Abu Taymiyyah – Fiqh Of Fasting Part 7 Sunnah Acts When Fasting Hanbali
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The speakers discuss various issues related to fasting, backbiting, sun being recognized, and hesitation to break fast with certain days. They emphasize the importance of certainty, certainty in breaking fast, and the use of "hasith" in context. They also touch on the importance of eating at the time of Sahar and learning about one's health. The speakers stress the importance of not breaking fast and drinking until an established health status. They also discuss various topics related to their work, including brother's past and past, man who stops a bus, and the importance of taking a break from smoking and drinking until an established health status.
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Taib, another issue that is discussed is
does Riva
invalidate one's fast?
Decreases reward.
What it does is it could totally destroy
and reduce the reward
that you've been striving so hard for, and
you come and you
have absolutely nothing. Imagine coming and you're in
Ramadan of 2019, you have absolutely nothing.
Perhaps the person he might fast and he
gets nothing out of fasting except what?
Thirst and hunger.
Some of the salif, the people of the
past from the early generations, they held the
they won back bites,
his fast has become invalidated.
Where did you think this came from?
That some of the people of the past
from the seller, from the early generation, they
held the view, they want backbites.
That invalidates fast.
Is it from the hadith you mentioned that
you have nothing but less than hunger?
No. But that's with the last reward.
But the hadith still affirms that his fast
is still what? That.
Flesh. When Allah speaks about backbiting,
would you love
to eat the flesh of your dead brother?
You would dislike it very much.
the stronger opinion on this issue is that
it doesn't. Even Imam Ahmed was
as to whether the backbiting invalidates. He said,
If the ghiba was to invalidate,
we wouldn't have any siyam to show for
And obviously Imam Ahmad is saying this out
of tawadah,
out of being humble.
Some of the salaf and also Imam Ahmad
has been ascribed back to him that they
used to
They would go, they would sit in the
masjid, and they would say, let's safeguard our
And let us not backbite anybody.
So then the Imam, Rahim Allahu Ta'ala,
the oath I mean,
goes on
to speak about the issues that are sunnah.
For 1,
when he's fasting.
He says
In these two lines of poetry, he mentions
He mentioned 4
the first issue that he mentions is
to hasten to break in your fast.
Masayn Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, he said in hadith
The people, they will remain to be upon
as long as they hasten to break
as long as they hasten in breaking their
As soon as the time kicks in, you
break it.
You don't wait around trying to be sure,
oh, inshallah,
just relax for a moment.
Sometimes an individual is holding the tama'
and he's ready to get down to business.
He gets looked at as if he's a
or he gets looked at being someone who
is maybe suffering from starvation.
Relax bro, relax, put it down.
No. It's actually a sunnah.
As long as the time kicks in,
you jump on it.
You with me guys? So hold on to
time kicks in, bang.
Also there's another narration.
There's another narration,
but, some scholars they mentioned that hadith is
The most beloved from my servants
are those who hasten the most
are the quickest when it comes to breaking
And also, by the way guys,
you only hasten when you are certain
the sun has set.
You don't just take this hadith and think,
oh, yeah, maybe Khala is bad. Let me
just break my fast very very quickly.
In fact,
you could actually invalidate your fast if you
up breaking your fast
while you are doubtful as to whether the
sun has set or not.
I repeat again.
Breaking your fast,
thinking that it may have
a sunset.
He's doubtful.
Doesn't know whether he has what?
Set or no. He breaks it that could
invalidate your fast.
Why? We learned this principle before. If
something has now been established with certainty
Why has been established with certainty here?
It's not Maghrib time, it's still daytime.
We've just gone through the whole day,
and that's something that we know of certainty.
That's something that we know of certainty.
And now whether the sun has set is
doubtful manner, matter.
So now that which has been established with
can we say this overcomes it? The answer
is no.
You have been certain that it was day,
until it becomes now certain that the son
has said you can't break your fast.
And this principle and I spoken about it
many many times,
That which has been established, certainty
cannot be removed because of a doubtful manner,
And I mentioned to you guys examples now,
a person, he went and made wudu.
He Went into the toilet, he made wudu.
And then all of a sudden he begins
to feel a disturbance in his
stomach. Whether he's broken his fast whether he's
broken his wudu or not. What did the
mister Surah Alaihi Wasallam say?
Don't leave the Masjid,
Until he hears,
or he finds a smell.
So the next one that is mentioned here
to break your fast
with dates.
And that which is better for a person
to do is
This is why I said
fresh dates. That is better than dry dates.
And this is exactly why Anasmal alayhi wa
The messenger of Allah
used to break his fast
with what?
