Abu Taymiyyah – Emotional Khutbah in Arafat

Abu Taymiyyah
AI: Summary ©
The speakers emphasize the importance of remembering the amb variations of the Bible and the importance of asking for forgiveness, praying for events, and thanking individuals for their good outcomes. They also emphasize the need for humble behavior and the importance of remembering the importance of thanking Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. The speakers stress the importance of forgiveness and pray for events.
AI: Transcript ©
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My dear respective brothers and sisters,

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first and foremost my brothers and my sisters,

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I want to remind myself

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and everybody sitting here to say Alhamdulillah.

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Thank your Lord and praise him that he

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gave you the opportunity

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to be able to come with this great

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pillar of Hajj.

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And that is my brothers and my sisters

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to be able to be sitting here today.

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Because if we did not come here today,

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as the messenger sallallahu alaihi wa sallam he

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said, Al Hajj your Arafa.

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Your Hajj is going to Arafah.

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And if you miss this day, then you

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can wave goodbye to your Hajj.

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Then our Hajj would be invalid.

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So we should be really really My brothers

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and my sisters, be thankful to Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala.

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There's people who couldn't make it.

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They had leave us behind

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over there in the UK.

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Some people they managed to get here, but

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they may have gotten into an accident.

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Maybe they weren't able to come to Arafa

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even though they managed to get on the

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Like I mentioned time and time again, Al

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Sharif towards inviting you to perform your Hajj.

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This is an invitation from Allah subhanahu wa

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The messenger salallahu alaihi wa sallam, he said,

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The one who goes for Umrah, the one

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who goes for Hajj, the one who goes

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for Jihad,

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all of them are the guests

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of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.

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He invited them and they accepted the invitation.

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala my brothers and my

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He picked you out

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from 1,800,000,000

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He chose you.

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That should my brothers and my sisters

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make you feel really really special.

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That should make you be thankful to Allah

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subhanahu wa ta'ala

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that He chose you from all of these

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to be able to be here today.

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On this great day my brothers and my

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and Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala,

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my brothers and my sisters, He doesn't swear

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on anything except if it is really really

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important. When Allah

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said, These 10 days that we are currently

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living in, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, he swore

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by it.

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And one of these days is the day

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of Arafa. Also in Surat Al Buruj, when

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said, the again, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala,

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he's swearing by the mashood

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which is the day of Arafah.

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This day my brothers and my sisters is

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not a normal day. It is the best

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day of your life. It is the most

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important day of your life. The messenger salallahu

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alaihi wa sallam told us,

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There isn't any time that you can do

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righteous deeds that is more beloved to Allah

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subhanahu wa ta'ala

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than in these 10 days.

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And from these 10 days is the day

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of Arafah.

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This is the day my brothers and my

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the great aya, the great verse in Quran

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came down.

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A Jew came

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to and he said to him,

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There was an ayah that came down upon

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you Muslims.

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If this ayah came down

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upon us yahud,

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upon us Jews, we would have taken that

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day as a Eid. We would have taken

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that day as the day of celebration.

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So Umar ibn Khattab, he asked him, which

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eye are you speaking about? He said to

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When Allah he said in surah Al Maidah,

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the day when I completed your religion

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and I chose Al Islam as your religion

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and I completed my favor upon you. This

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ayah my brothers and my sisters, it came

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down when the Messenger salallahu alaihi wa sallam

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was given the Khutbatulwada.

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The final farewell khutbah, and he was standing

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in Arafah, and this is when this ayah

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came down. My brothers and my sisters,

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this is the day when the Messenger sallallahu

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alaihi wa sallam he said,

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This is the day that Allah subhanahu wa

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There is no day that Allah frees

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as many necks from the fire.

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Many people are freed from the fire

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on this day. So ask Allah subhanahu wa

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to make you from those who are protected

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from the fire. Then the messenger sallallahu alaihi

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wa sallam he said,

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala comes down. He comes

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close to the servant.

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala

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he begins to boast

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to the malaikah. And he says to them,

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What did they come for?

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Showing them

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that all of these

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judge, whether he is rich, whether he is

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poor, whether he is somebody who's living a

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wonderful lifestyle,

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whether this individual

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is in any part of the world,

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all of them came in these two garments

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for Allah

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There is nothing that separates them

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except these two garments.

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All of them are wearing the same thing

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for Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala,

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begging him to forgive their sins. My brothers

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and my sisters, there was a time when

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the great Tabia'i,

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Abdullah ibn Mubarak,

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Rahimullah wa ta'ala,

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He came to Sufyanath Thuri. He's another great

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savior. And Sufyanath Thuri

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was on his knees

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on the night of Arafah.

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On the night of Arafah, he asked him

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a very

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important question.

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He said to him,

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Who is the worst of the people who

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have come here today? He said,

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The worst of those who came here today

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The one who thinks that Allah subhanahu wa

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is not going to forgive him. My brothers

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and my sisters, this is your opportunity

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that we have been waiting for. We've accumulated

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so many sins

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throughout our lives. We've made so many mistakes.

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We've oppressed so many people. We've backbited so

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many individuals.

