Abu Taymiyyah – 2015 Staying steadfast after Ramadhan A Taymiyyah
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Brothers and sisters,
we'll be covering a very, very, very important
In short. A topic
is connected to the month of Ramadan as
As the brothers, they chose the topic of
keeping steadfast
after the month of Ramadan.
As you may know, that in the month
of Ramadan,
due to the hike
and also the glamour of Ramadan, you find
that the event of an individual individual is
sky high.
He's very very eager to do rebad that.
He has the energy,
and it's also the month
That when the month of Ramadan comes,
the doors of Jannah are
flung open,
And the doors of hellfire
are slammed shut, and the shayateen
are locked up.
You find that a person finds it very,
very easy due to the things
that are specific for the month of Ramadan,
like you mentioned in hadith.
The Rahmah,
the mercy,
the virtues,
and all of the other aspects of Ramadan
that you normally don't tend to find except
in the month of Ramadan.
Our lecture today, brothers,
is that which
comes after the month of Ramadan.
That wage comes after
the month of Ramadan.
Yes, sir.
Brothers and sisters, it would be totally wrong
It would be totally wrong for me to
or address an individual
that has come in the month of Ramadan,
and he only started practicing in the month
of Ramadan.
To look down at him or to say
this guy only practice in the month of
Because some people, when Ramadan comes, they use
that as a stepping stone.
They use that as a mouth to get
back on their feet,
to maybe change,
and to move forward in their lives.
There's many many people like that.
But the other kind of person that we
want to move speak about more
is the type of individual that when Ramadan
he has that kind of mentality, I'm only
going to practice in the month of Ramadan.
And when Ramadan finishes, I'm gonna go back
to my future ways.
So he's basically
and making that decision.
In other words,
that he's only gonna practice in the month
of Ramadan, then
outside of Ramadan, he's gonna go back to
bad ways of being disobedient to Allah Subhanahu
Wa Ta'ala.
And he tend to find
from the moment that Ramadan finishes,
when the whispers of the shaytan
come into the heads of the people.
The Eid
the Eid is a day of celebration. The
he told us in numerous hadiths.
the days of celebration for the Muslims
is the day of Arafah,
the day of Eid al Muqdha.
And also he came in another narration,
the Eid al Fitr,
are days that a person eats and drinks.
It's a day of happiness.
You find that as soon as the day
of hate comes,
the cars are being rented out.
The hijab is taken off.
We go back to the music.
We feel that if we do something, we
have this mentality, we do something in Ramadan,
it might affect our shayyan.
Or we might only pray in
the month of month month month of Ramadan.
And as soon
as the Ramadan finishes,
we tend to go back to all these
Our our women,
our daughters,
You tend to find them
maybe going back to wearing makeup,
wearing fancy clothes.
The hijab comes off. And this is very,
very common.
So this is
that we
want to give great significance to today
and speak about
the ending of a person,
And that this kind of mentality of how
dangerous it is, propaz is not the same,
the one that knows something.
When a person knows that something is wrong
and the person that doesn't know
that which is wrong. There are 2 different
And they are handled
in a different way.
Stay away from getting close is in a
having a girlfriend,
doing things with her. When
Allah told you to stay away from this,
and you went and violated the limits of
then you have your punishment saved for you.
But the person that might have not known
that his situation is different.
Brothers and sisters,
this matter is very, very important.
It's very, very important that we need to
And it's a very very emotional topic as
None of us wanna come on Yom Kediyama.
And we know that which is right and
Everything has been made clear cut to us.
It has been made
absolutely crystal clear.
We come on Yomul Tayyama.
Turned away.
They acted like they were deaf. They didn't
wanna know, who are you to tell me?
I'm gonna carry out my way.
I am the one that has more knowledge.
Who are you to come tell me?
Or I am older.
Or sometimes you find that when the wife,
she comes and tells the husband
that what she's doing is incorrect.
I am the husband.
I have
higher position over her. She can't come and
tell me what to do.
This we find all the
time. And sometimes between parents and children, or
the other way around.
The prophetess of Allahu alayhi wa sallam he
told us
something that
is absolutely wonderful that a person is being
in this dunya, and likewise, how can it
get elevated? That which is being humble.
