Abu Taymiyyah – Al-Laamiyah Islamic Belief
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The importance of learning the Bible and finding the right way to pursue one's beliefs is emphasized in the segment on Islam. The discussion touches on topics such as the holy grail, practicing religion, and the weight of various deeds and negative actions on one's scale. The segment ends with a mention of the return of Islam to the United States and the return of Islam to the UK. The discussion also touches on the origin of Islam and the importance of protecting individuals from infection and learning about religion. The use of a gym class is mentioned, and the segment ends with a brief advertisement for a gym class.
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This short poem is to strengthen our understanding
of Allah, issues of Qadr, the unseen, family
of the Messenger, who comes under it, who
is the Sahabi, who are these three golden
Does anyone know who the four were?
The angels of hearts.
The Meezan.
Three things that are going to be weighed
is what?
What is the Haud?
Anyone know some of those that are not
going to be tested in the grave?
Is that enough for me now to enter
into Al-Jannah?
What's the Dalil?
What's the evidence?
Here goes.
Alhamdulillah, Rabbul Alameen.
Wa Salli Wa Sallimu Ala Al-Maba'uthi
Rahmatan Al-Alameen.
Fa'athaw Allahu Shahidan Wa Mubashshiran Wa Nadheera.
Wa Da'ayanan Allahi Bi Idhnihi Wa Sirajan
Wa Neera.
Jazakum Allah Khayran.
May Allah Azzawajal bless every single one of
you guys.
And remember this all the ways, brothers and
The bigger the sacrifice, the bigger the gifts
from Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
Secondly, brothers and sisters.
Today, we're not delivering a lecture.
This is not a lecture today.
Some of you guys may have attended my
lectures in the past.
Fifty minutes, an hour, and then everybody goes
Iman may go up.
You feel great about yourself.
And then, after a week, the Iman just
goes back down again.
This time around, some of you guys may
have noticed, I've just been mainly going through
I've been mainly going through books because we've
done enough lectures.
And I'm a believer in there being a
balance between my prayers, and I'm a believer
in books.
And likewise, lectures.
Through the lectures, you emphasize on the importance
of seeking knowledge.
Unfortunately, because most are not students of knowledge,
they're not theological, right?
There isn't really an importance in many people's
lives with regards to the importance of studying
our creed as Muslims, what the representation of
Islam is.
All of that is almost non-existent in
many households.
This is why we deliver a lot of
these lectures, in order to pull people in,
in order to seek knowledge and to take
the Deen of Islam so much more seriously.
Even when you think about a lot of
the, as we're going to come into inshallah
in a short while, a lot of problems
that people run into, right?
It's simply because a lack of knowledge, a
prevalence of ignorance.
This is why I always say to the
brothers and sisters, if I didn't take anything
away from the ten years that I was
studying, other than the fact that we're able
to navigate and maneuver around the people's problems,
it would have been more than enough, right?
That's just a tiny bit of it, right?
A tiny bit of the knowledge that is
there for people to acquire, right?
So inshallah ta'ala, today will be a
I'm hoping to finish it in two hours.
I'm hoping to finish it for two hours,
because I know some of you guys have
somewhere to go at 8pm, right?
But very likely I may end up going
over it by a little while, inshallah ta
So my brothers and my sisters, before I
start this manzooma, I want to mention the
We are not learning aqeedah, my brothers and
my sisters, in order to engage in disputations
and argumentations, right?
I'll say that again.
We're not learning this creed, right?
The belief that a Muslim should hold, in
order to jump online now and start debating
and engaging in argumentations and disputations on social
media platforms such as Twitter, or which is
known now as X.
We are learning the creed of a Muslim
in order to strengthen our understanding of Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala, and to also gain
an understanding with regards to the unseen aspects
that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala in his
Quran and likewise the Messenger ﷺ has mentioned,
And before I move on to the second
point, my brothers and my sisters, and I
think this is very very important for us
to really comprehend.
One may say to himself upon going through
some of the matters of the unseen that
we will be covering in this manzooma, people
always ask, how do I know that this
is actually the truth?
Some of the aspects of the Quran, right?
There is a chance that it is something
How would you answer that, my brothers and
my sisters, right?
A lot of the matters of the unseen
that we may be covering today are issues
that me and you cannot see with the
naked eye, right?
They are promises that we will be able
to acquire in the hereafter.
This is when the importance of studying your
religion comes in extremely handy.
It's a common doubt, right?
That is exasperated in university settings, right?
There are people over there, my brothers and
my sisters, they are learning about our religion,
Spending days and nights learning about the Muslim's
Not so he can become guided, but rather
to use it against the Muslim.
And this is one of the doubts that
gets thrown around.
First and foremost, my brothers and my sisters,
with regards to this Quran, right?
This book that Allah subhana wa ta'ala
has sent down.
This Quran that Allah subhana wa ta'ala
has sent down, as later on inshallah we
will speak about the Quran being the speech
of Allah subhana wa ta'ala, right?
And his divinity.
However, now very very quickly, my brothers and
my sisters, in the Quran, as Allah subhana
wa ta'ala tells us, a challenge, right?
Was sent out to the most eloquent of
The Quran is in which language?
It's in the Arabic language, right?
It's in the Arabic language.
They were challenged.
Because they began to deny and doubt the
book of Allah azza wajal, right?
So they were challenged.
In order to produce a Quran of similar
kind, like Allah azza wajal, he says, قُلْ
لَإِنْ اجْتَمَعَتِ الْإِنسُ وَالْجِنُ عَلَىٰ يَأْتُوا بِمِثْلِ هَذَا
الْقُرْآنِ لَا يَأْتُونَ بِمِثْلِهِ وَلَوْ كَانَ بَعْضُهُمْ لِبَعْضٍ
ظَهِرًا Sayyidina Muhammad, if the jinn and the
ins were to come together in order to
produce a Quran of such, they wouldn't be
able to do so.
This was the first out of the three
challenges that Allah subhana wa ta'ala sent
down, right?
In order for them to meet.
These are no ordinary Arabs.
They are the most eloquent of Arabs, my
brothers and my sisters.
They weren't able to produce it, so Allah
subhana wa ta'ala made it easy for
You can't produce this whole Quran.
How many pages in the Quran, brothers and
By the way brothers, inshallah you'll get breaks,
600 pages in the Quran.
Produce something similar to that.
They weren't able to do so.
So it was made easier.
Allah says in the Quran, أَمْ يَقُولُونَ افْتَرَاهُ
قُلْ فَأْتُوا بِعَشْرِ ثُوَّرٍ مِثْلِهِ مُفْتَرَيَاتٍ Right?
Produce 10 chapters of the Quran.
Fabricate it.
Make it fabricated.
Just produce something similar to it.
They weren't able to do so, my brothers
and my sisters.
What are the 10 smallest chapters in the
Where does it start from?
It would just start from what?
Surah Al-Fil.
Small surah, right?
They weren't able to produce anything like that.
So Allah Azza wa Jalla decided to make
it easy for them.
What was the third?
Verse that was sent down as a challenge.
وَإِن كُنْتُمْ فِي رَيْبٍ مِمَّا نَزَلْنَا عَلَىٰ عَبْدِنَا
فَأْتُوا بِي Had to be surah.
Produce one chapter.
What's the smallest chapter in the Quran?
It's sent.
إِنَّا عَطَيْنَاكَ الْكَوْثَرَ فَصَلِّ لِرَبِّكَ وَنْحَىٰ إِنَّ شَانِيَكَ
هُوَ الْأَبَطَىٰ They weren't able to produce anything
like it, my brothers and my sisters.
You have a man in the middle of
the desert.
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.
He didn't have modern day technology.
To be able to discover some of the
things that were mentioned in the Quran.
Such as that which relates to the embryo.
It's been mentioned in such detail.
That it's impossible for a man in the
middle of the desert.
To just fabricate something like this.
And up until now, my brothers and my
They weren't able to produce anything like it.
Likewise, when you look at the chain of
Whether it may be the Quran or the
Sunnah of the Messenger ﷺ.
Do you guys know of any religion, my
brothers and my sisters.
When it comes to a report.
Which we claim to be divine.
Has to go through such scrutiny.
Before we end up accepting it.
Every reporter in that chain of narration.
Needs to be triple checked.
Making sure that it's trustworthy.
There's a whole science.
Called Mustalah Al-Hadith.
Which is dedicated to making sure.
That we can accept this chain of transmission.
That has come with a report.
This, my brothers and my sisters, is the
difference between.
The Quran and any other current book that
people follow today.
So we accept that this Quran, my brothers
and my sisters, is unchallenged.
It is divine.
It is the speech of Allah SWT.
And it hasn't been tampered with.
And this is from the miracles of the
It's from the miracles of the Quran.
That it hasn't been tampered with.
From the time that it was sent down.
All the way up until now.
Millions have memorized the book of Allah SWT.
I greet my brothers and my sisters.
But when someone memorizes the Gospel.
I remember years ago.
I came across an article on the BBC.
I believe it was.
That someone memorized the Gospel.
It was what?
A fraction of the Quran.
There was a big deal about it.
The Quran has been preserved as Allah SWT
sent down over 1400 years ago.
We are going to preserve it.
Every letter, every word, every sentence.
It is preserved in the book of Allah
And whenever they try to tamper with it.
We always find out.
You get some of these apps.
That have Islamic names.
Or these websites that have Islamic names.
But they are trying to infiltrate Islam.
In their works.
My brothers and my sisters.
I'll give you guys an example.
It in fact happened here.
And I mentioned it in many of the
Just to show you.
How every letter.
And also every kathar of fatha and dhamma
is preserved.
You guys remember my brothers and my sisters.
That viral video.
And it was Sheikh Abdul Ghaffar.
I believe his name is.
They call him the gaffa.
Who is leading.
And by the way my brothers and my
He is Mutqin.
He barely ever mistakes.
When it comes to reciting the book of
Allah SWT.
Or he barely ever falls into mistake.
When leading Taraweeh.
A little kid behind him.
Is listening to the recitation of the Imam.
What did he say?
Faman tabi'a hudaya.
What's the correct version?
Faman tabi'a hudaya.
Wala la?
Huh Abdullahi?
Are you mixing the two up?
Faman tabi'a hudaya.
He said.
And then the little child corrects him.
Faman tabi'a hudaya.
Fala yadillo wala yashgha.
It has been preserved to that extent.
No one can just turn up and start
tampering with the book of Allah SWT.
So the Quran my brothers and my sisters.
Is haq.
The speech of Allah SWT is the truth.
So we've accepted that.
There should be no hesitation when it comes
to accepting.
Whatever Allah SWT has informed.
Every single one of us with regards to
the matters of the unseen.
So this is what we want to achieve.
Through these sittings inshallah today.
We want to be able to increase our
To learn about what a Muslim needs to
hold as his doctrine.
The purpose isn't disputations and argumentations.
And to now start causing tensions at home.
You've learned a little something then you go
And then you start shoving it down the
throats of your parents.
Or to start walking around arrogantly.
To start walking around arrogantly.
As if you have some sort of green
That you are now entitled to Al-Jannah.
Because of what you've learned now.
Inshallah your belief system.
Is important.
In fact extremely important.
As I will come to inshallah speak about
it in a moment.
Remember you also.
Despite the aqeedah that you embrace.
You still have to what?
Do righteous deeds.
This is very very important.
Hey my brothers and my sisters.
I've seen a lot of people fall.
They learn a little bit.
And then he's walking around as if he's
on cloud nine.
We're trying to get closer to Allah SWT.
Through that which we are learning.
Even if you now begin to believe that
you have the correct aqeedah.
My brothers and my sisters.
There's still a long way to go.
For those who attended my Dora.
We spoke about the concept of worshiping Allah
SWT between two wings.
Does anyone remember it?
Hope and fear.
We balance our pursuit to Allah SWT through
hope and fear.
I do a righteous deed.
I hope that Allah SWT accepts it.
I commit a sin.
I'm fearful of the punishment of Allah SWT.
Because there's a possibility He may punish me
for it.
So we remain on our toes my brothers
and my sisters.
There's still a long way to go.
Before I start the mandumah my brothers and
my sisters.
I have written down here.
Why aqeedah is extremely important.
The importance of aqeedah.
Number one.
My brothers and my sisters.
A lot of the corruption that we see
today my brothers and my sisters.
Would you agree?
That it originated from a belief that one
has embraced.
Think about it for a moment.
Even Ibn Taymiyyah rahmatullahi alayhi.
He says.
You will barely find.
You will barely find someone who has a
corrupt belief.
Except that this will now begin to show
on his limbs.
Now think about it my brothers and my
The way.
The way that people get oppressed and butchered
and massacred.
With what they are doing.
Are they doing this my brothers and my
Based on anything other than a belief?
Do they not believe that they have to
do X, Y and Z?
To our Palestinian brothers and sisters.
This is a belief.
And this belief it didn't just remain in
one's body.
Or inside of his heart.
It begins to profess on one's limbs.
What is happening to our yogurt brothers and
And what is being done to them?
Would you agree my brothers and my sisters?
This originated from a belief.
The way we as Muslims may be treated.
By whoever it might be.
It originates from what?
It originates.
It originates from that which an individual believes.
Agreed my brothers and my sisters?
