Abu Taymiyyah – A Night in New York the Hearts .
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1st and foremost, I just want to clarify,
Sheikh Ibrahim was speaking about someone else.
I don't know who he was speaking about.
May Allah
allow us to benefit from the person he
was speaking about because I don't know who
he is.
I really just wanna take a moment now
to thank the administration of the Masjid
who were kind enough to facilitate this program.
And thirdly,
our Sheikh Ibrahim
who was more than
kind enough to
let go of his class.
He had a class at his time,
and Insha Allahu ta'ala, all of you guys
are going to come to the class next
Sheikh Ibrahim, he teaches every week
here. Right?
Some of the students are here today as
These lectures that we deliver, my brothers and
my sisters,
are like paracetamol.
You guys know what paracetamol is?
I think that's a UK term. How do
you say in American? Talonoid.
Whatever it's called, I think you guys get
a gist.
These lectures, brothers and sisters
are nothing more than a pancreas
which doesn't
deal with the underlining
problems that a person may be suffering from.
A lot of us, we are in need
of an operation.
When you have an operation, it deals with
the issues that are underlining, right?
And this is my brothers and my sisters,
the knowledge that we seek on a regular
And that's the reality brothers and sisters.
As we mentioned yesterday and in some of
the other lectures as well,
it is almost
to function as a human being in this
universe without having knowledge.
And I would normally give examples
of all of these YouTubers that we have.
Did I mention that yesterday?
Yes. I did, right?
Pray hamdulillah, if you came to the lecture
it's a few.
I gave an example of of all these
different YouTubers that we are all very familiar
Even though they have money,
even brothers
my sisters,
They, my brothers and my sisters are depressed.
Who am I referring to? And nobody laugh,
please guys when I say this.
We thank Allah Subhanu wa ta'ala that He
has protected us from,
Such experiences and difficulties that these YouTubers are
through, the likes of Logan Paul,
Justin Bieber,
Tube, that guy called Mr. Beast,
what they all have in common is what?
Being celebrities,
fame, money, cars, women, you
name it.
Also what they have in common is that
they are depressed.
I'm not bringing this out of my own
back pocket guys. I
am not bringing it out of my own
back pocket.
They themselves have come out openly
and made this claim.
I sent these clips to my little brother
and I said to him what do you
He says SubhanAllah wow man,
looks like they're living double lives.
If only these people knew
deal with this spiritual emptiness that they
have they would be ready to give up
But the reality of the matter is
Allah tells us it's not the eyes that
are blind
however it's the heart
that has become empty and is not able
to see
that which is good for it,
May Allah Azzawajal
protect us from this spiritual
emptiness, right?
And this is something my brothers and my
that cannot be filled with these materialistic
things that we have.
The way Allah Azza wa Jal has created
your heart
it craves for its creator,
It craves for its creator.
No matter what you are giving in this
we are told by the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi
you acquire
a mountain of gold,
is that enough for him?
Now who can tell me the hadith?
You've acquired a mountain of gold, what does
he want next?
He wants another one.
The way this dunya has been created
it entices you, it beautifies
to you
making you think that the moment you acquire
for example this house
it's an objective that many of us might
have, right.
Once you have that dream
That dream car
that you really really badly want, the moment
you acquire it thinking halas I'm going to
be happy,
you're back to square 1.
And I gave you yesterday the example
on? Right? On their profile and you think
SubhanAllah what's going on?
They've got all the money, they've got all
the fame, they have everything
that a lot of the Shabaab today would
really want.
the moment I start speaking to them he's
sending me these yellow emojis with the tears.
The man's empty,
he's depressed,
his heart is in a state,
And like I said
the only way that this individual is going
to be able to overcome
the spiritual emptiness is Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala.
Hence why today my brothers and my sisters
I have decided to go through
If we can get through the 15,
right? Then that would be great but at
least 10 points
that will really really soften up our hearts.
Yesterday we stressed
the importance of knowledge.
All of these different fitin,
these isms that we have whether it may
be secularism,
all of these daws that come from the
rainbow team,
right? That we may struggle to answer
the way that we can maneuver and navigate
around all of these different doubts
that are being spread left, right and center
in the universities
which I call a breathing ground for
all of these different isms.
And of course the colorful things, right?
Today we had a great time at Queen's
College, a wonderful time
speaking about feminism
and engaging with our sisters.
May Allah Azza wa jah bless
them. Right? We had a wonderful time.
And likewise I have a great time with
the feminist on Twitter.
I'm having a great time guys
them but the point of the method I'm
really trying to emphasize, hey guys
you have all of these
as well,
just because we don't have the answers
that doesn't mean there aren't any answers.
Does that make sense?
Say that again.
Just because we don't have any answers,
there are doubts that are being posed
that doesn't mean there aren't any answers.
And I gave the example of
a second year med student,
right. He goes back home to maybe Pakistan,
right. Or he might go back to Guyana.
No, that's Masha'Allah.
