Abu Bakr Zoud – Good manners, a road to Paradise

Abu Bakr Zoud
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The speaker describes the first three manners that universal Allahu alayhi wa sallam spoke of in their worship, which involved praying at night while the people are sleeping. These manners were meant to encourage the people to enter the paradise peacefully and pray at night while others were sleeping. The first three manners were meant to encourage the people to enter the paradise peacefully and deal with others.

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			The first howdy that universal Allahu alayhi wa sallam spoke of in Medina, a beloved syllable of the
Allahu anhu he narrates, he said the day that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam entered Medina.
And he was walking among the people. The first thing he said, Yeah, you heard nurse Shu Salaam, O
people spread a Salam spread the peace. What's that? worship, manners? manners have good manners.
Second thing, what type of feed the people look after the needy and the poor? What's that? That is
none as was our ham and keep ties with your relatives maintain those bonds. What's that nanners at
the end, also looby Laila nursery and pray at night while the people are sleeping, that
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			you'll enter the paradise peacefully, three corners of the road to paradise his manners. This is the
first thing that
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			began his speech upon entering and Medina. First three manners was something to do with manners and
dealing with others, and at the end of the worship was mentioned Why? Because this is what
righteousness is. righteousness is good character and good manners.