So am I wrong to say that the
whole world runs on what people believe?
Agreed my brothers and my sisters?
Even today my brothers and my sisters when
you look.
And all of these other isms and schisms.
People now begin to behave a certain way.
He may end up what?
Uttering a statement of kufr.
Sometimes we hear that religion needs to be
So it can what?
Fit within her mindar.
It can fit within what she is looking
It fits her narrative.
It needs to be reinterpreted.
Or when I come to a certain verse
And one of these ladies stands around and
she says.
That this is extremely unjust.
When Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says x,
y and z.
Even though Allah said about himself.
Allah does not oppress anyone.
These are very dangerous statements that an individual
now is uttering.
Extremely dangerous.
These are some of the modern day ideologies.
That today are piercing through the hearts of
And ripping them off their identity, their faith.
That's why it is extremely important my brothers
and my sisters.
For every single one of us to learn
about our aqeedah.
You can take it back to every corruption.
That we have in today's day and age.
It originated from a corrupt belief.
Don't ever forget this.
You will barely find someone with a corrupt
Except that he will now begin to profess
on an individual's limbs.
Whether it may be his tongue.
Whether it may be his hands or his
Number two my brothers and my sisters.
It is from the greatest of causes to
earn the love of Allah subhanahu wa ta
You loving Allah azza wa jal.
And also Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala loving
And when we now begin to learn about
who Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is.
And his names and his attributes again.
When we study the names and attributes of
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
The objective behind is to learn about who
he is.
The primary objective is not now for me
to start debating with others.
The primary objective my brothers and my sisters
is to learn about who Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala is.
Would you guys not agree my brothers and
my sisters?
The more you learn about someone.
The more likely you are going to be
respecting him.
Put your hand up if you are engaged.
Couple of brothers are engaged.
That is the most I have ever had.
Whenever I have asked this question.
Summer season as well right?
Wedding season.
Why did you pick her out of everyone
Because of all the characteristics that you came
to know about her.
Show you a spot for choice huh?
Mr. Handsome.
Mr. Wonderful.
You know all of these ladies and MashaAllah.
You are the chosen one to her.
And she is the chosen one to you.
But why this specific individual?
Simply because of all the things that you
came to know about her.
It's a very very common problem that we
have my brothers and my sisters today.
A lot of young people are given orders
and commandments and prohibitions by their parents or
by their elders to do X, Y and
You tell that young child go and pray.
He doesn't even know who he is praying
He doesn't know anything about Allah.
He doesn't know anything about Al-Islam.
But when his friend says to him go
and do X, Y and Z.
He is ready.
To conform to whatever his friends are asking
him for.
Agreed my brothers and my sisters?
So how do we increase our love for
the Almighty Allah SWT?
The Sustainer, the Disposer of all affairs.
Our Creator.
Learn about Him.
Learn about who Allah SWT is.
And our only source of knowledge that we
have of Allah SWT is what?
His name is Najmiz.
Not that I'm trying to compare Allah SWT.
To Bushra.
But you picked her because of all the
characteristics and traits that you came to know
about her.
And then tomorrow you find out that she
wakes up in the last third of the
And she prays to Allah SWT.
And you're thinking to yourself I've hit the
Because of what you came to know about
Likewise my brothers and my sisters.
It's a similar impact when you learn about
Allah SWT.
When you learn about who He is in
terms of His wisdom.
Why things take place?
Is it because Allah SWT hates you?
Or is it because Allah SWT wants you
to come back up stronger?
And that everything happens for a reason.
Not to punish you my brothers and my
But because Allah SWT has something great awaiting
in store for you.
You will live a very different life my
brothers and my sisters.
Treading this earth on your journey to Allah
See how it impacts your day to day
Whether it may be with people.
Whether it may be with your parents more
Your work colleagues.
And also the calamities and the hardships that
come your way.
The hadith of Aisha radiallahu ta'ala on
her that the messenger of Allah SWT.
Sent a convoy.
And he plays in charge of them.
One of the companions.
And you know what he would do my
brothers and my sisters?
In all of his prayers.
He would read.
Every time he reads the salam my brothers
and my sisters.
He's leading them right?
Next rakah.
And the next time they pray behind him.
And when they went back.
They mentioned this to the messenger of Allah
So the messenger of Allah SWT said.
Ask him why he does that.
So they asked him.
You know what his response was?
Is the attribute of Allah SWT.
The most merciful.
And he said.
And I love to read Surah Ikhlas.
In my prayer.
You know what the messenger of Allah SWT
Tell him that Allah SWT loves him.
This is an individual my brothers and my
Whose heart became filled with the love of
Allah SWT.
And that is because he internalized.
Which can be turned into lectures.
Which can be turned into what?
Into lectures my brothers and my sisters.
Also Ibn Al-Qayyim says.
Who learns about Allah SWT.
His names and his attributes.
And the actions of Allah SWT.
It is a must.
That love will be acquired.
It is a must.
No two ways about it.
So I think every single one of us.
We are going to start what?
Learning about the names and attributes of Allah
After this.
Wallah if you ask me.
I would say that this is key.
Especially in today's day and age.
Especially in today's day and age.
When you have young people.
Being dragged.
Left, right and center.
They are being dragged to different directions.
My brothers and my sisters.
But they don't know nothing about Allah SWT.
Ibn Al-Qayyim also says.
When you learn about your monotheism.
My brothers and my sisters.
It opens the door.
Of goodness and happiness.
You do the right thing.
My brothers and my sisters.
And I always say this to our sisters.
You withholding.
From displaying yourself all over the internet.
Thinking, thinking my brothers and my sisters.
That Prince Charming is not going to come
My brothers and my sisters.
And I've given examples before.
I think last time I delivered a lecture
I delivered a lecture here.
I gave an example of a woman.
Who was conscious of Allah SWT in private.
She was somebody who internalized the capabilities and
actions of Allah.
And then Subhanallah.
Umar Ibn Al-Khattab happened to be patrolling
that night.
And leaning on her wall.
And he heard.
About how conscious she was.
Of Allah SWT's commandments.
And then she ended up getting married.
That was.
As a result of her Tawheed.
Number three my brothers and my sisters.
Being ignorant when it comes to one's Aqeedah.
It could potentially lead to you.
Worshipping nothing.
If you have a misconstrued understanding.
Of who Allah SWT is.
And when it comes to his attributes and
his names.
And also.
His capabilities.
Imagine somebody now.
Holds this belief that Allah SWT has no
And he has no attributes whatsoever.
If you ask him now to describe nothing.
If you ask him now to describe nothing.
It would be similar to when he describes
Allah SWT.
Because he has completely.
Removed all of his names and attributes.
Ibn Al-Qayyim says.
Someone who likens Allah to his creation.
Which we don't do my brothers and my
He eventually will end up what?
Worshipping an idol.
Because the way the idol came about my
brothers and my sisters was.
Or those who came before them.
They will have this idea about how Allah
SWT looks.
And then they would depict him in the
form of.
A Sanam.
A statue.
Or an idol.
And then he says.
Someone who completely.
Removes the names and attributes of Allah SWT.
He says.
He ends up worshipping nothing.
As for the one who thinks without Allah
He worships Al-Wahid and Al-Samad.
How many are we on?
Number four my brothers and my sisters.
An Aqeedah.
A belief my brothers and my sisters.
Is valid in the eyes of Allah SWT.
It could be that all of your hard
good deeds.
My brothers and my sisters are not accepted.
And I'll give you guys an example of.
What Ibn Umar RA mentioned.
He says.
My brothers and my sisters.
The issue of Al-Qadar.
What does Al-Qadar mean?
What does Al-Qadar mean brothers?
It's from one of the six articles of
What Allah SWT has decreed for you.
This is one creedal aspect of many.
This is one creedal aspect of many.
We mentioned that it's one.
Article from the six articles of faith.
Ibn Umar RA is saying.
He swears by Allah.
By the one whom my soul is in
his hand.
Have you guys ever seen Uhud?
Mountain of Uhud.
For those who have gone to Umrah.
You visit Jabal Rumat.
Where the battle of Uhud took place.
And then the guide always points out.
There's a huge mountain there.
He says.
If you have a mountain of Uhud of
In gold which you then give to charity.
It will not be accepted from him.
Until he believes in Al-Qadar.
So this is why here we're being encouraged
To learn about a Muslim's belief system.
Also Allah Azzawajal.
He says to the prophets.
And if they commit shirk.
My brothers and my sisters.
Whatever they used to do.
Will become void.
So again.
It's important for one now to learn about.
That which is correct in terms of his
Also directly the message.
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was told.
You O Muhammad.
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
The greatest man to ever walk on the
face of this earth.
You O Muhammad.
If you commit shirk.
All of your actions will become what?
It will become void.
By the way.
What does shirk mean brothers and sisters?
This is the greatest sin.
It's more greater than murder.
It's more greater than what?
And so on and so forth.
It is to attribute that which is exclusive
to Allah.
To Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
The next point my brothers and my sisters.
Not embracing.
The Aqeedah that is required of us.
My brothers and my sisters.
May well be the reason why we are
thrown into hellfire.
We know the famous hadith of the Prophet
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam when he said.
And that the Muslims are going to what?
Split into 73 sects.
Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said.
All of them are in the hellfire except
Who is this group my brothers and my
When he was asked.
That which I am upon today and my
This my brothers and my sisters is an
encouragement for us.
To try our utmost best.
To do what the Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
And what the companions came with.
We try to imitate them.
We go through the hadith of the Prophet
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
How did the Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam wake
What did the Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam do
when he entered into the bathroom?
Like every step that we take.
Every move that we make.
We try to make sure that this is
in line with.
What the Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and his
companions came.
And by that we increase the chances of
entering into Al-Jannah.
It is their understanding my brothers and my
That we want to live with when navigating
and maneuvering around.
What we have today.
This is why when it comes to how
we practice our religion my brothers and my
We look at the Book of Allah Azawajal.
And the Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam Sunnah.
Upon whose understanding?
The three golden generations.
Who are these three golden generations?
The Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam he told us.
The best generation is my generation and those
who came after them and those who came
after them.
They are referred to as what?
As Salaf.
And when I use this term I am
not speaking about people who are currently breathing
I am speaking about what?
The three golden generations of the past.
It is their understanding that we are in
need of when it comes to understanding our
Having said that my brothers and my sisters.
When it comes to the four Madhahiba we
are against them.
By the way Imam Abu Hanifa Rahmatullahi Alaihi
he met.
Anas Ibn Malik Radhiallahu Ta'ala Anhu.
That is reported by Ibn Kathir and others.
Imam Malik Rahmatullahi Alaihi was from the Tabi
'ut Tabi'in.
Or Atba'ut Tabi'in.
And the other two my brothers and my
Imam Shafi, Imam Ahmed.
They wouldn't fall under the three golden generations
They were great Imams.
These four when it comes to Fiqh.
In taking that journey and understanding Islamic jurisprudence.
And there is no contradiction between the two.
Does that make sense my brothers and my
Having said that my brothers and my sisters.
And I am going to keep repeating this.
We are not walking away today.
Believing that we have some sort of green
card now to enter into Al-Jannah.
This is a disaster.
We are trying to learn as much as
we can.
In order to get closer to Allah Azawajal.
So that we can enter into Al-Jannah.
A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem.
He mentions.
In regards to what I was speaking about
In following the three golden generations.
He says.
The position of the people of the Sunnah
and Jama'ah is a very old belief.
It is not something that I am personally
coming with.
Well, before Allah Azawajal created the four great
It is the Madhab of the Sahaba.
That which they took from their Prophet.
Why am I mentioning this my brothers and
my sisters?
When we study this Manthumah Ibn Taymiyyah.
Well, you know the Manthumah has been ascribed
to him.
And there is a difference of opinion as
to whether it is his or whether it
is not.
We go off with the view that it
is his.
He mentions right at the end.
That whatever I am mentioning to you guys
is not something that is exclusive to me.
This is the belief of the four great
Imams and so on and so forth.
And last but not least my brothers and
my sisters.
Before I start the Manthumah, the poem.
The Messenger ﷺ when it came to the
belief system of a Muslim.
It would irritate him if he was opposed.
Simply because of how serious it is.
We know through a Hadith of the Prophet
Abu Huraira RA one time he said the
Messenger ﷺ entered upon us.
And we were arguing about Al-Qadar.
And the Messenger ﷺ had this.
He became angry to the point that his
face became red.
What does that show us my brothers and
my sisters?
That the Aqidah is a light matter.
It is extremely extremely important.
And then he turned to us.
He said.
Is this what you are commanded with?
Or is this why I was sent to
When it comes to the Aqidah you begin
to dispute and argue amongst yourselves.
And then he said the people before you
they were destroyed.
Simply because they started arguing about these things.
I say to you.
And I want you guys to agree to
what I am saying.
And to fulfill this commandment.
That you do not dispute about these things.
Also one time SubhanAllah.
In the time of Abdullah ibn Umar.
Yahya ibn Ya'mar and also Abdur-Rahman Al
Who were from the Tabi'in.
They went to the Kaaba.
The narrator says.
Either it was for Hajj or for Umrah.
And they said to Abdullah ibn Umar upon
running into him.
Indeed has appeared a group of people who
recite the book of Allah Azawajal.
And they claim to have knowledge.
