare Allah To his
creation Normally this verse Is mentioned about Allah
Azzawajal's attribute Right I'm going to apply it
In our current affairs now Nothing is like
Allah He is indeed Right All hearing And
all seeing Why are we comparing Allah Azzawajal
To the creation In the sense where They
say to themselves If there was really A
God Then He would have stopped All of
that which is Taking place Sahih Firstly why
are you comparing Allah to his creation Right
At times you may not be able To
see the wisdom in it Years might go
past And you say Oh if that didn't
happen I wouldn't have this today Sahih Now
we look at Our brothers and sisters In
Palestine And I've spoken about it Right You
can find some lectures Where I speak about
The issues of Al-Qadar The predestination Right
I've come across brothers They said I wish
I was in that situation I can die
as a shaheed I wish I could die
as a martyr Because they're sick And tired
of life Aren't many of the kuffar Committing
suicide My brothers and my sisters Just go
online Stats after stats Because they're depressed Some
have had Enough of life Too many hardships
Too many difficulties I wish I could just
Depart from this world Sahih Right And they're
looking At their brothers and sisters Thinking Oh
they're in such A wonderful situation Because if
he dies How does he die My brothers
and my sisters Inshallah He's a shaheed Sahih
And if he continues To live on He
will live on With Izzat Right With honor
So everything happens For a reason And no
trial Right My brothers and my sisters Maybe
it's not right To word it in that
way But The trials that we go through
It has an ending Right Whether it may
be The ending of moat Departing from this
world Or Look what happened To our brothers
and sisters In Syria After how many years
My brothers and my sisters After how many
years And you know I was preparing a
lecture on Having good thoughts Of Allah SWT
And I was collecting Examples from the prophets
And I delivered it At one of the
mega events As I was preparing it I
got the news That Syria has now been
freed As I was preparing the lecture I
said to myself I need something Right Yes
people believe In these examples Of the prophets
But something that The people can relate to
Right I always try to give it That
contemporary Modern day spin So it can be
relatable And then the Syrian thing happened Perhaps
Allah SWT My brothers and my sisters Freed
them at this point To give the Palestinians
A message Just as they went through So
many years Of hardships and difficulties Don't worry
It's around the corner Perhaps they were on
the verge Of reaching breaking point Right Now
they're looking At their neighbours Look how many
years They went through But eventually They were
freed And they became victorious Right Right Perhaps
Allah SWT We will have a similar ending
It will implant what?
Hope into them Right Everything happens for a
reason To summarise My brothers and my sisters
To summarise Perhaps Maybe this is the last
part Because I have to show off to
Luton Abu Bakr RA Had a reaction Towards
Miss Fahy Ibn Uthatha Who is who?
Who is Abu Bakr?
His own cousin The uncle of Aisha RA
Was from amongst Those who partook In this
slander Are you brothers and sisters with me?
He believed it Partook in it Only for
Abu Bakr RA To find out The only
source of income That Abu Bakr RA had
Sorry The only source of income That Miss
Fahy Ibn Uthatha had Was Abu Bakr After
he migrated He didn't have Child benefits Right
Housing benefit Child tax credit Right They didn't
have that His only source of income was
Abu Bakr RA Was spending on him When
Abu Bakr RA Found out He became furious
Right And he said I swear I will
not spend On Miss Fahy Anything Ever After
what he said To Aisha I will not
spend A single penny Right On Miss Fahy
After what he said About Aisha RA And
Allah Azzawajal Sent down a verse Allah
said The people of grace and virtue People
like Abu Bakr Should not take an oath
Right Should not take an oath Saying that
They won't continue Spending On the poor And
the Muhajireen Those who migrated Allah said Forgive
and forget Forgive and forget And overlook Turn
the page Do you not want Allah Azzawajal
To forgive you You know Ibn Qaym RA
Says Indeed between you And Allah Are sins
that nobody Knows about If you want Allah
to forgive you Then forgive others We beg
Allah for forgiveness Especially in last And nights
of Ramadan Ya Allah forgive me But are
we ready To forgive others Right Pick up
that phone My brothers and my sisters Make
that call The best of the two Is
the one that starts With the salam And
look how Abu Bakr RA Responded right away
Yes by Allah I love for Allah To
forgive me as well He continued Where he
left off Right And was spending And spending
on him Now my brothers and my sisters
Imagine us Somebody accuses our Sister Or a
female relative We're going to be Flipping tables
My brothers and my sisters Right It's hard
Right Undoubtedly Some of us are not Speaking
to our Relatives Maybe even our parents Which
makes things worse Over something so petty Or
maybe let's just say They wronged you We
can't forgive them My brothers and my sisters
Right We can't forgive them Right May Allah
SWT Forgive us And allow us to be
Individuals who are able To forgive others The
last point I want to mention Insha Allah
Then I'm going to Shoot off Can someone
quickly check How long it's going to Take
to get to Just type in LU1 Lecture
is at 7.30 Only Bilal is going
to check The rest of you guys Focus
47 minutes Scholars have differed Right He said
47 minutes He said 41 And what do
you have 41 So we have Two scholars
Against one He said the truth Is not
with the majority Right Even by yourself He's
probably using A Samsung in it Is that
