Abu Taymiyyah – 10 Lessons From The Interactions of Musa & Khidr In Surat Kahf Der
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In a lot of the lectures that I've
been conducting across the country,
we have had different
kinds of people from different walks of life
attending these programs.
Alhamdulillah, in the month of Ramadan, we had
some of the biggest trappers, biggest drug dealers
coming to the Masjid to attend the lectures.
We've had sisters who go clubbing, who don't
even wear hijab,
but they've been coming to the programs.
You are someone who regularly comes to the
house of Allah
may see an individual who might not necessarily
fit the bill
or fit that which you are accustomed to
when you come to the house of Allah
Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.
So, it would absolutely be horrendous for you
now to start staring down at them and
start giving them day looks or making them
feel as
if they don't have a right to be
in the house of Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala.
Sometimes you hear this. Oh, they only come
to the Masjid in Ramadan,
Why did you come to the month? Why
did you come to the house of Allah
You came in order to increase
in reward. You came in order to better
to increase your knowledge. That's why they came
as well.
So people come, my brothers and my sisters,
they are different stages of their journey.
Don't be the reason why you push someone
away just because they don't fit what you
are accustomed to seeing
when you regularly come to the house of
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
Balayra Aleema, I had sisters
who are in haram relationship after a lecture,
they were messaging saying zablachir,
I'm going to try and make change. I
came to the program,
These programs are not just for
religious people, should I say, or the old
man that you see sitting in the front
of the masjid
who comes in for every prayer,
lectures, and taraweeh on the month of Ramadan
are not just for these kind of people.
Right? They are for everyone.
The Quran is a guidance who are just
for someone who's already practicing that.
As Allah told
Who's being spoken to here?
The people.
Allah didn't just say
There's a huge lesson in this.
What does it mean?
Oh, you who believe, right? Hear Allah is
saying, O people,
to everyone,
no matter what
you have,
what kind of individual you are,
or what kind of life that you're living.
Even a non Muslims, the Quran is speaking
directly to them.
a huge reminder has come to you from
Allah and
that which is a Shifa.
A cure for the
hearts. Everyone has a heart, right?
Are there people who are here that don't
have hearts?
We all have hearts
and at times
we feel spiritually empty in our hearts, right?
We are in need of that which is
going to bring this heart to life.
And the Quran is there to do that
my brothers and my sisters.
Hence why
I have chosen
to deliver lectures
where I would take out passages from the
and start extrapolating
benefits from these passages in the Quran
so that we are able to implement it
on our day to day,
right, dealings,
day to day lives,
This is very, very crucial my brothers and
my sisters to have this relationship with the
book of Allah Honestly, I became tired of
giving lectures.
There's only so many
topics that you could cover throughout the year.
But with the Quran taking passages out, I
don't think we will have
enough time in our life to go through
the whole Quran,
right. Every ayah,
every verse in the Quran you can what
structure a whole lecture around it.
This is how vast in meaning the book
of Allah is.
Also, my reason for picking out passages
from the book of Allah
when delivering these lectures.
Look what Ibn Utaym Rahmatullah
Is there anyone here? Let me ask this
question. Is there anyone here that doesn't want
happiness in his life?
If you don't want happiness in your life,
there's nobody here,
right? We are searching
for happiness.
We are so searching
for contentment and fulfillment,
I know and you know, my brothers and
my sisters that we are spiritually
empty at times
because of the kind of lifestyles that we
The Quran has answers
for whatever you are looking for.
Look what he says. I haven't seen anything
that feeds the mind,
nourishes the soul
and preserves your body
and guarantees
you happiness
more than constantly looking in the book of
Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala.
Says I'm not seeing anything like that.
You're looking for happiness.
You're looking for that which is going to
give you that spiritual contentment.
That which is going to feed your mind,
right? Look no further than the book of
has the answers that we
are crying out for my brothers and my
sisters. We just need to take time out
to search
and to look,
The month of Ramadan was the month of
can anyone tell me?
It was the month of Quran.
It would be in the month of Ramadan
when we start reading the Quran
so much more, right? My brothers and my
sisters, do you think Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
only wants us to read the Quran to
reflect and ponder upon
his book? In the month of Ramadan and
in Khalas
We close the Quran. We put it back
on the showers and then he picks up
dust throughout the remaining 11 months and then
we pick it up again in the month
of Ramadan.
As we mentioned time and time again, the
month of Ramadan is an institution.
Right? It's a training camp.
It's an opportunity
for us to start
introducing new habits into our lives to get
rid of bad ones,
right? So that we continue it after the
month of Ramadan.
We become pious individuals
who save God
the boundaries of Allah
We get into a habit to do what
Allah told us to do or what he
wants us to do
and to stay away from the things that
he told us to stay away from.
So we continue this relationship that we had
with the book of Allah
for the remaining 11 months of the year.
So azza, our brother announced,
in continuation with the theme that I've chosen
throughout these days where I'm going around
delivering different programs.
Alhamdulillah. Yesterday, the Friday Khutbah
in Coventry went through 5 benefits from the
life of Ayub
It should be made available in the youth
very, very soon.
Right. And then we went through some benefits
pertaining to Surat al Varuj.
In one of the other lectures,
we also went through benefits from
the man who killed 99.
Then also, In the
lecture of the Maghrib, we went through 15
that you can extrapolate from the garden that
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala destroyed that is mentioned
to us in Surat Al Kalam.
We think you actually get a chance to
go through all 15 benefits, went through a
couple. Right.
These verses, my brothers and my sisters,
that we want to go through are from
Surat Al Kahf,
the chapter of the cave.
Well, there are so many stories.
We've chosen this part that
we want to go through today
because our brothers wanted us to speak about
that which is going to encourage us to
taking knowledge a lot more seriously.
And in this passage,
this interaction between
salaatuhasalam and
also Musa Alayim salaatuhasalam. Our huge benefits that
bi idhnillahi ta'ala will change our perspectives
on a lot of that which we see,
right, unfolding
before our eyes.
In it, Bismillah Ta'ala are gems and pearls
that I hope to binillaihta'ala share
with every single one of you.
These verses, my brothers and my sisters are
also mentioned in a hadith
that was narrated by Ubayd niqab.
