Abu Taymiyyah – EMOTIONAL – The Pain Of The Prophets & Overcoming Your Struggles & Pains

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The importance of knowing who Allah subhanizes and not letting pain drive them away from their point of view is discussed in various segments of the transcript. The speaker emphasizes the importance of inspiration and leaving emotions behind in helping people to overcome hardships and struggles, including struggles with drugs and their religion. The segment also touches on the loss of political power and the use of Islam as a means of political gain, including struggles with loss of family members and struggles with their religion.
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As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, my
beloved brothers and sisters, as
-salamu alaykum
wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, my beloved brothers and
sisters, as-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,
my beloved brothers and sisters, as-salamu alaykum
wa rahmatullahi wa
barakatuh, my beloved brothers and sisters, as-salamu
alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, my beloved brothers
and sisters, as-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa
barakatuh, my beloved brothers
and sisters, as-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa
barakatuh, my beloved brothers and sisters, as-salamu
alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, my beloved brothers
and sisters, as-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa
barakatuh, my beloved brothers and sisters, as-salamu
alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, my beloved brothers
and sisters, as-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa
barakatuh, my beloved brothers and sisters, as-salamu
alaykum wa rahmatullahi my beloved brothers and sisters,
as-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, my
beloved brothers and sisters, as-salamu alaykum wa
rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, my beloved brothers and sisters,
the reason why your fortunes shift in unimaginable
ways to truly hold onto that hope, we
must first know who Allah subhan Hu wa
ta'ala is, because my brothers and my
sisters, you can't love something that you don't
know, think about it for a moment, that
sister that you so desperately want, that bushra,
you chose it from amongst everybody and likewise
my sister, equal rights.
You chose him from the midst of all
the brothers that you could have accepted.
The reason why you chose him or the
reason why you chose her, my brothers and
my sisters, is because of what you came
to know about them.
Tomorrow you find out that Bushra prays at
night, fast in the day, and you're thinking
to yourself, I've hit the jackpot.
Allahu Akbar and your love and your desire
for this lady goes skyrocketing.
You want her so badly even more now,
The point of the matter is, my brothers
and my sisters, that I want every single
one of you guys to walk away with.
You can't love something that you don't know.
If we don't know Allah SWT, how do
you expect to love him?
How do you expect to do things for
Allah SWT, fulfilling his commandments in a loving
When life, my brothers and my sisters, overwhelms
us, it's tempting to turn our backs on
him, to let our pain drive us away
from the one who understands our feelings, who
understands every little detail about us.
We've all faced moments like this, where the
storm seemed endless.
We felt like there was no light at
the end of the tunnel, where problems piled
up, leaving us broken and exhausted.
With all that which is going on, my
brothers and my sisters, it's so easy to
turn our backs on Allah SWT.
We have all been there, my brothers and
my sisters.
We've all experienced hardships and difficulties.
We've had trials and tribulations.
My brothers and my sisters, Allah SWT tells
us countless stories in the Quran.
Tell them about the stories in the Quran,
so that they may contemplate, so that they
may reflect.
The stories in the Quran are not there
for entertainment.
They're not there, my brothers and my sisters,
for bedtime stories, or whatever it might be.
It is there to inspire you the same
It would inspire the Messenger ﷺ at the
most difficult times, right?
Do you not think that he needed inspiration
as well?
With everything that was happening to him, all
the trouble, all the hardships, all the difficulties
that would come his way.
And Allah tells us, O Messenger of Allah,
we know that which they keep saying about
you is causing you a lot of pain.
So Allah SWT would send down stories, after
stories, after stories.
Sometimes from Yaqub, some from Ibrahim, and the
rest of the Prophets, in order to make
the Messenger ﷺ feel so much better.
For him to continue, for him, my brothers
and my sisters, right?
To cover that pain that he was experiencing
at a time.
Allah SWT gave us countless examples, and here
are some of them.
Ibrahim ﷺ, just to show you my brothers
and my sisters, when they had good thought
of Allah SWT, that good opinion of Allah
SWT, and this is the core of the
lecture that I want to deliver to every
single one of you.
In times like this, when we feel as
if, why is Allah SWT allowing this to
take place?
Every single thing that happens, my brothers and
my sisters, it happens for a reason.
Whether you see the wisdom in it or
Ibrahim ﷺ, my brothers and my sisters, Imam
al-Tawheed, the father of al-Tawheed, my
brothers and my sisters, of monotheism.