And then he mentioned about them.
They claim the following my brothers and my
I am going to now demonstrate it.
This group of people that appeared in the
time of Abdullah ibn Umar.
And it is really really upsetting.
Because they began to change what the message
of Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam came with.
They would claim.
I am going to drop this.
To make a point.
I dropped the phone.
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala does not know
that the phone has been dropped until after
it has been dropped.
And the issues of Qadr my brothers and
my sisters.
Is extremely extremely important and relevant.
Especially in today's day and age as well.
Directly linked to the issues of atheism.
Where one now begins to completely deny Allah
Why certain things take place and if there
is really a God.
You can see that the topic what?
It eventually comes back to the issues of
So when some of these topics are taught.
It should be tweaked in a way that
is relevant.
In order to tackle some of the ideologies.
That are currently rampant in today's day and
Such as atheism.
So these corrupt beliefs.
Were there.
And as time went on.
Shaytan just looked for different ways to package
In order to cause people to go astray.
And atheism my brothers and my sisters is
a product of that.
Again, importance of aqidah my brothers and my
So ala kulli haal.
Upon hearing this.
You know what Ibn Umar said to Abdur
Al-Himyari and also Yahya Ibn Ya'mar.
When you see these people.
Fa idha laqita olaika.
Fa akhbirhum.
Tell them anni bari.
I am free from them.
Ana bariun minhum.
Wa anhum bura'un minni.
And they are what?
Free from me.
And then he mentioned what I said earlier.
When he swore by Allah subhanahu wa ta
By the one whose soul is in my
If they were not to spend in charity.
That which is equivalent to a mountain of
gold like Uhud.
It will not be accepted from them until
They believe in al-qadr.
To proceed now my brothers and my sisters.
We'll get straight into the poem.
As I said earlier.
I kind of touched on.
Whether this poem.
Is in fact.
The poem of Ibn Taymi Rahmatullahi Alayhi.
Some say it's not.
Some say it is.
Whether it is or not my brothers and
my sisters.
Whatever the case may be.
Ibn Taymi Rahmatullahi Alayhi.
Has other statements.
Whether it may be in the Majmu' al
Or some of his other books.
That are exactly in line with what we're
going to be.
Taking insha'Allah wa ta'ala in this
month of Umar.
It's a very nice short poem.
Where we learn a little bit.
About our aqeedah.
As a Muslim.
So Ibn Taymi Rahmatullahi Alayhi.
For those who don't know him.
Does anyone know his name?
What's his name?
Is that his name?
It is Ahmed Ibn Abdul Halim.
Ibn Abdul Salam.
Ahmed Ibn Abdul Halim Ibn Abdul Salam.
His nickname is what?
His nickname is Taqiyyuddin.
And Taymiyah my brothers and my sisters.
Believe it or not.
Is actually what?
A woman's name.
It is a woman's name.
Is attributed to his grandmother.
Or should I say great grandmother.
The Arabs when they say grandmother.
They mean by it.
Wa ma ala.
And she was a righteous woman.
And SubhanAllah.
The whole family eventually ended up being attributed.
To this lady.
Even though.
There was many scholars within the family.
Another great scholar within the family is.
Al Majd.
The grandfather.
Of Ibn Taymi Rahmatullahi Alayhi.
His name is Abdul Salam.
Are you brothers and sisters with me?
What does that show you?
That it could be.
Whatever it might be.
Or whoever it might be.
Because of the virtue that becomes associated to.
It ends up dragging everything else with it
as well.
And this is.
And I don't want to of course compare
this situation with the Quran.
But the notion that I just mentioned right
Whatever the Quran touches.
It makes it great.
Just to show you that.
If something is great.
My brothers and my sisters.
Or one does a noble thing.
He ends up dragging the things around it.
Towards his direction.
If you look at Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi
He became the greatest of the prophets.
When you look at Angel Jibreel.
He became the greatest of the angels.
When you look at the greatest of places.
Which is what?
It became the greatest of the places.
Because of the Quran that came down upon
And he can become the greatest of the
people as well.
My brothers and my sisters.
If you learn the book of Allah Azza
wa Jal.
You surround yourself with Khair.
You will see.
A lot of things gravitating towards you.
So he says.
He says.
Oh you who asks about my Aqeedah.
And that which I follow.
My Madhab.
The person who is looking for guidance.
My brothers and my sisters.
If he searches for it.
He goes out his way now to be
Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la will
eventually what?
Guide him.
You guys heard the story of Salman Al
He went from one religion to another.
And eventually found Islam.
If you show Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta
That you really badly want something.
There is no reason as to why Allah
Azza wa Jal should reject you.
You're sincere in that.
Allah says.
Allah sees that goodness in your heart.
He'll give it to you.
And from the way to really show Allah
Azza wa Jal that you badly want guidance.
Is to call on him.
To ask him constantly.
What are we taught in Surah Al-Fatiha?
We may read it but we might not
necessarily internalize it.
17 times a day.
Ya Allah guide me to the right path.
Even there is a dua.
That is highly preferable and advisable.
That an individual.
You know.
Asks Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la
through his dua.
Because of the meaning that it carries.
Oh Allah show me the truth.
And grant me the ability to follow it.
And show me the falsehood.
And that which goes against the truth.
And allow me now to stay away from
And of course you have the excessive dua
that the Messenger of Allah would make all
the time.
Oh turn off the heart.
Keep my heart firm upon your religion.
So he says to my brothers and my
Oh you who asks about my madhab and
my aqeedah.
I thought I mentioned it earlier but I
What is the meaning of aqeedah my brothers
and my sisters?
Is that which one ties to his heart.
In terms of religion.
That which an individual ties to his heart
in terms of religion.
He says Right?
We've touched on a little bit.
There are different types of hidayah.
Different types of hidayah.
The first type that I'm going to mention
my brothers and my sisters.
Different types of guidances that I think is
worth mentioning.
This is a general type of guidance.
Which is Guiding the creation to that which
is going to rectify their dunya.
Normally under this couplet my brothers and my
sisters there would only be two types that
I mentioned.
I'm going to mention four.
Very very quickly inshallah ta'ala.
And these are general types of guidances.
When Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala guides the
And a young child my brothers and my
sisters to be able to feed itself.
Who taught the child my brothers and my
The ability to suckle.
Who taught him that?
And he just came into this world.
Did the mother start teaching him?
This is the hidayah of Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala upon this individual.
Or upon this child.
And likewise the animals as soon as they
come into this world.
They are able what?
To feed themselves.
They are able to quench their thirst.
Allah azawajal grants them a guidance.
Number two my brothers and my sisters.
Is hidayatul ahlul jannati ilal jannati wal naar
ilal naar.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala guiding the people
of jannah and the people of the hellfire
to the hellfire.
Number three my brothers and my sisters.
And number four very very important.
And it will help us put things into
Hidayatul tawfiq wal ilham.
This is the third one.
And then you have the fourth one.
Hidayatul da'wati wal bayani wal ifshad.
Pay attention my brothers and my sisters.
There are two verses in the Quran.
Where Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is addressing
his prophet.
Number one.
When the prophet's uncle passed away.
A verse came down.
Does anyone know the verse that came down?
Messenger of Allah try to guide him.
This is an uncle.
My brothers and my sisters.
They used to defend the messenger of Allah.
Helped him in his cause, in his da
You oh Muhammad.
You do not guide the people that you
But it is Allah azza wa jalla that
guides people.
But then in another verse Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala says.
You oh Muhammad.
You are going to guide the people to
the right path.
How do you reconcile between the two?
How do you reconcile between the two my
brothers and my sisters?
You are able to direct the people to
that which they should follow.
To Islam.
To what the Sunnah of the messenger of
Allah is.
You can show the people.
However can you grab that guidance and place
it in people's hearts?
You can't.
This is something that even some of the
prophets couldn't do my brothers and my sisters.
Some of the prophets couldn't do this my
brothers and my sisters.
You have the wife of who?
You also have the wife of?
It is mentioned in which surah?
Surah Al-Tahrim.
The two wives who did not embrace Islam.
They didn't accept.
In fact they were upon disbelief.
Nuh peace be upon him.
He tells his son.
Son get on the ship.
Don't worry dad.
I'm going to go all the way on
top of the mountain and I'll be saved
from this flood.
Was he saved?
No he wasn't.
The prophets couldn't save them.
When he talks about the different traps and
tricks that he has up his sleeve.
Very very quickly.
The first, he tries to get you to
do kufr.
Number two, he can't get you to do
He tries to get you to do what?
Number three, he can't get you to do
these two.
He now moves on to what?
Major sins.
Number four, he can't get you to do
major sins my brothers and my sisters.
What does he trap you with?
Minor sins.
He can't get you to do any of
these four.
You are a top guy in the eyes
of the devil now.
He tries to busy you with number five
which is, that which is less beneficial from
that which is more beneficial.
That's five.
And number six, Ibn Qayyim mentions, this is
something that even the prophets had a lot
of trouble with.
And they couldn't prevent it.
Using your family my brothers and my sisters
now, the devil uses your family in order
to misguide you.
Or to lead you astray.
Or to harm you.
Mocking you.
Ah, Mr. Righteous, huh?
Yesterday you were doing all this haram, and
now you want to tell me what is
right and what is wrong?
Sounds a little bit like Fir'aun.
You know Fir'aun when he said to
When Musa came to him, when Musa came
to him with the da'wah to Al
-Islam, you know what he said to him?
You, you, you're a kafir bro.
You did all of that stuff and now
You're from the kafir.
Allahumma sa'al.
So my brothers and my sisters, right?
Showing the people the right path.
However, the guidance who places it inside of
the heart, my brothers and my sisters, there's
none other than Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
And no one has the capability to, right?
Insert that guidance into your heart other than
And then he concludes the line of poetry
by saying what?
I think this is very very important.
To ask my brothers and my sisters.
To pursue that guidance.
And you can only get the answers to
your questions if you ask.
To remove that ignorance that you are suffering
That's why one time my brothers and my
sisters, in the time of the messenger sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam, there was a man who
was struck in the head.
And when he was struck in the head,
my brothers and my sisters, he passed out.
Upon waking up, he woke up in the
state of Janabah.
So he asked around him, what should I
They all told him, you need to go
and have a bath.
A purification bath.
You need to do ghusl.
He ended up doing the ghusl, he ended
up what?
Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam became furious.
He said, They killed him.
May Allah kill them.
And then he said to them, my brothers
and my sisters, Why didn't they ask?
If they didn't know?
Indeed, the cure to ignorance, my brothers and
my sisters, is to ask.
It's a sickness, my brothers and my sisters,
to be ignorant.
And you can only uplift that from yourself
if you ask.
And then he goes on to say, my
brothers and my sisters, Right?
Listen to the speech of the one who
has asserted the truth.
You may think to yourself, my brothers and
my sisters, here, if this is in fact
the statement of Ibn Taymiyya rahmatullahi alayhi, it
comes across a little bit arrogant.
I found the truth, this is the truth,
the only truth, and nothing but the truth.
And that is because my brothers and my
sisters, he exerted all of his efforts in
order to try and find that which was
apparent to him to be the truth.
And I read out what's in, or what
you can find in majmoo' al fatawa.
Perhaps it will put things into perspective.
He said, right, after putting down a belief
system for those who asks him, he wrote
it down for him and he sent it
to him.
Whatever now I've compiled here, my brothers and
my sisters, he says, right, after trying to
find the correct answers and to find that
which, right, is in line with the truth,
my brothers and my sisters, he says, this
is not specific and exclusive to Imam Ahmad
rahmatullahi alayhi.
Imam Ahmad rahmatullahi alayhi is someone who conveys
that which was sent down upon the messenger
salallahu alayhi wasalam.
And then he says, and this is a
very very important aspect of how we navigate
and maneuver around that which we may be
challenged with.
He says, If
Imam Ahmad rahmatullahi alayhi came with something from
his own accord with regards to what a
Muslim needs to believe, we wouldn't accept it.
Unless it came from Muhammad salallahu alayhi wasalam.
Up until he goes on to say, my
brothers and my sisters, I've given
anyone who differs with me on that which
I have put forward, right, three years he
Three years you have, please correct me.
This is the humility of Ibn Taymiyyah rahmatullahi
He tried to find the right answer.
And then he said to his opponents, three
years, I'm more than happy to revisit any
of these positions.
I'm more than happy to revisit any of
these positions that I have.
So I can then what?
Look into it more or perhaps even retract.
And then he says, Right?
So my brothers and my sisters, just to
give you guys some sort of confidence with
regards to what we're studying, it didn't just
come out of thin air.
He's saying, what I'm about to go through,
right, that which I'm about to relate right
now, it's not specific to Imam Ahmad.
This was the belief of Imam Ahmad.
But even then, it's not actually specific to
Because what Imam Ahmad came with, he says,
it is that which the Messenger of Allah
came with.
And this is what we want to embrace
as Muslims with regards to one's belief system.
Then he goes on to say, my brothers
and my sisters, this is now, which line
of poetry?
For those who have it, what are we
We're on line number three, guys.
That's considered one and then two and like
He says, The love of
the companions is what I follow.
Here he said, all of the companions.
There's an addition here for those who know
the Arabic language.
All of the companions, loving them is my
belief as a Muslim.
Loving, right?