Right. Or maybe back to Somalia. Do you
have any Samanis here? Other than one brother
who came from Ohio.
Or anywhere else,
2nd year med student. Sometimes what happens is
when you go back home and they find
out this guy is maybe studying a certain
field, they start throwing questions at him. He's
going to turn around, I don't have the
answers for it, I'll go and find out
the research for you.
And that's, you know, common sense that you
don't speak with our knowledge, right?
But why is it when it comes to
our religion my brothers and my sisters,
we're not fully equipped
to repel the doubts that are coming
away. The moment we hear a doubt or
right which is not in line with our
Islamic values and morals we tend to fall
flat on our faces. We're completely overwhelmed by
these doubts.
It destroys our hearts.
So my brothers and my sisters is needed
to overcome
a lot of the problems that we are
dealing with on a day to day basis.
That's why I'm inviting every single one of
you guys to come every week here,
don't just come on there's a speaker on
that you've been watching His reels all of
these years or all of these months.
We need beneficial knowledge my brothers and my
sisters that's going to help us maintain
Why did I mention all of this knowledge,
and knowledge, and knowledge?
This knowledge will not enter in our hearts
my brothers and my sisters
Ibn Utayr Ahmad Tullahi He mentions that this
is one of my favorite quotes.
He says,
He says,
When your heart becomes soft and tender
tender their entering into it will become a
lot more easier.
Sometimes we feel as if there is a
seal on our hearts. No matter how much
time we put into,
Learning the deen of Allah azza wa jay,
it just doesn't seem to
happening. It just does not seem to be
And that is maybe because our hearts
are not soft and tender brother and
sisters. Right?
He then goes on to say
You will see that the
will really take hold of this heart.
It will solidify
Sadat's heart and that is because his heart
has become what? Soft and tender.
He also then goes on to say,
However, if the heart is hard and rigid
the il will find it extremely difficult entering
into that heart.
And that is due to it becoming disease.
It has become sick.
The element has taken over it.
So how is it my brothers and my
right, that we can soften this heart. We're
gonna go through all of these points.
I want you guys also to
pay attention to this very powerful powerful statement
of Ibn Uthaimi Rahmatullahi Alaihi says,
Whoever's heart now my brothers and my sisters
from sins,
The filth of sins
this person will be able to understand the
Quran better.
You know my brothers and my sisters
especially with Ramadan on the corner and I
think is imperative that I mentioned this right.
A lot of us are going to want
to have a relationship with the Quran.
We're going to try and open it right?
But maybe a couple of moments will go
by and we'll close it again. And I
will try again and I will back to
square 1. Or try, we're back to square
1. Many many years ago when I was
in Al Yemen, I seen his brother.
I seen his brother who wanted to memorize
the Quran but everybody wants to do something,
He would walk into the
masjid, he would sit down open the Quran,
wallahi ali alahi, brothers and sisters, he would
sit there for a couple of moments and
close the Quran,
leave the misdeed.
And then he comes back
10 minutes later
exact same process, opens up the Quran, tries
to read, tries to memorize,
doesn't seem to be happening for him,
closes it, leaves and comes back again.
It became very, very clear that this person
had a problem. You know what his problem
ripping into
Tearing the honor of others to shreds.
He's is this or that sheikh is this
and that sheikh is this and whatever have
you that and then
when we think about
or when the discussion of sins is open
up the first thing that comes to mind
is what?
Watching adult content, right?
Watching haram, looking at the opposite gender.
You know how people go window shopping. Right?
This guy is going Instagram shopping.
He's looking around, he's on his sister
and then he's you know, and he's telling
himself, Ullaahi you know marriage, marriage,
And he knows he knows
well enough
that he is not
in a position, right?
Or he is not taking the right
in pursuing marriage
and he's just deseasing his heart.
Does that make sense?
That's what comes to mind when we talk
about sins. However that which may
that we may tend to overlook is some
of the other things such as
speaking about others.
And sometimes it is done under the God
of religion.
Under the God of religion. I'm doing this
now in order to save Alaihi Salam al
I need to save the
So he looks for every way now to
speak about the other individual.
And this is a brother who was tested
by that.
He just came, started to seek a knowledge.
He was there for 2 years, didn't have
the Arabic language. He's too busy.
If you ask him about politics, he knows
He knows everything that's happening between this sheikh
and then what's happening in the UK and
what's happening in the US.
And like, woah, man.
This guy's got the whole map under his
But he was tested with that.
The sins that we fall into, my brothers
and my sisters, sisters, it really really ties
us down.
It really really ties us down.
No matter how much we try to convince
that what we are doing is actually correct.
Also number a very profound statement I think
is worth mentioning. Mutamil says,
He says
the realities of faith
will not enter into one's heart.
If in his heart is that which is
impurifying it.
And then he gives examples such as
and also envy.
We all know arrogance is right brothers and
To bid it to the people
and to also what?
Reject the truth when it's brought to you.
This is very, very important guys.