The prophet
said, 3 things I swear by Allah.
From the things that he mentioned,
never does a person humble himself
except Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala raises him.
And that brings to mind the story of
Abu Hurairah.
The promised salamam
and this is something related to fasting.
If he went to his wives
and he fulfilled his desire with his wives,
And they did whatever they did.
And the time of Fajr came, and he
was in the state of jannahbah,
he would have a bath and he would
carry on fasting.
He would have a bath and he would
carry on fasting.
I hope inshallah it's clear that which I'm
trying to
maybe say. There's a lot of little kids
here who might get the wrong end of
the stick. Now
the prophet
will go to his wives. When Fajr came,
he would have a bath,
and he would carry on fasting.
For many years, Abu Hurair
he used to give the fatwa.
They if a person comes at fajr time,
the adhan is called,
and he is in a state of janaba,
then that person comes first.
That person comes first. Abu Uruyya salafi.
and then whatever Abu Huraira
came across with,
he memorized and he mastered and he became
the Sahawi that knew
the most hadith.
So what do we know now about Abu
Rayn Radiallahu Anhu, his great companion from the
tremendous of the companions
that he was an when he came to
memorizing the practices of the prophet
And at the same time, as you can
see here, they fell into
mistake. He fell into mistake.
who are the 2 wives of the prophet,
salallahu alaihi wa sallam.
They said what you're saying is incorrect.
Raba the promise of Allahu alaihi was send
them, when the president came he would carry
on fasting. He would have a bath and
he would carry on fasting.
He never said I don't want hadith than
him. I have more knowledge than him. He
humbled himself, came down to his level and
accepted al Sihan.
That look at his great companion. He never
had killed it. He wasn't arrogant.
The prophetess of Allah told us about Khibre.
Whoever has the size of a mustard grain
of keeping in his heart, this person doesn't
enter into Jannah. And keeping is to reject
the truth and to believe to the people.
So that brings us brothers and sisters to
that which we wanted to mention
that when something becomes clear to us,
something there is haram.
And especially if we know it
and we knew otherwise,
Brothers and sisters, come to play upon this
eye in Surah Al Ba'a.
In the hand of Surah Al Ba'ala
Whoever turns away
from the reminder,
from that which he has been made clear
to him,
And this person,
he will live a depressive life.
Some of us sometimes we complain about having
or we go through stress. We don't know
what to do with our lives. The confar,
what do they do? As soon as they
become depressed, they go to the London Bridge
and they shut themselves off. They commit suicide.
There's no event.
And you wonder why some people,
they tend to revert to a certain way,
to a way like this.
Why? Because of a lack of demand.
They didn't do simply what
Allah told them to do.
Allah says,
He will make we will make him live
a depressive life.
So if you are suffering from depression, the
first place you go back to
is the Quran and the sunnah in establishing
it. How Allah
told you to establish it.
Just picture it in your head now. Someone
came up to you, and he said to
you what you're doing is incorrect.
Or don't do this.
And you know that what you're doing is
totally incorrect,
you turn away that one time.
He will come
on and he will be blind.
So what does he say?
He will say,
The ayat and the verses came to you,
and you left it off.
You left it off, and you turned away.
And today, you're gonna be left off.
That's now the danger, brothers and sisters.
We're not picking on anyone here. All of
us, we have mistakes.
None of us, for those that have come
to know the sunnah,
nobody woke up one day and Khalas,
he ended up establishing the sunnah. Nobody takes
People take time to realize that which is
correct, which is wrong.
Abstaining from this, doing this action, establishing this
command of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. It doesn't
happen overnight. We are only need to improve
and to change.
But the issue is when is this change
gonna happen?
We hear this comment all the time.
My own uncle said this to me my
own uncle said this to me years ago
when we had the bid.
He said to us, why don't you just
grow your bid and stop practicing the word
of Khamis
when you become older?
When you become older and put your hadith
on, then stop practicing. But now enjoy your
Enjoy it. You've only got days.
But who can guarantee
that we're gonna even make it to that
The prophet told
The average lifespan of a human being is
between 60 and 70.
