Abu Taymiyyah – Anwar Awlaki & When My Student & Cousin Were Affected SuicideBombing

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The speaker discusses the importance of the Bible and Sun principal to restrict religion. They share a personal story about a brother who used to record lessons online and was punished for doing so. The speaker also talks about how some of their students were exposed to doubts and could have affected their understanding of certain texts.
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Now I'm going to read InshaAllah Ta'ala
how someone is Salif they were
when it comes to
or when it came to the month of
Ramadan. See how I mentioned in the beginning,
brothers and sisters, we're trying to be
like companions,
the tabi'ayn, the tabi'ayn,
tabi'ayn. In everything that we try to do.
It's all good saying that we follow the
Quran and the sunnah
but what is very very important also to
restrict it with the understanding of the Salaf.
With the understanding
of the Salaf.
I can't bring my understanding, or my Sheikh's
or another person's understanding.
The Sheikh, that person who went out and
he studied the religion, he's only here to
do what?
To connect you
to what the Prophet
mentions upon the understanding of the Sahaba.
In the Ramadan, how did they adorn themselves?
Because the moment I start giving you my
or someone else's understanding,
it could be the reason why I become
a lunatic.
And I'll give you an example, and I'm
going to be very straight up about it.
Recent not recently, a couple of years ago,
a family member of mine,
she came out in Facebook and she said,
and she's saying this on a world wide
web, social media,
it could be the reason why you
destroy your religion.
She came out on Facebook, it was a
sister, sister, not even a guy with a
She's promoting on Facebook that it's okay
to go and blow yourself up.
And obviously this hurt, that time I was
still in Yemen, I was trying to, you
know, learn the religion of Allah and because
I know this sister,
it's really, you know, it hurts.
I'm asking you, I'm like commenting,
okay where did you get this from? What
did you do? How did you come to
this conclusion? She's saying that Anwar al Awlaki
told her this. May Allah have mercy upon
him. You know, everyone has these mistakes, and
we ask Allah to forgive everyone who falls
into mistakes. And we ask Allah to forgive
everyone who falls into mistakes. And we ask
Allah to forgive
and we ask Allah to forgive everyone who
falls into mistakes
because He gave her the understanding.
And then when you look at the textual
evidence, the way it was interpreted,
He He was an individual who used to
bring the Quran and the Sunnah
in many of that which he used to
say but then there was that 10%.
It could be the reason why a person,
he goes and he blows himself up.
Wallahi know many people that were affected through
The reason why I'm mentioning this, I'm not
trying to have a dig at him, but
to mention to you that because of the
of certain texts,
it could either make or break a person.
There was this brother
and asked Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to and
I'm going to mention this because it would
really hurt me to see some of these
young kids here,
to go do something crazy like that.
I used to come to Nottingham quite some
Some of you that might know this,
and just so you are wary
and you don't fall into this.
There was a brother who used to come
to my lesson, I used to come to
Nottingham, there's this Masjid on top of a
shop, I think it's called Masjid Sahaba,
and I taught a whole book there called
Al Mubadhi Al Mufida.
There was a brother who used to record
the lessons,
he was a brother who used to record
the lessons
and now you find his name
all over the newspaper.
Nasih was from here, from Nottingham
And I think it's relevant that I mentioned
it because the chapter is called what? It's
called Rayyan. And this brother was called Rayyan
as well.
So he's shaydum bil kalam, the point is
this brother used
to record the lessons and he was very
close, it was from the students that used
to sit here, right in the front.
He was also
the brother who
when I had the reminder speaking about suicide
The suicide bombing, it goes against our religion,
there are so many narrations from the Sunnah.
Whoever kills himself with a piece of iron,
he's going to be punished with it on
He uploaded this online.
What happened was
the lessons were stopped because of some brothers
who were very, very rough and tough. Some
of our brothers who used to study with
me from the Majh,
the people who used to attend the lessons,
they were brothers who were on the fringes
of their religion, some of them newly reverted.
And because of how some of these people
they thought, which was very narrow minded, they
stopped the lesson for whatever reason, don't wanna
go into that. What happened to his brother,
he started being exposed to doubts.
He started being exposed to doubts
and now SubhanAllah that very brother who used
to come very close to me
and write down the lessons
and was from those who was uploading it
onto the internet I knew the issues. Anybody
who studies me will realize
that I'm totally against extremism when it comes
to, you know, killing an innocent soul, suicide
bombing, making a bomb and all sorts.
And then I don't know what happened to
the brother,
he was imprisoned
for making or he wanted to go and
do something like that.
Can you see now the understanding
when you start being exposed to doubts, how
that could change the understanding you have of
certain texts.
Wallahi I will be reading her. Some of
these young kids that are sitting here for
me to find out tomorrow, oh this is
the brother who used to come to your
I will send the article of why they
were in Isma'Deen and it really hurt me.
Someone you've been teaching. One of the,
most beloved things to a teacher is that
if his students are benefiting,
and I felt this about the brother, but
then when he becomes