A lot of us are tested by it
and may Allah 'Azza wa protect us from
it. Especially the moment you start seeking knowledge
and you end up maybe acquiring a position
within your community.
Oh, Shaitan goes to people from different avenues,
from different doors but a person who's now
started seeking knowledge or he's learned a little
bit here and there, look what
I saw many, many not just 1 or
2 and that scares
the living day life out of me brothers
brothers and sisters. Wallahi Azim, he says many
of those who ascribe themselves to knowledge
they become tested with what?
They become tested with arrogance.
The same way a person of Ibadah, you
know when you're a devout worshipper, you're worshipping
Allah Azza wa Jal constantly, right? Shaitan comes
and he says, Akhi,
so, you know, they can kind of like
give you your
du rite. They can give you your hat.
Are your brothers sisters with me?
And then he says
And then they are deprived
of the reality or the essence of knowledge.
Can we have the brothers moving up as
much as you guys can, InshaAllah Ta'ala, so
you guys can see the message
There's some space on that side as well.
If you guys can Yeah.
So at Kibit brothers and sisters, right, belittling
people, rejecting the truth when it comes to
Someone comes and tells you, actually what you're
doing is not right. Instead of taking on
the chin brother,
Giving all sorts of excuses,
rejecting it just for the sake of rejecting
it guys. All of this my brothers and
my sisters will destroy and taint our hearts.
To conclude this introduction, my brothers and my
sisters, before I go into the 10 points
or maybe the 15 points,
this is very very touching.
Heart is more better than having a lot
of fasts and a lot of prayers. Meaning,
Talking about the voluntary acts.
Occupying yourself in cleaning your heart my brothers
and my sisters
is more virtuous
than having a lot of voluntary fasts and
While at the same time your heart
is tainted.
And look what he says,
He says the majority of voluntary acts
that the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam and
his companions used to engage in wasn't a
lot of fasting and a lot of
praying but rather it was
But rather it was
them working hard and purifying the house. Ta'ala.
they had that piety in their hearts,
That they had that piety in their hearts
because they know
when you rectify your heart
it is going to start projecting on your
Sometimes you see an individual saying,
You advise him in the wrong that he's
doing, Akhi my heart, you know, my heart
is great.
You know, as long as the heart heart
is good, no matter what you do with
your limbs, no, my brother says it doesn't
work like that.
It's in fact the opposite.
When your heart now becomes pure,
right, and it becomes tahir, it becomes cleansed,
you will see it now projecting on one's
Inside of your heart guys. It starts what?
Coming out. It can't hold itself inside of
the heart, it starts coming out guys onto
your lips. This is why the Prophet sallallahu
alaihi wa sallam said
Indeed inside of your body is what? A
piece of flesh.
If that becomes rectified everything else becomes rectified.
If that becomes
rectified everything else
becomes rectified,
if that becomes corrupt
everything else becomes corrupt. So don't tell me
my brother,
right, or my sister
that your heart is great while you've lost
control over your lips.
This is a sign for you
that you really really need to do something
about yourself,
As much you may have
wonderful intentions
that you want to do good and no
one will take that intention away from you,
that you have good intentions moving forward.
But remember my brothers and my sisters,
the fact that this is now professing on
your limbs
is a problem.
Put your hand up
you want to have relation with the Quran.
That you want to be able to taste
the sweetness of the Quran,
right? We all do.
Do. Every single one of us does.
I know a lot of us are sitting
They're just you know
don't have that relationship
and they're looking for something to really kick
that journey with the Book of Allah Subhanahu
wa wa Ta'ala. You will see people my
brothers and my sisters,
Who don't have much,
And you can maybe put students of knowledge
in that bracket. They don't have much. They
barely have anything, right? But they have
have the book of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
that they carry in their hearts which they
read every single day.
They pursue sacred knowledge
and they are the happiest people in the
are the happiest people in the world.
And that is because they have the ability
and I say this right and I mean
every letter.
They have the ability
to open the book of
Allah Number 1, my
then listen up to this first point my
and my sisters.
And listen up to this first point my
brothers and my sisters.
The first point is
To give precedence to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
To make him priority in your life.
By doing that which is pleasing to him.
Listen up to
Ibrahim had to say. He
He says,
the heart will not experience
and it will also not endure its ultimate
by doing that which will bring you closer
to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
And loving Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala more than
you love anything else in this world.
And this cannot be possible.
You cannot love Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala accordingly
my brothers and my sisters.
Accept that you turn
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
What does that mean my brothers and my
Does that mean you can't love your wife?
You can't love your parents?
You can't take from the dunya.
Is that what it means? No, it doesn't.
It means that Allah
Subhanahu wa ta'ala comes before everything
that might well be important to you.
He is number one priority
and no one is going to get in
between him
and myself,
At times my brothers and my sisters,
you find yourself in a predicament.
You have your friends who are calling you
to haram.
It's very very tempting,
You know
Whoever wants a pure clean heart
then let him always put Allah Azzawajal before
his desires, before he shahwa.
