Abu Taymiyyah – Hajj Is Changing Rapidly! AlSharif Tours

Abu Taymiyyah
AI: Summary ©
A speaker gives a advice to people about their upcoming birthday celebrations. They suggest going as quickly as possible before the celebrations take place and advises people to focus on finishing high school harder and more expensive. They also advise people to go as quickly as possible before graduation and to try to go home as quickly as possible.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh my brothers and

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sisters we're here to

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heading towards was Delavan we just wanted to give you guys a

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very quick reminder John altara

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messages the Hello It was enemy said Ty Julian had been I hadn't

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come lately.

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Hey hastened to performing high school indeed you don't know, the

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difficulties and the barriers that you're going to be facing in order

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to perform as the height operator, somebody who's been doing heights

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for many years, what I can advise with my brothers and sisters, that

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every single year is getting not only more difficult, and it is

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getting more expensive. And people are realizing this hence why they

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just submit to the fact that they have to go out and you don't just

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end up going on it. So my advice to you guys is shallow to Allah

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to, you know, go as quickly as possible before he gets even more

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and more expensive and more difficult to shallow Tyler, also

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as narrated by

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Allah, I know that he intended to send people from his ministers,

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amongst the people in the cities from different cities, and see if

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they're able to perform. And if they weren't able to command, then

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he will say make them be the jizya the tax that the Jews and the

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Christians have to pay. I didn't buy anything. And we thought that

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they said that these people are able to go ahead and they don't go

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home to visit now. They are not believers, they are not believers.

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So try to go home.

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And this is my advice to you guys. Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah

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