Abu Bakr Zoud – Why are we in need of doing righteous good deeds

Abu Bakr Zoud
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The speaker discusses the history of Jani's booth and how he used it to highlight bad deeds. He explains that Jani had a deeds, a woman had a deeds, and a man had a deeds. He also mentions Jani's booth and how it was used to highlight bad deeds.
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I mean,

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the word of funny hat, which is a come from, it comes from the word Sol, Sol,

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Sol Sol. And solo Han Solo. Solo, he means to rectify something, any solo, he means to take something that is broken, and fix it up. And so I saw they had the good deeds are called saga, because they rectify our state, they rectify our soul and they rectify our heart. It's like, Yeah, and it's like a large social told us a solid head, because there's no way broken. And we're dirty from the inside. And if someone is broken and dirty from the inside, what is he? He needs something to fix him up? And so how is he going to fix himself, he will turn back to Australia, meaning the fixes the rectifiers. And that's why they could be to a cold as such, because they make us better

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people, they purify the soul, and they cleanse that heart. A lot of soldiers said, Well, I mean, they had they did the good deeds, that is a plural. And the plural is an implication to that the good deeds are many. Yeah, and they do whatever you can have the good and don't belittle anything that is small. So they had to tell me that there's so many of them, go and do whatever you can do, and do as much as you can from it with a heavy feminism. And he says,

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Do not belittle anything of the good. A woman a lot of social appreciate the deed forgive that admitted into the paradise because she gave water to a dog, a man a lot of social appreciated the deed he has meaning to the outdoors. Because again, he gave water to a dog, close enough that will not forgive his sins, and admitted into the parent. Imagine that you gave a cup of water to your mother, or your father or to someone who is in need of it, or to the Pope, the Phoenix of a human being. And above this a Muslim human being even better. So had a lot what kind of goodness can come from that? If it was done sincerely for the sake of Allah, perhaps that is enough to bring you

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gentlemen for those that no one is supposed to focus on the deeds. And the reason the law while he was alive in the Hadith, he says earlier about a man who

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has a human, he said that the deeds of the good of the good ones and the bad ones were all presented before me. And he said followership has an admin has any head and other human body. He said, He's the one, he said, all the good deeds were presented before me. And I seen from among them, and this is what he chose to tell us picking up something harmful from the people's path, removing him from the people's path, getting

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them is highlighting even that don't lose focus on it, and don't, someone else will pick it up and keep going. Pick it up and let me saw some highlights from the medical DJ highlights this one from the same hobby thing anyway, he said, I saw all the good deeds. And he says I saw all the bad deeds just to complete the hobby for you. And he said that that is the film that one spits in the mustard and does not bury, obviously, you know, in the past that it was just any of the dirt that was in the mustard or whatever it is. And then when one had the film in his mouth and he had to spit it out, it's spirit. But if you did not bury it, then that is from among the car. So very high tech cover,

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wash it move it, you do that and that is Jani booth, delighted to save you from entering into that ship for Ellen Lavina

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