The messenger sallallahu alaihi wasallam
spoke about
the interaction they had in a lot more
detail than that which is mentioned to us
in the Quran.
The Quran, and likewise, the hadith, the sunnah
of the messian
my brothers and my sisters, they go hand
in hand with one another.
We are not Quranists
or Quraniyun, which means those who only believe
in the Quran and then reject the hadith.
You can't expect to understand the Quran
the sunnah of the messenger They
go hand in hand with one another.
You can't separate the 2 from one another.
Allah tells us in the Quran.
Indeed we said now in the Quran upon
you O Muhammad
alaihi wa sallam so that you can elaborate
on that which has been sent down Puni.
So that you can elaborate
on this Quran,
which is a guidance for the people.
Right? So there is an usool.
There are
principles when it comes to explaining the Quran.
You have to see the Quran, you will
Quran explaining the Quran by way of the
Quran, right?
Some parts of the Quran,
they explain other parts of the Quran. You
can't know the full story with what happened
with Musa
from the time he was born all the
way till when he went to pharaoh
except by taking
right the different passages
across the Quran and then taking a holistic
of what exactly happened.
And then you have also what?
Tafsir ul Quran and sunnah qbul hadith
to explain the Quran with the hadith and
this is an example of that.
Right? Messenger
who was most knowing of Allah
at times he comments
on what
Allah intended with his speech.
So in Sahih al Bukhari,
Imam Bukhari Alhamdulillahi
chapters this
That which is required of a scholar.
When he is asked about who
the most knowledgeable person is, right?
He credits that knowledge to Allah
This is the chapter heading that Imam al
Bukhari Rahmatullah
chose for this hadith now that he's mentioning
in the chapter of knowledge.
Right? Why is he choosing this chapter heading?
Because Musa
was asked, as we all come to know
in a moment, inshallah.
As he was giving a khutbah,
Ubay ibn Kabdi says that the messenger
said, Ama Musa al Nabi yu kateeb and
Israel. One time he stood up and he
began to deliver a sermon
to Bani
Israel, right, the children of Israel.
And as he was delivering this lecture
or this sermon, he was asked, Who
is the most knowledgeable on the face of
this earth?
What was his response? Faqal al Anam. I'm
the most knowledgeable.
So Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
admonished Musa alaihis
salam and disciplined him for giving this kind
of response.
Musa alaihis
salam, he's the prophet of Allah.
He is the most knowledgeable.
However, because he didn't
credit it to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, Allah
decided to discipline him. He admonished him.
And there's a huge lesson in this.
So Allah
in his admonishment
instructed Musa to
travel out
to one of his other servants of,
O Hallahu
That there is
a servant from amongst his servants,
Al Khalil.
A scholar they differed. Was he a prophet?
Was he a saint? Was he a wali
I lah?
Right. Many of the scholars they take the
view that he was actually a prophet.
And that is because as we will inshallahta'ala
come to know later on
when he did whatever he did because he
took Musa with him. Right? And there was
a time when he ended up killing a
young man.
killed the young man.
And as he was doing this,
he wanted from Musa
not to object and not to contest
any of the decisions
and actions that he carries off.
So one time he killed a man, not
even a man, it was a young child.
Uhla, a young child that he killed.
There was a time when, subhanAllah,
he got on the ship for free.
Right. They didn't have to pay to get
on the ship.
What did he do? He decided to put
a hold in the ship
and water started coming out
of, started coming out of the bottom.
And then the 3rd time we did something
else as we were commenting, InshaAllah.
They went to a village.
Right? And they asked to be hosted. Nobody
decided to host them. And he saw
a wall that was falling apart.
He said something that Kader
did not like.
Eventually he said,
whatever I did was not out of my
own accord. Meaning
it was out of divine revelation that I
carried out all of these actions of killing
a young child,
Right. Pulling a hole in a ship.
And the other third thing that he did,
it was all out of divine revelation. And
because of that the scholars they mentioned that
he was a prophet
due to the revelation
that he acted upon.
Jhoni comes down on who?
On prophets. Right?
Allah revealed to him,
There is
a servant from amongst my servants,
that I want you to go to. Where
is he at? Bi'minjumma Al Bahrain, the junction
at the 2 seas.
He is more knowledgeable than your Musa.
So Musa Alaihi Wasallam called out and he
said, how do I get him?
It was said to him,
take a big fish
with you, place this fish inside of a
and then take it on your journey.
Once you lose this fish that you are
carrying in this bucket,
then that will be the place that he's
So you take it with you and then
when you see this fish now slipping out
or jumping out of this bucket,
he's there. So
set off on his journey
He had a servant
that he took along with him.
The servant's name was
al Noon. So he carried
this fish inside of this bucket with him.
Up until they reached this rock.
And Musa alaihis salatul wasalam upon seeing this
rock thought it was a good idea
to lay down on this rock because they
were tired.
Right. So they slept on it.
So after going to sleep, this fish that
he was carrying
is slipped out of this bucket, right, and
jumped back into the sea.
So after waking up, he didn't check the
They continued on their journey.
The night had come to an end and
then in the morning he continued travelling,
And then, subhanAllah,
there was a point where he began to
feel hungry.
So he said to his servant,
Bring us food.
Right? Bring us lunch.
we've become extremely fatigued
and tired while travelling.
The scholars, the Mufassirun, they mentioned they didn't
actually get tired
till after this fish that he was carrying
had slipped back into the sea.
So Allah
caused that to happen in order for him
to realize,
right, that the fish had actually slipped off.
Because what did Allah
tell him or reveal to him?
That once this fish slips back into the
sea, that's where Khadr
But after Abin, he began to work. Oh,
he continued to travel.
the narration states,
As we just mentioned, he didn't feel tired
till he actually went past where he needed
to stop.
So his servant said to him,
Do you remember when we
took a pit stop, right?
We went to sleep, I actually forgot the
fish there.
Right. This is exactly what we're seeking.
So they went back
retracting their footsteps
All the way back to where
they had forgotten that fish they were carrying.
So they already traveled to Hanover all night
and in a day they had to go
all the way back.
Once they arrived at the place
where the fish had slipped back into the
they saw suddenly a man standing there.
And this man that I saw standing there
was covered in his garment.
So Musa alaihis salatu wa sallam,
is looking at the Saman.
