Abu Bakr Zoud – The meaning of the word Rayaan – One of the doors of the Paradise

Abu Bakr Zoud
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes a group of people who have a continuous relationship with fasting, and how they enter a magical bowl called al Qaeda. They also mention a door called Quenching Thirst, which is a drinkers favorite. The group describes how they experience first in their life when they are thirsty and drink until satisfied.
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People that had a continuous relationship with fasting.

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They enter through a special bowl in the paradise called alibi. Yeah. And what a beautiful name. It comes from the word array. Array means to drink until you're satisfied. And you know when someone is thirsty, and then he drinks until he's satisfied. That's called array. We say your

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right yen means to drink, to quench your thirst, what a beautiful name for the door and a suitable name for the door, because those who enter this door, experienced first in this worldly life when they were fasting, so Allah azzawajal compensates them on the day of judgment and admits them into the paradise through a door called quenching the thirst. Drinking until you're satisfied Allahu Akbar What a beautiful name for this door.

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