Abu Bakr Zoud – Our Relationship With Allah – Youth Talk – Punchbowl Boys High School

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The importance of death and the journey of life after death is discussed, with advice on three relationships with Allah: his death, his relationship with his own self, and his relationships with people. The importance of trusting Allah is emphasized, and the importance of showing love for Allah is emphasized. The importance of respect and love for parents is also emphasized, along with the importance of praying and finding the right way to love someone. The conversation also touches on the struggles of married couples, including the difficulty of finding a good date and finding a partner, and the importance of protecting private parts and not giving too many false talks to avoid complications.
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Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim, alhamdulillah wa salatu
wa salamu ala Rasulullah wa ala alihi wa
sahbihi ajma'in.
First and foremost, and I was informed that
one of your teachers, Mr. Jabbala, there in
the back, that his father has passed away.
So we first begin by saying, inna lillah
wa inna ilayha raji'oon.
We make a dua for his father, we
say, may Allah azza wa jal bestow his
mercy upon him, forgive him, say ameen.
May Allah azza wa jal bestow patience and
steadfastness upon the family.
Well that's the journey of life, it ends
with death, and then after you die, there's
a lot more involved with that.
Some people, they think death is just about
Listen very carefully.
Some think that death is just about dying.
If death was just about dying, it would
have been very easy.
But death is a lot more than dying.
There is a lot more that happens after
you die.
Dying, that will take a few minutes, a
few seconds, a few days, as the soul
is coming out of the body.
But then afterwards, there are angels that come
to your grave, they ask you the question
of who is your lord, who is your
messenger, what is your book that you read.
Imagine these questions.
How are you going to answer them if
you did not know them?
If I say to you who is your
lord, who can stand up and go there
on the stage and talk to us about
Allah for two minutes without repeating himself?
It's very difficult.
But if I was to say to you,
get up, stand on the stage, talk to
me about your best friend, and don't repeat
Perhaps you'll be able to talk for five,
ten minutes, tell me about what he loves
to eat, what he loves to drink, when
he sleeps, when he gets up, what his
hobbies are.
What he likes to study, who his parents
You'll be able to speak a lot.
And I'm not making you feel bad here,
but I'm trying to tell you that death
is a lot more than dying.
These are the big questions that are in
the grave.
Who is your lord?
What are you going to say?
So that's why we need to learn, right?
We need to learn.
We're all here to encourage one another.
You see, I came here last time, and
I come here again.
You know why I come here again?
I love to come here.
I'm the one that actually requests to come
We call the school, we tell your school,
listen, please, I want to see these beautiful
kids that I was last time.
Because I need to come here, and I
need to talk to you.
Insha'Allah ta'ala, we can get to
know each other outside the school as well.
And I'm like your friend.
Not a teacher or anything.
I know your teacher said, please respect and
muck around.
But I don't like that.
I don't like that respect.
We are here like brothers, yeah?
Like your friend.
I'm like your friend, right?
So talk to me like a friend.
I talk to you like a friend.
And we love each other, right?
That's the mood here.
That's the situation, bi-idhnillah.
Okay, what I want to share with you
is this.
You see, we were speaking about death.
And death, at the end of it, we're
going to meet Allah azza wa jal.
Khalas forever.
There's no dying.
And life just goes on in the paradise.
And we meet Allah azza wa jal.
But there is something very, very important that
you have to know and commit to from
That will prepare you for that long journey
in the afterlife and to meet Allah azza
wa jal.
It's one thing.
I'm going to share it with you through
a hadith.
A hadith is what?
Who knows what a hadith is?
Have you heard this word before?
Anyone heard the word hadith?
You can tell us.
You can stand up and tell us what
a hadith is.
Allahu akbar.
It is the word of the Prophet ﷺ.
Brother, come here.
I've got a prize for you.
We've got prizes today.
Yalla, bismillah.
This is a voucher.
You can go and pick up what is
written on the voucher, inshallah.