The Saman now my brothers and my sisters
gives him salam.
And then he asked Musa alaihis salam,
how do you people greet one another
in the lands that you are from?
returned the salam back to Kadhir
straightaway he says to him,
Is it possible for me to accompany you
so that I can learn
from that which Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala has
taught you of guidance?
Straight away,
Kader alaihisattu wasalam
says to him,
You won't be able to be patient.
With what I'm going to be doing and
that what you're going to be witnessing from
me, right,
it's something that you won't be able to
be patient with.
Then he said to Musa alaihis salatu waslam,
and this is not mentioned in the Quran.
has given me knowledge
that he has taught me
which you are not aware of, which you
don't have.
And you have knowledge that Allah has taught
you which I don't have.
Insha Allahu sabiran.
Musa alaihi salatul Islam and says, don't worry.
You'll find me patient.
doesn't know what he's getting himself involved in.
Right? He has no idea whatsoever,
but he's saying, don't worry. I'll be patient
with whatever you have up your sleeve.
So alayhi salatu wa salam.
Alright. Okay. Let's go. From
So they began to walk on the coast,
like on the seaside.
And they didn't have a ship with them.
As they were walking a ship came past
and offered to take them on board
without a charge, without a fee.
They wanted to, you know, just be there
for Khadir
He had a very good reputation in his
Come on board Khadir. Nobody knows Musa here.
So they decided to board the ship,
Right? Took them without a charge, without a
Fajar was 4um fawakaala
half istafina.
As they were on board,
right, I was 4,
a bird came
was on the edge of the ship.
As this
or as Musa alaihis salaam al Khadir were
on board on the ship,
they saw,
right, this bird.
What do you call in English when the
bird starts,
started pecking the sea, drinking from
the sea that it found
right in front of. Right?
So he pecked once or twice.
He draws this comparison. You know how this
bird is now pecking into the sea.
Is this bird now reducing from the water
that you find inside of the sea?
Is it reducing from it?
It affects it
in no way whatsoever.
In no way whatsoever.
Says the same way you see, this bird
now taking from the sea
the knowledge that we possess, that I possess
and that you possess,
right, it doesn't take anything away from the
knowledge of Allah azza wa ji. Meaning Allah
azza wa ji's knowledge
is so vast. Right? No matter how knowledgeable
you think you are,
Azar says above every individual who possesses knowledge,
there is someone else
that possesses more knowledge and Allah
possesses more knowledge than everyone.
Keep your feet on the ground.
No matter how long you live, you'll never
be able to encompass all of knowledge.
So as they were on board, Kadhir alaihis
salatu al salam,
took a couple of steps forward and then
began to put a hole on the ship.
Alright. Began to put a hole in the
So Musa alaihis salam
becomes surprised with that which he's doing, shocked.
They decided
to take you on board without a charge,
and now you're putting a hole inside of
the ship in order to ground them?
This was the response.
Alright. Says, didn't I say to you that
you won't be able to be patient?
Then I say that you won't be patient
with that which you witnessed me carrying out.
And then he said to him,
please don't hold me to account for that
which I did out of forgetfulness.
This first incident,
right, the messenger
it was done out of forgetfulness.
So he's excused.
So then they got off the ship and
they began to walk.
They ran into a bunch of children that
were playing with one another.
went to one of these young children,
grabbed him and pulled his head off the
killed him.
Have you killed an innocent soul
who didn't kill anyone but then you decided
to take his life?
Khadir alaihis salatu somebody's point, lose patience.
Then I say to you that you won't
be able to be patient
and that which you witnessed me carrying out.
And then they continued
They ran into a group of people
who were resident in this village that they
came across.
They requested to be hosted.
They are foreigners in this village that they
have just arrived at
but they refused.
a wall
that was on the verge of collapsing.
Approached this wall and straighten it.
He fixed it.
no shit.
If you want, you can take or you
can charge them for it. You know, they
refused to host this, right? Go and charge
them for this work that you just carried
Khadir alaihis salatu wasalam responded back by saying
This is it.
We are now going to what?
Go our ways.
This is the end of it. This is
the end of the journey,
right. He told him already twice. He gave
him two chances. The first one was zanar
The second time forgetfulness wasn't mentioned.
He was extremely shocked at what he just
witnessed. You just took somebody's life.
Say all of us if we saw someone,
right, taking the life of another would be
shocked by it, right?
Right. Our
instant instinct would be to go and do
something about it, Sahih. You're human beings.
May Allah have mercy upon Musa alayhi salawasam
the messenger sallallahu alaihi
salawam said. Right?
I wish that he was patient so that
we could hear the rest of the story.
And in another narration we are told
He would have seen amazing things from his
companion, Khadir alaihis salatu as salam, but Musa
alaihis salatu as salam was impatient.
As this happened, my brothers and my sisters,
Khandir alaihi wasalam began to explain to him
he did whatever he executed or whatever he
carried out.
We are told
As for what he did,
I just mentioned in the Quran, as for
that which he carried out on the ship,
putting a hold
on somebody's ship that they,
carried you on for free.
Instead of being nice to them, you decided
to put a hole inside of their ship.
tells us
It belonged to a
bunch of needy individuals,
right, who are poor.
They used to carry out
their work on sea.
I wanted
to fault this shikh.
In front of them, means
There was a king whenever they would
come to
the lands or whenever they would come to
the king who was oppressive, who was tyrannical.
ship that wasn't faulty,
he would seize it from them forcefully.
So he wanted to put a fault in
it so that when the king, this you
know, this
tyrannical ruler sees this faulty shipper, you know,
he would just let it pass by.
That's why I've done that.
And then Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala says
As for the second incident.
The second time when
Khadir alaihis salatu wasalam did something that
shocked Musa alaihis salatu wasalam when he
pulled his head off his body.
He killed him.
tells us
the parents of this child that was killed,
they were believers.
That if
or once this child had grown old,
that he would be the cause why they
end up falling into Kufr, into disbelief.
This child that Musa alaihis salatu wa sallam
saw being killed in front of him by
was destined
for disbelief. He was destined for the whole
Right? This was his destiny.
Had he lived on,
he would have been the reason why his
parents become disbelievers.
The scholars of tafsir they mentioned because
they loved him so much.
