Abu Bakr Zoud – Teach Your Daughters The Hijab

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The speaker discusses the importance of wearing clothing for a period of time, and how it can be damaging to one's appearance. They explain that the clothing can be used for a period of time, and that the clothing can be used for a period of time. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of not being pick and choose and emphasizes the need for more emphasis on the woman in wearing clothing.
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Oh, my brothers and sisters in Islam, teach
teach your children of hijab. Teach your girls.
Teach them to cover up.
A few
a few months ago, there was a brother.
We had a discussion with him. He has
a daughter in high school.
one thing led to another. Eventually, at the
end, they were asking about, you know, his
daughter. She's in high school, but she doesn't
wear hijab.
A woman should be wearing hijab by the
age of 10. From there, starting on, and
then by the age of, puberty, it becomes
a But anyway, we had a discussion. His
his daughter is way beyond the age of
puberty. She's not wearing a hijab.
So he said, why?
He said, brothers,
I want her to be convinced.
I want her to be convinced about the
hijab. You should have her own pace.
Beautiful. I got, brother, I wanna ask you
a question.
If your daughter
said to you tomorrow,
I don't want to go to school until
I'm convinced.
What would you do?
Hey, Gersnan.
This is different. This is different. Of course,
I'm gonna fulsome.
But why? This is different. I said, yes.
Of course, it's different.
This is something and this is something.
But the problem is you didn't know which
of the 2 were more important.
You didn't see which one was more of
the idea, the issue is
many times we are witnesses against our own
selves, Allah.
We don't realize it.
We don't realize it, but most of the
times we do things.
We are witnessing against our own selves.
There's your attitude of forcing and there's your
attitude of teaching in when it comes to
matters of all the related matters.
And and and what what was this? Is
this is this important?
What about,
what religious matters?
Was convinced,
whatever you want,
up to you. This is your journey in
That's when it comes to religious matter. And
then you complain about having boys and girls
that are weak in their faith, because their
parents had a weak attitude with them.
I don't believe
any parent who tried to implement Al Hijab
in the correct way.
I'm speaking about the correct way,
and explained it really well, and the mother
herself committed to Al Hijab properly,
most likely, the children will follow their mother
and would not understand what Al Hijab is,
and would want to protect themselves. When you
speak to your daughter in this way,
it's up to you, girl. Whenever you like
to wear it, we're here to support you.
We'll do a party for you as well.
We'll clap for you as well.
This is destroying us.
We did not realize how much it's destroying
Which shay upon has decorated it? No. Decorated
it with a party.
Literally. And we think it's good?
What was enough for the previous generations
is enough for us.
The previous generations, it was enough as soon
as the commandment for hijab came down. The
woman rushed to their closets at
home and ripped
pieces of their garment
and covered their heads with it.
They didn't go purchase something new.
They didn't go to hijab store, make it
more purchase online,
and choose a color and select a type
in a silk material.
They went and cut from what they had
already of their garment, put it in their
heads, and walked out.
The rush to the obedience of Allah and
his messenger was what Allah wants to see,
not the material that was on their head.
Maybe it was ripped and crooked, and then
I wasn't covering properly. That doesn't matter.
The idea was the rush to their submission.
Now, alhamdulillah,
has given us.
we have sent down clothing.
We've sent it down.
You so it can cover your privates.
Sent down clothing.
Meaning Allah sent down the rain.
The rain
the cotton to grow
or it fit the animals. And then as
a result, this the cotton was taken away,
and the silk was taken from the worm
and whatever it is, and then clothing was
made. So originally clothing,
it's the first process is rain coming down
from the sky, subhanAllah.
Allah says I've given you clothing.
You wear So it can cover your privates.
So you know when you use clothing
to expose your privates,
this is being ungrateful to Ni'matullah
a woman
wears clothing
that does not cover her privates,
such as the tight clothing and so on,
this is.
She's being ungrateful to
And the same I say for women is
the same for men as well.
Is not pick and choose.
But a person, Yani, emphasizes more on the
woman because there are set instructions from that
came about Al Khajib,
and I emphasize and I stress upon it
over and over
because this is a problem in the community.