Abu Bakr Zoud – Too Busy With Family & Work No Time To Worship

Abu Bakr Zoud
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The speaker discusses the excuse for abandoning Islam's guidance, which is used to motivate Muslims to do not commit crimes. They also address the importance of prioritizing family and pursuing joy and purposeful life, and urge individuals to accept the excuse and not use it to gain things they want.

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			As-salāmu ʿalaykum wa-rahmatullāh brothers and sisters
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			in Islam there are some Muslims when they
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			are asked why don't you pray, why don't
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			you fast, why don't you do al-hajj,
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			why don't you wear al-hijab, why don't
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			you adhere to the obligations of Allah subḥāna
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			wa-ta'āla and his commandments, they give
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			an excuse that is exactly similar to the
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			excuse of the hypocrites.
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			In surah al-Fatihah Allah azza wa jalla
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			told us about the hypocrites when it was
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			obligated upon them to join the Messenger ﷺ
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			in battle, they gave an excuse, they didn't
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			go, they gave an excuse, they said they
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			said we were busy with our wealth and
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			our jobs, we were busy with our dunyā
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			and with our families, that was the excuse
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			subḥāna wa-ta'āla and Muslims today when
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			they abandon the commandments of Allah they use
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			the exact same excuse as the hypocrites, strange,
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			how could that be the case of the
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			believer when Allah azza wa jalla said in
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			surah al-Munāfiqūn, the surah that spoke about
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			the hypocrites, he said in that surah addressing
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			the believers يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا لَا تُلْهِكُمْ
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			أَمْوَالُكُمْ وَلَا أَوْلَادُكُمْ عَنْ ذِكْرِ اللَّهِ Allah azza
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			wa jalla said oh you who believe, don't
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			allow your wealth and your families, your business,
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			your job, your worldly related matters, don't allow
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			that to distract you from the remembrance of
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			Allah, from the worship of Allah, your prayers
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			and all the other obligations Allah azza wa
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			jalla said don't use this excuse, subḥāna wa
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			-ta'āla my brothers and sisters in Islam,
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			everyone has worldly responsibilities, all of us, and
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			if this was a valid excuse to abandon
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			the worship of Allah azza wa jalla, no
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			one would ever fulfil the rights of Allah
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			subḥāna wa-ta'āla, no one would fulfil
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			their duties towards Allah azza wa jalla, well
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			Islam teaches us to balance things, فَآتِ كُلَّ
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			ذِي حَقٍ حَقَّهُ Give everything its due right,
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			we know family and wealth and health and
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			your job, all of these matters are important
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			but they are not supposed to come at
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			the expense of your connection and relationship with
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			Allah azza wa jalla, our faith is the
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			foundation of our success in this life and
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			in the afterlife, and remember my brothers and
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			sisters in Islam, remember that your wealth will
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			perish one day and it will be taken
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			away from you and you will part your
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			family one day and you will leave this
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			worldly life and all its troubles and all
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			its responsibilities and the only thing that will
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			remain with you is your worship, your prayers,
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			your Qur'an, your du'a, your hijab
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			and all of the worships that you conducted,
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			their reward, those deeds will remain with you,
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			allahu akbar, so the thing is when you
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			stand before Allah azza wa jalla on the
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			day of judgement, what excuse are you going
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			to use, are you going to say oh
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			Allah I was busy with my worldly activities
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			and my family, Allah azza wa jalla would
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			say I said to you that this excuse
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			doesn't work, it's not valid, it will not
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			suffice, so my brothers and sisters in Islam,
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			prioritize your relationship with Allah azza wa jalla,
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			prioritize your prayers, prioritize the obligations and do
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			those first and by Allah, when you do
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			what Allah wants from you to do, you
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			know what happens, he begins to bless your
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			time and your wealth and your family, you
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			will actually have a lot more time, a
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			lot more quality time with them, subhanAllah, people
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			abandoned the worship and their excuse was family
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			and wealth and jobs and worldly responsibilities, yet
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			the actual and the real understanding is that
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			if you prioritized worship, Allah azza wa jalla
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			will bless your life and will bless all
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			these worldly responsibilities for you and subhanAllah, you
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			will be able to have a quality life,
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			a meaningful life and a purposeful life and
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			I ask Allah azza wa jalla to accept
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			from us all, Jazakum Allah Khaira