Now he has disbelief.
He has apostated.
They may well have followed him
into apostasy.
That's why he decided to take his life.
And then Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
tells us this wall that he fixed, that
he repaired,
that he saw was on the verge of
falling apart, right?
It belonged
to 2 orphans
that were needy.
And Allah
wanted them,
right, to unravel,
right, or to dig up the treasures that
were buried under this wall.
And their father was righteous.
So Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
didn't want anyone
to unravel or to take out these treasures
while they were still young in age.
Allah wanted them to benefit and to take
advantage of these treasures
after they grow old.
Right? This is what Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala
So this is why Allah revealed
to Khadir alaihis salatu wasalam
to straighten off this wall, right? Because you
never know. Now that
this wall has damaged or it's fallen apart,
people maybe, right,
find this treasure that is buried under
and then start fighting over it and deprive
young etam,
young orphans.
Oh, my brothers and sisters, take this from
How many a time do I receive a
case that someone will distribute inheritance? Right?
Young men and women
who are taken advantage of especially back home.
Their father,
you know, he he owned land,
He's passed
away. You would think to yourself, subhanAllah, his
own siblings
would maybe be there
for their nephews and their nieces, but no,
they are the first to pounce
and that which their dead brother has left
So they're deprived,
Very very common in the subcontinent,
in the Arab world as well. No rahmah
People are ready to give up the deen
for a bit of dunya,
Ten benefits my brothers and my sisters.
Just getting started.
That was the story that is mentioned in
the Quran.
Insha Allahu ta'ala, these ten benefits I'm hoping
bi idhnillahi will
our perspective
in how we look at
that which is unraveling,
that which is
happening right before our eyes.
Benefit number 1 my brothers and my sisters.
Everything that happens,
happens for a reason.
Everything that Allah
causes you to go through
of trials,
difficulties, and hardships.
There is a reason for it whether you
see it or not.
How many a time, my brothers and my
sisters, have we been in a situation where
we thought that this was the best thing
for us?
I'll give you the example of marriage, Princess
that you so desperately want.
You tell yourself that there's no one else
on the face of this earth,
that is good for you other than this
lady here that you just met.
For being in that position, right?
You're ready to tear down Darbi just so
you could get her.
Everyone is against you saying, no, don't.
But you're like no chance. She is the
best one for me. She's going to bring
me happiness.
To make things worse,
your best friend comes along and he snatches
her from under your nose.
Does it happen without a shadow of a
Remember there was even a case one time
This happened
with 2 sisters. Right?
The sister really badly wanted his brother.
And he asked for a hand in marriage
and everything was going so smoothly.
Maybe a month or 2 before the big
a month or 2 before the big day,
he decided to go for her sister.
what did she do?
She went to a magician,
and she decided to carry out a magic
spell or
a magic spell to be done
on this brother who initially asked for a
hand in marriage.
how many a time my brothers and sisters
that we think that this lady or this
brother is the best for us?
It doesn't work
out. You feel hurt and sad and miserable
for a set period of time. Years go
and Allah
blesses you with a spouse that the mind
couldn't imagine.
She has these qualities and she has these
that you never ever thought
would be found in a lady.
That's when you say if that didn't happen,
I wouldn't have this today. Agree?
Everything happens for a reason, my brothers and
my sisters. I wouldn't be sitting here and
Allah knows best
if my friend didn't get shot.
A friend of mine was shot,
right? Back Back in the day when I
was living in London, it was the reason
why so many brothers left the road.
Some went to Egypt. Some went to Yemen.
Some moved out of London.
Right? Everything
happens for a reason.
It was the time when my parents, they
moved me from London to Lestat.
Allah knows best. If that didn't happen,
either one of 3 things would have happened.
I would either be dead
or in prison or I would have joined
A lot of brothers in the area,
and the faith of one of these three
Right? I have many friends are in prison.
Some that are dead,
right. 1 of my own relatives that I
used to hang around with went abroad. Nobody
knows who he is.
So everything happens for a reason, my brothers
and my sisters.
Right? And a lot of the time we
don't see the good in things.
Right? And this evil, and I'm going to
put it what? In quotation marks.
This is the first lesson that we're taking
from this, right? Khadir
killed that young man. Was he doing it
out of his own accord
or was it due to divine revelation that
Allah was sending now upon him?
It was what Allah
instructed him to carry out.
Had he lived on, he would have been
the reason why
his parents would have followed him into disbelief.
And Allah is aware of everything even before
it happens.
Why am I mentioning this as the number
one point in my brothers and my sisters?
We are living in a time and age
and I mentioned this last time around when
I came here.
We go to these universities that are breeding
grounds for kufr, shikh,
feminism, liberalism, secularism,
right? And also at rainbow
Throwing around Douth, left, right and center.
Every now and again, I'm dealing with university
students. And I went
and traveled the country. I went to 27
but I didn't go to Derby.
When the 27
universities, I engaged with students
who would come to me with a flurry
of doubts
and they don't have answers. Their iman is
shaken to the core.
They don't have the tools to equip themselves
to repel these doubts
that are shaking the iman, shaking their faith.
A lot of that which we hear
is There's a law of evil, right?
Or the problem of evil.
If there's really a God, why is all
of this taking place? Here you have your
answer in Suratul Kahf.
An answer to some of these contemporary Daoist
that we hear.
Everything happens for a reason, my brothers and
my sisters.
Allah causes something to happen to prevent some
evil coming away.
There was a chef in Medina. He was
an African chef
that was
forced out of his home in Africa. War
took place.
And guess what brothers and sisters,
after being chased out of his home, he
ended up becoming
a teacher from the teachers of the Haram.
He has a chair in Haram.
He is of African origin. Allah
honored him.
Right? To teach the Arabs
in one of the most greatest places on
the face of this earth.
Everything happens for a reason,
Sometimes you go through divorces,
Well, I know brothers, they will tell you
that the best thing ever happened to them
was them going for a divorce.
The best ever thing that happened to them
was them going through a divorce.
Some of you guys might agree, Allahu Alaikum.
Right. Allah
prevented you from having children with this lady.
After having children with this lady and then
if divorce was to take place after that.
We've got Muslim ladies who were hijab that
are meant to be practicing, but they are
taking the ex husbands to court,
She wants him to suffer.