You know my brothers and my sisters especially
on my Instagram,
I always
receive messages from brothers and sisters.
A lot of time it's sisters
who message and saying that they're heartbroken.
The guy made her all of these promises
and he eventually dumped her.
He left her disappointed.
Is it really really surprising my brothers and
my sisters that she is now
in the state of misery, of sadness?
It's really not surprising to me. Right?
And that is because
we have chosen other than Allah over
Mutanian says, He says, No.
who loves 'Abdulun Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala.
Meaning he prioritizes 'Abdulun Allah Azza wa Jal
over him
It's only a matter of time, it's only
a matter of time
that you are left hurt
by that person that you prioritized.
Now she's hurt, she's broken,
she is what? Suffering from all types of
and sadness,
right? And that is because she preferred other
than Allah aza wa ta'ala.
And sometimes you find that in a work
right? We're more concerned about pleasing that boss.
At the expense of our religion. You know
you have to get up and start praying
to Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala.
But you don't want to rock the boat,
right? You
don't want him to think that you are
You don't want him to think like that.
Right? You just wanna blend in,
so that you get maybe
a pay raise later on down the line.
You don't even inquire about
whether I can maybe
be let into a room
board. With one
and we've seen it happen across the board.
And I wanna rock the boat
with the guy who Allah
is providing
for. With the guy who Allah Subhanahu Wa
Ta'ala is providing for.
You look at him as the provider. Allah
is providing for you and him as well.
And this is the statement of the prophet
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam he said
whoever tries to seek the pleasure
of the creation
and on the way of doing so it
displeases Allah as a way of what happens.
Allah becomes angry with him and the creation
become angry with him as well.
You're left disappointed and you're left hurt. And
that is simply because, and that is simply
you prioritize other than Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
Right? You're left disappointed and you're left hurt.
So if you want the ultimate happiness my
brothers and my sisters,
do what Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala told you
to do.
It's hard, it's a predicament that you find
yourself in. Your friends are all going to
And you
all shall I, shall I not?
You turn away my brothers and my sisters,
You leave it up behind for the sake
of Allah.
See how you feel almost instantly
upon turning away from that haram.
Take this from me guys. Almost instantly
the moment the moment
you hold back from that haram which is
so tempting,
right? The bigger the struggle, the bigger the
reward. See how you feel
almost immediately brothers and sisters.
You know what my favorite hadith is? Who
can tell me?
It's my favorite hadith,
Allahu Adbar. Allahu Adbar.
You got that from the
What's your name?
Say it Ali. At the Yemeni?
O Masha Allah.
I can exey it.
You don't leave something for the sake of
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala except
Allah Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is going to
give you that which is better.
And you will see that my brothers and
mothers almost instantly,
So putting Allah first.
Know the fitna that strikes the heart my
brothers and my sisters that pierces through
will not go away unless
it is Allah
who's most important inside of your heart.
And then you have the
Sinning and corruption. You know what it causes
your heart?
fear, sadness,
tightness of the chest,
and also different ailments and sickness of the
And there is no cure for it except
by returning back to Allah as though they
Are we beginning to see why we may
feel a certain way my brothers and my
You must be wondering my brothers and my
sisters, where did all of these different statements
come from?
You know, one time my brothers and my
sisters, a brother
in a WhatsApp group,
he asked a Sheikh.
It's all sub groups that I was
Yes Sheikh, and he's a student of knowledge.
Yes Sheikh, how can I soften up my
How can I soften up my heart?
The response of the Sheikh was,
I don't know what to tell you because
my heart is not soft.
And I'll put this to the Sheikh
Right? So that night I went through maybe
5 years of notes on my iPhone.
You know, on Apple you have these notes.
Right? And
you guys might want to utilize it
taking the benefits that you come across and
then saving on them.
So I would do every year. Whenever I
came across the benefit, I would just save
Whenever a Sheikh talked about softening the heart,
I just took that
and put it
away. Alright.
I'm honestly thinking of turning this into a
book, guys.
Alright. All of these different statements
great scholars, the classical scholars of the past.
It is as if they are living amongst
us brothers and sisters, allay and Adi.
They really, tainted
and it's not tainted
and it's not easy living in this kind
of environment especially if you live here in
New York,
How the women are justified.
They're used as marketing tools
to grab the attention of the consumer.
You see a toothbrush being sold, right? Toothbrush
or a toothpaste
being advertised on the billboard and then you
have half naked woman right next to it.
What on earth does the half naked woman
got to do with the 2 of her
she goes?
Tell me, because they know that's what's gonna
grab your attention.
It's our
sister said
that when I called the women yesterday fitna,
I'm not going to answer this on camera.
She goes, I don't like how you're speaking
about the women.
I was just quoting the Hadith of Prophet
SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam, right?
And I think she missed the Masurah I
was saying
so I'm going to explain you now. The
Messenger sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said
I haven't left
a fitna that is greater upon women,
on men.