With fresh dates
before he goes out and prays.
3 days before he goes out and prays.
And this is a very very important point,
I have to stand over here. And this
is a very common mistake.
Time kicks in,
and before you know it, this guy is
already like out of it.
He's already had a 3 course meal in
the space of what, 10 minutes.
There's even a text message that goes around
in Saudi Arabia just the other day. My
dad's wife, she was telling me, there's a
text message that goes around,
Just 5 minutes after what?
People have already broken the fast, which basically
means the mission has been accomplished
in filling your stomach.
The guy is already out. Even worse than
that, my brothers and my sisters. He misses
the jamaah.
He misses the jamaah.
Attending Maghrib and Jama'ah
is wajib.
Samasta 1,
They can't fall behind on.
How do we know it's wajib? You have
the hadith of Anas Madikar radiAllahu ta'ala, Atan
A blind man came to the messenger Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam,
and he said, You Rasoolullah, I don't have
who can take me to the Masjid.
And Mr. Sallallahu Alaihi wa sallallahu Alaihi wa
sallam, I said, no problem, go pray in
your house.
When he was about to leave, the ahu,
we called him again. He asked him,
Can you hear the Nadha? Can you hear
the Adhan? He said, No.
He said, Go answer the call.
Meaning go attend the Jema'ah. He told the
blind man to go and attend the Jamah.
He's a blind man, guys.
I'm sure we've come across one of these
videos on Twitter, on Instagram,
where a blind man is going to the
Masjid, every single fajr.
Have you seen it? We all have.
Sometimes you find a kid that's paralyzed.
I've seen another guy as well who drags
himself to the misery crawling.
When I saw a kid, it takes him,
and I remember as well, I counted how
long exactly it takes for him to get
When he finished with the salah, it took
him around 55 seconds to get up.
And he was he walks like that,
disabled, paralyzed.
There's all the hadith that show,
the wujud. Like the hadith of of Abi
He ended up having the desire once to
get some logs and to light it. He
wanted to light some logs, put some fire
on it.
And then
I end up going to individuals who
leave of the salatul jama'ah,
who pray at home and I burn them
while they're still inside their homes.
That's how, you know, in the midst of
Allah I wanted to do but he never
done it.
So we know the sun of the messenger
of Allah is to what?
Break the fast with 3 fresh days.
If he never had fresh dates, he will
do it with dry dates.
And then he said,
If he didn't have that, he would go
and sip water.
In another hadith, the messenger
When you break your fast, then break it
with what? With dates. If you don't have
any dates, then go and break it with
For indeed it is pure.
There's another hadith
The Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi
He used to eat
Bateek. Because now Bateek is watermelon.
He would eat that with fresh dates.
even Ibn Taym
That there's many hadith that speak about the
messal alayhi was salam and also the watermelon.
And so on and so forth. But he
said all of them are died except this
one that I mentioned.
He used to eat the Bateach, the watermelon
with fresh
And then the 3rd sunnah that was mentioned
in these lines of poetry is
To say the
authentically reported
dua that the Musa sala alaihi wa sallam
used to make upon
breaking his fast.
It was actually, sorry, the hadith of Marwan
ibn Salim.
When he broke his fast, he would say,
And what we take from this is,
either after, after
he broke his fast. So when he breaks
his fast and then he says his dua,
The thirst has been quenched.
And the veins have now become soaked.
Inshallah, you're asking Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
to firming your reward for you.
Also before a person, he breaks his fast,
said in the
hadith, at
the time of breaking his fast, he has
du'a that is not rejected.
3 people's du'a is not rejected.
One of them is Asa I Muhatay uftarah.
The one who is fasting until he breaks
Some people think it's only at the time
of breaking your fast.
Only at the time of breaking your fast.
But in fact is while you are fasting,
throughout the whole time you are fasting, your
dua is not going to be rejected.
As for something that people tend to do
is, which goes against the first Sunnah that
I spoke about,
when the time kicks in, he puts his
hands up, he starts making dua.
He hasn't broken his fast. This goes against
the sunnah of the messian Allah alaihi wa
sallam. You break your fast
and then you say that dua.
Because we mentioned earlier, right? That he has
to hasten to break in his fast, that
he's gedalik and that's the sun of the
mrsul alaihi wasallam.
And then he goes on to say, we're
gonna take a break in a bit.
The next sunnah
to late in the suhoor as much as
We know that
eating something at the time of Sahar,
and this is where this word comes from.
My brothers and my sisters,
is anytime from the midpoint of the night.
When you split the night into 2,
from Maghrib all the way to Fajr,
any time after the midpoint,
this is called the time of a sahar.