He went through a lot with his parents,
his father, right?
Who drove him out of his home, simply
because he was holding on to the essence
of al-Tawheed as a young man.
Called to Allah SWT, warned against the worst
of sins, and that is idol worship, associating
partners of Allah SWT.
Later on, my brothers and my sisters, after
the many trials he had already experienced, Allah
SWT tests him even more.
He instructs Ibrahim ﷺ to leave his wife
Hajar and his beloved son in the middle
of nowhere.
Leave your child and your beloved wife in
the middle of nowhere.
No ifs, no buts, and he begins to
walk away, not looking back.
His wife comes running, Hajar ﷺ, and she
says, did Allah SWT command you with this?
He would say yes.
You know what her response was?
You know what her response was, my brothers
and my sisters?
Look at her good thought and her good
opinion of Allah SWT.
If that is the case, then Allah SWT
will never abandon me.
Allah will never abandon me.
Now put yourself in that shoes.
Imagine you were in this kind of scenario,
what your reaction would be?
What your thought of Allah SWT would be?
And look, because of this good thought, this
good opinion, Allah SWT brought out from beneath
her the zamzam that came out.
When we go to Mecca, when we go
to Medina, that zamzam that we drink from,
Her good thought of Allah that he would
not abandon her despite her being left in
the middle of nowhere.
From the Sulala, from the offspring of Ibrahim
came Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.
Every time we go and do Sa'i,
after we finish the compilating the Kaaba, Safa
and Marwa, we remember Hajar.
All of this, my brothers and my sisters,
because of her Tawheed, because of her monotheism,
because of her good thought of Allah SWT.
Ibrahim ﷺ was thrown into a fire.
He turns to Allah.
He has that thought in him, that trust
that Allah SWT will not abandon him.
Ya'qub ﷺ, my brothers and my sisters,
in one's darkest moments, Ya'qub's reliance on
Allah, Ya'qub's reliance on Allah SWT's plan
serves as a timeless reminder for every single
one of us.
He endured the pain of not just losing
one beloved child, but two of his most
beloved children, right?
Both Yusuf and Benyamin.
Despite all of that, he remained so steadfast,
placing his trust entirely in Allah SWT.
In the depth of his sorrow, he poured
his grief.
He cried out to Allah SWT, the only
one that could understand him.
Allah SWT, we are told in the Quran,
Ya'qub ﷺ being quoted, Ya Allah, I
only complain my suffering and my sorrow to
you, O Allah.
Despite the overwhelming heartache, his heart remained filled
with hope and a firm belief in Allah,
that he will be reunited with his beloved
Do you know, my brothers and my sisters,
what the scholars say?
From the moment Surah Yusuf started, the chapter
of Yusuf, Yusuf sees a dream all the
way up until they were reunited.
Yusuf ﷺ was abandoned, was thrown into the
well by his own brothers.
It was approximately 80 years, 80 years of
pain, 80 years of hardship that the father
had to enjoy.
And despite all of that, he remained steadfast,
he remained patient, he remained having good thoughts
in Allah SWT, that he would be reunited
with them.
He said, perhaps Allah SWT is going to
bring them all back to me.
Musa ﷺ, I want you all to imagine
this scene, my brothers and my sisters.
He, Musa and his people, standing before an
endless ocean, its waves stretching as far as
the eyes can see.
Behind him, the sound of Pharaoh's army grows
louder and louder, the thunderous pounding of hooves,
the clashing of weapons, and the shouts of
All of this is behind them, my brothers
and my sisters.
Dust rises in the distance, signaling that they
are not far away, that they are now
drawing closer with every single heartbeat.
The people glance back in terror, their eyes
filled with despair.
An unstoppable force bears down upon them, and
ahead lies an immovable barrier.
They are trapped, sandwiched between a raging sea
and the might of Pharaoh's army.
Allah tells us in the Qur'an when
this happened, some of the companions of Musa
ﷺ, they said, khalas, they are going to
catch us.
Musa ﷺ, he responds back and he says,
khala, never.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, my Rabb, he
is with me, he is the one that
is going to guide me.
Good thoughts of Allah azza wa jal, good
opinion, right?
In the midst of all the hardships and
the difficulties that we see maybe even ourselves
going through, or the Ummah of Islam, seeing
our brothers and sisters in Palestine, this is
how you might end up feeling, but my
brothers and my sisters, look at Musa ﷺ,
my Lord is with me and he is
the one that is going to guide me,
he is the one that's going to assist
me, he is the one that's going to
give me victory, right?