I haven't left the if it's enough. There
is more greater upon men than
That doesn't mean that the woman's bad. Right?
But that her
that's how it's maybe been understood.
The point that I was trying to make
that the men are weak.
They need help,
right? Just be honest here
that's our biggest fitna.
Men struggle with that, right?
Anyone disagree?
This is a problem Wallahi Alim. If a
man thinks that he has
right? The toughness
and the capability
right to hold himself together when he's alone
with a woman
I don't know what planet you're from,
Allah Azza wa Jalal told us this,
Man has been created
He says what this weakness here means is
man's lowering lowering his gaze, a lady walks
past who just can't hold himself together except
by looking at her. It's a weakness that
we have, it's our biggest fitna. Right? So
my sisters don't misunderstand what I'm saying,
many things happen,
does that make sense?
Right. So it's hitting our heart the fitna
is there,
summer time,
They're barely wearing anything and we're seeing this
it is destroying our hearts brothers and sisters,
right? It's really destroying our hearts.
And every time there is what a black
dot on the heart what does he do?
He affix it.
More black dots and more and more up
until the whole heart now becomes black.
2nd one my brothers, my sisters, second point.
How long do I have sheikh?
20 minutes. Okay.
What time do you start? We started at,
like, 6:40.
Alright. Take me.
We've got difference of opinion.
Ameen, mashaAllah, our brother Ameen
drove down from Philly with his
May Allah bless him.
2nd one brother and sister that's really really
going to soften up your heart.
Right? Dealing with the people in a kind
Being nice to them, right?
Right? There's nothing more beneficial to the heart
than treating the people
kindly, right? Treating them nicely guys.
And loving good for them.
Let me give an example,
has blessed you in your venture.
You know,
Sheikh here,
he sells these lovely hats,
We call him the Halal Huris, you know.
Alaa Mubarak is doing amazing.
Somebody comes up to him and he wants
to try, he wants to try that same
and he asked him how did you get
these hats done I want to put my
own brand on it.
Shaitan might whisper and say, competitor
This guy be trying to take over, right?
What was the hadith of the Prophet sallallahu
1 is not a true believer until he
loves for his brother what
he loves for? Himself. The way we should
or we could really apply this hadith is
in situations like this. Loving, khair and good
for others.
Perhaps now Allah Azza wa Jal is going
to bless your business even more.
You know I have
Whoever loves for
to progress,
to move forward, then he is going to
move forward as well.
even in the Dao sphere, right? It can
get very very toxic.
Everyone's scared for his throne,
He's gonna take over my member,
right? No my brothers and my sisters it
shouldn't be like that.
Right, we've come across some elders MashaAllah. They
look at the youngsters and they say
I could take the reins,
You guys take the baton You Allah
while others are terrified for
their for their positions,
they'll try and put you down
So treating the people in a kind manner,
treat them nicely.
You're really really busy my brothers and my
You've got an exam coming up and you
feel like that the whole world is crumbling
over your head,
Go and help somebody out,
see what this does to you,
right? You know Sheikh Al Samtaim Rahmatullahi
Ali right?
He would really really go out his way
to help others, really
go out his way.
Because he knows if he helps others Allah
Azza wa Jal will help him.
Wallahu fee a'unil Abdul Abdul
fee a'awni aqih. Allah is in the aid
and the assistance
of his servant
as long as he's helping his brothers.
You see an old lady with shopping bags
that's struggling,
help her out. See how you feel almost
instantly brothers and sisters,
Just helping the people out. You're thinking to
you know
it's going to busy me. No brothers and
sisters, not.
See the Baraka that you see in your
It's being deaf for the people my brothers
and my sisters
can really really go a long way.
Ibrahim Nultanay
alaihi says,
From the ways
of really bringing yourself peace,
And feeling great inside of your heart
is being good to the creation.
And then look what he says,
benefiting them in that which you are able
with when it comes to wealth.
You may not necessarily have the physical capability
but you have the wealth to support them.
Wazja, you may not necessarily have the money,
right? You may not necessarily
have the the power that Allah Azza wa
Jal give certain individuals that have strength
but you have links.
He says, Here waja.
Some people have links. Right? They can make
things happen
but he doesn't have the strength to maybe
help you move something or to push a
car. He doesn't have
that, right?
Or he doesn't have money but he's got
Does that make sense?
1 Nif Abi Bil Badin Wa'an Wa'uri Hassan,
Some have the capability
with the body power, right?
And then look what he says
The one who is generous, the one who
is generous, the one who is a good
dua. He is the person my brothers and
my sisters that is the most content.
He has the most purest of us.
He's in a very very good place spiritually.
The one who really really goes out his
way, my brothers and my sisters,
to help others.
And I have so many statements written down.
Maybe we'll publish it one day, my brothers
sisters. Is anyone here more busy than the
Right. Sometimes we turn around and say we're
I don't have time,
Messenger who
is a general,
who was a Mufti, who was a Qadi,
he who had 9 wives at the same
Allah you guys
are You don't even have 1, right?