SubhanAllah. She wants him to suffer.
But Allah decreed that you go through divorce
right at the beginning.
To save you from all of these problems
that may have possibly
have come your way.
Can you see why my brothers and my
sisters knowledge is extremely, extremely important? I'll tell
you guys something else that happened in the
month of Ramadan.
I went to visit one of my best
in Lassa.
As I was saying there, guys,
his mother walked in.
First thing his mother said to me was,
I'm angry with Allah.
And by the way, I'm sitting in a
mansion, huge house.
I'm angry with Allah.
I said, why auntie?
I'm shocked.
Why auntie?
She goes,
I fast, I pray.
Right? I do all of these acts of
and even then
is making me go through problems.
Because she's angry with Allah
Is this a lie statement my brothers and
my sisters?
This is borderline Islam.
So I started explaining to her auntie. Everything
happens for reason. Yes. Some of our children
are going through some difficulties and hardships in
their marriages.
I was like, auntie, have you forgotten about
all of the blessings that you have? Look
at this big house that you live in,
right? I don't think I've ever entered into
a house here in the UK that is
as big as theirs.
Every day you have food inside of your
house. There's never a day that you wake
up auntie where your fridge is empty and
if it is empty you have the finances
to go and buy food.
Rectifying your aqeedah. It requires knowledge my brothers
and my sisters. All these university students their
aida has been shaken to the core. A
lot of the time is because of these
atheists that say if there's really a god,
why is all of this happening?
Everything happens for a reason. And I'll say
this again. How many a times we've been
in a position
where we thought that this was the best
thing for us.
Yes, down the line my brothers and my
Allah gave us that which the mind couldn't
imagine. This is when we say if that
didn't happen, I wouldn't have yesterday.
Everything happens for a reason even if it
is war.
A lot of you guys here see,
right, come from countries.
Would you guys agree?
And now lang albabik,
making a lot of money.
You live with peace and security,
You're able to
acquire education that you might not have been
able to do or to acquire if you
are back home. Sahir.
Everything happens for a reason.
And it may well be that you send
money back home to your siblings helping them
out. Maybe we were all together.
Someone to help out
wouldn't be there
and they would have been living a very
different life.
Everything happens for a reason.
I could go on for days brothers and
sisters. Things
have happened
in my life
which was a big reason as to why
goodness came to my way at the time
and didn't make sense to me.
Even Sheikh Usim Timur muttala says,
If it wasn't for the trials and tribulations
of this world, my brothers and my sisters,
One would be afflicted with the disease of
self amazement. He would even
pick up Firauni sentiments.
You know, pharaoh the man who claimed Anarbuq
you would pick up traits
similar to the ones that he had.
Doesn't this happen my brothers and my sisters
at times
with people who have a lot of money
walking on the face of this Earth as
if he's on cloud 9. Right?
But then Allah
takes everything away from him.
right? So Allah
at times my brothers and my sisters, he
This is from the rahmah of Allah that
at times he causes you to lose
that which you may possess
to keep your feet on the ground.
To keep your feet on the ground.
Wallahi, I don't think any of us want
to meet Allah. We have a mustard grain
of arrogance in our heart,
I've seen people from hero to 0 humbled.
sat down with them and I'm thinking to
may Allah cure this guy because he has
a bit of money. The way he speaks,
the way he operates, the way he carries
up until he was left
with absolutely nothing.
Begging me
to put out a go fund me link
so that you can help him out.
Allah will humble you.
So it happens for a reason, my brothers
and my sisters.
Don't forget the good times. Al Aqsa al
Fafnabein tells us that
a principle that we are taught.
Right. Don't forget the good times. This verse
was mentioned alongside the verses of talah,
of divorce.
Don't forget the good times.
Sometimes we're very quick, right, when it comes
to just wanting to separate. Allah is telling
you don't forget the good times.
And the principle here is
Look at those who have less than you.
Don't look at those who have more. It
will make you a lot more grateful.
Some of us are complaining about the 1
bedroom council flat.
Some people don't even have shelter brothers and
They barely have anything.
Look at those who are less fortunate.
Look at all the times when Allah
looks after you.
Look at Ayub Alaihis salam.
18 years of trials and tribulations that he
went through in his health,
in his wealth. He was forsaken and abandoned.
But prior to that,
right, decades that he lived a life of
He didn't start getting angry at Allah.
Right? He began to call on to Allah
being grateful for whatever situation he's in.
Does that make sense?
So this knowledge, my brothers and my sisters
with Allah, these doubts that are being
Shut at us, especially in University.
Well, after the lecture that I gave you,
some of these university brothers were like Halas,
I'm going to get out of philosophy class.
I'm leaving philosophy class. I asked him, do
you feel shaken?
That professor does not care.
He doesn't care whether you're a Muslim
or a Jew or a Christian.
You're a person of religiosity.
He's going to try and strip you of
your faith.
All right. Well, I think it's scary for
one to go to university and is not
Alright. One time, Subhanallah, I was even dealing
with a case. A brother messaged me saying
that his sister has left the fold of
Islam, but the mother doesn't want to do
anything about it.
Why? She doesn't want to rock the boat.
Doesn't want to distract her with studies.
She focus now.
You shaykhah,
oh auntie, this woman if she dies tomorrow
and she's dying of al kufar
and you care more about
her education
or maybe an answer that you want to
give it to your friends. You know, the
aunties they get together.
They have tea sessions,
And they begin to discuss what is your
daughter doing? What is your sister doing? What?
So they take pride on my daughter's doing
and you don't have
a clue of what they're doing inside of
these schools.
But they're messaging us.
Don't know what to do.
Don't know how to go about the situation.
It's a zoo brothers and sisters. What happens
when you go to the zoo and there
are no gates?
Tigers gonna bounce on
you. Eyewitness as someone who was doing civil
engineering in Loughborough University.
We had what?
We had
people who would learn my religion and your
religion not so he can become Muslim.
So he could use it against Muslims. Anyone
who's vulnerable,
shaky with his deal, they would go and
target him. And I'm like I'm here
learning civil engineering while these guys are learning
my religion.
Number 2, my brothers and my sisters,
when needed, Insha'Allah, I'm gonna run through it
very, very quickly.