The relatives of the Messenger ﷺ is a
good deed that I seek a means of
tawassul to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
And I'll explain inshallah wa ta'ala in
a moment, what that actually means.
Who's the sahabi, my brothers and my sisters?
He said, anyone that saw the Prophet ﷺ,
is that it?
This is a deficient ta'rif.
And then he died and he didn't die
upon deviance.
Anyone else?
He says, anyone that met the Messenger ﷺ.
The best ta'rif, the best definition my
brothers and my sisters is the definition of
Ibn Hajar.
He says, every person who met the Messenger
ﷺ and believed in him.
Because there are those who met the Messenger
ﷺ but did they actually believe in him?
You guys bringing into Islam the hypocrites, guys?
Come on, what's wrong?
Also what?
He died upon Islam.
And he also what?
Died upon Islam.
It could be someone that met the Messenger
ﷺ believed in him and then he apostated.
Is he now a companion my brothers and
my sisters?
Is he a companion?
Hi Jama'ah.
The scholars are different into two.
He met the Messenger ﷺ believed in him
but then died upon kufr.
Is he a sahabi?
He loses he loses the privilege of being
called a sahabi.
What if now my brothers and my sisters?
He met the Messenger ﷺ he believed in
And then he apostated while the Messenger ﷺ
was alive and then re-entered into Islam
after the Messenger ﷺ passed away.
Does he keep the privilege of being referred
to as a companion?
There's a difference of opinion but the sahih
qawl is that he does.
This is why my brothers and my sisters
what we're just taking now is extremely important
I'll tell you guys why.
Because the way the companions are dealt with
in our religion is very different to everyone
The sahaba they have a virtue and they
have a grace my brothers and my sisters
that is unparalleled to anyone else.
Are you guys with me?
They cannot be compared to anyone.
That is outside the realm of being a
So I'm going to inshallah ta'ala mention
that there are three rights when it comes
to the companions.
Three rights.
The last thing that we want is you
guys to start speaking badly about the companions
and jeopardize your akhirah my brothers and my
It's important that we mention this because you're
going to go online and you'll see people
insulting Aisha insulting Umar insulting Uthman insulting Umar,
Uthman and so on.
Number one my brothers and my sisters peace
be upon their hearts and their tongues for
the companions of the messenger of Allah peace
be upon him.
Not holding any negativity Right?
in your heart towards the companions and not
being vile towards them.
The way of the believer as Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala mentioned is والذين جاؤوا من
بعدهم يقولون اش Those who came after them
يقولون رَبَّنَا اغْفِرْ لَنَا وَالْإِخْوَانِنَا الَّذِينَ سَبَقُونَ
بِالْإِمَانِ From the traits of these believers my
brothers and my sisters is that they make
dua for those who preceded them in iman.
Ya Allah forgive them.
Those who preceded us in faith Right?
Making dua to Allah azawajal to forgive them.
And the messenger of Allah peace be upon
him clearly and explicitly mentioned my brothers and
my sisters He
swore by Allah He swore by Allah The
messenger of Allah peace be upon him said
Do not insult my companions.
And then he swore by Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala If you were to spend Right?
If you were to spend in gold the
size of Uhud my brothers and my sisters
you will not be able to come anywhere
near them Anywhere near them my brothers and
my sisters in simple terms Right?
They are a group of people my brothers
and my sisters that no one will ever
be like because Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
praised them and he gave them tazkiyah Right?
And also when you think about it my
brothers and my sisters Would you agree that
insulting the companions is in essence insulting Islam
Because they witnessed the revelation coming down They
carried it and then they went and spread
it Learn about them my brothers and my
sisters what they went through and Wallahi you
are going to take them as your role
models Today we hear about we don't have
any role models Wallahi This is a lie
This is a lie We have enough examples
and role models amongst the companions in how
to live our lives when it comes to
courage when it comes to being truthful when
it comes to submission when it comes to
humility We have that amongst companions How to
deal with our wives How to deal with
our children We have all of that my
brothers and my sisters within the companions Right?
Because we are short on time my brothers
and my sisters Like I said before I
asked you guys to learn about what after
we leave today The names and attributes of
Allah Azza wa Jal I also I'm going
to ask you guys now to learn about
something else and that is the lives of
these companions You want your Iman also to
go up my brothers and my sisters Learn
about their lives In just about every aspect
of life they were role models in that
And where did they take this from?
None other than the Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
Even though we had so much going on
He still gave time to the people Number
two my brothers and my sisters The right
that they have over us is To ask
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to be pleased
with them Whenever the names are mentioned What
do we say?
We ask Allah Azza wa Jal to have
mercy upon them This is the rights that
they have upon us Number three my brothers
and my sisters It's from the signs of
someone who follows the Sunnah of the Messenger
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam To withhold to bite our
tongues from the things that happened between the
companions Certain times of the years my brothers
and my sisters you will hear certain individuals
upping what they begin to say about the
companions Right?
Are you brothers and sisters with me?
This happened That happened amongst the companions and
this that What we believe my brothers and
my sisters as individuals who are trying to
follow the Qur'an and the Sunnah of
the Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam Yes, there were
issues that happened between the companions Right?
Like the two companions Ali Ibn Abi Talib
R.A. and also who?
Muawiyah Ibn Abi Sufyan However is it our
place now to start criticizing this one and
criticizing that one?
No Right?
Even though we believe that Ali R.A.
was more correct Having said that that shouldn't
take away from one accepting that Muawiyah R
.A. is a companion of the Messenger Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam and that he was someone that
used to write down the revelation with his
pen Ibn Taymiah R.A. my beloved brothers
and sisters he says A lot of the
reports that you will find regarding the issues
that happened between the companions my brothers and
my sisters Right?
A lot of it are lies And some
reports have had things added on to it
A bit like Chinese whispers What happens with
Chinese whispers my brothers and my sisters It
goes from one person to another and then
things are added and then the guy might
forget and so on and so forth and
sometimes things are taken out and whatever is
valid and authentic Right?
The Sahaba my brothers and my sisters are
Mujtahidun We've heard the famous hadith The Prophet
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam Right?
If the Hakim now the ruler he tries
to pass a ruling and he's incorrect in
that then he gets one reward or the
Mufti Right?
The Qadi the judge and so on and
so forth He gets one reward If he
gets it right then he gets two rewards
But since Allah said this and the Sahaba
all of them my brothers and my sisters
in terms of the decisions and actions that
they had to take They are Mujtahidun in
that They strive to get the right answer
and they are between either what either correct
or mistaken but either way they are getting
reward So beware my brothers and my sisters
to ever speak ill of any of the
companions Right?
Also Muhammad Ibn Sirin who was from the
students of Abu Hurair R.A You know
what he said?
He says when the fitna that happened it
reached boiling point Right?
The companions my brothers and my sisters they
were 10,000 and those who attended some
of these battles that took place Right?
He says 100 But Radhi says it doesn't
even reach 30 of them Right?
Even when they say about Aisha R.A
on her and they make all of these
claims about her Right?
When she went out and I know I'm
speaking in very coded language here or very
summarized version of it Right?
She never went out in order to claim
rulership my brothers and my sisters She wanted
in fact to rectify between the two groups
that were there Now when it comes to
Loving the family of the messenger S.A
.W is a good deed that I see
closeness to Allah S.W.T Right?
When we say the family of the messenger
S.A.W my brothers and my sisters
who comes under it?
These four my brothers and my sisters The
family of Ali Right?
Who comes under that?
Hassan and Hussain Right?
Al-Ali Anyone here from the Prophet's family?
We have one brother Al-Ali Al
-Abbas Also The family of Al-Abbas Number
three Al-Jafar And then Al-Aqeel Right?
When we say We intend by these four
that we just mentioned And We know my
brothers and my sisters through the texts Right?
Through the texts That The family of Al
-Aqeel or the family of Al-Aqeel They
have a privilege The messenger S.A.W.
specifically made mention of them to be safeguarded
to be protected Right?
To be treated with kindness and so on
and so forth Then comes my brothers and
my sisters the controversial topic of Hussain What
is it that we should believe with regards
to Hussain?
Ibn Taymiyyah says the following I keep mentioning
Ibn Taymiyyah because this Manthooma this poem has
been attributed to Ibn Taymiyyah As I mentioned
before Right?
That which Ibn Taymiyyah mentions in this Manthooma
or that which is attributed to him You
can find it elsewhere Right?
Sometimes We are made to look like as
if we hate the messenger S.A.W.'s
family Right?
My brothers and my sisters No!
Absolutely not Right?
If you deny that which the messenger S
.A.W. has specifically made mention of and
you negate it and you claim complete otherwise
Then my brothers and my sisters can actually
take you out of the fold of Islam
Ibn Taymiyyah says وَأَمَّا مَنْ قَتَلَ الْحُسَيْنَ أَوْ
أَعَانَ عَلَىٰ قَتْلِهَ أَوْ رَضِيَ بِذَلِكَ فَعَلَيْهِ لَعْنَةُ
اللَّهِ وَالْمَلَائِكَةِ وَالنَّاسِ أَجْمَعِينَ لَا يَقْبَلَ اللَّهُ مِنْهَا
صَرْفًا وَالْعَدْلَىٰ Whoever killed Hussain or aided and
assisted in him being killed or is pleased
with it then upon him is the caste
of Allah and everyone else and Allah Azzawajal
will not accept anything from him Right?
So we love and in fact we have
to love the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam his
family because the Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said
I leave with you these two great things
One is bigger than the other Kitabullah The
Book of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala and
the Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said It is
a rope from the heavens all the way
to the earth Ya'ni hold on to
it and also he said Right?
My family the Ahlul Bayt In another hadith
the Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said Right?
I remind you of my family I remind
you of my family and I remind you
of my family In another narration the Messenger
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said He
said keeping ties with the family of the
Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam is more beloved to
me than keeping ties with my own family
To conclude this point my brothers and my
sisters I'm going to mention what the Sheikh
Muharram Mokhtar Al-Shalqiti mentioned Right?
He says Some
people my
brothers and my sisters he says that when
it comes to the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam's
family and everyone else they see them as
equals Right?
They see them as equals from the family
of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam I think
it's very very important my brothers and my
sisters Right?
It's a point of contention You say to
him Brother this is a person from the
family of the Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and
then he says Brother One is only honorable
if he has Taqwa downplaying the emphasis that
the Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam gave to the
kindness that one should show to the family
of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam Right?
and he says to the point that one
begins to wish that he didn't even say
that this person is Sharif Right?
and then the Sheikh goes on to say
One Right?
will not be honorable except with the Taqwa
However the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam mentioned to
us specifically and explicitly that their lineage is
honorable that their lineage is honorable Right?
whether you like it whether you are satisfied
with it or not this is the rights
that the Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam talked about
with regards to what the family of the
Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam he says if you
honor an individual who is from the family
of the Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam you are
an honorable individual having said all of that
my brothers and my sisters how do we
reconcile between everything we may see an individual
who is from the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
family and he is insulting the companions Right?
just because now he is from the family
of the Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam does that
mean he is entitled to go and do
whatever he wishes No Right?
Yes the Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam gave emphasis
with regards to the lineage and how honorable
it is and noble however my brothers and
my sisters that's not going to get you
into Al-Jannah is one thing us being
taught how to treat someone from the family
of the Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam however your
lineage is not going to get you into
Al-Jannah we need to be balanced here
my brothers and my sisters that's why the
poet he says Right?
that which is going to benefit you when
you enter into your grave my brothers and
my sisters is not your Naseb is not
your lineage or how powerful your tribe was
back home don't leave our Taqwa
my brothers and my sisters because you think
that your lineage is going to save you
and then he says Right?
Salman Al-Farisi was he from the Prophet
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam family my brothers and my
sisters he was a Persian but Allah Azzawajal
raised him because of what?
because of Ilyassam Right?
then you also have my brothers and my
sisters Abu Lahab the uncle of the Messenger
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam did his lineage benefit my
brothers and my sisters he says Right?
he in fact became humiliated and his lineage
was not able to save him Right?
Allah I remember Subhanallah I was in East
London I remember exactly where he was and
a man came up to me and he
said me being from the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam family is that enough for me now
to enter into Al-Jannah huh?
what's the answer brothers and sisters?
no we have to honor people who are
from the family of the Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam our Sheikh Sheikh Muhammad when he sees
someone from the family of the Messenger Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam he stops whatever he's doing he
goes and kisses him on the forehead I'm
not asking you guys to kiss me on
the forehead huh?
let me get out of here alive brothers
point is we're learning here what is required
for us to believe so we don't go
into extremes and likewise don't fall short does
that make sense my brothers and my sisters?
unfortunately as time went on Right?
the rights of the Al-Bait huh?
have been downplayed and sidelined as if it
has no significance whatsoever while at the same
time your lineage is not going to save
you my brothers and my sisters as Allah
mentioned in the Quran the most honorable from
amongst you is the one who has the
most Taqwa also the Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
said whoever slow in coming with righteous deeds
his lineage is not going to come or
is not going to rush right?
to save him are you guys tired?
are you guys writing down the notes?