The Prophet ﷺ, my brothers and my sisters,
despite the trials, pain, and relentless battles he
faced from every single direction, the Messenger ﷺ
remained unwavering in his confidence that this religion
would reach every corner of the world, right?
la yablughanna hadhal amr, ma balaghal laylu wal
nahar, the Messenger ﷺ he says, despite all
of the hardships and difficulties, right?
The bullying tactics of Quraysh, this religion is
going to reach every place that the night
and the day has reached, can you imagine
that my brothers and my sisters?
It's only you and a couple of weak
companions, right?
Targeted from every direction and then this is
what he utters, this is what the Messenger
ﷺ said, he goes to Ta'if and
then he's stoned, his feet were bleeding, the
angel of the mountains comes to the Messenger
ﷺ and says, if you wish O Muhammad
ﷺ, we can get these two mountains and
we can slam it on top of them,
he refuses and he says, wa inni la
arju an yukhrijallahu min aslabihim man ya'budullaha
azzawajal wala yushrikubihi shay'a, I hope that
one day Allah will bring out from these
individuals who have just stoned him, who have
made his feet bleed, individuals, people that would
worship Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala and would stay
away from shirk, this is my brothers and
my sisters, the good thoughts of the Messenger
ﷺ, it doesn't end there, even in the
darkest and most suffocating moments, the Prophet ﷺ,
he never budged, he never wavered in his
hope and good opinion of Allah subhanahu wa'ta
'ala, they are migrating from Mecca to Al
Medina and they are now hiding in the
Ghar, as Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala tells us,
idh huma fil ghar, they are in the
cave, Prophet Muhammad ﷺ says to his companion
Abu Bakr, la tahzan, do not be sad,
do not be sad O Abu Bakr, inna
Allaha ma'ana, Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala is
with us, right, Abu Bakr radhiAllahu ta'ala
anhu, he said, law anna ahadahum nazara tahta
qadamaihi la absarana, if those who were following
the Messenger ﷺ, wanting to annihilate him, wipe
him off the face of this earth, if
only they look down, they would have sawed
them in the cave, but the Messenger ﷺ
is continuing, keeping his friends so patient, giving
him hope, right, that Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala
is with them, in another incident, my brothers
and my sisters, an Arab, a Bedouin comes
to the Messenger ﷺ and he takes out
his sword and he says, man yamnauka minni,
who is going to stop me from chopping
your head off, this is what he says
to the Messenger ﷺ, the Messenger ﷺ responds
back and he says, Allah, Allah, and he
says this is the third time, Allah, his
hand began to shake and he dropped his
sword and then went and sat down, look
at the good thought, look at the good
opinion of Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala, he went
and he sat down and the Messenger ﷺ
didn't seek revenge and he let him go,
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, despite all of the troubles,
despite all of the hardships, my brothers and
my sisters, he still has good thought of
Allah, for those who don't know and if
you think that you are going through a
really bad time, then remember the Messenger ﷺ,
he lost six, he lost six out of
his seven children, six out of his seven
children, my brothers and my sisters, he lost
in his lifetime, the only one that remained
was Fatima radhiAllahu ta'ala anha and then
she passed away six months after the Messenger
ﷺ had departed from this world, the examples
are many, my brothers and my sisters, I'll
finish with this one example of Umar ibn
al-Khattab radhiAllahu ta'ala anhu and his
companion Abu Bakr radhiAllahu anhu, one day the
Messenger ﷺ instructed his companions to go and
give in charity, Umar ibn al-Khattab he
said today I'm going to beat my companion
Abu Bakr, so he had some wealth and
decided to go and give this, right, he
decided to go and give a portion of
this to the Messenger ﷺ, thinking now khalas,
he's going to beat Abu Bakr radhiAllahu ta
'ala anhu, Abu Bakr radhiAllahu ta'ala anhu
comes along and he gives all of his
wealth for charity, right, he gives everything, the
Messenger ﷺ he says to him what have
you left for your family, what have you
left for your family, Abu Bakr radhiAllahu ta
'ala anhu he says I have left them
for Allah and his Messenger ﷺ, his good
thought, his good opinion of Allah subhanahu wa'ta
'ala that he will never be forsaken, my
beloved brothers and sisters, when you are struck
with a problem and you begin to think
that there is no way out, you feel
that there is no light at the end