A big lesson that we take away, my
brothers and my sisters, from this gisa
we as human beings
are deficient.
We have an encompassed all of knowledge. Sometimes
you see someone
making a certain judgment call,
or he makes a decision
that we struggle to comprehend
And we're very very quick.
We're very very hasty
in holding him to account.
And I've been seeing this a lot especially
with brothers
who have gone abroad.
They've now started seeking knowledge. They picked up
a little bit here and there,
and they think that everything is black and
I'm not talking about the core fundamentals of
our religion. That's clear.
Right? Seeing someone making a particular judgment call,
he's doing something a certain way that you
are not familiar with.
It could be dawah,
It could also be
certain business investments that he is carrying out.
Just like this, Khastaf Musa
The story.
Later on he said to him,
this is the taweel.
This is now the reasoning, the explanation of
what you couldn't
be patient on. Just ask why my brothers
and my sisters, especially when you start seeking
a little bit of knowledge, you begin to
think that you're more knowledgeable than everyone.
You picked up something here and there, take
it easy.
Especially if that individual is more experienced than
you. He's more senior than you.
Ask them, is there any reason as to
why you're doing it like this?
Even the scholars they mentioned,
is not should be the son of the
righteous of the past.
If you want to know the mistake of
your Sheikh, go and sit with someone else.
He may give you a different perspective on
He may give you insight
in that which,
you know,
your shaytan will never have ever told you
Don't enter into discussion
already your ideas are carved in stone.
This is not the trait of a talib
especially when he is at that stage of
seeking knowledge.
Be someone who's ready to learn more because
if you already have ideas that are carved
in stone,
you'll never be open to
exploring these ideas that you have.
Does that make sense?
Literally before I came here, I was I
sent this whatever I just said right now,
I sent it to
one of the students of Maury abroad.
Sometimes what happens is when you go abroad,
you tend to become extremely opinionated
at what people are doing.
You know in the kitchen, the kitchen gets
hot at times.
If you can't take the heat, get out
of the kitchen. This is what we say.
You don't know what is going on. You
don't have the full,
Story of that which is taking place. And
then you all, this guy is becoming watery
and how he gives down.
Benefit number 3 my brothers and my sisters,
but before I go on to benefit number
3, I want to tell you guys about
your parents.
No matter how knowledgeable you become, one thing
that you will never have over your parents
and your seniors is what? Experience.
Life experience.
As much as we might think that we
are, you know,
on top of our game,
we are slick.
They have life experience that you can't buy
with money brothers and sisters.
Alright, even at times when they advise you
pertaining to marriage,
they may tell you, right, they may tell
stay away from this guy.
And that is because he has certain cultural
traits that you might really really struggle with.
Most important thing that we look at when
right, the opposite agenda
is what deen, right? That's the most important
But because of the kind of background that
you come from you may struggle at that.
I'll give you guys an example. Alright.
Recently I was dealing with a marriage problem
husband and wife.
Brother comes from humble backgrounds while she comes
from a mansion.
She's had luxury.
And now you want to take her into
maybe some council flat.
She's not going to struggle, brother.
Or into a 2 bedroom house.
You're going to have to be extremely patient.
That's why the scholars they discussed that a
student of knowledge,
maybe it's a good idea that he doesn't
go for princess.
Now student of knowledge, they normally tend to
not have much.
But you get married to this filthy rich
and then every week she's taking you to
the mall. Okay. I'm a skinny. You don't
have that.
She comes from a wealthy background and you
come from very moderate or very humble background,
and then your parent is saying to Achi,
I don't think that's a good idea.
But you're just what? Blown away by her
beauty and her saying yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.
When the shahua has spiraled out of control,
one's desires to get married.
You're not thinking straight, my friend. You're not
thinking from there. You're thinking from somewhere else,
And you block out everything that your parents
are telling you.
You need to calm down a little bit.
Does that make sense?
I know, of course, there are cases where
the parents are unreasonable.
They're very old fashioned. I'm not talking about
that. I'm talking about sometimes some genuine
advice that you're being given that you don't
see because you're young and you're lacking experience.
This is the reason for that which you
weren't patient for.
told Musa,
if only he was patient, he would find
out things that,
right, the mind can't imagine.
Taking an innocent life, my brothers and my
sisters, is from the most greatest of sins.
In 5, 7 more minutes, and we should
be done.
Right? Taking a life, my brothers and my
sisters, is from the most dangerous of things,
from the most filthiest of acts.
Why do we find Muslims squaring up to
other Muslims
with weapons that they're carrying
because we haven't understood how serious this actually
The messenger
was told us about people who carry weapons,
which they then
take out,
Where they may be where they may be
to take that individual's life or to just
scare him.
That's what we hear, right? I just use
it to scare the other individual.
If 2 Muslims they square up to one
both the killer
and the one killed are in hellfire.
Alright. The companions, they all think we understand
the killer. What about the one who was
He was extremely eager to take the life
of his brother, right? Isn't this what he
wanted to do? Except that the killer managed
to get the final blow that took his
life. He want to do the exact same
We know the Kaaba, right? The Kaaba, my
brothers and my sisters. The Kaaba.
the rapper DJ Khaled went to the Kaaba.
You guys seen the video going around?
How did he react upon seeing the Kaaba?
Does anyone know?
He began to cry.
Someone who's involved in sin
day and night, my brothers and my sisters,
was humbled upon seeing the Kaaba.
It brought him to tears. You know, the
messenger Salahi Islam said
Right? Would anyone here try to dismantle the
Kaaba? Would anyone here try to strike the
or try to tear it apart? Would anyone
try or even think of that? Abadan, right?
There's a hadith with the message salaam alayhi
wa sam said that the Kaaba is destroyed
and then
the stones of the Kaaba or the parts
of the Kaaba are removed 1 by 1
is lesser of a problem in the eyes
of Allah ajna
taking the life of a Muslim.
Seeing the Kaaba humbles you my brothers and
my sisters.
That which is most sacred in eyes of
the sanctity of that Muslim.
But it's become extremely cheap, right?
It holds no worth. It holds no value.
Taking a knife
is fine just because it's from another area.
I need to show him. Sometimes you just
need to dig him up a little bit.
Just a little bit
and then it escalates. It goes out of
Your whole life goes upside down whether you're
a killer or the killed,
not thinking straight.