I see some of you guys are writing
you know the poet my brothers and my
sisters he says it is a must that
the Talib that the students he carries with
him scrap paper he writes when he rides
and he writes when he walks Abu Taim
came along in the year 2020 I believe
and decided to change up or tweak this
line of poetry so it can be relevant
to our lives no one carries scrap paper
here today right?
but we carry our phones and our gadgets
so I changed it to instead of saying
Kunash which means scrap paper fresh way of
saying iPad right?
so it rhymes within the line of poetry
that you carry with yourself these gadgets and
your iPads and you write down these notes
some of the notes that I'm sharing with
you guys my brothers and my sisters I
came across it maybe 7-8 years ago
and I saved it on this Apple iPhone
every single one of them my brothers and
my sisters has a status and a shining
excellence right?
before we go into this line of poetry
my brothers and my sisters I forgot to
mention that which relates to Al-Tawassul Al
-Tawassul my brothers and my sisters it is
to seek a means to get closer to
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala when you make
dua to Allah azawajal right?
we can do Tawassul we can do what?
Al-Tawassul which is to seek a means
to get closer to Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala or to hope for our dua now
to get accepted and there are 3 types
number 1 through the names Ya Samee' Ya
Basir mention the names of Allah azawajal when
making a dua number 2 very very quickly
through righteous deeds you guys know the 3
that got stuck in the cave?
you guys heard the story of the 3
that got stuck in the cave?
and then they said the only thing that
we can do is make dua to Allah
azawajal through our righteous deeds and each one
of them would make the dua Ya Allah
if I done this sincerely for your sake
one of them subhanAllah my brothers and my
sisters was a man who was approached by
his cousin and his cousin needed a bit
of money right?
and he stipulated upon her that he would
give her this loan and then when he
was about to now commit a zina with
his cousin my brothers and my sisters he
wanted to take advantage of her right?
using her to commit haram she told him
don't open the seal except in the right
way meaning through nikah and so on and
so forth hmm?
and then he held back and didn't commit
the haram right?
and then he gave her the money and
he left made dua to Allah azawajal through
this righteous deed ya Allah if I done
that for your sake meaning I left the
haram for your sake then open the cave
a part of it would open but then
you still weren't able to get out and
then the other two also mentioned their righteous
deeds right?
what does that show us my brothers and
my sisters?
how can I make this relatable to the
lives of many of us who are sitting
here today right?
under your blanket nobody is watching except Allah
azawajal it's times like that when you leave
that which the shaytan is whispering to you
to carry out Allah azawajal will open those
here a bit of the cave opened up
wallahi it could be the reason why your
life takes a turn for the better and
then the third my brothers and my sisters
is making dua to Allah azawajal through right?
through the dua of a righteous man this
is exactly what Umar al-Khattab r.a
had done when there was a drought he
asked al-Abbas ibn Abdul Muttalib to make
dua to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala these
are three forms of tawassul that we find
through the Quran and the sunnah of the
messenger of Allah also Muawiyah r.a had
done this through Yazid ibn Aswad who was
a righteous man for you to go up
to a righteous man asking him now to
make dua to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
does that make sense?
no so which one does the love that
you have for Ahlul Bayt and treating them
kindly fall under?
the first, second or third?
pay attention my brothers and my sisters I
mentioned the love that you have for the
Prophet's family and the kindness that you show
them you make dua to Allah azawajal asking
Allah ya Allah I ask you through these
righteous deeds of me being kind towards Ahlul
Bayt right?
and the love that I have for them
first, second or third?
okay and it says every
single one of them has a high status
and a shining excellence in the eyes of
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala from amongst the
companions right?
from amongst the companions however there are some
companions my brothers and my sisters that are
more virtuous and more greater than others who
is the greatest from amongst all of them?
Abu Bakr radiallahu ta'ala anhu the companion
that the Messenger of Allah asked to lead
in his lifetime even one time the Messenger
of Allah right?
was asked who from amongst the people is
most beloved to you?
what do you think the answer was?
Aisha radiallahu ta'ala anhu and then he
was asked from amongst the men he said
and then he said Umar and so on
and so forth and there are so many
other narrations my brothers and my sisters even
Ibn Umar radiallahu ta'ala says right?
we used to hold preferences from amongst the
companions and we would choose one over the
other in terms of greatness and virtue Abu
Bakr radiallahu ta'ala anhu would always be
the number one another narration whenever he used
to compare Abu Bakr radiallahu ta'ala anhu
to anybody read up his seerah my brothers
and my sisters and his life that's the
third thing I've mentioned to you guys number
one was what?
learning the names of Allah number two was
learning about the companions and number three more
specifically Abu Bakr radiallahu ta'ala anhu he
didn't become the greatest of people my brothers
and my sisters for no reason even Ali
Ibn Abi Talib radiallahu ta'ala anhu there's
an authentic narration my brothers and my sisters
he says right?
if anyone is brought to me preferring me
over Abu Bakr and Umar I would lash
him right?
and I would whip him the same way
you whip somebody who fabricates and lies then
he goes on to say I say
with regards to the Quran meaning I believe
I say when it comes to the Quran
meaning the information that we are given in
the Quran by Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
I believe it I reiterate it I believe
in it right?
in terms of his ayaat I believe verses
whenever Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala speaks about
his names and his attributes in the manner
that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has sent
it down right?
my brothers and my sisters with me Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala has sent down the
Quran right?
this is the speech of Allah jalla fi
ula hmm?
whenever Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has sent
down in his Quran we consider this to
be what?
his speech why is this important my brothers
and my sisters to believe that the Quran
of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala or his
speech isn't actually created huh?
does anybody know?
I sent we say that the speech of
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is created and
we have the rest of his makhluqat as
well the rest of his creation what are
we really doing in essence is almost with
put the speech of Allah azza wa jal
in par with all of the rest of
his creation and even when we scroll back
my brothers and my sisters and we rewind
how this innovation now became widespread of Allah
azza wa jal's speech being created it was
in order to place this created speech that
they claim with one's aqal with one's intellect
think about it my brothers and my sisters
if you say that the Quran is created
and you also have an intellect that is
created what have you done here?
you've put it both on par with one
another right?
isn't this a bell word that we have
at this moment in time giving your intellect
preference and precedence over what Allah azza wa
jal has sent down think about it with
all of these modern day ideologies what makes
the Quran different to your intellect?
both of them are created this is why
if you guys may remember right to the
beginning and I even said this today in
the khutbah every modern day ideology or every
narrative that people have created in order to
structure one's life with it's always going to
be flawed this is the state of everything
that has been created but Allah subhana wa
ta'ala speech is not created it is
divine you will find flaws in all of
these different modern day ideologies my brothers and
my sisters there will be discrepancies there will
be contradictions right and I like to repeat
this all the time where do you draw
the line with regards to what we should
do and what we shouldn't do right I'll
say that again where do you draw the
line with regards to what one should do
and what one shouldn't do and what is
morally acceptable and what isn't morally acceptable we
live in a world my brothers and my
sisters that is changing very very quickly what
was perfectly acceptable maybe 50 years ago is
no longer the case today right you know
my brothers and my sisters I sit with
husbands and wives all the time arbitrating between
them sometimes this is for you guys who
are looking to get married pay attention my
brothers and my sisters when I'm arbitrating between
them they've got problems between themselves right the
husband says I don't like the way she
dresses when she goes outside she turns around
and she says why is this guy being
so harsh for why is he being so
harsh she then says about him I don't
like the fact that he has right interactions
with the opposite gender via text message they're
texting each other all the time he turns
around and he says brother she's just a
friend at work can you see problems are
taking place within marriages where do you draw
the line of what is acceptable and what
is not with regards to this world that
is becoming more and more colorful all the
time my brothers and my sisters right this
has been made acceptable one thing leads to
another and as the messenger of Allah told
us there doesn't come a time except the
time that comes after is worse these guys
are saying love is love what is preventing
them from having love is love where do
you draw the line with regards to what
is acceptable and what is not this is
why we can't accept right or what's the
term that I'm looking for this is something
that we can't tolerate nor can we what
ah no there's another word there is no
way that we can even accept that the
Quran is on the same level as one's
intellect or anything else that is what created
it is divine it is perfect right that
leaves you my brothers and my sisters with
no choice except to accept that there is
a greater entity and that is Allah SWT
that we should take rules and regulations from
otherwise you will my brothers and my sisters
have constant problems in your dealings whether it
may be with your wife your family and
anyone else whoever it might be right the
Quran is divine it is perfect it started
from Allah and it will eventually go back
to Allah SWT and
then he says my brothers and my sisters
Allah SWT I say what Allah SWT said
in the Quran meaning I believe in everything
that Allah SWT says right with regards to
his names and his attributes the previous line
of poetry was more specific to the Quran
being the speech of Allah SWT here my
brothers and my sisters the Shaykh is referring
to the names and attributes right and when
it comes to what the messenger SAW the
guided prophet right who guides us now to
that which is to that which is correct
and I don't start interpreting away right or
explaining away what Allah and his messenger SAW
in the Quran my brothers and my sisters
we are going to find many names and
attributes of Allah SWT these are important principles
to take into consideration when it comes to
Allah SWT or any of his names and
attributes we do not do something called what
Al-Tashbih which means we don't similarize him
to the creation right if Allah SWT has
told us in the Quran Allah SWT has
two outstretched generous hands right we do not
similarize him to any of his creation right
we don't say that his attributes are like
the attributes of so and so or whatever
else it might be are you guys with
me we do not do also my brothers
and my sisters something called which is to
negate what Allah SWT said about himself nor
do we do something my brothers and my
sisters called what does mean putting an exactness
on what Allah SWT has told us with
regards to matters of the unseen are we
clear so far my brothers and my sisters
yeah how can we do that to Allah
SWT attributes when we can't even get the
exactness when it comes to his creation right
we are told about the angels right in
the Quran pay attention my brothers and my
sisters let me ask you guys this question
do angels have hearts huh do angels have
hearts what is the evidence what is the
evidence no you can't just say and make
a claim and then you have to give
us the real brother huh anyone else he
said it is not mentioned so we don't
say it is or it isn't until we
find an evidence right do the angels have
hearts Allah says in the Quran حتى
إذا فزع عن قلوبهم قالوا ماذا قال ربك
Allah SWT will put terror in their hearts
and then he will say what did Allah
say can anyone here give me the exactness
of the hearts of the angels huh how
big it is right how large how small
whether there are veins did you guys tell
me this no no no you can't and
you are not allowed to because you don't
have the information don't speak about the matters
of the unseen unless you have been given
divine نصوص right divine revelation through the Quran
or the explanation of the messenger صلى الله
عليه وسلم otherwise you cannot comment right the
Quran was sent down my brothers and sisters
in order for us to understand however it
has to be in light with what Allah
and his messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم told
us this is the angel my brothers and
my sisters and you can't give me the
exactness so now when it comes to the
attributes and the names of Allah SWT can
you give me an exactness of it do
we start now comparing Allah to his creation
how would you like it if Allah SWT
sorry how would you like it my brothers
and my sisters if I compared you to
an animal right Allah has created each one
in his own way that suits him صحيح
when Allah SWT tells us that he has
a face is it right now to compare
the face of Allah to any of his
creation do we begin to attribute physicalities to
Allah SWT absolutely not whatever Allah عز و
جل has told us we stick to that
قف حيث وقف القوم و قل بما قالوا
wherever they stopped at we stick to it
we don't go a step further all of
these verses were coming down in the time
of the companions my brothers and my sisters
right they could have asked these questions but
they didn't they took it as face value
my brothers and my sisters that's how they
understood it for you now to go into
ins and outs that you don't have any
information of this is not true does that
make sense this is why he then goes
on to say و جميع آيات الصفات أمرها
و جميع آيات الصفات أمرها حقا كما نقل
الطراز الأول when it comes to all of
these the attributes of Allah SWT I go
with it right as it was mentioned to
us حقا in truth كما نقل الطراز الأول
the same way the great earlier righteous of
the past transmitted it that's what we stick
to right my brothers and my sisters I'm
going to quickly read this he says روى
أبو بكر البيهقي بالأسماء والصفات أبو بكر البيهقي
he reported in أسماء والصفات بأسنان صحيح with
an authentic chain of narration that by the
way who's Al-Awza'i does anyone know
ha حسنت right from amongst the أتباع التابعين
my brothers and my sisters there was الأئمة
الأربعة from amongst the أتباع التابعين I'm not
talking about the four great Imams when it
comes to Fiqh Imam Abu Hanif لا amongst
the أتباع التابعين there was what they referred
to as the great four or the fantastic
four does anyone know who the four were
you can say perhaps they covered four corners
of the world ha one of them was
what Imam Al-Awza'i who was the
Imam of Sham who else no Abu Hanif
he was from the تابعين ha we're talking
from we're talking about the أتباع التابعين ha
حسنت who said that ليل المساعد he was
the Imam of which country Egypt حسنت مصر
who else ممالك he was the Imam of
which country Hijaz right and then you have
the fourth who was the fourth Sufyan Al
-Thawri who was the Imam of Al-Iraq
نعم so anyways here Ibn Taymiyyah رحمة الله
عليه is saying that Al-Awza'i mentioned
كنا و التابعون متوافرون right we lived at
a time when there was many of the
تابعين he is from the أتباع التابعين there
was many of the تابعين right نقول إن
الله تعالى ذكره فوق عرشه و نؤمن بما
وردت فيه السنة من صفاته right in the
presence of many of the تابعين he said
right we would say that الله سبحانه وتعالى
is above his throne و نؤمن and we
believe right in that which has been reported
in the sunnah with regards to the صفات
the attributes of الله سبحانه وتعالى right and
as our brother mentioned right that Imam Al
-Awza'i رحمة الله عليه was one of
the four great imams and we mentioned the
other three all of them Imam Ahl Al
-Iraq Imam Ahl Al-Sham حكى شهرة القول
في زمن التابعين بالإيمان بأن الله تعالى فوق
العرش و بصفاته السمعية وإنما قال الأوزاعي هذا
بعد ظهور مذهب الجهن مذهب جهن right مذهب
جهن المنكر لكون الله فوق عرشه و النافع
لصفاته ليعرف الناس أن مذهب السلف خلاف ذلك
and the reason why Imam Al-Awza'i
رحمة الله عليه mentioned all of this my
brothers and my sisters because this was a
time right when Jahabi Mustafa who was one
of the misguided individuals who proceeded or came
before them began to say all sorts of
things about Allah سبحانه وتعالى so in order
to save God and protect the Aqidah of
the Muslim right he began to mention to
them how we should understand a lot of
these verses that speak about the attributes of
Allah سبحانه وتعالى this individual came along and
he said Allah عز وجل is not above
his throne and Allah سبحانه وتعالى doesn't have
any attributes and so on and so forth
as mentioned over here so he came my
brothers and my sisters in order to protect
the Aqidah of the Muslims so that it
can become widespread and this was also being
second and reiterated by the other three great
Imams from amongst the Atba'u Tabi'een
are you brothers and sisters with me?