And the best time to eat from
the sahur
or to eat the sahur.
And there's a difference between suhoor and as
Sohoor is the act of,
you know, engaging in the suhoor.
Waking up at the time and so on
and so forth, the suhoor itself.
As for
the sahur
with a fathar on there, is that which
a person eats at a time of a
And the messenger sallallahu alaihi wa sallam highly
that a person,
he eats something wallow,
even if it is him sipping on some
So, ma'am, as it came in the hadith,
when the said,
that which a person eats,
there is in it.
And don't leave it off.
Even if it is that one he goes
and he sips some water.
For indeed, Allah
and the angels,
they are sending their salawat upon those who
are eating at the time of
sahab. Are you with me my brothers and
my sisters? What does that mean? Allah is
sending His salawat upon
these individuals who wake up at the time
and they eat. Is that Allah
is sending down His Rahmah upon them
and His satisfaction.
And as for the malaika,
they what do they do?
They make dua for that individual who
is engaging this practice.
if you think about it guys,
me outside the month of Ramadan, I can't
get to 12 o'clock,
except that I'm out of it. I have
to put something in my interior.
But in the month of Ramadan, how are
we getting through 17, 18 hours?
Are you with me guys? That's when the
For indeed there is a in the
sahur. Are you with me guys? Think about
it. Outside the month of Ramadan how we
and in the month of Ramadan we're all
getting through it.
It's barakah.
issue that is discussed is
eating the suhoor.
The suhoor.
Is it wajib? Is it a must?
He commanded his fir alammar.
What do we take before that? Commandment is?
Is wajib.
In these lines of poetry He says,
When we understand from it a commandment that
this act is way jibda is the default
ruling of it.
That is the default ruling of it.
There's evidence to suggest.
We have the default ruling. Right? That commandment,
it shows that the act is
That the act is wajib.
But sometimes it can move from being wajib
to what? To sunnah, when?
If messenger, the messenger of Allah alaihi wa
sallam, he
did not engage or done the opposite,
This is why Haftarah Hakim, what do you
The default ruling is that the act is
And then you also have other
uses for
a commandment.
And then he went on a whole list.
First thing that he mentioned is
Sometimes you might find a commandment,
but the meaning is what?
Or what do you understand from me that
it is a sunnah.
We know in some hadith that the messenger
Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam,
he carried on for a whole other day.
As it came in hadith The
messenger salallahu alayhi was in there was times
when he didn't have the
and he continued fasting for a whole day
till it became 2 days.
We're gonna come on to the later, there's
something called al wissal. Where when he continues,
and he doesn't break his fast at Maghrib.
Can either continue till the time of sahar,
and then you have the
or you could continue. But we're going to
come into that, inshaAllah, tell later what the
ruling is.
So here the mister went against it.
Because of that, you came down from being
why ajeeb
to? Mustahab.
And this is where Surah Al Fakk comes
in handy comes in very handy again.
Also the messrah alaihi wa sallam he said
in another hadith
The difference between us and also the people
of the book
is the fact that we have what?
Like when is the best time
to engage in the suhoor?
And Zaidi
Mathavi said that we, we don't suhoor suhoor
the and then he went to the salah.
Anas said,
So I said to Zayd Ibn Athabit
So he said, I said to Zayd, what
was the duration between
the Adan
and also the time when
he started his suhoor
the duration of 50 ayat.
This can be now a problem to understand.
Because we have
that are quite long.
And then we also have
that are quite short. And then we have
some individuals
like Abdul Basile ibn Abdul Samet, that's what
it's called, right?
Who takes very very long.
And then you have Mairan Muhaykhili,
who reads very very quickly.
And then you have Mohammed Aayyub, who's like
in between.
Who do we go for?
The longest.
is right. So follow my desires.
Sheikh Abdul Karim Al Khudair in his explanation,
Urdu Thal Hakami talked about
this issue. Okay? You have some ayat like
the ayat of Surah Al Mahidah that are
very very long.
You open up Surah Al Mahidah, you find
that the ayat are really long.
then you have the ayat and surah that
are really really short.
Then you have the Ayat and Suratul Baqarah.
The allak in between.
He said you go for the Mutawasit,
the one in between.
So some individuals, what they've done was,
they ended up
taking 3 recitals. One quick one, one slow
one, and one in between. Who was a
slow one?
Abdul Basit,
Abdul Samad.
Was a very, very what?
Surah recitation.
So they ended up getting the surah in
between which is a surah,
right? You have Surat Al Maidah,
where the ayat are very very long, the
first 50, and you have Surat Ashura, the
ayat are very very short. Then you have
the ayat and surat Al Baqarah,
the what? In between.