of the tunnel, then remember Yunus ﷺ who
was stuck in the stomach of the whale,
three darknesses, the darkness of the night, the
darkness of the sea and the darkness of
the stomach of the whale, but he called
out to Allah azza wa jal, la ilaha
illa ant, subhanak inni kuntu minal zalimeen, called
out to Allah with certainty that Allah is
going to save him from this situation that
he's in, fastajabna lahu, Allah azza wa jal
responded back to him right away, when you
find that your family is the biggest obstacle
in your growth and you improving in your
religion, then remember my brothers and my sisters,
Ibrahim ﷺ who was driven out of his
home by his own father, when your body
cries with pain, remember Ayub ﷺ who had
more pain than we can ever imagine, when
you are practicing your religion and those around
you and everybody else thinks that you're illogical,
thinks that you are backward, thinks that you
are disconnected from reality, then my brothers and
my sisters, remember Nuh ﷺ who began to
build an ark in the midst of a
village, they laughed and they mocked and they
ridiculed Nuh ﷺ and Allah tells us, وَكُلَّمَا
مَرَّ عَلَيْهِ مَلَأٌ مِّن قَوْمِهِ سَخِرُوا مِنْهِ every
time they walked past him, they mocked him,
they ridiculed him, قَالَ إِن تَسْخَرُوا مِنَّا فَإِنَّا
نَسْخَرُوا مِنكُمْ كَمَا تَسْخَرُونَ فَسَوْفَ تَعْلَمُونَ فَسَوْفَ تَعْلَمُونَ
you're mocking us today, you're making fun of
me, there will come a time, there will
come a time when we will have the
last laugh, I know it happens, social pressures,
we start practicing and they're telling you, oh
Mr. Righteous, you want to now tell me
what is right and what is wrong and
yesterday you was a drug dealer and yesterday
you were walking around with no hijab, now
you want to tell me what is right
and what is wrong, I feel what happens
my brothers and my sisters, they mock and
they ridicule but hold on to it, this
life is extremely short, when you begin to
feel my brothers and my sisters, bankrupt, nothing
in your fridge, you feel like life is
about to get extremely hard and difficult, then
remember Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, who would
tell at times, enter into the kitchen, enter
into his home, he would ask his wives,
is there anything at home, the response would
be, no oh messenger of Allah, he would
respond back by saying, if that's the case
I'm going to go and fast, this is
the messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, when you are
hurt by people who shared the same blood,
who shared the same blood as you, your
own blood brothers, then remember what happened to
Yusuf Alayhi Salatu Wasalam, who was thrown into
the well and then he was sold into
the slave trade, yet in the end he
became a king, when you think my brothers
and my sisters of the massacre that is
taking place in Palestine, then remember what Pharaoh,
the man who butchered, the man who massacred,
the one who killed thousands of children, so
that Musa Alayhi Salatu Wasalam would not arrive
and in the end not only did he
arrive, but he was raised in the house
of the one who sought to kill him,
he was raised in the one, in the
house of the one who sought to kill
him, right, this is what's happening to our
brothers and sisters, but yet we think that
Allah Subhanahu Wa'Ta'Ala may have forsaken them,
as I was preparing this lecture my brothers
and my sisters, the whole Syrian thing happened,
right, and I thanked Allah Subhanahu Wa'Ta'Ala
greatly, you know why, because sometimes we go
through hardships and we tell people to be
patient, but sometimes they want something a little
bit more, look at everything that the Syrians
went through until Allah Subhanahu Wa'Ta'Ala had
freed them from the tyrannical ruler at that
time, Allah Subhanahu Wa'Ta'Ala after such a
long time, he saved them and I thought
to myself how timely is this, imagine how
the Palestinians were feeling, right, imagine perhaps they
felt that there is no light to the
end of the tunnel, they felt when is
the help of Allah Azza wa Jal going
to come, but then they see their neighbors
who were saved by Allah Subhanahu Wa'Ta'Ala,
right, remember my brothers and my sisters, the
will of Allah Subhanahu Wa'Ta'Ala is above
the will of all, and Allah Azza wa
Jal has full power and control over his
affairs, but most of them know not, my
brothers and my sisters, Allah Subhanahu Wa'Ta'Ala
will give victory in the end for the
Muslims after everything they go through, and remember
and I'm going to finish with this, that
there was once upon a time, you used
to make dua to Allah Subhanahu Wa'Ta'Ala
for something that you so badly wanted, and
today you are living that dua that you
used to make,