طيب even my brothers and my sisters when
we look at some of the statements of
Al-Imam Abu Hanifa Al-Imam Maliki Al
-Imam Malik and also Imam Al-Shafi'i
and Ahmad Ibn Hanbal they have similar statements
that was mentioned by Al-Awza'i and
so on and so forth like Imam Abu
Hanifa رحمة الله عليه he says my beloved
brothers and sisters لا يوصف الله تعالى بالصفات
المخلوقين you do not describe Allah سبحانه وتعالى
with the right you do not compare Allah
سبحانه وتعالى with his creation right you do
not describe in a way that you describe
the creation right and likewise when it comes
to the غضب the رضا the anger of
Allah and the way Allah عز و جل
becomes satisfied صفتان من صفاته بلا كيف these
are two attributes of Allah سبحانه وتعالى and
we do not go into كيف which basically
means going into the exactness of how these
attributes of Allah سبحانه وتعالى is right also
in al-fiqh al-akbar Imam Hanif رحمة
الله عليه says وله يد ووجه ونفس كما
ذكره الله تعالى في القرآن Allah عز و
جل he has a hand Allah عز و
جل has a face Allah عز و جل
has a نفس right he has a soul
same way Allah عز و جل told us
in the Quran right or how Allah عز
و جل told us in the Quran فما
ذكره الله تعالى في القرآن من ذكر الوجه
واليد والنفس فهو له صفات بلا كيف and
whatever Allah عز و جل he mentioned with
regards to the attributes of Allah عز و
جل right we do not go into the
exactness of it then you have Imam Malik
رحمة الله عليه who said something similar with
regards to right Allah سبحانه وتعالى في السماء
وعلمه في كل مكان Allah عز و جل
is above the heavens and his knowledge is
everywhere Ibn Abd al-Barr رحمه الله تعالى
he said لا نسميه ولا نصفه ولا نطق
عليه إلا ما سمى ووصف به نفسه we
only say about Allah سبحانه وتعالى right and
we only attribute to him that which Allah
سبحانه وتعالى has said about himself and we
don't go a step further right and we
don't start going into intricacies that you don't
have any information about and then Imam Al
-Shafi'i right الذي هو كما وصف به
نفسه وفوق ما يصفه به خلقه right or
خلقه إلى آخره have I lost you guys,
my brothers and my sisters has it become
too technical what is now the summary and
the conclusion with regards to what all of
these great Imams mentioned huh what do we
take away from this my brothers and my
sisters huh نعم we stick to what Allah
عز و جل and his Messenger صلى الله
عليه وسلم have mentioned with regards to Allah
عز و جل because this is a very
sensitive issue we can't say about Allah عز
و جل that which he hasn't said about
himself are you brothers and sisters with me
and we stick to that and we don't
go into the exactness of these different Sifat
that you don't have any information about you
couldn't do that about the hearts of the
angels likewise when it comes to the fruits
of Al-Jannah can anyone tell me exactly
how some of the fruits are going to
be huh can anyone tell me you know
the maws fruits how exactly it's going to
look are you able to do that and
these are from the creations of Allah عز
و جل right matters of the unseen صح
السلام عليكم and then it says و أرد
عهدتها إلى نقالها وأصونها عن كل ما يتخيل
and I return the obligatory responsibility with regards
to how we look at these names and
these attributes of Allah عز و جل towards
those who have transmitted these narrations right likewise
it says it is safeguarded against any imaginations
right as anything that comes to mind in
terms of interpretations Allah is beyond that and
free from it whatever you think about Allah
عز و جل my brothers and my sister
and you try to get an exact image
about how right attributes of Allah عز و
جل is you will not be able right
to get it right Allah is beyond all
of these imaginations yeah and then it says
قُبْحًا لِمَنْ نَبَذَ الْكِتَابَ وَرَاءَهُ وَإِذَا اسْتَدَلَّ يَقُولُ
قَالَ الْأَخْطَلُ disgrace to the one my brothers
and my sisters he says the one who
throws the Quran behind him and then when
he wants to use as proof he quotes
an individual called Al-Akhtar who was a
Nasrani right he was a Christian poet right
So you had when it came to Allah
سُبْحَانَهُ وَتَعَالَى as attributes him being quoted with
regards to Allah عز و جل ascending over
his throne and like we mentioned before my
brothers and my sisters Allah عز و جل
has told us الرَّحْمَٰنُ عَلَى الْعَرْشِ اسْتَوَى Allah
has ascended above His throne right and we
stick to what Allah عز و جل has
told us without going into the ins and
the outs that we don't have any information
about Ibn Taymiyyah رحمة الله عليه my brothers
and my sisters and I think it's worth
mentioning he says فَمَنْ وَصَّفَهُ بِمِثْلِ سِفَاتِ الْمَخْلُقِينَ
فِي شَيْءٍ مِنَ الْأَشْيَاءِ فَوْ مُخْطِئٌ قَطْعًا he
says anyone who describes Allah with attributes similar
to those of His creatures is definitely in
error right كَمَنْ قَال the same way somebody
says إِنَّهُ يَنزِلُ فَيَتَحَرَّكُ وَيَنْتَقِبُ it's like one
saying about Allah when He comes down now
right in the last third as we will
come to inshallah ta'ala in a short
while this is like someone who claims that
God descends Allah azzawajal descends so he travels
from one place to another like a human
descending ها وَيَنْتَقِلُ كَمَا يَنْتَقِلُ الْإِنْسَانُ مِنَ السَّطْحِ
إِلَىٰ أَسْفَلِ الدَّارِ كَقَوْلِ مَنْ يَقُولُ إِنَّهُ يَخْلُو
مِنْهُ الْعَرْشِ فَيَكُونُ نُزُولُهُ تَفْرِيغًا لِمَكَانُ وَشُغُلًا لِآخَرُ
فَهَذَا بَاطِلٌ يَجْبَ تَنْزِيهُ الرَّبُّ عَنْهُ كَمَا تَقَدَّمُ
right and he goes into all of these
different intricacies about Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
and the way Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
descends my brothers and my sisters we do
not go into any of that whatsoever and
here he mentions or like someone who says
that the throne is vacated when Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala comes down in the last
day of the night so his descent is
vacating of one place and occupying another all
of this is false and God or Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala must be exonerated from
such descriptions as mentioned earlier everybody with me
now my brothers and my sisters don't go
into that which you don't have information of
and then he says my brothers and my
sisters وَالْمُؤْمِنُونَ يَرَوْنَ حَقًا رَبَّهَمْ وَإِلَى السَّمَاءِ بِغَيْرِ
كَيْفٍ يَنْزِلُ the believers are going to see
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala right we are
going to see Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
my brothers and my sisters in two places
does anyone know the two places my brothers
and my sisters we will see him in
Jannah and where else نعم when we are
standing in front of Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala we will be seeing Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala where Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
will uncover the veil right and also Allah
azza wa jal tells us كَلَّا إِنَّهُمْ عَنْ
رَبِّهِمْ يَوْمَئِذٍ لَمَحْجُوبُونَ as for the kuffar my
brothers and my sisters right إِنَّهُمْ عَنْ رَبِّهِمْ
يَوْمَئِذٍ لَمَحْجُوبُونَ they will be deprived of being
able to see Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
right عُذِّبُوا بِالْحِجَابِ they mentioned this is a
form of a punishment being prevented to see
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala my brothers and
my sisters and as we know as Allah
azza wa jal said وَجُوهٌ يَوْمَئِذٍ نَاظِرَهُ إِلَىٰ
رَبِّهَا نَاظِرَهُ the day when the faces of
the believers it will glow it will shine
right and they will be directly looking at
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and then my
brothers and my sisters when we inshallah wa
ta'ala are admitted into al jannah may
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala allow us to
see Allah jalla fi ula right here this
hadith of the prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam
that gets me excited every time I read
it to my brothers and my sisters messenger
salallahu alayhi wa sallam he said إِذَا دَخَلَ
أَهْلُ الْجَنَّةِ الْجَنَّةِ when the people of jannah
are admitted into al jannah right يَقُولُ اللَّهُ
تَبَارَكُ وَتَعَالَى Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will
say تُرِيدُونَ شَيْئًا أَزِيدُكُمْ is there anything else
that I can give to you all فَيَقُولُونَ
and you know what they will say to
him أَلَمْ تُبَيِّضْ وُجُوهَنَا didn't you whiten our
faces أَلَمْ تُدْخِلْنَا الْجَنَّةَ وَتُنَجِّنَا مِنَ النَّارِ didn't
you admit us into al jannah and you
protected us from the hellfire right فَيَكْشِفُ الْحِجَابِ
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will remove the
veil فَمَا أُعْطُوا شَيْئًا as I'm going through
this my brothers and my sisters imagine it
we are all in al jannah in sha
Allah ta'ala right فَمَا أُعْطُوا شَيْئًا أَحَبَّ
إِلَيْهِمْ مِنَ النَّظْرِ إِلَىٰ رَبِّهِمْ عَزَّ وَجَلَّ messenger
of Allah a.s says there is nothing
more greater and more beloved that they are
granted the people of jannah than seeing Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala it's not the fruits
it's not the food it's not the alcohol
that you'll be getting right of course not
the alcohol they have here a different type
of alcohol wine shorobat and whatever else you
can think of my brothers and my sisters
we will see Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
وَهِيَ زِيَادَةٌ there is a ziyada this term
here a ziyada that Allah talked about in
surah yunus لِلَّذِينَ أَحْزَنُوا الْحُسْنَةُ وَزِيَادَةٌ what is
being referred to is what being able to
see Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala may Allah
azzawajal grant us the chance to see Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala and we can only
qualify my brothers and my sisters to be
from those individuals if if when we do
righteous deeds we do that which is pleasing
to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala right you
know sometimes we think about the capabilities of
Allah azzawajal everything that he does for us
how everything is so perfectly organized and arranged
by Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and he
makes us feel good my brothers and my
sisters this is what we are getting here
in this dunya that is filled with oppression
suppression hardships and difficulties فَكَيْفَ إِذَا أُدْخِلْنَا الْجَنَّةِ
after we are entered into Al-Jannah my
brothers and my sisters and then he says
وَإِلَى السَّمَاءِ بِغَيْرِ كَيْفٍ يَنْزِلُ right and Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala comes down right in
a manner that suits his majesty without going
into what cave cave what does it mean
how right have we been told that information
my brothers and my sisters no we haven't
right so putting an exactness or position on
the how this is something that we haven't
been told about so knowing now my brothers
and my sisters Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
comes down as the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam told us يَنْزِلُ رَبُّنَا تَبَارَكُ وَتَعَالَ كُلَّ
لَيْلَةٍ إِلَى السَّمَاءِ الدُّنْيَا right Allah azzawajal there's
seven heavens right he comes down to the
last heavens that is above the dunya what
are we going to be doing my brothers
and my sisters now that we've learned this
we're going to go onto twitter and start
arguing and debating what is the ثَمَرَة the
fruits of us going through just now my
brothers and my sisters huh when Allah azzawajal
he comes down in a manner that suits
his majesty as mentioned to us by the
messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam right what does
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala say huh huh
ya jama'a huh ya jama'a what
does Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala say when
he comes down it's a hadith it's a
the hadith Abu Hurair radiallahu ta'ala huh
ahsant why you guys so shy for ya
'ni right he always takes the first one
to say it and then everyone else follows
I don't mind brothers Allah azzawajal he says
right whoever wants to make dua let me
accept his dua right whoever wants to ask
me of anything let me now give him
whatever he wants after knowing this my brothers
and my sisters how can you continue sleeping
in the last side of the night right
the greatest portion of the night my brothers
and my sisters a lot of the time
when I am contacted by brothers and sisters
who are suffering from addictions and hardships and
whatever have you and they're really really struggling
one of the cures that I give them
my brothers and my sisters is wake up
in the last ten of the night as
the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us
it exposes the sicknesses that you have whether
it may be the spiritual sickness or the
physical sickness and what it also does my
brothers and my sisters it helps you now
to overcome the sins that you're suffering from
last part of the night my brothers and
my sisters al malik ud dayan the king
of all kings comes down to respond to
your difficulties and hardships my brothers and my
sisters and you're fast asleep for all of
you brothers who earlier mentioned that you are
engaged on your wedding night you should be
waking up on your wedding night brother asking
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to make this
a marriage that is blessed is that a
tough ask guys why you guys smirking for
is that a tough ask that somebody may
say I've tried to wake up I've tried
to wake up my sins have tied me
down right I just don't seem to be
able to wake up no matter how many
alarm clocks I put inside of the room
you're struggling my brothers and my sisters start
by praying to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
when the beginning of the night before you
go to sleep do your witr showing Allah
that you so desperately want to be from
amongst those right that are able to interact
with the king of all kings at this
very noble part of the night right Abdur
Rahman Masood radiallahu ta'ala he said Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala is above the heavens
and he knows that which you are upon
right also Zainab she used to boast to
all of the other wives of the messenger
she would say all of you were married
off by your by your families but Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala married me off from
above the seven heavens right why is this
also very very important my brothers and my
sisters sometimes you ask young children with regards
to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and they
say Allah azawajal is everywhere but we are
being told by right the messenger salallahu alayhi
wa sallam and some of his companions and
this is again the understanding of the salaf
right with regards to what we should believe
with regards to Allah azawajal even we know
the incident of Sa'd ibn Mu'adh when
he passed the ruling right the messenger salallahu
alayhi wa sallam he said indeed oh Sa'd
you have passed the ruling and the judgement
right that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has
passed from above the seven heavens the next
line of poetry my brothers and my sisters
I'm nearly done I'm nearly done we're nearly
done brothers and sisters inshallah he then says
he says I affirm the meethan scales and
also the hawd which I will explain in
a moment inshallah wa ta'ala right which
you could say maybe is what a pond
which I hope to quench my thirst with
with regards to the scale my brothers and
my sisters all of our all of us
are going to be weighed and our actions
are going to be weighed and the scrolls
are going to be weighed three things that
are going to be weighed my brothers and
my sisters right with regards to his description
right we are told through the sunnah of
the messenger sallallahu alaihi wa sallam that the
scale it will have two pans in which
the good deeds and the bad deeds will
be placed upon scale my brothers and my
sisters it will have two pans and also
a tongue you're going to try and imagine
it but it is beyond one's imagination as
we mentioned before do we have the exactness
of it?