Take 20 years out.
This is get 60 if you take 20
years out. Give it 50 years.
50 years that person has
taking away the age of puberty.
50 years that person has.
If a person is sleeping 8 hours a
day, 8 hours a day.
Do you know brothers and sisters, 8 hours
a day we take out of our lifespan.
That's 1 third of a day,
and that's 1 third of your life going
down the drain.
1 third if you sleep only 8 hours.
The day consists of what? 24 hours. 8
is 1 third. Yeah. So if a person
are sleeping every single day for 8 hours,
that takes 1 third out of his life.
So we just had 50 years. Where is
1 third of 50?
My wife became a Taliban. 16. 16.
18. Around 18. Around 18. Around 18.
18. 18 years.
Goes down the drain. How many hours how
many how many years left?
15 18 years?
About 36, 37. 52.
Who can even guarantee
that we're gonna come across
or we're gonna live another second? Wallahi brothers
and sisters, we can walk out of that
and all of us might collapse.
Is that serious and is that the reality?
Now when you sleep in the night, don't
wait for the morning. Meaning, be on your
Never knowing what's gonna happen.
So that brings us now to the mentality
that people have.
I'm only gonna practice in the month of
Ramadan. Then after Ramadan,
I'm gonna go back to my ways. I'm
gonna go back to my club. I'm gonna
carry on judging and speaking to my girlfriend.
I'm gonna carry on doing this and doing
Brothers and sisters, they're very very civil thing
that we need to think about
how our ending will be.
Will it be a good ending?
Will it be a bad ending?
Does anyone know Tupac here?
Most of us, we know Tupac.
Zac Tupac was the famous rapper that every
single person knows about.
Right? Talking about the issue
of a good ending and a bad ending.
And then bear in mind as well that
the prophet
said to us,
the ending of a person is based upon
his what?
His actions. What he used to do.
If you're someone that excessively swears,
what is most likely to happen
That your life is taken.
Sah, your life is taken while you are
doing the actions.
We all know the famous hadith, the famous
When the prophet
But at that time,
at that person's death,
would it be that easy
if a person was consistently
being disobedient to Allah
to say la ilaha illa?
Tooth pack.
He was someone on the excess of his
walk. He's always swearing.
He's always what? Swearing.
F in this, f in this, f in
that. And today, we were talking this from
The way they speak is like this.
They constantly say
swear words, maybe
in one sentence they use the f word
maybe 3, 4 times.
So 2 fact we have a listen. We
have a listen.
We don't just tell stories.
It's not like watching a film, going to
see the fair and khalat. You put the
next program on, and then you put the
next program on. When we mention stories, there's
a lesson.
There's morals behind it. We don't just mention
it also we can enjoy it, get and
you get excited and get happy, laugh about
it, and then go back home, tell our
families joke about it.
Robert, there's a lesson in everything.
The stories that are mentioned in the Quran,
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala assist to us.
We tell you of the stories in
so that you can firm in your heart.
That you can firm in your heart. And
he can make you feel, ponder, and contemplate.
When Tupac got shot,
when he got shot, he's in the hands
of the police.
The police is saying to him, who is
the one that killed you so that we
can what?
Go and get this person so we can
lock him on.
What would the normal person do? He tell
at least he has some sort of revenge.
The last things that he said to the
he told them to f off.
And that's why we died.
Just to show you that if someone is
excessively saying something
or involved in something,
then it's most likely his enemies to be
like this.
Another example
that's a very true story.
Someone called Alan Shearer. Do you know who
Alan Shearer is?
Steven in April? Yes.
Newcastle, they used to call him the fox
in the box.
teenager. They used to love.
His bed, it has a picture
walls, Everything inside this room is.
Today, this is the kind of fitment that
we have.
Messi, Ronaldo, all these other things, whether the
person is small or is older.
That Allah tells us
They are the 1 separation.
He says that your lord is Jesus.
When he's supposed to call, he does
this, pointing to Jesus.
He commits the worst sin the worst sin,
which is shi'bula.
Imagine brothers and sisters,
when some of these football players they score,
and we shout their names whatever it might
be. Ronaldo, Messi.