So they ended up taking the duration
of how long it takes Mahir Ma'akhili,
also Abdul Basir
Abdul Samat, and also what? Mohammed Ayub.
And they calculated exactly how long it takes.
So the first 50 ayat of Surat Al
it took Maher al Ma'ikari 14 minutes.
It took Abdul Basit, Abdul Samat.
It was like a slow recital. It took
him 32 minutes.
So the Baqarah. Muhammad Ayub,
it took him 18 minutes.
It took him
18 minutes.
around maybe what Reba saw 18 minutes,
before the time of the sahur,
the sahur. That's maybe the best time to
stop breaking your fast. You'll
be shocked
based on this because the hadith,
what did he say?
The duration of 50 ayat.
So this is a very good way to
very quickly, I'm gonna we're gonna take a
5 minute break, then we're gonna continue.
Why if an individual has something in his
It's a common question that tends to be
He's about to drink and then the adhan
goes off.
What we know is when the message
said, keep eating and keep drinking
ibn Ummi Maktoum makes the adhan.
Because Bilal used to make the azaan as
well, first azaan.
Then ibn Ummi Maktoum, he used to make
the second azaan, and he never used to
make the azaan until said to him, The
morning has kicked in, the morning has kicked
in. Because he was a blind man while
there. Asl is that a person keep drinking,
keep what?
Until the azaan
has been cold.
And there's no problem with that.
And innovation, and I call an innovation,
is to stop 20 minutes
before the adhan.
To stop 20 minutes before the adhan.
Why are you going to deprive me for
it? Let me eat, you know.
When he continues all the way till the
adhan, and this is exactly what was the
of the hadith.
But then now an issue arise with regards
somebody's holding something. You have a hadith with
the messenger of Allah, he was saying,
The other hand goes off and he has
something in his
hand. Shouldn't put it down until he
takes from
it his need.
Have a burger?
It's in your hand.
What do you do? You end up finishing
Because it's in your hand, right? But you
got another burger on the plate.
Masha'Allah is a good eater.
So 2 burgers, 1 in his hand and
the other one is there.
Pae'b, what if an individual now, he's having
some doubt
as to whether fajr has kicked in or
Because obviously now we have these timetables, right?
Which obviously
can be relied on.
You can also have sometimes during the masjid
you hear the adhan.
These again are ways to know that fajr
has kicked in,
but you have nothing,
and you don't know you're doubting.
What is what?
Said. What did we say before about the
breaking of the fast?
If something is someone is doubting in the
He's doubting in the
day, and he doesn't know whether the sun
has set, even though it might appear to
him from the sky.
He's doubting.
Pay attention to the wedding he's doubting. What
do we mention?
That he can't break until he is certain,
Because the asl here is that the nahar,
the day remains
until proven otherwise because that's what's been established
through certain and I told you guys the
Qaida. What about now?
What is the asal here?
That a person can keep eating and drinking,
right? Until he becomes certain
otherwise. This is where this
comes in very very handy.
This issue about the wudu that I told
you and about calling somebody a kafir,
when his Islam has been established with certainty.
You can't call him a kafir until you're
110% sure.
Even if there's still a 1% daw and
you're 99% certain, you can't say that guy
is a kafir.
Comes in very very handy.
If 2 people, they are doubting whether it
is Fajr or not, he can keep eating
until he's 100%
You're allowed to keep drinking
as long as you're doubtful.
Also something happened with regards to Ibn Umar.
Ibn Umar. Says, He
took what? A Dalu.
He one time took
a bucket.
he had zamzim in there.
And he asked 2 people.
Has the sun risen?
1 of them said, yes. Fajr has kicked
in. The other one said, no.
You know, sometimes you're the Muslim pro. Yeah.
It differs with some some serges time. So
why couldn't the brother?
he was following the Muslim pro at the
time and but obviously the message time he
didn't, he hadn't, he hadn't realized that the
time has passed. So obviously continued eating on
your side. He had his was his past,
was his past valid?
The the the the Muslim probe, the one
that everybody use on the phone. Yeah.
Yeah. But then it was made clear to
him that, the measured time was a lot
earlier than that. And then what did he
do? He stopped Ian. Well, isn't because he
had already passed, he stopped Ian. No. No.
This one oh, yeah. He stopped it. He
stopped it. With regards to, the Sahore. He
stopped in Sahore, but this it I had
passed the time that the masjid had lived
state. Yeah. That's fine.