He had 9 wives at the same
time. He had children,
right? He was dealing with Janais people that
were passing away,
teaching the people.
He had all of that and still my
brothers and my sisters this hadith subhanAllah doesn't
feel to really amaze me all the time.
He tells us about a lady,
She had issues in her intellect.
Rasoolallah, one time she came to the messenger
of Allah and she said,
There is something that you have that I
So he said,
Oh mother of so and so.
Don't worry.
Take me wherever.
Right? She was a woman who was a
mentally 100%.
Right? Take me wherever you need and
I'm ready to be there by your side.
So he helped her out up until she
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
There was never someone in a messenger sallallahu
alaihi wasallam was asked that he ever said
no. Messenger
sallallahu alaihi wa sallam he also said in
another hadith.
The most beloved people to Allah Subhanahu Wa
Ta'ala those who are most beneficial to the
And the most beloved actions to Allah aza
wa jal is some happiness that you enter
into his
He's going through some distress, some hardship, you
remove it.
You see that your brother has some debt
you help him remove it.
He's hungry and you help him remove
That I go with my brother
to help him out and something that he
needs is more beloved to me than doing
in this Masjid and he pointed to his
Number 3 my brothers and sisters,
number 3.
lowering your gaze.
It's one of those things that really, really
softens up your heart.
Imnataymiyyah says,
narrating this from Mujahid,
Lowering your case from that which is Haram
brings about the love of Allah Subhanahu Wa
Right? And I know it's not easy my
brothers and my sisters.
However what you need to understand my brothers
and my sisters us not lowering the gaze
may well be the reason why we end
up losing our faith,
right. It all starts with an innocent look
then it becomes intriguing.
One thing leads to
another, what the eyes can't see the heart
more and desire
and before you know it you find yourself
in a very, very dark place.
Imra Josi says, No.
That the root cause for becoming infatuated.
Infatuated is a sickness my brothers and my
becoming lovesick where one can no longer control
himself. He wakes up and he goes to
sleep thinking about that which he looks at.
Just as it's fit for a man it
is also fit for a woman.
And then look what he says, This is
so touching,
The religion
the deal went guys. He's not talking about
the drug dealer, he's not talking about a
sinner. He's talking about someone who
is a devout worshipper of Allah azza wa
jal. He said he lost his religion because
he did not know his case.
She said you need to be careful.
My brothers and my sisters talks about some
of the benefits
that bring about
when you lower your gaze,
He mentions 3 guys.
The sweetness of faith,
Sweetness of faith.
That peace that an individual will end up
And then he
says, Because when you leave someone for the
sake Allah will give it out which is
Number 2,
Allah Azawajal will grow in your heart and
He will grant you intuition.
You guys know what intuition
is? Sometimes you can see danger coming from
afar while others will only realize the moment
they hit with it.
You begin to see things that others may
not necessarily see,
And then the third thing my brothers and
my sisters, look what he says.
Allah Azzawajal
will strengthen your heart.
It will make it courageous
and firm.
And the shaytan will run away from that
kind of individual.
And that is because you put in an
effort in lowering your gaze.
You can only have the first look guys,
the first look only
and then you have to move your eyes
You don't move your eyes away my brothers
and my sisters,
you've only got yourself to blame when you
find yourself in a
very dark place. The same goes with sisters.
I know sometimes sister thinks that they have
some sort of green card,
Right? So they are excused from this.
Says, Lowering your gaze it is the foundation
to preserving your heart,
And this why,
this is why
when Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala spoke about
lowering your gaze and also safeguarding the private
Which was mentioned first?
Tell the believing man and also the believing
to lower them and then to safeguard their
private parts.
Because like I said earlier, what the eyes
can't see the heart wants,
You looked now you wanna do the next
Your lust
sparks out of control.
The of the eyes is what? Looking. The
of the tongue is
or flirting,
And the zina of the hand is what?
The zina of the feet is what?
Sometimes an innocent innocent glance.
The moment you click on her profile picture
my brothers,
you are playing with fire.
You are playing with fire,
And sometimes what happens she sips into your
Shaitan is whispering.
What you mean I'm gonna say guys?
Give her
And she ends up giving him to our
Said one time we left with Sufianath Thuri
on the day of Eid.
He said
The first thing we're going to start with
today on the day of Eid is when
all the girls start coming out dressing to
impress, right?
And you got some men that start flaunting
their wives, right?
You guys know what I mean?
I has a big problem here in America.
Flaunting your wife. Hey, everybody. Come look at
my wife.
He's the one that dresses her up,
slaps the makeup on her face.
Don't worry,
you know.
I think you guys call this a simp,
Right? This is a problem my brothers.
The principle is here when it
It's unfortunate that some of our sisters
they dress better outside of the house than
than inside.
Are you trying to impress?