And that very moment that very moment due
to the love that we have for them,
our souls get taken,
and we die saying messio or an album.
This kid or this teenager,
he's on his deathbed. He's on his deathbed.
He's dying.
He's dying, brothers.
Someone's coming to him and telling him to
What do you think he said?
He said.
What stuff?
And this is how he died.
Meaning, be on your toes. Brothers and sisters,
we don't know when that death is gonna
We don't know when that death is gonna
come. That death is gonna come to us,
and that's it.
We're gonna be wishing. We're gonna be wishing.
We have just an extra moment.
Allah tells us.
And Allah
comes another ayah.
And I can be from those that are
So brothers and sisters,
contemplate upon these ayats.
The ending of a person,
how severe it is,
and how you might be resurrected on Yomr
Al Tayama. The prophet told us,
The a man, he's with the one that
he loves.
So if you love Messi
or you love that hip hop star
or this person that pays the R and
or all these other things,
the money, the dollars,
the wealth that we love,
whatever it might be, a person comes in,
is with the one that he
father and sisters,
that this could be every single one of
This mentality, and I will keep repeating this,
that I'm only gonna do something in Ramadan.
Then after Ramadan, I'm gonna leave all my
About 2 girls about 2 girls.
And it's a true story.
True story.
It's 2 girls.
They have here written something called Adam quotes.
There are a lot of people that enrolled
They used to wear niqab, hijab, everything.
They used to wear what? Niqab, hijab, everything.
And they said let us then experience
one day
one day and take our hijabs off.
We take our hijabs off,
we go to the night club, we smoke
shisha, we do this and we do that.
All they wanted to do is a small
to take off the hijab. That was the
initial thing.
And then the shayat panel came and whispered,
okay, just go to the club as well.
Go be with these guys. Smoke with
them or do this.
These are girls, brothers, and sisters
who are wearing their top top to bottom.
Day and night, they memorize the Quran.
They decided just one day one day,
let me take off my thing,
and they ended up falling into so much
things they never ever expected.
They ended up falling into the hands of
and other things that they did on that
Because of what?
One whisper of the shaitan, or just saying,
oh, just that one time I'm gonna do
something just one time I'm gonna do something,
and I'm gonna go back.
And then you have the other side, something
called the
the good ending.
We know
over the sisters.
He's making dua to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
Oh Allah,
make my death
in the city of your Prophet
and make me die as a martyr.
Just make a dua like this, this Ramadan,
make a dua.
And let us follow the system not estimate
the power of the
drug, especially while we're fasting, we have a
great opportunity that maybe many people don't have.
In Saudi, they're only fasting maybe 8, 9
They're only fasting, 8, 9 hours.
We have a blessing,
and you must be wondering what blessing is
this? 20 hours that we're fasting, 20 hours.
It's a blessing. Why is there a blessing
if it wasn't only for this hadith?
The new room is sufficient. The promise of
Ariyasem said to us, to
whom? 3
And from those that he mentioned was,
the one that's fasting until he breaks it.
So from the moment that you stop fasting
all the way till you break it, 20
hours that you have, whatever the issue might
whether it is a sickness,
whether it is financial difficulty that you have,
whether it is something that you really want,
do not underestimate the power of the dua.
Because anything can happen anywhere, anytime.
All we need to do is believe.
Yes, sir.
You know the problem that we have today,
brothers and sisters,
Is that as soon as something happens to
as soon as something happens to us,
whether it's a newness,
the first place that we run to is
the NHS or the GP.
We've got a stomach problem, we run to
the GP or the NHS.
As soon as we lose our jobs, the
first place that we run to is where
the job center. We're lining up.
Nobody is saying don't go there or don't
take the aspab, don't take the pauses.
Imagine a one time that you made dua
to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala just a one
You put your hands up to him. The
prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam told us
Allah is shy and he's very generous that
when someone puts his hands up to Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala, it's a means of getting
your dua
responded to. Just putting your hands up. Dua
Allah will send me back empty handed.
is making dua.
Making du'a,
oh Allah,
make me a mata
and make my death in the city of
the prophet
Umar ibn Khaddab
died while in the prayer.