no it has two pans and a tongue
is it going to be like your tongue?
is it going to be a long tongue?
is it going to be a short tongue?
do we have the information?
no we don't we make these jokes sometimes
then you have a long tongue can we
say that about the issues of the unseen?
no we can't right and as we mentioned
the three things that are going to be
weighed is what?
who remembers?
I mentioned it very very quickly earlier so
I ask you guys this question right now
so that we don't end up forgetting what
are the things that are going to be
the actions what else?
scrolls and what else?
the person himself and then there's a fourth
thing does anyone know?
did I mention earlier?
how many did I say?
I mentioned three there's a fourth one as
well does anyone know the fourth one?
anyone who guesses I'm giving him 10 pounds
he said the shahada specifically the shahada or
is it a bit more general than that?
someone's monotheism doesn't that come under the but
that's the scrolls though isn't it?
that's the weighed against the shahada but that's
the scrolls right?
actually maybe but that's righteous deeds isn't it?
the actions the tawheed that one came with
he said the bitaqa that's not what I'm
looking for that could maybe come under the
issue of scrolls hayya you guys say it
all the time hayya huh?
you say actions I'll give you guys a
clue subhanallah why are you guys so specific?
and depriving the people huh?
open the door brothers huh?
he said thoughts al-aqwal utterances my brothers
and my sisters right?
you have the aqwal I'm gonna give you
guys the evidence of each one of them
number one al-aqwal the statements that an
individual utters such as dhikr he was right
when he said dhikr messenger of Allah he
said do you agree?
two words or two statements that are very
very what?
light upon the tongue very heavy on the
scale of good deeds I'm very beloved to
Ar-Rahman does that make sense?
number two my brothers and my sisters actions
the messenger of Allah said there isn't anything
that is more heavy on the scale of
good deeds than what?
than your good manners hmm number three my
brothers and my sisters is what?
the sahaif the scrolls right?
as our brother mentioned earlier the scrolls that
everything is written on will also be what?
weighed and number four my brothers and my
sisters is the person himself right?
messenger of Allah he told us in a
hadith a big fat huge
individual will be brought and will be placed
on top of the scale however he won't
weigh the weight of the wing of a
mosquito he won't weigh what?
he won't weigh the weight of the wing
of a mosquito you can be in the
gym or you're like brothers and sisters and
I'm not against people who go to the
gym you can spend hours in there but
then when it comes to the fajr prayer
my brothers and my sisters huh?
the blanket is too heavy to pick up
my sisters can spend hours in front of
the mirror perfecting your outer appearance hmm but
then my brothers and my sisters is this
really going to benefit you on yom al
that which is going to benefit you is
your righteous deeds it doesn't matter how big
how skinny how much you try to perfect
your outer appearance my brothers and my sisters
you will be weighed right?
and it doesn't matter how you look in
your fiqh look at Ibn Mas'ud radiallahu
ta'ala anhu كان يجتني سواك من الأراق
وكان الدقيق الساقين right?
he was on top of a tree he
was trying to what?
take off parts of the the wood in
order to turn it into siwak siwak hmm
and he was someone my brothers and my
sisters that had thin shins right?
فجعلت الريح huh?
so the wind came and it uncovered him
so some of those who are watching Ibn
Mas'ud radiallahu ta'ala anhu they began
to laugh فضحك القوم right?
so the messenger of Allah said to them
مما تضحكون what are you laughing at?
they said من دقة ساقيه because of how
thin his shins are the messenger of Allah
swore by Allah والذي نفسي بيده له ما
أثقل في الميزان من أحد they are more
heavier on the scale of good deeds than
Uhud Uhud the shins of Ibn Mas'ud
radiallahu ta'ala anhu I'm not against you
my brothers and my sisters going to the
gym and huh?
making your outer appearance look good the messenger
of Allah said إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَا يَنظُرُ إِلَىٰ
ثُورِكُمْ وَلَا إِلَىٰ إِجْسَادِكُمْ وَلَكِن يَنظُرُ إِلَىٰ قُلُوبِكُمْ
وَإِلَىٰ أَعْمَالِكُمْ Allah does not look at your
figure and your outer appearance but rather he
looks at your heart a lot of time
we cut the hadith here huh?
Allah is looking at my heart my heart
is great no the end of the hadith
says my brothers and my sisters قُلُوبِكُمْ وَأَعْمَالِكُمْ
and your actions as well you don't know
what's in my heart my heart is wonderful
and the guy is committing zina okay habibi
I have to tell you what you're doing
is wrong right?
and we have this theory right?
that is proven that what you believe or
what you do with your actions is a
product of how your heart has become everyone
sins my brothers and my sisters but when
you reach a point when your heart has
become so black what did the messenger of
Allah say?
إِذَا فَسَدَتْ فَسَدَتْ جَسُدُ كُلُّهُ when it becomes
corrupt everything else becomes corrupt as well your
limbs now begin to become corrupt Allah looks
at two things what are they?
your heart and also your actions and we
can only judge from that which is apparent
I'm seeing you do something wrong for you
to turn around to me and say mind
your own business no my brother this is
now part of my business because you're doing
it in front of me simply because the
messenger of Allah said whoever sees an evil
I'm changing with his hand you can't change
with your hand you have to change with
you can't change with your hand you change
with speech you can't change with speech you
change with how do you change with your
you stand there in the club I'm hating
it with my heart how do you change
with your heart my brothers and my sisters?
you get up and you leave you shouldn't
even be in the club I just came
to my brothers but I mean you're in
a place where there's haram they're doing that
which is displeasing to Allah you get up
and you leave what do you do with
the hadith?
this is sometimes quoted a lot we love
this hadith part of being a good Muslim
is that he leaves off that which doesn't
concern him wallah you'll hear this being quoted
how many times someone said to me brother
I see people backbiting in my circle and
I tell them they shouldn't be doing this
and they quote the hadith Allahu Akbar they've
memorized it from Arbaeen Nawiyah and they're backbiting
there and then when you tell them mind
your own business no it is part of
my business Sahih?
it is part of my business because the
Messenger of Allah made it part of my
business Abu Sa'in Khudri narrates the Messenger
of Allah said the fear that you have
of the people should not prevent you from
speaking the truth upon seeing it Abu Sa
'in Khudri said I began to cry in
another narration he said I wish I never
heard it because now he has to act
upon it and then he says Wal Hawd
what is the Hawd my brothers and my
sisters does anyone know what the Hawd is?
it's a punt on Yawmul Qiyamah it will
quench the thirst remember my brothers and my
sisters it is extremely hot on the day
of judgment some people are going to have
their sweat up until their ankles some up
until their knees some up until their waist
some are going to be drowning in it
the sun the sun is going to be
brought a mile away as in some narrations
a mile away brothers and sisters me and
Abdullahi we traveled from Leicester three hours brothers
the AC wasn't working our brother Abdullahi was
toasting in the car this heat that we
have here is unbearable we had to open
the window on the motorway right?
Da'aw Mubeen my brothers Allahumma Astaghfirullah the
summer becomes extremely hot you get burnt my
brothers and my sisters at times this is
nothing like the heat of the Hereafter what's
the difference between the Hawd and the Kawthar?
Allah Azza wa Jall tells our Prophet salallahu
alayhi wa sallam we have indeed given you
the Kawthar what's the difference between the Hawd
the pond that you will find huh?
on the day of judgment right?
and the Kawthar that Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala told us about huh?
what's the difference between the two?
the Kawthar my brothers and my sisters is
a right?
is a river in Al-Jannah huh?
that streams all the way till that Mokhif
on the day of resurrection my brothers and
sisters with me it comes from the Kawthar
and then it arrives at the Hawd and
the evidence for that is Hadith Abi Dhar
radiallahu ta'ala the Messenger of Allah he
said يَشْخُبُ فِيهِ مِي زَابَانِ مِنَ الْجَنَّةِ مَنْ
شَرِبَ مِنْهُ لَمْ يَظْمَأُ يعني it's a stream
that comes directly from Al-Jannah all the
way to this Hawd right?
in another narration the Messenger of Allah he
said وَعْطَانِي الْكَوْثَرِ Allah Azzawajal gave me the
Kawthar فَهُوَ نَهْرٌ مِنَ الْجَنَّةِ يَثِيلُ فِي حَوْضِي
it streams into my Hawd the Messenger of
Allah gave us some descriptions here we're about
we're able to mention it because we've been
given this information about the Hawd لَهُوَ أَشَدُّ
بَيَاظًا مِنَ الْثَلْجِ right?
the Messenger of Allah he said it is
more whiter than what?
than snow in another narration we are told
أَبْرَدُ مِنَ الْثَلْجِ right?
it is more colder than the snow itself
the snow or the ice رِيحُ أَطْيَبُ مِنَ
الْمِسْكِ the smell my brothers and my sisters
it's more scentful than what?
طَعْمُهُ أَحْلَ مِنَ الْعَسَلِ its taste it is
more sweeter than honey right?
كِيثَانُهُ أَبَارِيقُهُ كَعَدَلِ نُجُومِ السَّمَاءِ the cups that
come with it my brothers and my sisters
are more than the stars of the heavens
وَهَكَذَا and then he says my brothers and
my sisters وَكَذَا الصِّرَاطُ يَمُدُّ فَوْقَ جَهَنَّمٍ فَمُوَحِّدُ
النَّاجُ or فَمُوَحِّدُ النَّاجِ وَآخَرُ مُهْمَلُ he says
I also believe in the bridge that has
been placed over the hellfire the one with
Tawheed will be saved and the other will
fall in it right?
there is a bridge my brothers and my
sisters that has been placed above the hellfire
in a narration the messenger ﷺ said in
fact it was Abu Sa'id Al-Khudi
رضي الله تعالى عنه that said it however
this is not something that he can say
from his own self so he has the
حُكْمُ of something being مَرْفُوع for those of
you who saw the hadith will understand what
I'm saying sometimes a companion may say something
but this is a statement of the companion
but he ends up getting the same ruling
as something the messenger ﷺ said because it's
from the matters of the unseen right?