Your husband
is most deserving to your good looks and
to makeup and to your hair and
and your fancy clothes
and that is glittery and glamorous and whatever
have you, right?
While she's at home she might be wearing
her pyjamas,
Doesn't put in an effort
and you as well my friend, you have
to put in your effort.
radiAllahu ta'ala will dress up to his wife.
To dress up
because he would love that also
from his wife, right? Works both ways.
Reason why I'm pointing out the sisters and
please sisters don't take it the wrong way.
It mainly happens on the day of Eid.
It is like a party that the sister
is going to
dressing to impress.
It's like sometimes if you can see, you
know, on the day of Eid, it's Ramadan,
the shayateen are locked up. Right? Like on
the day of Eid it's actually been released
with how people behave on
Eid. So he's saying first thing that we
start with on the day of Eid is
by lowering our gaze.
There was even SubhanAllah,
these righteous men of the past
These righteous men of the past,
I forgot his
name. Usinan or something like that.
He went out for ayna when he came
His wife asked him how many good looking
women did you look at?
He said,
from the moment I left, all the way
till I came back,
I only looked down to my
the Ibham.
Many many years ago I said this in
a video,
and I completely
I said the thumb.
So some people interpreted it as, you know,
walk around looking at your thumb.
Because you have Ibham
on your hands and you got Ibham on
your feet as well, right? So you look
How many are we on?
What? 30?
Ibn Uthayn Rahmatullahi Alaihi says,
when you sit with the righteous, 6 things
will change for you. That's 5, 6.
6. 6 things will change for you.
Number 1,
You're somebody who has doubts
by sitting with the righteous, and when we
say righteous we're not just referring to someone
who has
righteous righteous
deeds. What makes you more righteous is the
knowledge that you come with. Right?
You're someone who's suffering from doubts, these doubts
change into what? Yaqeen,
Number 2, Wa minariya ilalagkhlas.
You're someone who likes to show off but
you sit with the righteous.
They encourage you and remind you of being
Number 3, Wamin
being someone who's heedless
to being someone who's what?
Someone who's
what? Someone who's remembering of Allah Subhanahu wa
ta'ala. More conscious of Allah wajal if you're
Number 4,
being someone who's chasing after the dunya to
being more conscious of the hereafter.
Number 5,
being someone who has arrogance,
to being someone who is humble.
Number 6,
Being someone who has bad intentions,
to being someone
advise people sincerely,
I must point out my brothers and my
that when you go into these universities especially,
we run into a lot of people.
Right. We run into a lot of people.
You're right there?
Yeah. Okay.
run into a lot of people, brothers and
someone may look extremely righteous, however,
he's polluted or she's polluted.
A sister is dressing modestly
from top to bottom.
But then Madi Hasidl,
Because of her mind being polluted with this
feminist ideology
you run into her thinking that she's righteous
and that she's a good person
who holds your best interest.
Only for you to all of a sudden
find yourself flirting
with kufr.
Allahu alaihi.
I'm sure some of you
brothers have seen a video with one of
the very well known famous
speaker's corner,
debaters, right?
Who was standing with this 17 year old
or 18 year old hijabi.
Wallahi Alaihi my brothers madam, some of the
statements that are coming out of her mouth
is borderline Islam.
She's been made to feel or she's been
that the way we should look at everything
with the lens of equal rights.
Sorry guys, every lecture somehow the feminism comes
I'm getting ready for Minnesota.
rights. Did Islam come to establish equal rights
or came to establish justice?
This is why we don't tell our women
to go and work in the suegis.
Would anyone here in their right mind instruct
his wife or his daughter or his sister
to go and work in the sewages?
They're equal rights though. Right?
Just as a man would work there let
a woman go work there as well
or under the scorching heat
building these skyscrapers
or some of these hard labor jobs equal
We treat our women with
right? Even if she's a multi billionaire you
as a husband still have to put clothes
on her.
Did you know that?
That's why I told you my sister the
big red flag is, big red flag.
The moment his brother
at the marriage meeting expects you to start
paying for half the bills.
That's a big red flag guys,
But now are we still running around with
equal rights?
He has to pay for the bills. If
you want to help her, excellent.
But is it imposed it imposed upon
her? Is it conditional? No, it's not.
I think that's very, very important that we
You have a lot more rights my sister
than you think.
But sometimes the issue is because
how men have conducted themselves,
they start going down that lane of Feminism.
Does that make sense? They start going down
that lane of Feminism.
So we need to be aware of that
well. There's different causes for it. Sometimes demands,
you know,
sometimes these
universities. You guys got a problem with what
I said?
About looking after the woman,
paying for the bills?
When we talk about mujalasatussalihe
my brothers and sisters, we have to expand
it and make that a little bit more
relevant today's
day and age.
When the scholars of the past spoke about
being with the righteous
they were referring to hanging around with them,
going to them directly.
However, in today's day and age the dynamics
have changed. Agreed?
This is why you have something called Facebook
You don't just have
friends that you meet in person anymore,
you have virtual friends.