He was stopped while in the prayer. And
why did he get buried?
Right next to the prophet salallahu alaihi wa
This is a kind of example, Ikhwani,
of a shastan al khatim a good ending.
Sometimes you find on social networking websites like
on Twitter or Facebook, people sending out pictures.
I'm a guy that has just died.
He's died while making the sujood. Recently,
an Indian man,
he's sitting in the Haram, in the Haram
in Mecca, in the Haram in Madini.
In the city of the prophet sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam, his masjid.
He's reading the Quran and he died while
reading the Quran. And his picture is going
wrong. It's going wrong. Whether he was Bangladesh,
India, I'm not exactly sure.
But his picture was going around everywhere.
This is a kind of example of Hafiz
al Khattim.
It just depends on you.
And the other way, what is the system
that we have to understand
is a very, very important thing
is asking Allah
for istikhamal.
Ask Allah
This is the perfect time.
This is the perfect time, brothers. We still
have 5 days remaining, 5 days remaining. And
today might be later
And we mentioned the hadith before. Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala won't reject this person's dua. Why
he's fasting if he makes dua? It won't
get rejected.
To us, Allah
Just to put Allah
to put us on the right path.
Any of our hearts, it could be anyone.
Anyone, brothers.
Today, we see inshallah in the Masajid.
Tomorrow, we go out.
When is even the biggest shave? This has
happened to.
Forget about what
happened to.
And in Nur Taym, he mentions this in
his kitab al Fowayd.
The one man comes
on his deathbed,
he's saying he's singing.
He's just singing.
He's singing in a tune.
That could happen to every single one of
us brothers and sisters that today we are
we're coming to the masajid,
and tomorrow we see ourselves in the night
Forget us prophets, the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa
sallam. The prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
Oh Allah,
O turner of the hearts.
Keep my heart firm upon your obedience in
your religion.
And he came in another narration,
If you want fitna
for me,
for your
sake, then take me
away while I'm not infatuated,
If this is the prophet making
dua to Allah
to keep a firm, then where did any
of us, any of us stand? Where do
we stand?
The prophet
told us,
That the hearts the hearts
are between 2 fingers
from the fingers
of the most merciful one of Allah
That's where the hearts are.
If Allah wants, he will put him on
the straight path, and if Allah wants,
he will deviate his heart away. It's that
And that's how quickly this can take place.
Namad Gossar said,
and here's how the Sahaba were.
They never became complacent.
Oh, I spilled on.
I paid £5.
Halas, I'm gonna be getting the rewards for
84 years.
Nobody is saying don't stand up and fear
and die of fear and fright. Nah.
We worship Allah
between two things,
between hope and also fear.
That we fear that our actions are not
being accepted and at the same time we
hope for the Jannah and the reward of
If a person doesn't worship Allah
with either of them, he's gonna get distracted.
Because you just keep if you if a
person just keeps hoping, and he keeps hoping,
and he
hoping, whatever he might do, he just hopes.
And he doesn't know if his actions are
being accepted or not. He might become complacent
and deficient in his actions,
and he doesn't get anywhere.
And if a person now is just constantly
just being scared,
he's constantly being scared,
he will reach a point where he becomes
so scared and the fright overwhelms him, and
he leaves the religion altogether.
He'll say to himself, Arce, if I whatever
I do is not being accepted, what's gonna
So a person needs to be balanced
between the two matters.
So the whole point here is the Sahaba,
when they stood up in the last 10
they never said,
I'm gonna show for the rest of the
84 years of Ibadah, I'm getting a reward
for, and that's it.
Rahab Adi, Sahaba, I won why Ali, they
were scared.
Brothers and sisters, they were scared. When they
did Ibadah,
They never got complacent or they never said
we're going to Jannah.
Before his death, he used to tell Hudayfah
ibn Abi al Mahdi, who was another great
who the moonafi home were.
Nobody will know except for Hudayfah.
Umar ibn al Khattab used to fend for
Is he from the?
Is he from the pious ones?
As soon as he died,
the the the Umar al Mulkataq went running
to Hudaib and he grabbed him and he
said to him, did the
mention me from amongst the Munafiqeen?
