Abu Taymiyyah – Ep 10 Having Good Thoughts of Others How To Soften Your Heart Series

Abu Taymiyyah
AI: Summary ©
The concept of evil thoughts on others is discussed, with a focus on the negative impact of acknowledging and apologizing for actions that lead to evil thoughts and negative behavior. The speaker warns against promises and emphasizes the importance of finding a teacher and being a student to regain faith and regain peace. There is also a disturbing incident involving a man named Buqud Dr. Alleyed a woman named Connahin and given her a saleb, causing the speaker to become upset. The importance of acknowledging and apologizing for actions is emphasized, along with the potential danger of negative behavior resulting in "claiming to be."
AI: Transcript ©
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My dear respected brothers and sisters,

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number 9 from that which

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softens an individual's heart.

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Scholars, they mention Husnuuddinni

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having good thoughts of others.

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he told us an authentic Hadith, it was

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narrated by Abu Hurairah,

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and reported by Bukhari

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beware of having evil thoughts about others, for

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indeed the evil thoughts that one may

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have of others

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is from the worst of fabrications.

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This is what the Prophet

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SAW told us warning us from this evil

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trait which is the opposite of Hiznudhan,

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bad thoughts of others, Su'adhan.

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Imran Alkaim Rahmatullahi

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which shows of course,

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how this is a mechanism now to soften

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up your heart. He says:

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Whoever makes it a habit to give the

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people the benefit of the doubt?

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And He has good thoughts of them.

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He says that this individual's intentions will become

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He will also feel at peace,

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and his heart will become cured.

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And Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala will protect him

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from all types of evils.

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So when we ask now, what does Su'adan

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actually mean? Having evil thoughts on the people,

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what does it actually mean?

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Ibrahim Armatullahi

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Your heart now becoming filled

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with bad thoughts of others.

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So much so that it ends up now

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becoming apparent on one's tongue

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and also his limbs.

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If you're having bad thoughts of others without

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it now becoming apparent on your tongue and

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also your limbs, then my beloved brothers and

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sisters, you are not held to account for

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As the Messenger

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Azzawajal has pardoned

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his Ummah

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for that which they speak to themselves about,

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as long as he doesn't utter it or

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act upon it.

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You are excused as long as you're having

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these thoughts and it doesn't

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from your mouth or you don't

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act upon it, then, InshaAllah Ta'ala, you are

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excused for that.

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And one should try to fight it as

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much as he can.

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One should try to fight it as much

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as he can. Another profound statement I would

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like to share

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is the statement of

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Abu Waqrib Nadilahi Al Muzani When

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he said:

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Beware of uttering that which, if you were

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to be correct in

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it, then you would not get a reward

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for it.

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And if you were to be wrong in

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you would,

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attain a sin.

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And that is what Su'adhan.

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How often do we hear people,

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making a judgement

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about others,

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when in reality they have no evidence to

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make this claim?

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Right? And then when it turns out to

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what he mentioned,

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he says to you, then I tell you,

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I was right.

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As if this is something praiseworthy, you are

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not being rewarded for that at all.

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You are not being rewarded for that at

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Being correct in the bad assumptions you had

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about others

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is not something

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that gets you a reward,

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but rather it leads to that which can

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be extremely detrimental to your religion, when you

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make that a norm.

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When you make that a norm.

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scholars from the early generations,

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they would

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give the people the benefit of doubt. Like

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Umar Khattab

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He would say:

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If you are able to give your Prophet

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a benefit of doubt,

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then do not

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carry that which he says with his tongue

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with an evil meaning, as long as you're

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able to give him the benefit of doubt.

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Hassan al Basir Rahmatullahi

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would say:

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Give your brother 70 excuses.

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Give your brother 70 excuses.

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And from the

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very profound statements that I came across with

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regards to this issue, is the statement of

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Al Imam Shafi'i Armatullahi when he said:

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If he wants Allah Subhana Wa Ta'la

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to treat him well,

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okay, then let this individual be

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someone who has good thoughts about others.

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And then look what he says, and this

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is extremely, extremely profound.

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And you will normally find those are bad

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thoughts of others is because they are individuals

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who engage in these bad things. SubhanAllah.

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And then he mentioned a

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line of poetry:

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If an individual is someone who engages in

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that which is haram and evil,

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This is the type of individual that will

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have bad thoughts of others.