If he didn't know and he was doubting
any things, you know, because the asl here
is baqaolayl.
the the base ruling here that the knight
stands unless proven otherwise.
So this, obviously, is an individual, he's thinking
that it's still a knight, right? But if
it was the opposite, it's problematic.
And also, guys, there's something important.
If this guy,
there's a difference between
It's very important that we know as well.
how can I put this in a good
He's like very just very short. He's not
100%, he's very short that he's kedah.
And then there's also something, what that is
We're speaking about doubting here. But if somebody
is like quite sure, and then later on
it seems it comes out to be otherwise,
then that issue is forgiven, it's pardoned.
They will ask Sunnah, insha Allahu Ta'ala, that
we're going to take before we take a
little break.
The other sunnah that we mentioned here, that
if somebody now insults or swears at you.
The sunnah of the Messenger sallallahu alaihi wa
sallam is
that he says,
as it came in some narration.
am somebody who's fasting.
Okay? Came in the hadith of the Messenger
of Allah
when he said,
When it now is the day when you're
1 shouldn't engage in filthy speech,
And he also shouldn't do yaschab,
which basically means
somebody who shouts around like,
like they do in the markets.
When we go into the market everybody is
shouting around, right?
Tomorrows, tomorrows, tomorrows,
That's what they do, right?
And sometimes when you get into a little
argument, everybody starts shouting at one another.
One shouldn't do that. Then the minister
If anybody tries to fight you or insults
you, then say what? I'm fasting.
A discussion that
is discussed
in the books of the Hanabi is, does
he say that jahran
Or does he say that siran?
Does he say that vocally?
Or does he just say it
within himself?
There are 3 different views in the middle.
Some of them they mentioned is
in every case
he always
repeats it within himself.
Whether it's a
or whether it's an obligatory type of fasting,
whether it is
a nafil, a voluntary type of fasting.
The second be with, yajharu biha mutlakan.
In all cases, whether it's voluntary or obligatory,
he always says it loudly.
And this is the position of Futuhir alhamallahuilinskitaabalmuntaha
and also Sheikh Lisamatim
took this
position. Why? Because you are doing a zajr
of that person. You are trying to tell
him off, so he refrains.
And then there's a third view.
And you find that this is the official
position in the Medhab.
It's the official
position. That when it comes to the obligatory
he's vocal about it.
He utters it to that person. But when
it comes to the voluntary fast, he says
it quietly.
Okay? And this is what Al Hajjaw
he mentions his ikhna and also
in his
The reason why they say that is because
in the month of Ramadan everybody is fasting.
Everybody is fasting
as opposed to when one is observing the
voluntary act.
And this now is going to what protect
him from riya, showing off to the people.
And also making apparent
righteous actions.
So this is the Wajhu.
And then he goes on to say
The last line of poetry in this chapter,
he says,
Be somebody who
has a lot of dhikr
and also a lot of recitation of the
book of Allah and all types of
and also stay away from the very lowly
type of acts.
Why did he say,
which speaks about the virtues of dhikr and
so on and so forth. He says
The best of those who constantly fast are
those who
remember Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala the most.
Also, Ibrahim Al Nakhahirahim Allahu Ta'ala and Ibn
Raja ibn Hambri mentions this kitabla taif al
He says,
is better than a 1000 tasbihah outside the
month of Ramadan.
Ramadan. A 1 rakah in the month of
Ramadan is
better than a 1000
rakat that one might observe outside the month
of Ramadan.
Well, I remember,
I may have mentioned this to you guys
before, Ibn al Jazir
It was said to the people of the
grave, make a wish.
They would wish for one day in the
month of Ramadan.
And then, subhanAllah, later on I came across
the statement of Ibrahim Al Nakhir Rahim Allahu
Ta'ala, the great tabiye.
And I understood why.
When they realized now that one
In the month of Ramadan, is better than
a 1,000 outside the month? Of course, they're
going to make that wish.
Of course, they are.
There's also a fabricated hadith I'll mention as
I think I mentioned it to you guys
right before.
The same the one who's fasting him being
he gets the reward of saying SubhanAllah SubhanAllah
And him sleeping
is And the dua that he makes is
accepted. But the hadith is what?
Find this hadith that goes around every now
and again, in the month of Ramadan, the
guy is sleeping thinking he's in Ibadah.
Oh, he's keeping quiet
and he thinks he's doing tasbih.
InshaAllah, guys, we're gonna take
just a quick 5 minute break.
I know you guys are really tired. We've
gone on for like an hour and half
an hour and a half. And then we'll
take the next part, InshaAllah, Ta'ala. What times
they start today?
I think
Okay, Jameel.
14 past. K.