This is one of the best of the
believers scared for himself.
I met 30 of the Sahaba. 30
of the Sahaba.
Every single one of them
he faced for the fact,
himself. They used to be scared.
They used to be scared for themselves.
The ay and the ay brothers and sisters
There's an ay in the Quran
that talks about those whose hearts are trembling.
That when they are going back to the
Lord, they tremble, their hearts tremble
in regards to the fact of going back
to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
Aisha Sin
said, in this ayah talking about the people
that do sin,
That commit sina, that steal, that kill, that
commit the major and that commit the sins?
Is this ayah talking about them that they're
to meet Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala?
said no.
He said to her it is regarding the
that when they do good actions,
they are frightened, their hearts are trembling.
Is this action being accepted for me?
So just because there's a great reward brothers
and sisters,
that doesn't mean we sit back
and we lean on maybe some of the
actions that we did in 2013,
where I stood on Laylatul Qadr then, that's
sufficient for me.
We don't know
if these actions are being accepted from us.
All we can do is hope
and ask Allah
to accept our actions.
To accept his actions.
So brothers and sisters,
concluding the lecture,
This mentality and time and again we mentioned
this mentality
of I'm only gonna practice in the month
of Ramadan.
You might not even make it after Ramadan.
You might even make it to Eid.
So you're telling yourself, no.
I'm gonna do this.
Send Qur'an. And I'm gonna do that. And
I'm gonna do this. I'm gonna do this.
You haven't even come out of Ramadan and
you're all you're already intending
shah and evil.
We might not even make it out of
Brothers and sisters, may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
Whoever manages to stand
on the night of power
then Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala will forgive his
The prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
said, The month has come.
In it is a might that is better
than a 1000 months.
Whoever is whoever is deprived
of this day, of this night, then he
has been deprived of all good.
So brothers and sisters, this is a day
or these last 10 days
when the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam, as Aisha
He would wake up his family.
He would wake them up,
and he would
tighten his belt figuratively
speaking. He would up his game.
This is the prophet
He would stand till his feet became red.
Aja, he says to him, you Rasoolullah,
why are you tiring yourself? And Allah
has forgiven your past and future sins.
Why did he do this?
He said to
shall I not be a thankful slave?
He is striving.
He used to strike in the last 10
more than he would strike in the in
the rest of the Ramadan,
in any other day.
Brothers and sisters, I don't want anyone to
that he has no hope remaining
or that he can't do anything else.
that Khalas is heading towards destruction.
It is a month of forgiveness no matter
what the sin is.
We all have sins.
We have mountains of sins
that we beg Allah
to forgive.
When it's even shirk bila, shirk
is the mighty sin
that if a person dies upon it, Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala will chuck him in the
hellfire and he'll never come out.
says, say to them,
Say to them,
to the servants who have transgressed.
They've sinned. They've done every single bad thing.
In the mercy of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala reveals all past sins.
Any sin he might be.
Prophet and sisters, we forget. We forget what
we say in the morning.
We forget we say in the morning.
How many times has there been
that we say something about this guy? We
will pass him.
We backbite. We say this about how we
accuse her of something she never did.
The prophet said,
When the Adam, the son of Adam is
no one that excessively makes mistakes, he's always
gonna make mistakes.
But what does he have to do?
If this is part of human nature, what
does he have to do?
He has to go the
You make sins day and night,
and I forgive your sins. But you have
to come to me in order for me
to forgive you.
Do we go the extra step to going
to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and seeking forgiveness?
That's something that is rare in our lives.
Whatever it might be,
brothers and sisters take this time out to
whatever it might be that we're sincere on
That when we stand, when we are in
our sujood,
in where a dua a person's
dua is being responded to straight away?
Do not waste the opportunity
to ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala whatever you
to keep you firm upon the straight path,
and to keep your mentality intact
in the correct
and to make you from those
whose sins have been forgiven.
We ask Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to make
a lecture
that is a benefit to all of us.
for women and shaitan.
Whatever I said that was a mistake that
is from myself and also the shaytan. Allah
Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala's message I'll take from this.
And inshallah like this.
Any any question regarding a topic?
