Abu Bakr Zoud – Why Do We Read The Quran

Abu Bakr Zoud
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the need for people to remember the Quran and reminds them of the importance of remembering to not forget about something. They argue that humans forget about things because they don't remember it and that the message of the Quran is to remember every word and comment made by people. The speaker warns that people may hold themselves back and watch their tongue if they read the Quran and remember the message of Allah.
AI: Transcript ©
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We read the Quran also for a reminder

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because the human being, his nature is that

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we forget.

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So we need to be reminded,

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That's why we need to read the Quran

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over and over and over and over again

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because we forget

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and if you forget, you're supposed to be

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I tell you something,

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today the big tech, the giant tech

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like Apple and Samsung,

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they find the need

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to put 1,000,000 and 1,000,000 of dollars

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to always advertise their product.

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Wherever you go around the world, there are

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billboards massive

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and just an iPhone sitting there on the

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billboard. No words, no nothing, just an iPhone.

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And a Samsung, that's all it is. Right?

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That's the world.

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And they they, this company,

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is spending 1,000,000 of dollars. I ask why?

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Who's gonna forget iPhone?

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Who's gonna forget his Apple or his Samsung?

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It's always with you. If you are at

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home and you left the house and it's

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not in your pocket, you'll remember in less

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than 2 seconds

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that your phone's not with you. So why

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the need to put billboards?

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You see, the thing is because human beings

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If Apple

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found the need to spend 1,000,000

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to keep it in your face to remind

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you, imagine then the message of the Quran.

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How easily would we forget this? So

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Allah said,

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Remind for verily the reminder benefits the believers.

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So we read the Quran to remember. I

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tell you something,

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for example, He says in the Quran,

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Every word you utter,

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there is

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There is an angel that is recording and

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Every word you say, and every comment you

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comment, there is an angel that is writing.

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The one who read this ayah today

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or a week ago

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will be careful when he talks and comments

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as oppose to someone who read this ayah

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1 year ago.

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Because it's fresh in his mind. He's reminded

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himself so he'll hold himself back in control

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and watch his tongue.

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But someone who read this ayatulhaman

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had that he's forgotten the reality. He's forgotten.

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Even those who have memorized the Quran

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are supposed to be reviewing the Quran to

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remember the message of Allah.

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