Stay alert.
Hadith of the Messenger ﷺ.
The Prophet ﷺ tells a companion by the
name of Abu Dharr and another one by
the name of Mu'adh ibn Jabal.
They were young boys like you.
How old are you?
They were about 13, 14.
Young boys.
So what I'm about to tell you is
very important.
It is actually for your age.
Nothing above your age.
He gets these young boys and he says
to them three things.
Three words of advice.
And they are actually three relationships you have
every single day.
Three pieces of advice.
You know, we have relationships every day.
One with Allah.
And that's the most important relationship.
How do we deal with Allah?
What is that relationship built upon?
I'm going to tell you.
It's in the hadith.
But I'm first telling you the relationships.
Our second relationship we have is with our
own self.
You have a relationship with yourself, right?
You know, sometimes you need to cut your
You need to have a shower.
You need to keep yourself clean.
You do that for yourself.
No one does that for you.
So that's a relationship you have with yourself.
But there's something deeper we're going to talk
And the last relationship you have is with
Like with your friends.
You see them in the morning.
You shake their hand.
Your teachers, you see them.
You have a relationship with your parents, with
your teachers, with anyone.
It is on the outside world.
These three things.
And Nabi ﷺ now is going to give
words of advice to boys just like your
And this is going to be a life
It's going to change their life forever.
They're going to know how their relationship with
Allah should be.
With themselves how it should be.
With others how it should be.
Let's start with the first one.
Memorize it.
Write it down later on.
And that should be your mission in life.
To adhere to these things.
He says to him, اتق الله حيثما كنت
He says to them the first thing.
اتق الله حيثما كنت Who can translate roughly?
What does اتق الله mean?
Have you ever heard this word firstly?
Put your hands up if you've heard اتق
Put your hands up if you've heard Taqwa
of Allah.
Put your hands up.
Please put your hands up if you know
Okay, so we've got some real work to
Who can give us a rough translation of
what اتق الله Taqwa means?
Have confidence with Allah.
Have Taqwa confidence.
We're going to get there.
We'll help you.
Have fear of Allah.
Come here.
Come take a prize.
Good on you.
That's just a little bit of the answer.
It's not the full answer.
Who else can help us?
What's اتق الله Taqwa Allah?
Okay, good.
By the end of the lesson all of
you will have the perfect answer.
Let me tell you what اتق الله means.
The Prophet ﷺ said to them, there's one
very important thing that you need when you're
talking about your relationship with Allah.
And that is اتق الله.
Fear Allah.
But Taqwa of Allah is two things.
It is to do, listen.
It's to do what Allah commanded and to
keep away from what Allah prohibited.
خلاص That's a Taqwa.
You got it?
You do what Allah commanded.
What are the things that Allah has commanded?
Tell me.
What are the things that Allah has forbidden?
Tell me something حرام.
خمر Zina.
Tell us something that Allah commanded.
Okay, from the things that Allah prohibited, not
كفر Kufr.
Mashallah, excellent, excellent.
So you know, you got the point.
You see, you all know the answers.
But now you know that everything Allah commanded
and everything that Allah prohibited is called what?
Taqwa Allah.
You got it?
Very simple.
So the Prophet ﷺ, he said to Abu
Dharr, اتق الله حيثما كنت.
Do what Allah commanded.
Avoid what Allah prohibited wherever you are.
If you're on the plane, in a train,
at school, at home, in your room, in
your bed, in the toilet, wherever you are,
do what Allah commanded.
Keep away from what Allah prohibited.
Now the big question.
This will have a big prize.
Because the first one is a big prize.
Let me ask this question.
You got to raise your hand up.
Why do we have to have taqwa of
Allah, doing what Allah commanded, keeping away from
what He prohibited, wherever we are?
Why wherever we are?
Someone's got to put his hands up.
We'll go from the back there.
Brother, come.
You, you, you, you.
Yes, yeah, yeah.
Come, come.
Yalla, come.
Bismillah, yalla.
Don't laugh at him.
He's going to give us an answer.
Let's see if his answer is right.
What's your name, brother?
Tell us.
The question again.
Why do we have to have taqwa of
Allah, wherever we may be?
Because it is everywhere.
So it's right, but that's the answer I'm
looking for.
You can have this prize for an attempt.
Allah yazikal khair.
Yeah, come, come.
Yalla, yalla, come.
Move, yalla.
What's your name?
Muneeb, yalla.
You know what Muneeb means?
It's the name of Allah.
Muneeb is someone who returns to Allah.
Allahu Akbar.
Tell me, Muneeb.
Why do we have to have taqwa of
Allah wherever we are?
Sir, he says, we have to always trust
Why do we have to always trust Allah?
That's not the answer I'm looking for.
Yalla, here, come, come, come.
You have a prize.
Allah barak feek.
Yalla, you, you, you.
Brother, come, come.
I know, I know, you probably all know
But let's just see this brother here.
We're going to end it off with him.
What's your name?
Let's listen, let's listen.
What's your name?
Ali, Ali, Ali's got the answer for us.
One second, yalla.
I was always watching.
Allahu Akbar.
Let's see, that's the answer.
Brother, this is a big gift, right?
Okay, boys, watch this.
You see, the answer was you have to
have taqwa of Allah wherever you may be
because anywhere you are Allah is watching.
You know what that means?
That means if you want to do a
sin, you can do a sin.
But I give you what?
You got to do something.
There's a condition.
If you want to do a sin, there's
a condition.
Do it somewhere where Allah is not watching.
If you can hide somewhere that Allah is
not watching, then do what you like.
Is that possible?
It's not possible.
So this is a good answer, mashaAllah.
And this is why we're supposed to do
what Allah commanded and keep away from what
He forbid because He's always watching.
Imagine your parents always had their eyes on
They were always looking at you.
Would you even do something haram?
You won't dare.
You'll be embarrassed.
You'll be ashamed to do something haram.
And that's just your parents.
Your parents are just humans.
They need to be careful as well because
Allah is watching them and He'll question them
on the Day of Judgment.
So ittaqillaha haythumakunt.
Okay, we said that taqwa of Allah is
two things.
Number one, it's what?
This side, tell me.
What is the first part of taqwa of
To do what?
To do what?
What Allah commanded.
And this part here, tell me.
What was the second part of taqwa?
To stay away from what Allah prohibited.
This group here is the first group.
We said, you're the ones that said that
the first part is to do what Allah
Above the list is what?
What's on top of the list for what
Allah commanded?
Come, come.
Come here.
This is an answer.
This is the right answer.
What's your name?
Ahlan wa sahlan.
Yalla Muhammad, you have a gift.
He said shahada is the first thing on
the list for what Allah commanded.
Shahada means that your heart acknowledges that there's
only one Lord and He is Allah and
He is to be worshipped and we worship
nothing else.
We don't worship a monkey.
We don't worship a cow.
We don't worship a stone.
We don't worship the moon, the sun.
We don't worship Jesus.
Peace be upon Him.
We don't worship anyone but Allah Azza wa
You see, if you pray and you worship
something else, that salah, there's no point for
that salah.
It's not accepted.
Okay, so that's the thing.
First thing is your heart has to say
la ilaha illallah.
That's what it's got to say.
Your heart has to first acknowledge that I
need to worship Allah.
I'm going to ask you a question.
Why do we have to worship Allah?
That's a bit difficult.
Let me answer it for you.
Why do we have to worship Allah?
Let me answer.
Because we recognize that the one who created
us is Allah.
The one who sustains us, provides for us,
feeds us, and allows this food to be
nutritious to the body is Allah.
The one who gave you your soul is
The one who's going to take it in
a time He's appointed is Allah.
The one who decides and decrees all your
matters is Allah Azza wa Jal.
The one who chose for you your hair
color is Allah.
The one who chose your eye color is
And every goodness you have in life is
because of Allah.
How can you then say, I don't want
to worship Him?
I'll tell you something.
You all have parents, yeah?
All of you have parents.
And you feel that you need to respect
your parents and you need to love them,
Don't you all feel that?
I ask you why?
Why do you feel like I have to
respect your parents and love them?
Because you recognize, this is my mom.
She put me, I was in her belly
for nine months.
Even she breastfed me.
And then after that she carried me.
And then this is my dad, he purchased
my bed for me.
He pays my rent so I can live.
He gets my food.
Allah, I owe them Allah.
I have to love them because of, look
at the goodness they did for me.
How much goodness did Allah do for you?
A lot more than what your parents did.
Actually, He's the one that gave you your
So, therefore, you have to also feel that
I need to love Allah.
And loving Allah Azawajal is not just the
word you say, you sit down, Allah, I
love you.
Loving Allah is practical.
You have to show it.
You have to show it.
You know when someone loves a girl, he
says to her, I love you, he gets
her something.
We shouldn't be doing that.
As for now, you can love her if
you want, no problems.
But we're going to talk about that after.
But the thing is this.
When you love someone like really a lot,
you want to prove it, you buy them
You do something, you move.
Now, if you really love Allah Azawajal, because
you've realized how much goodness He's done for
you, now you do what?
You recognize that I need to love Him.
My love to Allah has to be displayed
in actions.
And above the list is your Salat.
As-Salah, as-Salah.
You know, how many prayers do we have
a day?
Five prayers.
Don't we have five prayers?
What's the first one?
What's the second one?
What's the third one?
The fourth one?
And the fifth?
We know the prayers.
See these prayers?
These prayers are a way in how you
say to Allah, I love you, and I
am so grateful for every good you gave
me in life.
That's what the Salah is.
But I tell you something.
A lot of the youth, mashallah, your youth,
one big problem they have in life is
that they don't pray.
They don't pray.
I don't want anyone to put his hand
up here, but everyone knows himself.
Who doesn't pray?
He knows himself.
And I ask you why?
Why don't you pray, brother?
I'm going to give you a solution.
One solution.
If you do it from now on, wallahi,
the prayer is going to become the easiest
thing in your life.
Listen, don't miss out, because I want to
repeat it.
You all have phones, or watches, or whatever
it is.
Adhan clocks.
You know, the phone, you can turn on
a function, notification in a prayer app.
Like there's an app called iPrayer.
You know that?
Muslim what?
Muslim Pro.
You know that app?
Does everyone have an app on his phone
that tells him the time of the prayers?
Put your hands up if you don't have
an app.
Okay, your brothers here are telling you it's
called Muslim Pro.
Download it.
Once you download it on your phone, turn
on notifications, and make sure it's going to
ring for every time of salah.
This is the trick now.
Every single time, the alarm goes off, get
up right then and there, quick.
If you have to make wudu, make wudu.
Go to the room, Allahu Akbar, pray.
Wallah, that's it, finished, khalas.
All that difficulty and the struggle is gone.
The best way to love the salah and
to never miss it, pray it on time
the second you hear the alarm.
You know why salah becomes difficult?
Because you keep delaying it.
You say, Allah, Allah, I'll pray next 10
Allah, Allah, after 10 minutes, after 20 minutes.
Sometimes you say, I've never prayed in my
life, what am I going to pray now
And you just leave it, and you keep
leaving it, and you keep leaving it.
Shaytan loves you for keeping it away.
And Allah Azza wa Jal doesn't like that.
But Allah is patient.
He leaves you.
Maybe you'll wake up one day, maybe you'll
hear the message right, like now I'm coming,
I'm giving you the real message.
And if you never pray and you're hearing
what I'm saying, this is Allah, He's love
for you.
He's got me here, dragged from where I
came, and I came here for you.
Allah wanted that.
So you can hear this message and this
solution, right?
But look at this, every time you pray,
you are actually doing taqwa Allah.
Remember how we said at the beginning, your
relationship with Allah is ittaqillah, have taqwa of
That's what ittaqillah is.
As soon as you pray, that's taqwa Allah,
that's you fearing Allah, that's you doing what
Allah commanded.
You got it?
The second part, actually a question.
What is the best way to pray and
never miss a salah in your life?
Who can answer?
At the mosque, we just answered it.
Come, come, come take a gift.
Mashallah, good on you brother.
Who can answer it in the way I
answered it?
What is a trick you can do that
you will never miss your salah ever again?
Allahu Akbar, get up straight away.
Yallah, bismillah, mashallah.
The answer was to get up and pray
straight away as soon as you hear the
alarm on the adhan.
This other part of taqwa Allah, here now,
was what?
To keep away from what Allah prohibited.
That's taqwa.
But you know, that is the real taqwa.
You see, doing the good is easy at
You give a sadaqa, it's easy.
Get up and stand with the Muslims and
pray, okay, it's fair, what, easy.
Fasting in Ramadan, if everyone's fasting, I'll fast,
it's easy.
You know what's difficult, more difficult than doing
what Allah commanded?
This group here, keeping away from the sin.
Today, the problems of the youth is that
there's a lot of sins today.
You know, I'm 36 years old.
About 25 years ago, when I started school
and I was in school, the distractions that
we have today, the opportunity of sin that
you have today did not exist back then.
So I understand that the situation is difficult.
I understand.
But brothers, you have to fight tooth and
nail to keep away from the sin.
And if you fail, you need to not
give up.
Get up and start all over again.
This is a battle with the shaitan.
The biggest enemy you have in life is
not someone here in school.
Not here.
The biggest enemy in life is the shaitan.
That if you try to punch, you can't
get him.
Because he evil whispers in here, and he
drags you until you do that which is
And remember, you have to say to yourself,
I would sin, I'll sin, but I need
to do it somewhere Allah is not watching.
And that's impossible.
From the biggest sins we have today that
involves a lot of young men and women
is to follow your desire.
That's a sin.
To follow the desire that's haram.
See, not all desire is haram.
Desire means, you can love food, you can
have a desire for food, but eat what's
You can have a desire for a woman,
what's the problem?
Is it halal to love a woman?
I'm asking you a question.
What's the answer?
It's halal.
But you need to love in halal.
You're not allowed to love in haram.
That's the difference.
We have some boys, like 13, 14 year
old, he says to me he wants to
get married.
I said, sure, what do you mean?
You want to get married?
He's at the age of 13, 14.
Brothers, I'll tell you something.
You have to practice patience.
You'll get married inshallah.
You'll have your own kids and your own
But you have to practice self-restraint and
patience until that time comes.
There's no problem to love.
The problem is to act on this love
in a haram way.
So from the big problems we have today
is, no doubt, we always say it's the
phone and the social media, the TikTok, the
That's used a lot more than anything else,
Snapchat, TikTok, what else?
It should be, I mean, it's the way
the messaging is.
Insta, yeah, yeah.
But the famous ones are the TikTok and
the Snapchat.
Today it's very easy.
Back then, if a boy wanted to talk
to a girl, he needs to first make
sure she loves him, he loves her, then
try to get her number.
It's very difficult.
Today it's very easy.
All I need to know is her name,
search her, send a request, she loved it,
she accepted it, khalas, friendship established.
If you have a problem, and then you
can, yalla, reel after reel to see what,
you'll find out her entire life without her
telling you anything about her life.
It's a problem.
You need to hold yourself back.
You need to understand.
You're not doing yourself a service.
You're destroying yourself.
You're destroying yourself.
And if you go down that path, the
shaitan will lead you one bit by bit
until you do something majorly haram.
And you know, every girl you talk to
that is not from your mahram, wallahi, it
is a big betrayal.
I tell you to who.
You've betrayed her side of the family.
You've betrayed her mom.
You've betrayed her dad, her uncles, her brothers,
her sisters, all her family.
And you've also betrayed your father, your mother,
your brothers, your sisters, your uncles, your aunties,
your cousins, everyone in your family.
And if you really loved her, you'd actually
stop talking.
Because if you talk to her in haram,
inappropriately, and send inappropriate photos, you don't actually
love her because you're exposing her to sin
and to the anger of Allah.
You actually love yourself.
You see that?
If you loved her, don't you want that
Allah Azza wa Jal is happy with her,
pleased with her, and takes her to the
How then can you say you love her,
but you're exposing her to sins by keeping
that inappropriate relationship?
Very bad.
And that's the same we say to the
girls as well, but they're not here, so
we're talking to us, the boys.
That's betrayal.
That's your selfish.
You just love yourself.
Heck, you have a desire within you that
you want to release and then Allah doesn't
Practice some self-restraint.
Be a man.
A man is someone that, yes, can desire
and love women, but he can step backwards
and he can say that's not the right
Not for anything, but because Allah Azza wa
Jal doesn't want me to go down that
When I'm ready, I will get to know
this woman in an appropriate manner through the
right channel, the right doors from her parents'
I'll find out who she is, and then
if Allah Azza wa Jal wants for me
good, I'll marry her.
A lot of people today, they struggle to
get married.
Do you know why?
One of the biggest problems is because they've
got to know 20, 30 women during their
So now, how does he choose one?
He's gone through 20 women, and every time
he gets serious trying to look for one,
but the first one I knew was better
than this one.
Where's the first one?
I don't know where she is.
And then that's it.
Wallahi, I tell you, I lived in this
I was born here, here, here, in Australia.
And I went to Malik Fahd, all my
life in that school.
I never spoke to a girl.
I never spoke to a girl.
When the day came for me to get
married, I got married very easily.
No complications.
That's the only woman I knew.
That's it.
It was easy.
Alhamdulillah, life is good.
If you want that experience, hold yourself back.
Wallahi, every inappropriate chat you have with a
woman, you're wrecking it for yourself in the
And you'll remember what I'm saying.
You might hear what I'm saying, you ignore
it, but later on you'll say, Wallahi, what
he said was right.
And not only that, if you keep doing
that to girls, the punishment of Allah Azawajal
perhaps could be that He sends people to
your own sisters.
You don't know.
Just like a man, a young boy like
you, he came to the Messenger ﷺ.
I love this hadith and I want to
share it with you.
You know what he said to him?
He said to him, Ya Rasulullah, give me
permission to do zina.
Do you know this hadith?
Put your hands up if you don't know
Put your hands up if you've never heard
of it before.
Let me share it with you.
Please listen.
There's a young boy, young boy like you,
He loves women.
He wants to do zina, he loves it.
But look what he's doing.
He still has Islam, he loves Allah, he
loves the Messenger.
So he went to the Prophet ﷺ, he
said, you know what?
I want to do zina, but I want
to get permission for it.
He went to the Messenger of Allah.
Can you imagine?
Would you dare to go to your own
parents, even to a sheikh and say to
him, Sheikh, give me permission, I want to
do zina with a girl I know.
Today, subhanAllah, we don't have that mercy like
Rasulullah ﷺ.
Maybe the teacher will slap you.
But look at Nabi ﷺ, how much he
loves you and loves his ummah.
You know what he said to him?
Come stand up, I want to show them
what he did.
Nabi ﷺ put his hand on the chest
of the boy like this.
Let them see as well, come stand up.
He did like this.
He said to him, أَتَرْضَاهُ لِأُمِّكِ He said,
do you want someone to do zina with
your mother?
He said to him, no.
He said, do you want someone to do
zina with your auntie, with your sister, with
your niece?
You know what the boy was saying?
No, no, no, no, no.
Nabi ﷺ said, اللَّهُمَّ طَهِّرْ قَلْبَهُ Oh Allah,
purify his heart.
وَغْفِرْ ذَنْبَهُ And forgive his sin.
وَحَصِّنْ فَرْجَهُ And protect his private part.
Protect it so it doesn't do haram.
Sit down.
You know what happened to this boy?
He left and Nabi ﷺ, listen to what
he said.
He said, when I saw Nabi ﷺ, the
most loved thing for me was zina.
Couldn't wait to get the permission.
When I left, the most hated thing for
me was zina.
I didn't want to come near it anymore.
What does this mean?
If I do it, if I do zina
with a woman, then that means I'm saying,
I'm alright if someone did that with my
No problems.
Initially, that's what you're saying.
If you do this haram, inappropriate chat and
meet up with girls and kissing and whatever
it is, what you're saying is, I don't
have a problem.
Some man of the street comes and kisses
my mother, I don't have a problem.
And if you've reached that stage in life,
your heart is dead.
See why it's very important that you keep
your eyes open and understand what you're doing?
That desire of woman is there.
We're not telling you it's haram.
You can exercise it, no problems.
But when the right time comes for it,
do what you like and get married then
move on.
You understand?
Four more minutes.
We don't have time to talk about the
other two relationships.
In one minute, I'll tell you the second
If you fell into a sin, if you've
been speaking to girls, sending haram things, brothers,
no problems.
It's all good.
It's all good as long as you wake
up and you realize what you did is
Come back to Allah with one word.
Just say astaghfirullah.
Now say it in your heart if you've
fallen into a sin that you need to
clean your life up from it.
Say astaghfirullah.
Wallahi, if your heart is honest, Allah azawajal
wipes it all away.
It's like you never did anything.
How good is that?
Allah azawajal wants you to come back.
That's all you do.
Delete everything.
Get rid of everything.
If the Snapchat and all these social media
is tempting you and it's the biggest problem
for your haram, delete it.
Wallahi, it is worth every minute of your
time to delete it.
Just delete it.
Delete it and don't open this evil door
to yourself.
And the last thing is, we said, relationship
with the people.
How do you have to behave with the
Have good manners with the people.
That's your relationship.
And the best good manners is to be
That's the best good manners.
Be honest and never get angry.
That's it.
Anyway, this was something of what I wanted
to share with you.
Ask Allah azawajal to protect you all.
I got two more minutes.
Quick questions and quick prizes to be won.
MashaAllah, all of you are winners.
Wallahi, all of you are winners.
If I had prizes for all of you,
I'd give you all of them.
But yalla, bismillah, let's see this.
Who can tell us what are the two
parts of a taqwa?
All right.
Yalla, brother, tell us.
Your brother is going to help you.
Yalla, help him.
What Allah commanded and what Allah forbid.
Share it with him.
Go with him to the cafe.
Why do we have to fear Allah wherever
we are?
Allahu Akbar.
All right.
If you did a sin, what are you
supposed to do after it?
Come here, come here.
Yalla, come here.
MashaAllah, yalla.
Allah barak fi.
Brothers, I tell you something.
Revise your knowledge.
What is the best way to love as
-salah and to never miss it ever again
in your life?
Put your hands up.
My brother, come stand here.
Someone in the back.
Yalla, you.
What's your name first?
You're going to give us a good answer,
If I give you this prize, are you
going to tell this information to others that
need it?
Give me the same answer.
Repeat it.
Repetition is good.
That's how we revise.
If you have wudu, if you're right, you're
going to make wudu.
You're going to give that information to people
that need it in your family and others?
Brothers, one more minute.
Let's hear our brother here.
What's your name?
Daniel's going to give us the answer.
Revise it for us one more time.
Because when something's repeated three times, it's never
Are you going to do that?
Are you going to do that?
Are you going to tell that to people
that need it?
You can have the prize.
Jazakumullahu khair on all of you.
We wish we could spend a lot more
It was good.
We'll see you next time inshaAllah.
Wassalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.