a real laugh Okay Those
who accuse Those that are chased Females are
mentioned But it applies also To males That
you may accuse They don't bring forth Four
witnesses Meaning they have witnessed This being carried
out Not oh he told me And then
No no They see it Lashed them how
many times Huh 180 80 lashes That is
the Prescribed punishment In the Quran And by
the way My brothers and my sisters Just
to make it very very clear Right I'm
not here to incite violence Just in case
We have someone here That works for channel
4 Right I always have to mention These
disclaimers This is according to The Sharia It's
not my opinion Or the message's opinion Right
It's mentioned in the Quran And we know
That these prescribed punishments They serve as a
deterrent A deterrent The other day when I
was teaching 72 major sins From the Al
-Hajawi I talked a little bit about And
I took this from BBC by the way
So if you want to cancel me Cancel
BBC On BBC you have If you type
it in Till this very day Where do
they apply Punishments that are capital Right 55
countries it says 55 countries And it's talking
about All of the different cases And what
have you Right They find it perfectly fine
To apply these punishments Right For certain type
of acts But then they have a problem
With Al-Islam Right Why do I need
to be apologetic You guys are doing it
What harm have you done Huh So anyway
This serves as a deterrent To protect the
honor Of people Both male and female And
sometimes these punishments Are intensified To scare the
living daylight Out of you It serves as
a deterrent Like think about it You've accused
And slandered a sister And it is very
very easy On our tongues right And Allah
says You take it very lightly We use
the S words You know the four letter
S words And then the W word Maybe
something that She repented from Many many years
ago Or something that happened That she has
now what Sought forgiveness for Easily Right We
ruin her reputation In the community Right We
also my brothers and my sisters Destroy Her
Prospects of getting married In the future Isn't
that so Today You even have brothers Referring
to one another With the G word These
are the words Of Qadf It is from
the wordings Of my brothers and my sisters
That Amount to such punishment In the Sharia
Does that make sense So one needs to
be Extra extra careful It is from the
Maqasid Of the Sharia Right It came to
protect One's honor Does that make sense When
I explained it To my non-Muslim mother
in law Who asked me about These questions
Right It began to make sense To her
Right It began to make A lot of
sense to her They serve as a deterrent
I was telling her How me and My
family Sometimes We argue about Her having lost
the keys Because we don't Lock the door
Maybe I shouldn't Have said that right And
I said Aunty Right We don't need to
Lock the door Where I live It's extremely
safe She goes Yeah man And then she
started Ripping into France Right It came from
the horse's mouth She's French right You'll never
be able To do this in France I
was like Look The deterrent Is intensified in
the Sharia Because Right To keep everybody safe
It'll make you think twice About carrying out
That sin We'll stop there InshaAllah ta'ala
There's so much So much more That can
be mentioned Wallahi I haven't given it To
the Jews justice Right So many other benefits
Right Hundreds of benefits That have been Extrapolated
and Derived from the Qissa of al-ifk
The slander But maybe inshaAllah ta'ala For
another time I'm very very happy What we
went through I ask Allah azza wa jalla
To bless the masjid This masjid Dar al
salam Has become A forefront Is that the
correct word To be using Sahih Of spreading
khair You had different ustaz Come here Different
mashayikh And they're still coming And I want
to take a moment Now to Thank ustad
Abdel Fattah Right He's always the You know
Very eager Trying very hard And he has
to forgive us We talked about forgiveness Right
Because sometimes I leave him on air He's
just trying to spread khair Hopefully he can
forgive me Like Abu Bakr I don't know
Forgave Mustafa InshaAllah ta'ala Jazakum Allah khairan
Mubarak Allah feekum My brothers and my sisters
I know some of you Not sisters The
brothers may ask for selfies And things like
that Brothers I'm in a rush Right If
you guys can forgive me InshaAllah As I'm
walking out I'm going to give you guys
A COVID salam Right And then shoot off
Because my Petrol is near Zero as well
And I have to quickly Go to the
petrol station And that's going to take A
bit of time Yeah I ask Allah If
He doesn't reunite us In this world To
reunite us In the highest part Of Al
-Jannah Say Ameen I love you all to
bits Wallahi Al-Azeem For the sake of
Allah I've always been coming here It's one
of the first Masajids That actually invited me
To come And deliver a program When I
first started Giving Dawah So I really love
This Masjid Right May Allah bless you all
And I love the fact that You know
Some lessons Have been going on And you
guys have remained Busy with knowledge Some places
My brothers and my sisters Have become places
for Ripping into people Right Disparaging them This
is what it's becoming Known for Whether You
try to remove that From yourself or not
This is what's happening But Al-Muftah has
done A great job Right In ensuring that
Everything Is stable Jazakum Allah Khayran Mubarak Allah
feekum And remain like that InshaAllah These are
lessons That we've taken In order for us
To act upon Verifying information Not rushing Right
Double checking My brothers and my sisters And
taking things easy Right Taking things easy Allahumma
astaghfirullah Wa alaikum salam Wa la hawla wa
la quwwata illa billah Subhanaka Allahumma bihamdik Ashhadu
an la ilaha illa anta Astaghfiruka wa atubu