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May Allah Azzawajal protect us from this disease,

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Having evil thoughts

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and acting upon speculation

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has destroyed so many relationships

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and so many marriages.

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A sister may continuously think that her husband

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is cheating on her or maybe looking at

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other women when in reality he is not.

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But rather

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leave the issue to Allah Subhana Wa Ta'la,

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because if somebody now

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is being deceitful

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and it's only a matter of time that

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala exposes

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him, turn to Allah Azzawajal and make Du'a

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to him, asking him

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to show you That Which is the truth,

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instead of just constantly

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suffering from this sickness

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of having evil thoughts about others. The scholars,

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they also mention,

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If we didn't take

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any other benefit

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and the fact that

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one individual now has good thoughts about others,

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he is able to go to sleep peacefully,

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then that would have been sufficient.

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And also, if the only harm from having

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evil thoughts about others

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was the fact that his mind remains occupied

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and he constantly

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is struck with worry

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and not being able to sleep properly,

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then this, my beloved brothers and sisters,

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would have been sufficient to show

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how bad of an evil trait that this

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May Allah

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protect us from that Ami.

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And last but not least,

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I would like to share an incident that

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Uthman ibn Affan

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and also Umar ibn Khattab

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Usman ibn

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Affan narrates that:

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Once upon a time, Umar ibn Khattab

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walked past him

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and he gave

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him salaams.

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He said: I didn't even realize that he

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walked past me

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nor that he gave me salams.

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So Umar Khattab

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went to Abu Bakr

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to complain about that which happened.

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And then he told him,

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What do you think about what I'm about

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to tell you, O Abu Bakr?

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I walked past Uthman, I gave him my

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salaams and he didn't return it.

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So they both then entered into

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where Abu Bakr radiAllahu ta'ala was,

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and they both gave him salabs.

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Abu Bakr

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turned to Usman and he told him,

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Say that your brother, Umar, came to me

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and he told me that he walked past

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you, gave you salams and you didn't return

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What caused you to do that? Look how

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Abu Bakr

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double checked,

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okay, and he didn't just quickly

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take the side of Umar ibn Khattab

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He took his time in dealing with the

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to see really what's up, right? Does he

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have an excuse as to why he didn't

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do so? What was the reason why he

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didn't respond to salaam? Even though it's something

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that is mandatory to return the Salaam, my

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beloved brothers and sisters and Messrs of Salaam

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said, Haqqul Muslimi Al Muslimi Sit.

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The right that your Muslim brother has over

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you are 6 things and one of them

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is Radu Salam, to return to Salam.

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So Uthman ibn Affan radiAllahu ta'ala and he

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said, I didn't do that.

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Said, yes, you did. That's exactly what you

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And then he says, By Allah,

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I didn't even realize that you walked past

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me and that you gave me salams.

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So Abu Bakr

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said, Uthman of Truthful.

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there is something that occupied him from that,

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or that busied his mind from that. How

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often does that happen, my brothers and my

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sisters, someone may walk past that is beloved

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to us, that we love

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and they don't even realise that they're walking

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past us,

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and then we go home and we are

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in deep thought

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of that which may have happened,

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the best thing to do, my beloved brothers

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and sisters, to maybe confront that individual and

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to maybe just ask and verify, did you

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do this? Did you not do this?

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And that will really put you at peace

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and make you feel extremely better.

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Because one thought will lead to another, so

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much so that you will end up treating

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that individual

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badly and he wasn't deserving of that.

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May Allah

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protect us all, I mean, from that.

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Assalamu Alaikum We at the Knowledge College have

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managed to revolutionize

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the way Islamic studies is taught in the

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West Alhamdulillah

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You see, before the knowledge college, you'd have

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to find a teacher which is a hard

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enough task as it is And if you

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found that teacher,

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you'd have to hope that he would actually

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finish the book that he was teaching

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which again was not very likely

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but now, Alhamdulillah,

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you can study and seek knowledge from the

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comfort of your own home

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and you're not just watching videos

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that have been pre recorded but you're actually

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being taught live where you can actually engage

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with your teachers

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with your fellow students in

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the communities that we've built for you guys

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If you'd be interested in seeking knowledge and

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taking your religion to the next level, then

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click the link below and check it out.

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We've got over a 1000 students that have

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joined us over the last year and a

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half They've hugely benefited and we hope that

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you would be one of the next students

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Insha Allahu Ta'ala. Assalamu Alaikum.

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