Now my former brothers and my sisters,
we learn a huge principle
say leading legal maxim.
Right? Now which pertains to
weighing the pros and the cons.
This is a very very important
legal Maxim in our religion.
Right? And likewise,
taking the lesser of the 2 evils sometimes
you find yourself in a predicament.
This legal maxim is extremely extremely
Well, you have to pick 1.
The sharia teaches you to take the lesser
of the 2 evils.
Weighing the pros and the cons.
Right? You're in that predicament, you got 2
and there's no way out of it. You
have to take one of them. The legal
maxim states my brothers and my sister you
have to take the lesser of the 2
Right. It comes in handy in so many
aspects of life.
Does that make sense?
If it wasn't for time, then I would
love to elaborate and give a lot of
examples. Isn't this exactly what Khadir
This individual is going to live and he's
going to be the reason why his parents
they follow him in the kufa, right?
Let me just take his life now.
Being trialed in your religion, my brothers and
my sisters,
is more greater
than you being taken off the face of
this earth, you being
You'd rather meet Allah
and you are sound in your aqeedah. The
messenger sallallahu alaihi wa sallam will make the
If you want fitna for your servant, the
messenger sallallahu alaihi wa sallam will say this
then take my soul and I'm not trialed
in my religion.
And again nawaj is going to
protect you, fortify you from all these is
Apologies. I think I went a bit too
long with the storytelling at the beginning.
Weighing the pros and the cons and taking
the lesser of the 2 evils.
It's exactly what Kader alaihis salatu wasalam done.
The prophet asked him. I was number 4.
I hope you guys are writing it down.
The revelation that was sent down upon him
is that if this child lives, he's going
to be the reason why his parents become
Car crash brothers and sisters.
There are 4 people in the car, 3
young children and 1
older person. All of the children pass away,
and the only one that comes out alive
is the parent.
Someone is saying
how could Allah
allow such thing to happen? They should have
been given the chance to live. She's already
lived a life.
You never know, right?
What these children could have caused their parents?
You know how many times I've heard a
parent saying, I wish I never had you
as a child.
Or they begin to make dua against their
children because of how much trouble,
Right? They're causing them or they can't go
to sleep because he doesn't know where his
children are.
Right? They come home late. They're rebellious.
You don't know what Allah is protecting you
Right? Again,
There's nothing that Allah create that is purely
There's nothing that Allah creates that is purely
This is subjective is the way you look
at it.
Anything negative that happens my brother's mother, you
can put what? A positive spin to it.
There's a light at the end of the
Number 5, my brothers and my sisters, Allah
will protect your offspring
through your righteousness.
What's the evidence for this?
The third
that Kadhir
carried out when he straightened up Dawood Allah
told us
Their father was righteous.
Allah wanted them to grow older so that
later on they can what?
Dig out the treasures that was left behind
for them.
Here is the cash.
Their father was righteous and because of his
protected his offspring.
Allah was there for them,
They say that the father
of these children,
his name was Kasih. He
was from the righteous individuals.
Some said, and Ibn
Abbas calls this, right? That
this righteous man
that is now the reason as to why
they are being protected
was a father from 7 generations ago because
he's still referred to as a father.
Because of his righteousness, Allah
7 generations down the line is protecting them.
So you, my friend,
wants to get married and wants to have
The best thing that you can do for
your children
is to better yourself.
I'll tell you guys something that's also very,
very touching. Sayyidina Musayid again was from the
companions of Abu Hurair He
He said, Every time he wanted to pray
the night prayer, he would look at his
child. He would look at his son.
Because the reason why I'm praying more and
more is so that Allah
can rectify you and so that Allah can
protect you. And then he would cry
while reciting
Their father was righteous. Dispersed the sword of
Also, Abdullah Masrud
whenever he wants to pray the night prayer,
his young child was sleeping.
He will look at him and say,
because of you I'm praying.
And then he would cry reciting the statement
So my brothers and my sisters, if you
want and this is a very common question
that gets sent to me.
If you want righteous children,
here my brothers and my sisters are 4
Quranic advises.
Asli hanafsik, rectify yourself
because of this verse that I just quoted,
Wakana Abu Maasariha.
You can't expect your child to become Hafiz
of the Quran while you're playing Netflix every
day in your house.
The children are going to go down the
direction of their parents a lot of the
time, right?
Every newborn he's born upon the fitra. But
look what the messiah says, the parents
they turn him into a Jew or into
a Christian or you're not salami or you
meant jisan or they turn him into a
It's not just these 3 that the hadith
is limited to.
It could be that they become
because that's all they know. All they see
their parents watching
Hollywood, Bollywood, Somaliland.
This is how the children are nurtured from
a very young age. Would you expect him
later on? Or someone who just cares about
Would which you expect from a child tomorrow,
all he's going to look at is dunya.
Number 2,
make jua for them.
As mentioned in the Quran.
You Allah rectify my offspring. Also the other
dua and sword
fakhan. Number 3,
Pray in front of them my brothers and
my sisters, the hikmah.
The wisdom behind why the messenger
The best prayer
or the most virtuous prayer after the obligatory
is the prayer that you pray at home.
You know your sooner prayers, my brothers and
my sisters, after ish, you're going to want
to pray 2 rakats, right? It's better to
pray at home. From the reasoning behind it,
that why the messiah of salah is the
best to do it inside of your house
is that so your offspring can see it.
Wallahi, kids as young as 1 and a
half they pray. Did you guys know that?
Does anyone disagree
1 and a half years of age they
1 and a half years of age they
pray brothers and sisters.
Because he watches his parents pray. They'll get
the mat and they'll start making them
right? And they'll start doing the exact same
Also, kids as young as 1 and a
half, they know how to go on Netflix
and how to go on YouTube.
And they put on Uhura and Hannah.
Number 4,
Sheikh Jihad from
the cursed devil that he goes anywhere near
I only have 5 more minutes.
And I've said this 3 times now.
Number 6 benefit number 6 very very quickly,
my brothers and my sisters.
Who was more virtuous, Musa or Khalib?
Right? He's from the 5 great prophets of
right? And even then he went to take
knowledge from someone who's less virtuous from him.
Humidity, brothers and sisters. It doesn't matter how
old you become.