Once upon a time my brothers and my
sisters a parent said Alhamdulillah
my children are at home
She is not hanging around with all of
these girls that are what? Going to the
My child is not hanging around with drug
at home.
Today a child
or a young man, I'm not even gonna
say young man anymore. Any person
might be just on his phone
in between those 4 walls, right? Four walls.
And he's exposed to so much more filth
than you would if you went outside. Agreed?
The whole world has become like a small
little village.
The World Wide Web is just a fingertip
away. So here, that's what www.stands for by
the way for those who didn't
know. The world wide web is a fingertip
where you become exposed to all types of
Let me ask you guys question.
Going on to
the Washington Post on your phone, is that
Reading the news is haram?
Haram? Doing that which is permissible, is that
Don't even think it makes sense, right? Doing
that which is permissible is Haram.
You know a statement of Ibn al Jazir
that, you know, it makes a lot of
sense to
a lot of things that happen.
He says,
He says, When the heart, when the
heart begins to drown
in that which is permissible.
We're not talking about
that which is recommended or that which is
why it's cheap. We're just talking about things
that, okay, is permissible.
When you over exhaust that,
right, your heart begins to
Guys pay attention.
This is very very important.
When the heart now
begins to drown in that which is permissible,
it becomes dark.
And then he says,
If I gave a bit Haram.
If that happens now with the permissible things
then how about the one whom actually engages
Haram? I'll give you guys another example that
you can relate to. Because we had the
Lakers playing with the Nets yesterday, right?
Around the corner from here. He's playing basketball
You guys
saw? Yes. You guys don't know Surajid?
Anil Mashaikh
one against me? Because apparently I said sports
are haram.
I told the Sheikh, Sheikh, I'm a baller
So I was playing sports, it's not haram
Some of you guys said it very, very
It's fine.
But when it now becomes excessive,
when it becomes excessive,
Ibn al Josi is saying,
doing that which is permissible excessively
is going to cause your heart to become
Spending hours and hours and hours just playing
and and it says
Now we come onto the phones.
Give all these examples. So you what?
It begins to make sense.
Constantly being on our phones,
generally speaking using your phone is fine.
Constantly being on your phone my brothers and
my sisters, believe it or not it's having
a big effect on our hearts.
It really really is,
Today when you walk in, right? You see
someone is on his phone, you have to
give salaam to 2 people, him and also
his phone,
right? In order to get his attention, you
have to take it away
from him. We're suffering inside, guys. We're suffering.
And you know how we are making up
for it? What we're doing to make ourselves
feel better? By just staying on our phones
Just scrolling through it.
Take that take that phone away from you.
It becomes like a.
Somebody who's like an addict. And that is
because our hearts will be calm.
How long do you have shake?
We got 5 minutes. Right? How many have
we done guys?
Number 5 guys.
To recite the book of Allah Subhanahu Wa
Ta'ala and to reflect on it.
Allah Azza wa Jal has not sent down
anything from the
Than the Quran.
I'm gonna share something very private to you
I don't think I've ever said this
publicly. When I was in Medina,
I would generally speaking
spend a lot of time in the Haram.
My timetable would be Asr time, I'm there
all the way
till maybe around 9:30 and I would come
back. That would be my daily schedule.
When it came to my university studies, I
would just be the type who just revises
for it. I need exam peers, so don't
try that at home. Right?
The university studies, you had the university studies,
you had haram studies. I had different things
that I was prioritizing.
I would give it importance but the exams
I would kind of give it a lot
more later on.
So when exam period comes by,
I would give it my everything
and all to revising for the exam because
I needed to get good marks. If you
want to stay longer in Medina,
you need to have high grades and then
you need to, you know, pass the master's
and then you get accepted. So exam period,
I stopped learning till Haram.
And normally every day when I go I
would read my Quran to the teacher.
Exam period,
I would just spend my days
and my nights inside of my room
on university campus.
Well my brothers and sisters, within the space
of a week and a half or maybe
it was 2 weeks,
I began to feel so empty.
like, what's wrong?
What am I doing wrong?
It's like, you know you know what? I'm
gonna go to the Haram today.
Something made me go to the Haram even
though it's exam period. I shouldn't be leaving
my room. I need to make up for
lost time.
I go
to my teacher. I was like, Sheikh,
I don't feel right.
I feel, SubhanAllah, this type of emptiness.
You know the first thing he said to
me and it was the only thing that
came out of his mouth.
When is the last time you
Quran? When you have a habit of doing
something that is praiseworthy, right? Like the Quran,
what she used to do on a regular
basis, reading to my teachers.
And then all of a sudden you stop.
You're going to feel what? A difference. Because
when is the last time you read Quran?
Life felt so bad that day. Please say
that to
me. So between Maghrib and Isha,
I put my phone away,
and I just read Quran, guys.
Nothing else. I just started reading. I wasn't
even memorizing. I was just, like, reading.
Right. We
We're gonna have to stop