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We've slandered.

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We've spoken idle filthy speech.

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This is the day to ask Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala.

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My brothers and my sisters, if we don't

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get forgiven today, when do you think we're

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going to be forgiven? When Allah

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is saying to you, ask me so I

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can forgive you.

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One of the things my brothers and my

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sisters that makes this day so special

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is the fact that the du'a you make

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is being responded back to, is being accepted.

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The messenger said,

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The best dua that a person can make

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is the dua on the day of Arafah.

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And the best thing that I and the

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Prophet said before me is to say,

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Do not feel shy to ask Allah Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala.

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Ask Allah

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with certainty.

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Do not think, maybe if I ask, I

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will get accepted.

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This is the wrong mentality,

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the wrong way to ask Allah

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The messenger salallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said,

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When you make dua,

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make the dua with certainty

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that Allah

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is going to respond back to you. You

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have to be certain that Allah

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can give you anything

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at any place and any time. And I

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always say this my brothers and my sisters,

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the word impossible

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the word impossible

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should not exist

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in the dictionary of a Muslim,

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especially on a day like this.

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The word impossible

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should not exist.

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Anything is possible, my brothers and my sisters,

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on this day. But it requires you to

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ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. In another hadith,

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the messenger salallahu alaihi was telling me

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Allah is too shy, he is too generous

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that when his servant,

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he raises his hands to him, that he

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sends him back empty handed.

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It is you that needs to ask, and

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Allah is too shy to reject you. So

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my brothers and my sisters,

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make the dua for yourselves,

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for your

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difficult time. Make du'a for everyone

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that you know, and yourself especially with all

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the problems that we are going through.

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And last but not least my brothers and

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my sisters, from the Maqasidul Hajj,

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from the objectives of Hajj, is that you

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remember the ambiya.

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That you remember the ambiya, the prophets, the

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and especially the messenger salallahu alaihi wa sallam.

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Some of us, we come from homes, we

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come from backgrounds where we are living a

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very very luxurious lifestyle.

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We have very very wealthy backgrounds.

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We came to Mecca,

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some of us were staying

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in very very high priced hotels,

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some of us were staying in normal hotels.

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If you look at Hajj, my brothers and

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my sisters, it makes a person humble.

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It causes a person to attain

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a characteristic, and that is what

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to become a humble individual.

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I mentioned this in the bus, and I'm

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going to mention it again. The Messenger salallahu

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alaihi wa sallam, they didn't have these buses,

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they didn't have these planes, they didn't have

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virgin Atlantic

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that we might have back home. They used

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to be walking

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on their feet

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in this blazing heat.

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But alhamdulillah,

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Allah gave us these buses.

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Remember these prophets,

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these messengers,

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the messenger salallahu alaihi wa sallam,

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Muhammad ibn Abdullah,

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and also his companions

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who used to walk

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from place to place. You can see how

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much difficulty we are going through

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even though we have all of these things.

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But my brothers and my sisters,

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when you take this principle,

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and you apply in your life, it will

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make you a more thankful individual.

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The messenger said,

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Look at those below you, look at those

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who are less fortunate than you, look at

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those who have less than you, and do

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not look at those above you. Because that

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will make you

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thankful to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

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Always remember this in every aspect of your

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life, whether it is in your marriage, whether

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it is in your families,

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whether it is in your children, whether it

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is in your jobs,

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look at those below you because that will

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make you more thankful.

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All of this that which we are doing

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my brothers and my sisters,

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one aspect, one characteristic,

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one quality

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that we should take back home is thanking

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Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala. Because my brothers and

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my sisters, if you thank

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Allah that He chose you to be here

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today, it could be a reason why Allah

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brings you back again. The Messenger sallallahu alaihi

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wa sallam, or shall I say Allah says,

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This is a favor, this is a blessing

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from Allah

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and He will reward those who are thankful.

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Allah also He says,

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Thank me, and I'm going to give you

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more. How many of us my brothers and

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my sisters, when we came here, when we

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received the news that we are going on

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Hajj, we thanked Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.

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if we didn't my brothers and my sisters,

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we are really really falling short

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because the person who has been blessed,

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he thanks Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and he

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rushes to it. The messenger salallahu alaihi wa

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sallam as he came in the hadith,

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If he was given the good news that

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something of something that makes him happy, he

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would rush

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to making sages of shukr. He would prostrate

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to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala in thanks. That's

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something the least that we can do. My

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brothers my sisters, and perhaps Allah will keep

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giving us more and more and more.

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And inshaAllahu ta'ala now, we're going to pray

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2 duhr and 2 asr, and we're going

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to combine between these 2, insha'Allah ta'ala.

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Yeah. We'll

00:14:44 --> 00:14:46

have to saw our layout. Cut from the

00:14:46 --> 00:14:49

old account. Oh. And because we open Oh,

00:14:49 --> 00:14:50

okay. And because the old account Yes, sir.

00:14:50 --> 00:14:51

Yeah. Yes, sir. Yeah. Yes, sir. Yeah. Yes,

00:14:51 --> 00:14:52

sir. Yeah. Yes, sir.

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