وَلَهُ حُكْمُ الرَّفْءُ if you don't understand don't
worry too much about it Abu Sa'id
Al-Khudi said بَلَغَنِي أَنَّ الْجِسْرَ أَدَقُّ مِنَ
الشَّعْرَةِ you know this bridge that has been
placed over the hellfire it is more thinner
than hair and you're imagining yourself now my
brothers and my sisters imagine you have a
huge guy huh?
how is he gonna be able to walk
on a bridge that is as thin as
hair right?
remember my brothers and my sisters the matters
of the hereafter is something that is beyond
imagination أَلَيْسَ كَذَلِكَ hmm the messenger ﷺ he
told us my brothers and my sisters how
the people will be crossing this bridge right?
some of the believers will cross the bridge
as quickly as the wink of an eye
it doesn't matter how many kilos he was
أَبَدًا it doesn't matter how huge this individual
was my brothers and my sisters the wink
of an eye he will be able to
cross that bridge right?
some others as quick as the lightning which
one is quicker?
blink of an eye or the lightning?
the blink of an eye or lightning?
blink of an eye this was the first
thing I was mentioning طيب also my brothers
and my sisters as strong as the wind
this is now what?
the other description I was given or fast
horses or she-camels the way the horse
is so quick when it runs that was
mentioned and some of my brothers and my
sisters will be safe without any harm they
will just about be able to go over
that bridge after receiving some scratches and so
on and so forth and some of my
brothers and my sisters they will fall down
into the * fire right?
may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala allow us
to cross the bridge right?
as quick as the blink of an eye
or should we say lightning?
these are just some my brothers and my
sisters we are running through it as much
as we can then he goes on to
say وَالنَّارُ يَصْلَاهَ الشَّقِيُّ بِحِكْمَةٍ وَكَذَى التَّقِيُّ إِلَى
الْجِنَانِ سَيَدْخُلُ he says those that will be
admitted into the * fire my brothers and
my sisters right?
are the wrongdoers the wretched right?
and this is via the hikmah of Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala his divine wisdom as
for the taqi the pious individual he will
be admitted into the jannah right?
my brothers and my sisters this issue of
hikmah I would love to elaborate on it
the wisdom of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala gives people an
equal opportunity to be guided however it is
something within them right?
it is something within them because Allah azza
wa jal has given you the ability to
act you are not a feather in the
middle of the wind or like a dead
person that is being washed who doesn't have
a choice you go inside of the news
agents or the corner shop and you choose
which crisp packet you want to steal whether
it is prawn cocktail or salt and vinegar
no one forces you to do anything right?
your brothers and sisters with me we cannot
be using the qadar of Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala to say it is the decree
of Allah azza wa jal as to why
I am misguided or as to why I
commit haram there is even a narration that
Ibn Taymiyya rahmatullah a.s mentions that a
man came to Umar al-Khattab and he
said right?
after he was caught stealing oh this was
the qadar of Allah azza wa jal so
he said the qadar of Allah azza wa
jal the qadar of Allah the decree of
Allah is for me now to apply the
penal code on you and what is the
penal code?
you guys know huh?
don't blame the qadar of Allah azza wa
jal for committing sins right?
in fact this is what the mushrikun they
would say in the past they say if
Allah wills we did not associate partners with
Allah nor did our fathers people of shirk
in the past they would say if it
wasn't for you know for the will of
Allah azza wa jal we would not have
committed shirk do you not choose to drive
my brothers and my sisters?
you go to the edge of the cliff
does anyone push you over go and stand
there and say wallahi it's the decree of
Allah azza wa jal would you say that?
guys how many lines of poetry remaining?
khalas three and the last one isn't necessarily
even something that requires a thorough elaboration and
explanation so there's only what?
two left inshallah wa ta'ala wa li
kulli hayyin aqilin fi qabrihi amalun yuqarinuhu hunaka
wa yus'alu every hay living individual who
is sane in the qabar my brothers and
my sisters in the grave he will have
actions that will accompany him and he will
be asked my brothers and my sisters mashallah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he told us yatba
'ul mayyita thalatha when a person passes away
three things follow him two things come back
and one stays with him does anyone know
the two things that will come back?
his family and also what?
his wealth ahsant what is it that which
remains with him?
his deeds you know my brothers and my
sisters every time I come across this hadith
I mention an incident that I can never
forget there was this brother who I believe
was either stabbed or shot I can't remember
exactly after the funeral these are his friends
that have attended the funeral I went to
Pepe's guys heard of Pepe's?
and I seen a bunch of young men
sitting there by the way this is not
a a promotion for Pepe's wallahi
I'm standing there my brothers and my sisters
these are his friends and you know what
they're speaking about?
they're speaking about the football match their friend
just passed away it's that quick that they've
already forgotten about him they're speaking about football
that's how quickly people forget you my brothers
and my sisters people leave and it's only
you yourself and your actions we hear me,
myself and I you, yourself and your actions
in the famous hadith the Prophet ﷺ when
somebody passes away all of his actions come
to an end except some knowledge that you
left behind right?
a continuous charity and also a righteous child
that you left behind that makes dua for
you that you invested in right?
if you didn't invest in him he's not
going to make dua for you brothers and
sisters I know multi-millionaires that passed away
and I have to distribute the inheritance I
have to calculate it and their children my
brothers and my sisters Wallahi you could see
fire in their eyes when looking at their
siblings their blood brothers and sisters right?
he was accumulating all of that wealth right?
just so they could be financially stable after
he passes away may Allah reward him for
that but there is an investment that is
greater than that and that is to invest
in their deen to teach them you may
leave them behind with nothing but he appreciates
everything that the father done in terms of
his religion which at the end of the
day is going to matter so then he
says and in this grave you will be
asked I want you my brothers and my
sisters to be with me right?
as we go through this stage of the
hereafter you
are placed inside of the grave right?
and those who dropped him off have now
left he begins to hear the clatters of
their shoes walking away two angels come to
him they set him up they say to
him what did you used to say about
this man?
meaning Prophet Muhammad right?
this is exactly what was mentioned in the
hadith I heard the people saying something so
I said it as well doesn't know anything
about the messenger you know over the years
I would always reflect on this part of
the hadith and as time went on my
brothers and my sisters that which began to
become very clear is the following would you
agree my brothers and my sisters there are
many of us Muslims who are Muslims by
name born into Muslim families and it may
well be that 20, 30, 40, 50 years
go past and we barely ever right?
learn about who the messenger of Allah A
.S. is and he is nothing more than
a name and the fact that he is
a prophet that's scary my brothers and my
sisters that is honestly really really scary you
know what happens?
a iron hammer is brought and it's smacked
in between his eyes and he will shout
everything will hear it except the the jinn
and ants right?
imagine we could hear what's happening inside of
the grave my brothers and my sisters messenger
of Allah A.S. one time he said
if it wasn't for the fact that you
are going to be buried I would have
wanted for you to hear punishment in the
grave there are some exemptions of those who
are going to be tested in the grave
there are groups of people categories of people
that are going to be exempted from being
tested in the grave and when we say
tested the questions that they will be asked
and this is indeed a great test my
brothers and my sisters does anyone know some
of those that are not going to be
tested in the grave?
number one the shuhada messenger of Allah A
.S. said the fact that he was struck
is enough he won't be tested inside of
the grave I have five written down here
my brothers and my sisters you guys got
one what are the other four?
there is no fitna for these individuals who
aren't religiously obliged there is a difference of
opinion but perhaps the correct position is that
they are not going to be tested that's
two now where is the third?
that would come under somebody who is not
religiously obliged does anyone know what a murabit
someone who is guarding the territory of the
Muslims right?
protecting them from harm it's not an easy
job messenger of Allah A.S. said a
day and a night guarding the Muslims is
better than fasting for a whole month right?
and praying the night throughout the whole month
if he passes away whatever he was doing
the actions on his scale of good deeds
will continue right?
and also be protected from the fitna of
the grave number three or is that now?
we've done three number four is al-siddiqoon
the truthful ones right?
the truthful ones why do they say the
truthful ones?
because when you look at the verse al
-siddiqeen they were mentioned before the shuhada so
the scholars they mentioned right?
it's only right to say that they will
not be tested as well simply because they
were mentioned before the shuhada and likewise the
prophets they're not going to be tested as
well right?
some scholars also mentioned my brothers and my
sisters to die on the day of Jum
'ah based on a hadith which has been
disputed and discussed amongst the scholars of hadith
never does an individual die on the day
of Jum'ah or on the night of
Jum'ah which is Thursday night except that
Allah azza wa jalla protected him from the
fitna of the grave the scholars they you
know disputed this hadith he
concludes by saying he says
this whatever we've taken today my brothers and
my sisters is the belief of a shafi
'i Imam Malik Abu Hanifah Imam Ahmad rahmatullah
alayhi if you follow their way you will
acquire success and if you innovate or you
deviate from that which has been mentioned then
don't blame anyone except yourself right?
very very quickly my brothers and my sisters
a quick tarjama of these four great Imams
of our religion Abu Hanifah his name is
does anyone know his name?
was born in the year 80 passed away
in the year 150 right?
he met three of the companions were mentioned
he says he's a great Imam the Faqih
of this religion he is the scholar of
Iraq was born in the year 80 in
the time of the younger companions spoke or
should I say he saw however it wasn't
reported that he ever narrated anything from him
also has some very nice things to say
about Imam Abu Hanifah rahmatullah alayhi has countless
statements speaking positively about Ibn or should I
say Imam Abu Hanifah rahmatullah alayhi right?
I have a video online where I mention
some of the things that Ibn Taymi rahmatullah
alayhi had to say about him for the
sake of time we will leave it maybe
you guys can refer back to that video
and then you have the second out of
the four great Imams in terms of age
or should I say in terms of precedence
coming before the others his name is Malik
Ibn Anas a good way to remember is
to flip Anas Ibn Malik's name Malik Ibn
Anas was born in the year 93 right?
Hijri and then passed away in the year
189 some scholars they differ they said he
was born in the year 95 Imam Zahir
rahmatullah alayhi he is Sheikh of Islam gave
him that title Imam Dar Al Hijra he
was the Imam of Dar Al Hijra meaning
Al Medina then you also have Imam Shafi
rahmatullah alayhi what was his name?
Muhammad Ibn Idrees passed away in the year
that Imam Abu Hanifa rahmatullah alayhi or should
I say he was born in the year
that Imam Abu Hanifa rahmatullah alayhi passed away
what year was that?
for those who remember Imam Abu Hanifa passed
away in which year?
150 when was Imam Shafi rahmatullah alayhi born?
he was born in the year 150 and
then you have Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal rahmatullah
alayhi rahmatan wasi'ah makes up these four
great Imams of Fiqh right?
wa Allahumma usta'an wa alayhi tuklan wa
la hawla wa la quwwata illa billahi al
aliyy al azeem I will conclude by saying
the following Ibn Taymiyya rahmatullah alayhi when he
was asked to write an aqeedah when he
was asked to write an aqeedah he wrote
for them aqeedah al wasi'ah gave them
the answers that they were looking for and
then he said the following radiyallahu anhum this
aqeedah that I have now written down for
you is what has been narrated or taken
directly from the messengers sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
and his companions and then he
says whoever follows this then it is hoped
that inshallah ta'ala is part of the
safe sect right and then he mentions right
whatever we mentioned it has been taken directly
from the messengers sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and
the companions up until when he says he
says not everyone that opposes that which I
have documented in this book right should be
dealt with in a way that he is
someone who has become destroyed remember early when
I said my brothers and my sisters we
don't want to walk away from today's class
right in an arrogant way behaving in a
manner that we are going to al jannah
and everyone else is going to * fire
there is still a lot to do before
we meet allah subhanahu wa ta'ala cut
this out my brothers and my sisters sometimes
studying these books one begins to feel this
way in this arrogant manner as if he
has some sort of green card now to
enter into al jannah we came here today
to learn about our belief to get closer
to allah subhanahu wa ta'ala here ibn
taymi rahmatullah a.s saying if someone has
opposed that which we have mentioned today you
cannot deal with this individual automatically as if
he has now become destroyed because he says
someone may have opposed some of the things
that we mentioned and he done ijtihad and
he is mistaken in it and allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala will forgive his mistake and
maybe the knowledge didn't reach him and now
you are treating him like some individual that
is going to the * fire and you
are treating him like some individual now my
brothers and my sisters that is destructed so
take it easy he is teaching us my
brothers and my sisters to be patient right
and it could be my brothers and my
sisters he says that he has so many
good deeds right the bad that he may
have fallen into will drown in all of
these good deeds that he has does that
make sense my brothers and my sisters he
mentions some reasoning so you don't start behaving
in a way that you start giving out
tickets to others as we mentioned before and
i will conclude with this we as muslims
when we worship allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
we worship allah as between what what were
the two wings in his
the awliya the beloved servants of allah azza
wa jal they structure their path to allah
azza wa jal between these two characteristics hope
and fear we hope that allah azza wa
jal accepted from us we hope to acquire
the jannah of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
while at the same time we are on
our toes because we are fearful that none
of our actions are going to get accepted
does that make sense my brothers and my
sisters may allah subhanahu wa ta'ala allow
us to act upon that which we studied
today i think we can walk away inshallah
ta'ala with growing our fear of allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala and the hope of
acquiring his jannah right when we spoke about
al-mizan when we spoke about seeing allah
azza wa jal we want this and we
have to do righteous deeds in order to
be able to get there right my brothers
and my sisters and an extra for sacrificing
the euros it's not easy and i know
sometimes how much you really badly want it
but you sat here in order to learn
your religion subhanakallah wa bihamdik ashadu an la
ilaha ila anta astaghfiruka wa atoo ilik assalamu
alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh