Abu Bakr Zoud – Keep Your Sins Private

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The speaker discusses the 2: types of shames and privates, including physical and non offshore. The condition for having eagerly awaiting God's forgiveness is to keep non offshore coverage, which is the fruit of eager and cover in the first half of the day. The speaker emphasizes the importance of having coverage for complete forgiveness on the day of judgment.
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My lord,
and protect
and cover my privates.
are 2 types.
The shames and the privates of a person
are 2 types,
physical and nonphysical.
are the sins, the shortcomings, and the faults
of a person.
When you say
you're saying, oh, Allah, cover my sins.
Keep my sins concealed. My faults, my shortcomings,
keep them covered. Why? Why does the believe
why is the believer concerned to keep his
sins covered?
Because all my will be forgiven on the
day of judgment except those who expose their
So if the believer wants Allah's forgiveness on
the day of judgment, he must do a
good job to keep them covered. How are
you gonna keep your sins covered? By asking
Allah here.
Who narrates
would bring the slave on the day of
He would bring him close to him. This
is the believing slave.
And Allah
would show him his sins,
and he would say to the servant, didn't
you do such and such sin? And the
servant will say yes.
He'll say, didn't you do such and such?
And keeps going until Allah displays
displays all his sins before
him. And the slave of Allah has acknowledged
all his sins, that you're standing before the
lord of the ones.
Allah says, I concealed and covered them for
you in this worldly life.
Today, I will forgive you. 1 second.
Said the forgiveness did not happen
unless it was
covered and concealed.
The condition for having sins completely covered on
the day of judgment is that they must
be covered.
So Allah is saying to the slave, I
covered them for you in this mortal
So if you had exposed them, you won't
get the second half, which is now your
It is very important, very important
to keep your nonphysical
which is your sins and faults and your
Keeping them covered is a condition for complete
forgiveness on the day of judgment. Look at
mercy. Look at the mercy. This is what
you need to be thinking when you're reading