Sometimes what happens my brothers and my sisters,
Actually, I'm going to mention this in the
6th in the 7th part. But here what
we take is taking knowledge
from someone who may be less than you.
No matter how knowledgeable you become, you are
always in need of taking knowledge.
Someone who's less than him, someone who's at
the same stage or someone that is what?
Higher than him. These 3 people and choose
technology for them.
Number 7, my brothers and my sisters,
it might well be that you are extremely
in one sector. For example, you are very
good in filth,
but then you are not that knowledgeable when
it comes to hadith.
Sometimes when the shaytan says this,
you've reached a rutva,
such a high status and something. How you
now going to go back to school?
Sitting so humbly,
shaitan what pushes you away from that? And
sometimes this happens my brothers and my sisters
with individuals
who are extremely
well versed in their sector of engineering. For
example, he's a doctor
or he's a school teacher in mathematics, he's
reached a very high level.
And then he comes to know that he
needs to seek beneficial knowledge in order to
That arrogance stops him from learning the deen
of Allah because
of the level that he's reached in his
Number 8, my brothers and my sisters,
The way you speak to your teacher.
Is it possible that I can accompany you
so that I can learn from that which
Allah taught you? Sometimes we talk to people
who have that which we are in need
of as if we are deserving
of what they possess
As if we have a right over that
which we are asking from them.
Seeking knowledge, my brothers and my sisters, is
not like learning mathematics. You know, this whole
You walk into class and you talk to
your teachers as if you have every right
to know that which they possess.
Walking with arrogance and we walk out with
Right. Knowledge is very different.
Right. Knowledge is very, very different.
You have to be ready to smother yourself
on the soil
in order to get the knowledge.
If you're not patient with being humiliated at
times the teacher will humiliate you.
You'll never be able to apply that knowledge.
You will have ignorance for the rest of
your life.
I'm nearly done, Sheikh Hussain.
They walk around just to let you know
that, you know.
Number 9, my brothers and my sisters.
The virtue of knowledge
and travelling out to it.
to some of my brothers and my sisters,
he was giving dawood to Bani Israel. He
had huge responsibility.
Having said that,
he left them to go and seek marriage.
Of course, at times you may have responsibilities,
your parents and I'm not referring to that.
Right. Sometimes what happens is we learn a
bit of knowledge
and the dawah opens up to us. We
have so many opportunities
forgetting that you really are in need of
more and more
and the shit palm causes you to stay.
So you left that behind in order to
go and seek more knowledge.
Number 10, my brothers and my sisters and
I'm done.
There is a type of knowledge my brothers
and my sisters which you can acquire with
your hard work.
With the intelligence that you have.
Right. All the work that you put in,
reading books and whatever have you. However, there
is a type of knowledge that is Laduni.
Right? There's a type of knowledge that can
only be acquired from Allah
No matter how much effort you put in,
you will not be able to acquire the
knowledge. You have to ask Allah to open
these doors for you.
No matter how much you try, you'll never
be able to acquire it.
Go and take that directly from Allah
Keep knocking on that door. Don't tell yourself
I can't do it.
I can't memorize.
I can't reach a good level when it
comes to knowledge.
Keep knocking on the door.
The giving of your Lord is not restricted.
Drop dealers. You saw them in a Madinah
and rise in the Quran.
They left the high of the salah now
they once
to love and seek a knowledge. People who
used to carry knives, brothers and sisters, they
used to rob people.
Right? Or have the helicopters chasing it.
Allah Azza wa Jal open doors for them.
There's all the points that I've written down
to conclude, my brothers and my sisters.
Every single one of us hail 1 jannah.
Isn't that so?
Some of us may seek Jannah through fasting.
Some of us may seek Jannah through praying.
Some of us may seek Jannah through sadaqah.
Our objective is not to become swaddlers, it
is to get to ajannah. And here the
messenger of SAW wasalam saying, whoever takes a
path and seeks knowledge, Allah will make his
path and agenda easier. A lot of the
time and this is a misconception.
People think this hadith is speaking about that
you have to pack your bag and you
have to go to Yemen or to Madinah
or Riyadh or whatever or Egypt. No.
Yes. Of course, that's the best thing. But
brothers and sisters, if you do a little
bit every day, are you not seeking knowledge?
You cannot function and navigate around fitna to
fitna to shahuats
except through knowledge.
doubts that is shaking
our iman
and the temptations that we have my brothers
and sisters.
I've been telling a lot of the different
Okay, no problem. We don't want to seek
knowledge. Should we be surprised tomorrow
that Mohammed and Fatima and Abu Bakr, they're
walking into the house and he's holding a
Christmas tree.
And then you and the father say to
him, what are you doing? Goes that
What brings you? Just doesn't know.
We are uneducated
as a generation. What do we expect from
them or when they
come home? And he's saying that
I don't know what my gender is anymore.
I get parents message me all the time
about this.
That I'm confused.
Am I binary?
Apparently, you don't even need to have a
gender anymore.
Or the child comes home and wallahi my
friend told me this when I was sitting
in his house in the month of Ramadan.
His child comes home
from our re class.
Goes, dad,
today I learned that there are so many
different gods. There's a lot of gods in
it, dad.
Which one should we choose?
My friend goes to me. This is what
I've done on my head.
And he had to sit down yet educate
him. He has to talk to
him. This happened in Ramadan, guys.
Right. Which God shall I choose that?
And if you don't have the answers, who's
going to answer their questions for them?
And you know what happens sometimes? The father
or the mother gets angry
or says
my son's got a jinn, bring the rakti.
No, he doesn't have a jinn.
He just doesn't know
and he's asking these questions,
Right? Think about that long term, especially.
Next generation is expected to be better or
Ask the Scotland prime minister.
Who came up and said, oh, it's not
a sin.
We don't know. We'll probably just embrace that
because he's a leader.
I apologize to Sheikhna Abul Hasan because I
5 minutes over both. And Sheikh Hussain, he
gave me
a heads up how many times.
Mel has already blessed every single one of
you guys. I apologize for really just going
over both.
I really, you know,
went over the time. May Allah bless you
guys. I hope you guys noted down the
10 points.
May Allah honor every single one of you
guys. If Allah does not reunite us in
his will,