A very good question. How can a person
seek forgiveness from Allah
There's many, many forms and ways that a
person can seek forgiveness
from Allah Part of this is simply making
She asked him
that if I managed to stand on the
day or the night of Ka'wah, what do
I say? He told us a famous dua,
So forgive our sins.
So if a person is sincere,
he regrets
from that which he did. He decides
that he won't go back to that which
he has been doing.
It's not correct over that someone only comes
to Ramadan with
the mentality he's gonna go back after the
month of Ramadan.
We mentioned at the start of the lecture
2 kinds of people.
The kind that wants to change, and he
uses Ramadan
as a stepping stone to change.
Then it would be one fast to belittle
this individual and say, oh, this guy only
comes in Ramadan and he wants to change.
Rather the one that comes with that mentality,
that's the kind of person that is defamed.
So the whole point is
that you beg Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala,
miss Sujood,
For indeed the response of Allah
is very, very quick.
All it takes for a person
to go back,
Put your hands up to Allah
and ask Allah
to forgive whatever you've done.
Allah is very merciful
and he's forgiving,
but he just takes you. That's what
the mizah is
that a lot of people they struggle to
do. They sin, which is part of many
other than human nature, but that which they
struggle to do is to go back to
to take that time out
when it's only a few minutes. Brothers, the
prophet salallahu alayhi will send me in a
He will say
Who are constantly making mistakes,
constantly speaking.
We can't control our tongues.
The most excessive
place in web any ad that makes mistakes
on is because of the tongue on the
And the hadith was great outside by Al
Many, many things, many mistakes
that happened due to our tongue, but we
need to go back.
You mentioned regarding backbiting,
making allegations
about your brother or sister. So if, if
a brother has done it, then
is it is there only one option which
is to ask for their forgiveness?
Is that the only option for a person
to be forgiven? Or
hut, to the creation,
like, let's just say now
I steal something.
When I stole this thing,
what have I done? I've committed a sin.
I've violated against the shudu the wallah
And I've also stole this thing from someone
So I've violated against Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala
and I've also violated against the individual.
When the violation
is connected to the creation,
then a person he has to make tawba
to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
and he also needs to seek forgiveness
to the person he has violated against.
And the proof of this is when the
whether he's spoken about his honor, anything that
he's done to anyone,
then let him seek his forgiveness today. Today.
Before there comes a day where no dinar
or dirham, these are currencies,
will be no benefit to him. No benefit.
If he had good deeds,
the people that he oppressed, the guy that
he stole from, the guy that he backed
by him, he never saw any forgiveness,
and they will start taking his peace.
if he doesn't have any Kunduz left,
the bad deeds of the guy that he
oppressed has taken against chapter his back.
So this hadith makes it clear to us
that if a person has oppressed someone, the
creation, he needs to seek forgiveness from him.
And in this person, Sheikh Hashemini mentions in
his explanation of Shai Al Bayin al Nawiyah,
that the person thinks that if he was
to now go back to this person,
and it's gonna lead to a bigger fizna.
It's gonna lead to a bigger fizna, or
he's not able to get hold of him,
maybe because it was 10 years ago,
then what he needs to do is make
tawba to Allah
needs to make tawba to Allah
the point that we're trying to get across
here, if this issue is related to the
land, then he needs to seek forgiveness from
our creation as well. It's not sufficient that
you only go to Allah
and you've demolished these guys or not or
you've taken his wife,
you have to go back to him and
you have to also seek his forgiveness.
Is not actually part of the hadith. I
can't remember exactly which hadith it was.
Whether it was,
one of these things I was looking at
the festival, yesterday
that this word kareem is not actually part
of the dua that the prophet
Who exactly was that you get a research
and bring it back to the brothers, but
what they mentioned in the word kareem is
not exactly
from the
of what the prophet
told Aisha radiya Muhammad.
For listening.
May Allah please, brothers, don't get it the
wrong way. I wasn't trying to oppress anyone
or to put anyone down or to speak
anyone directly. It's just things that we tend
to see on a yearly basis
that we
feel like that we have to address so
that people they take heed. May Allah
make us from those,
when they hear, they act upon it