Abu Bakr Zoud – The Two Destroyers Of Eeman Faith

Abu Bakr Zoud
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of faith-based doubts and evil temptation in stopping people from achieving their dreams. They explain that these attacks can destroy confidence in Islam and lead to evil behavior. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of protecting oneself and one's property from evil temptation and desires by actively engaging in decisive actions.
AI: Transcript ©
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Brothers and sisters in Islam,

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there are 2 main things

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that destroy and ruin Al Iman faith inside

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our hearts,

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Something known as Shubuhat

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and the other known as Shahuwat.

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Faith based

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doubts, that's the first 1.

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And evil temptation and desire is the second

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These damage and destroy Al Iman.

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Faith based doubts such as a person doubting

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the existence of Allah, the mercy of Allah,

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the presence of Allah,

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the ability of Allah, doubting the angels, the,

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the Shay'atil,

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doubting the hellfire, the paradise, and so on.

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These type of doubts,

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the way we cure them is with knowledge,

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beneficial knowledge.

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Beneficial knowledge cures and protects a person

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from falling into faith based doubts,

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And the knowledge we are talking about is

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beneficial knowledge from the Quran or Sunnah.

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And that is the miraculous aspect of the

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The miraculous aspect of the Qur'an

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is that the 1 who reads the Qur'an,

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seeking knowledge from the Qur'an with an open,

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sincere, honest heart,

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grant him certainty,

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will grant him certainty in his heart, and

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will get rid of the doubt that is

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in his heart. That's the power of the

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Quran. This is the word of Allah

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It has the ability

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to take you from doubt

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to certainty

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And the other type that destroys

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Al Iman

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is shahawat

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evil temptations and desires

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as Azina, haram, relationships,

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gambling, and all the haram that we know

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And the way to protect yourself and to

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protect your eman

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evil temptations and desires

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is by righteous

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righteous deeds,

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such as a salat

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and zakat

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and fasting and the many good deeds that

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we know. When you occupy yourself with righteous

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this protects you from evil deeds.

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And if you don't have

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righteous deeds in your life, or your righteous

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deeds are very small and limited,

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what happens?

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A lot of your time,

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is empty.

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So a Shaytan will take advantage of this

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empty time and fill it up for you

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with evil

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and evil temptations and desires.

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So brothers and sisters in Islam, you protect

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yourself from desires

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by engaging in many righteous deeds.

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Read Al Quran,

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memorize Quran,

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in times where it is permissible to pray,

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give us sadaqa

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and continue to do so to protect yourself

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from falling into evil temptations

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and desires.

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And Allah

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He said in the Qur'an,

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said that He sent the messenger

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with 2 things, He sent him with guidance

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and the religion of truth.

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The scholars of Rahimahumullah,

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they said Bilhuda,

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guidance is beneficial knowledge.

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And Deen al Haqq, the true religion

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is righteous actions.

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This is what the Nabi salallahu alaihi wasallam

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taught us. So maintain a relationship

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with knowledge

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and righteous actions.

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You will save yourself

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from falling into faith based doubts and from

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being a victim and falling

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into evil temptations and desires,

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and as a result, you would have protected,

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preserved your iman,

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you die upon iman, and you're resurrected on

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the day of judgement upon iman.

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Earning Allah's acceptance and His pleasure. We ask

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to forgive us all, We ask him

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to enable us to continuously

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from our evil deeds and our evil actions

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For indeed,

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repenting and seeking Allah's

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is 1 of the greatest righteous deeds you

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should do if you fell into

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a sin or an evil temptation and desire.

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I ask Allah Azojl to accept from us

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allahu alam,

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